Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (19): 4010-4023.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.014


Potential of Fertilizer Reduction and Benefits of Environment and Economic for Cereal Crops Production in Shaanxi Province

ZHANG XinXin1(),SHI Lei2,HE Gang1(),WANG ZhaoHui1()   

  1. 1College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-Environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
    2Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Shaanxi Province/Cultivated Land Quality and Agricultural Environmental Protection Station in Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710003
  • Received:2019-12-04 Accepted:2020-03-03 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-10-19
  • Contact: Gang HE,ZhaoHui WANG;;


【Objective】The management of farmers is the main mode of agricultural production in China, and the unreasonable application of fertilizer resources is the crucial factor in limiting the production of crops. This study was aimed to assess the potential of fertilizer reduction and benefits of environment and economic, which was very important for agricultural sustainable development in the main crop production regions.【Method】In 2018, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the production of major crops in counties (cities and districts) of Shaanxi Province. The three major crops were taken as research objects to evaluate farmers’ fertilization status, fertilizer reduction potential, environmental costs and economic benefits based on yield level.【Result】There were significant differences in farmers’ crop yields. The average yield of wheat was 4 573 kg·hm-2, and the difference between high and low yield was 2 619 kg·hm-2; the average yield of maize was 7 319 kg·hm-2, and the difference between high and low yield was 5 388 kg·hm-2; the average yield of rice was 8 340 kg·hm-2, and the difference between high and low yield was 2 893 kg·hm-2. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium rate of wheat was 177 kg N·hm-2, 102 kg P2O5·hm-2 and 37 kg K2O·hm-2, respectively; maize was 247 kg N·hm-2, 103 kg P2O5·hm-2 and 47 kg K2O·hm-2; rice was 186 kg N·hm-2, 88 kg P2O5·hm-2 and 64 kg K2O·hm-2. There is no significant relationship between yield and fertilizer application. The problems of excessive application of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer, excessive and insufficient potassium fertilizer coexist, and excessive fertilization in low-yield farmers was serious. The reduction potential of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in wheat was 41%, 59% and 59%, respectively; maize was 55%, 73% and 66%, respectively; for rice, it was 38%, 64% and 58%, respectively. The forms of fertilizers applied showed that nitrogen was mainly chemical fertilizers and supplemented by compound fertilizers; phosphorus and potassium were mainly compound fertilizers; the organic manure supplied very low nutrient. The application of basal fertilizer usually received more attention, while topdressing was often overlooked on fertilizer structure, nitrogen was mainly based on basal application and supplemented by topdressing; phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were rarely applied topdressing. Losses of reactive nitrogen to produce 1.0 t wheat, maize and rice were 6.9, 3.8 and 3.3 kg N, respectively. Compared with the high-yield group, the reactive nitrogen loss intensity of wheat, maize and rice in the low-yield group increased by 52%, 85% and 74%; the potential of loss reduction ranges of wheat, maize and rice in low-yield group were 16%-33%, 31%-50% and 4%-38%, respectively. The economic benefits of wheat, maize and rice production were 4 468, 9 091 and 20 020 yuan/hm2, respectively. Compared with the low-yield group, the economic benefits of wheat, maize and rice in high-yield group increased 455%, 128% and 52%, respectively. The benefit increases were 4 919, 9 905 and 20 543 yuan/hm2. Compared with the low-yield group, the benefit increases of wheat, maize and rice in high-yield group increased 290%, 106% and 48%, respectively.【Conclusion】The household production behavior was analyzed deeply based on the production level in Shaanxi province. The low and middle yield levels were the focus of fertilizer reduction and benefit improvement. The average reduction potential of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers for the three crops was 45%, 65% and 61%, respectively, reducing the potential of active nitrogen loss were 26%, 45% and 18%, respectively. The potential to improve environment economic benefits were 10%, 9% and 3%, respectively.

Key words: household behavior, nutrients management, cereal crops, yield, environmental cost, economic benefit, Shaanxi Province

Fig. 1

Distribution of the survey sites"

Table 1

Production and fertilizer application of major cereal crops"

Yield level
Yield range
Sample amount
N rate
(kg N·hm-2)
P rate
(kg P2O5·hm-2)
K rate
(kg K2O·hm-2)
低产 Low <3950 100 3227c 152b 112a 35a
中产 Mid 3950-5200 103 4534b 183a 95a 35a
高产 High >5200 109 5846a 193a 99a 42a
平均 Mean 4573 177 102 37
低产 Low <6750 224 5327c 237a 85c 42b
中产 Mid 6750-9000 178 7688b 257a 107b 43b
高产 High >9000 112 10715a 251a 132a 64a
平均 Mean 7319 247 103 47
低产 Low <7400 24 6446c 218a 63b 59a
中产 Mid 7400-8800 55 7878b 178b 102a 55a
高产 High >8800 71 9339a 182b 86ab 73a
平均 Mean 8340 186 88 64

Table 2

Fertilizer’s types, application rates and ratio of fertilizer in different periods"

Fertilizer type
氮肥 Nitrogen fertilizer 磷肥 Phosphorus fertilizer 钾肥 Potassium fertilizer
Basal fertilizer
(kg N·hm-2)
(kg N·hm-2)
总和All 基肥
(kg P2O5·hm-2)
(kg P2O5·hm-2)
总和All 基肥
Basal fertilizer
(kg K2O·hm-2)
(kg K2O·hm-2)
平均Average 比例Ratio (%) 平均值Average
(kg P2O5·hm-2)
(kg K2O·hm-2)
比例Ratio (%)
小麦Wheat 单质肥
66 20 83a 48 22 0 22b 22 3 0 3c 8
76 0.2 75a 44 69 0.3 68a 67 25 0.3 25a 66
15 0 14b 8 11 0 11c 11 10 0 10b 26
总和All 157 # 20 & 102 # 0.3 & 37 # 0.3 &
玉米Maize 单质肥
51 99 151a 61 18 1 19b 18 1 0.2 1c 2
68 4 72b 29 62 4 66a 64 23 2 28a 60
23 1 24c 10 18 1 18b 18 18 1 18b 38
总和All 142 # 104 & 97 # 6 & 44 # 3 &
水稻Rice 单质肥
55 50 105a 57 21 0 21b 24 3 0 3c 5
54 3 56b 30 48 2 50a 57 43 1 44a 70
25 0 25 c 13 17 0 17b 19 16 0 16b 25
总和All 134 # 52 & 86 # 2 & 63 # 1 &

Fig. 2

Relationships between grain yields and N, P and K fertilizers about wheat, maize and rice The horizontal dashed line represents yield mean value of wheat, maize and rice. The vertical dashed line represents N rate, P rate and K rate used by local farmers, respectively"

Fig. 3

Distribution of nutrient inputs in wheat, maize, and rice"

Table 3

The potential of fertilizer reduction and environmental costs of wheat, maize and rice"

Yield level
Excessive N rate (kg N·hm-2)
Excessive P rate (kg P2O5·hm-2)
Excessive K rate (kg K2O·hm-2)
Nr losses intensity
FPex Rec % FPex Rec % FPex Rec % 平均值
Mean (kg N·t-1)
低产Low 3227 174 90 48 122 34 72 68 23 66 8.5 a 33
适中Mid 4534 212 127 40 113 48 58 88 33 63 6.8 b 24
高产High 5846 255 164 36 112 61 46 104 42 60 5.6 c 16
平均Mean 4573 218 128 41 116 48 59 81 33 59 6.9 26
低产Low 5327 248 93 63 106 26 75 81 24 70 4.8 a 50
适中Mid 7688 279 134 52 131 37 72 96 35 64 3.5 b 43
高产High 10715 359 186 48 196 51 74 153 49 68 2.6 c 31
平均Mean 7319 280 127 55 132 35 73 101 34 66 3.8 45
低产Low 6446 276 110 60 90 33 63 96 36 63 4.7 a 38
适中Mid 7878 206 135 34 131 40 69 114 43 62 3.3 b 19
高产High 9339 239 160 33 118 48 59 122 52 57 2.7 c 4
平均Mean 8340 229 143 38 119 43 64 110 46 58 3.3 18

Table 4

Economic benefits of wheat, maize and rice"

Yield level
投入 Input (yuan/hm2) 肥料占总投入
total (%)
减肥增效Benefit increase
(yuan/hm2) (%)
低产Low 6675c 338 1134 231 5339b 32 1336c 1984c 49
适中Mid 10059b 546 1096 85 5335b 32 4595b 5036b 10
高产High 13126a 434 1543 51 5655a 36 7472a 7737a 4
平均Mean 9953 439 1258 122 5443 33 4468 4919 10
低产Low 10065c 664 888 327 4671b 40 5395c 6311c 17
适中Mid 14413b 807 1016 212 4828b 42 9585b 10416b 9
高产High 17834a 426 2107 216 5541a 50 12293c 12989a 6
平均Mean 14104 632 1337 252 5013 44 9091 9905 9
低产Low 19908b 616 416 583 4784a 34 15124b 15808b 5
适中Mid 26905a 545 1038 217 4969a 36 21936a 22444a 2
高产High 28028a 446 1281 135 5030a 37 22999a 23378a 2
平均Mean 24947 536 912 312 4928 36 20020 20543 3
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