Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (9): 1749-1762.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.09.005


Effects of Reducing Nitrogen Application on Leaf Stay-Green, Photosynthetic Characteristics and System Yield in Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping

LI YiLing1(),PENG XiHong1,CHEN Ping1,DU Qing1,REN JunBo1,YANG XueLi1,LEI Lu2,YONG TaiWen1,*(),YANG WenYu1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Sichuan Engineering Research Center for Crop Strip Intercropping System, Chengdu 611130
    2Renshou Meteorological Bureau, Meishan 620500, Sichuan
  • Received:2021-07-26 Revised:2021-09-06 Online:2022-05-01 Published:2022-05-19
  • Contact: TaiWen YONG;


【Objective】The aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of leaf green retention, photosynthesis and system yield of maize and soybean under different planting modes and nitrogen (N) application levels.【Method】The effects of planting methods (maize monoculture (MM), soybean monoculture (SS), maize intercropping (IM), soybean intercropping (IS)) and N application levels (0 N application (NN), reduced N application (RN: 180 kg N·hm-2) and constant N application (CN: 240 kg N·hm-2)) on leaf stay-green, photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation and system yield of maize and soybean leaves were studied by field positioning experiment.【Result】The maize yield increased with the increase of N application, and the soybean yield increased first and then decreased with the increase of N application; Under RN, the seed dry matter accumulation of IM was the largest, the total yield of maize-soybean intercropping system was the highest, and the system productivity index (SPI) was the largest too. Under intercropping, the leaf green period of each crop was longer, the photosynthetic characteristics were more stable than that of monoculture, and better than that of monoculture at seed formation stage; Under all N application levels, the percentage of green leaves under intercropping treatment was significantly higher than that under monoculture. The maximum green leaf attenuation rate of IM appeared 7 d, 5 d and 1d later than that of MM, respectively, while IS was 7 d, 0 d and 11 d later than SS, respectively. Compared with monoculture, the intercropping could significantly reduce the average attenuation rate of maize leaves, prolong the days of maximum attenuation rate and reduce the attenuation degree of green leaves. The photosynthetic rate of each crop was higher under intercropping than monoculture, and the reduced N application was higher than the constant N application. At R2 stage, the photochemical quenching coefficient (QP) under IM was 12.78% higher than that under MM, and the non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ) was 21.30% lower; NPQ decreased with the increase of N application level, while the ratio of RN to NN decreased by 17.11%. The fluctuation range of SPAD value of intercropping was weaker than that of monoculture, and showed a stable upward trend. In maize R2 stage, IM was 34.52% higher than MM; In soybean R2 and R6 stage, IS was 10.39% and 29.48% higher than SS, respectively, and the SPAD value of RN was the highest. At R2 stage, IMRN was 17.46% higher than IMNN, and MMRN was 35.02% higher than MMNN; in soybean R6 stage, ISRN was 7.71% and 6.67% higher than that of ISNN and ISCN, and SSRN was 10.03% higher than that of SSCN.【Conclusion】Under reduced N application condition, the maize-soybean intercropping significantly prolonged the green holding period of leaves; After flowering, the photosynthetic rate of leaves, the function of PS Ⅱ photosynthetic mechanism and chlorophyll remained at a high level were more stable than that of monoculture, and the accumulation of seed dry matter was enhanced, which gave full play to the production potential of maize and increased the yield of soybean, so that the total yield of intercropping system was significantly increased.

Key words: maize-soybean relay strip intercropping system, reducing N application, system yield, dry matter accumulation, leaf stay-green, photosynthesis

Fig. 1

Daily rainfall and average daily air temperature of the test site from 2019 to 2020"

Fig. 2

Dynamic changes of green leaf stay-green IM: Intercropping maize; MM: Monoculture maize; IS: Intercropping soybean; SS: Monoculture soybean. NN:0 N application; RN: Reduced N application; CN: Conventional N application. The same as below"

Table 1

Differences of attenuation degree of green leaves under different treatments"

Maximum aging rate (cm2·d-1)
Average aging rate
Time of maximum
aging rate (d)
绿叶衰减程度Attenuation degree
IM NN 0.045a** 0.019a** 35a ** 0.779a **
RN 0.044a* 0.012b** 41a ** 0.485b **
CN 0.041b** 0.011b* 41a ns 0.476b *
MM NN 0.040a 0.021a 28b 0.866a
RN 0.041a 0.017a 36b 0.729a
CN 0.030b 0.013b 40a 0.534a
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 148.253** 176.473** 20.386** 72.130**
施氮水平 N application (B) 42.631** 87.049** 4.103* 16.523**
A×B 26.745** 36.575** 3.667** 24.746**
IS NN 0.064a* 0.015a ns 84a * 0.617a ns
RN 0.050b ns 0.011b ns 86a ns 0.477b ns
CN 0.043c * 0.013a ns 88a * 0.549b ns
SS NN 0.047b 0.017a 77b 0.723a
RN 0.058a 0.013a 86a 0.537b
CN 0.034c 0.015a 73b 0.654a
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 0.756ns 1.072ns 19.348** 16.134**
施氮水平 N application (B) 38.038** 5.037* 5.838** 7.481**
A×B 5.173* 0.967ns 4.572* 0.637ns

Fig. 3

Changes of photosynthetic rate of leaves in different periods VT: Tasseling stage (maize); V5: Five leaf stage (soybean); R2: Filling stage (maize) / flowering stage (soybean); R6: Seed filling stage (soybean). *, ** and ns indicate significant difference (P<0.05), highly significant difference (P<0.01) and no significant difference (P>0.05), respectively. The small letters indicate that the significant level of the difference between different planting pattern under the same N application level in the same period. The same as below"

Table 2

Fluorescence parameters of maize and soybean in different periods"

Cropping pattern
Nitrogen application
VT IM NN 0.81a ns 0.12a ns 0.40a ns 0.39a ns
RN 0.81a ns 0.11a ns 0.42a ns 0.28b ns
CN 0.83a ns 0.13a ns 0.44a ns 0.28b ns
MM NN 0.81a 0.11a 0.52a 0.34a
RN 0.81a 0.11a 0.53a 0.31a
CN 0.82a 0.12a 0.54a 0.31a
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 0.35ns 1.03ns 5.69** 0.75ns
施氮水平 N application (B) 1.74ns 2.98ns 1.08ns 3.37*
A×B 0.89ns 1.54ns 0.36ns 0.41ns
R2 IM NN 0.80a ns 0.13a ns 0.51a ns 0.42a **
RN 0.79a ns 0.15a ns 0.53a ns 0.34b **
CN 0.79a ns 0.14a ns 0.54a ns 0.34b **
MM NN 0.79a 0.12a 0.46b 0.47a
RN 0.80a 0.13a 0.47b 0.42b
CN 0.80a 0.12a 0.50a 0.42b
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 0.35ns 0.44ns 4.89* 74.28**
施氮水平 N application (B) 1.12ns 0.79ns 3.35* 86.51**
A×B 0.84ns 0.58ns 1.28ns 23.05**
V5 IS NN 0.76a ns 0.17b ns 0.36b ns 2.74a ns
RN 0.76a ns 0.22a * 0.38a ns 2.41b ns
CN 0.77a ns 0.21a * 0.38a ns 2.48b ns
SS NN 0.82a 0.18a 0.39b 2.10a
RN 0.81a 0.17a 0.41a 2.11a
CN 0.81a 0.15a 0.40a 2.15a
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 6.98* 9.77* 7.42** 9.59**
施氮水平 N application (B) 1.06ns 4.69* 3.27* 3.12*
A×B 0.42ns 3.34* 0.15ns 0.99ns
R2 IS NN 0.78b ns 0.20b ns 0.34b ns 2.64a **
RN 0.81a ns 0.25a ns 0.37a ns 2.21b *
CN 0.81a ns 0.24a ns 0.35a ns 2.18c **
SS NN 0.80a 0.19a 0.33a 2.23b
RN 0.83a 0.19a 0.34a 2.31a
CN 0.82a 0.18a 0.34a 2.35a
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 0.28ns 14.73** 0.93ns 7.89**
施氮水平 N application (B) 4.32* 3.57* 4.38* 4.45*
A×B 1.32ns 0.43ns 0.71ns 6.70**
R6 IS NN 0.78b ns 0.19b ns 0.32a ns 2.32a *
RN 0.80a ns 0.24a * 0.35a ns 2.15b ns
CN 0.81a ns 0.22a * 0.34a ns 2.12b *
SS NN 0.80a 0.18a 0.28a 2.04a
RN 0.82a 0.20a 0.30a 1.99a
CN 0.81a 0.15b 0.29a 1.75b
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 0.65ns 3.73* 0.35ns 3.76*
施氮水平 N application (B) 3.57* 6.47** 0.21ns 9.76**
A×B 1.34ns 3.26* 0.37ns 3.82*

Fig. 4

SPAD values of maize and soybean in different periods"

Fig. 5

Dry matter accumulation per plant in different parts of maize and soybean"

Table 3

Maize and soybean yield, SPI and its contribution rate"

Yield (kg·hm-2)
System productivity index
Contribution rate (%)
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
IM NN 3018.54b ns 3788.33b ns 5193.54c 8714.21b 63.19 71.07
RN 5835.61a ** 4904.19a ** 13428.42a 11967.36a 75.57 74.93
CN 5993.85a ns 4808.88a ** 12075.98b 12315.49a 79.97 75.46
MM NN 2509.88b 3919.39b 100 100
RN 6908.57a 6373.94a 100 100
CN 6566.59a 6465.38a 100 100
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 5.69* 31.54**
施氮水平 N application (B) 223.58** 37.85** 128.19** 36.67**
A×B 8.63* 6.17*
IS NN 1758.64a ns 1542.06a ns 5193.54c 8714.21b 36.81 28.93
RN 1886.33a ns 1641.03a ns 13428.42a 11967.36a 24.43 25.07
CN 1500.64b ns 1563.72a ns 12075.98b 12315.49a 20.03 24.54
SS NN 1868.60a 1368.34a 100 100
RN 1911.30a 1458.22a 100 100
CN 1578.86b 1314.32a 100 100
种植模式 Plant pattern (A) 7.29* 16.05**
施氮水平 N application (B) 67.79** 1.87ns 128.19** 36.67**
A×B 0.89ns 0.224ns
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