Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 1188-1198.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.06.010


Characteristics of Microbial Biomass Phosphorus in Yellow Soil Under Long-Term Application of Phosphorus and Organic Fertilizer

YanLing LIU1,2(),Yu LI1,2,Yan ZHANG1,2,YaRong ZHANG1,2,XingCheng HUANG1,2,Meng ZHANG1,2,WenAn ZHANG1,2,TaiMing JIANG2,3()   

  1. 1Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006
    2Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Arable Land Conservation and Agriculture Environment (Guizhou), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guiyang 550006
    3Institute of Tea Research, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006
  • Received:2020-06-24 Accepted:2020-09-10 Online:2021-03-16 Published:2021-03-25
  • Contact: TaiMing JIANG;


【Objective】 The seasonal dynamics of microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) in yellow soils under different long-term fertilization treatments were studied to understand the influence of long-term application of P and organic fertilizer on P nutrients cycling and P nutrients available for plant uptake. 【Method】 Six treatments, including CK, NK, NPK, M, 0.5MNP and MNPK, were investigated in a 22-year (1995-2016) long-term fertilization experiment at Guiyang (Guizhou Province) of China. 0-20 cm soil layer was collected at before sowing, seedling stage, jointing stage, flowering stage and after harvest of maize, respectively, and to determine MBP, soil available P (AP), acid phosphatase (ACP) activity, and calculate the MBP turnover time and turnover amount. 【Result】 The results showed that, compared with NK treatment, the mean value of MBP content and microbial P content (MPC) in different maize growing periods under the treatments of P and organic fertilizer application were significantly increased by 123.9%-446.2% and 85.0%-268.2%, respectively, with MNPK treatment increasing the most. Under the same amount of P application, the MBP content under M and 0.5MNP treatments was 26.7% and 32.7% higher than that of NPK treatment. MBP and MPC of NK treatment were the lowest at flowering stage, while the MBP content of P and organic fertilizer application treatments were the highest in maize growth period. The MPC showed a "double peak" curve with the growth period, and the highest content was at seedling stage and flowering stage. Compared with CK, the MBP turnover time of NK treatment was shortened by 405 days, and the MBP turnover amount was increased by 50.9%. Compared with NK treatment, the MBP turnover amount increased by 19.2%-156.4%, and MBP turnover time was prolonged by 248-391 days under the treatments of P and organic fertilizer application, which indicated that application of P and organic fertilizer could increase MBP storage capacity and decrease its turnover rate. The amount of soil available P and P uptake of maize plant under the treatments of P and organic fertilizer application were 3.63-7.27 times and 1.77-1.97 times of NK treatment, respectively. The acid phosphatase activity in each treatment was ranked as NK>M, MNPK>CK, NPK, 0.5MNP, and the mean value of NK treatment increased by 10.2%-21.0% compared with other treatments. Correlation analysis showed that soil available P was the most important soil factor affecting the MBP content and MBP turnover amount, while acid phosphatase activity was the most important soil factor affecting the MBP turnover time. 【Conclusion】 To sum up, soil MBP could reflect the P supply level, and the storage and turnover of MBP were of great significance for improving the potential P supply capacity of yellow soil. Long-term application of P and organic fertilizer could increase soil available P sink, soil P cycling and P available for plant uptake, increase P uptake of maize plants.

Key words: long-term fertilization, soil microbial biomass P, maize, phosphorus fertilizer, organic fertilizer, yellow soil

Table 1

Soil nutrients of different fertilization treatments in 2016"

pH 有机质
Organic matter (g·kg-1)
Total N (g·kg-1)
Available P (mg·kg-1)
Available K (mg·kg-1)
不施肥CK 6.74 47.3 1.99 9.87 86.3
氮钾肥NK 5.86 35.8 1.73 9.37 221.7
氮磷钾化肥NPK 6.45 37.1 2.01 31.63 155.3
有机肥M 7.18 57.7 2.71 31.30 452.3
1/2有机肥+1/2氮磷化肥 0.5MNP 6.88 49.5 2.50 33.83 335.3
全量有机肥+全量氮磷钾化肥MNPK 7.01 52.9 2.10 51.00 443.5

Table 2

Total N, P, K nutrient application rates under different fertilization treatments"

Cow manure (t·hm-2)
CK 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
NK 0.0 165.0 0.0 82.5
NPK 0.0 165.0 82.5 82.5
M 61.1 165.0 79.4 366.6
0.5MNP 30.6 165.0 81.0 183.3
MNPK 61.1 330.0 161.9 449.1

Fig. 1

Dynamics of soil microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) and microbial phosphorus content (MPC) in maize growing period under long-term different fertilization treatments Different small letters respectively show significantly different difference among treatments at 0. 05 levels. The same as below"

Fig. 2

Soil microbial biomass phosphorus content (MBP) and microbial phosphorus content (MPC) in different maize growing periods"

Table 3

Inter-subject effect test of soil available phosphorus (AP), acid phosphatase (ACP) and microbial biomass phosphorus in different fertilization treatments and growth period"

来源 Source 因变量 Dependent variable 自由度DF FF value PP value
施肥处理 Fertilization (F) 微生物量磷MBP 5 458.4 <0.01
微生物含磷量MPC 5 104.3 <0.01
有效磷AP 5 155.0 <0.01
酸性磷酸酶ACP 5 26.6 <0.01
生育时期 Growth period (G) 微生物量磷MBP 4 178.1 <0.01
微生物含磷量MPC 4 90.2 <0.01
有效磷AP 4 0.6 0.657
酸性磷酸酶ACP 4 353.9 <0.01
施肥处理×生育时期F×G 微生物量磷MBP 20 21.7 <0.01
微生物含磷量MPC 20 10.5 <0.01
有效磷AP 20 0.6 0.868
酸性磷酸酶ACP 20 4.1 <0.01

Table 4

The yearly turnover amount and time of soil microbial biomass P under different fertilization treatments"

Accumulative assimilate P (mg·kg-1·a-1)
Accumulative mineral P (mg·kg-1·a-1)
Turnover amount (TA) (mg·kg-1·a-1)
Turnover intensity
Turnover time
(TT) (a)
P uptake by maize (kg·hm-2)
CK 0.62 10.8 11.4 53.0 1.89 13.8
NK 7.12 10.1 17.2 127.5 0.78 16.7
NPK 4.77 15.8 20.5 68.7 1.46 30.0
M 7.87 16.8 24.6 61.7 1.62 29.5
0.5MNP 3.63 16.9 20.5 54.0 1.85 30.2
MNPK 19.9 24.2 44.1 60.2 1.66 32.9

Fig. 3

Dynamics of soil available P (AP) and acid phosphatase activity (ACP) in maize growing period under long-term different fertilization treatments"

Fig. 4

Soil available P content (AP) and acid phosphatase activity (ACP) in different maize growing periods"

Table 5

Correlation between soil nutrients and MBP"

AP -0.120 0.969** 0.970** 0.936** 0.350
ACP 1.000 -0.120 -0.219 0.193 -0.899*
pH -0.474 0.685 0.498 0.474 0.770
OM -0.064 0.692 0.408 0.584 0.462
TN 0.032 0.714 0.458 0.652 0.335
AK 0.103 0.835* 0.628 0.816* 0.262
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