Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (4): 680-691.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.04.005


Accumulated Temperature Requirement for Field Stalk Dehydration After Maize Physiological Maturity in Different Planting Regions

HUANG ZhaoFu(),LI LuLu(),HOU LiangYu,GAO Shang,MING Bo,XIE RuiZhi,HOU Peng,WANG KeRu,XUE Jun(),LI ShaoKun()   

  1. Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2021-04-09 Accepted:2021-07-05 Online:2022-02-16 Published:2022-02-23
  • Contact: Jun XUE,ShaoKun LI;;;


【Objective】Under the background of mechanical grain harvesting, the purpose of this study was to determine the accumulated temperature requirements of maize in different planting regions after physiological maturity by dehydration to the suitable harvest date, so as to provide the theoretical guidance for selecting suitable grain harvesting varieties, and rationally arrange agricultural operations and improve mechanical utilization efficiency in each planting region. 【Method】From 2014 to 2018, 141 maize varieties with different maturity periods selected to observe the dynamic changes of grain moisture content at typical test points in the northwest maize region (NW), the north maize region (NM) and Huang-huai-hai maize region (HM). Combining with meteorological date, the accumulated temperature requirements of maize field stalk dehydration to 25% and 20% grain moisture content after the physiological maturity were analyzed in different production regions. 【Result】The grain moisture content was different at physiological maturity in different production regions. The average grain moisture content was 28.5%, 29.9% and 29.6% in HM, NW and NM, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the growth period of different varieties and the grain moisture content at physiological maturity. The accumulated temperature of grain moisture content from physiological maturity to 25%, 20% and grain moisture content at physiological maturity were used as indexes. By using the two-way average method, the tested varieties were divided into 4 types, including low accumulated temperature demand and high moisture content (I), high accumulated temperature demand and high moisture content (II), low accumulated temperature demand and low moisture content (III), and high accumulated temperature and low moisture content (IV). For the northwest China, north China and northeast China, III and IV could be selected, but IV varieties needed to reserve enough accumulated temperature to dehydrate in the field. While the summer maize with growing twice a year in the Huanghuaihai region, III varieties could better coordinate the production and allocation of wheat and maize, and make full use of the excess temperature that could be used for grain dehydration. 【Conclusion】 Because of different dehydrating conditions such as temperature, the days when grain moisture content from physiological maturity to 25%, 20% showed that the northwest maize region was longer than the north maize region and Huang-huai-hai maize region. Grain moisture content and harvest quality can be effectively reduced by selecting the accumulated temperature varieties suitable for different regions and scientifically setting the harvest date.

Key words: maize, physiological maturity, grain moisture content, stand stalk dehydration, accumulated temperature requirements, mechanical grain harvesting

Table 1

Maize varieties planted in different regions"

区域 Region 玉米品种名称 Maize cultivar
The northwest maize
region (NW)
Aidan268(AD268), Denghai113(DH113), Denghai117(DH117), Denghai119(DH119), Denghai1733(DH1733), Denghai318 (DH318), Denghai1786(DH1786), Denghai1769(DH1769), Denghai105(DH105), Denghai177(DH177), Denghai1739(DH1739), KWS3376, KWS3564, KWS9384, KWS01, Xinyu27(XY27), Xinyu30(XY30), Xinyu32(XY32), Xinyu47(XY47), Xinyu65(XY65), Xinyu69(XY69), Xinyu77(XY77), Shandan628(SD628), Shandan636(SD636), Shandan650(SD650), Shandan16(SD16), Jinhua150 (JH150), Nonghua205(NH205), Nonghua213(NH213), Nonghua106(NH106), YY119, Yinyu274(YY274), YY137, Yinyu369(YY369), Ningyu524 (NY524), Ningyu525(NY525), Lianchuang808(LC808), Lianchuang825(LC825), Zeyu501(ZY501), Zeyu8911(ZY8911), Xianyu335(XY335), Jingke968(JK968), Zhongnong777(ZN777), M753, M751, Fengken139(FK139), Zhenjin323(ZJ323), Zhenjin308(ZJ308), MC670, Beidou309(BD309), Jinzhu58(JZ58), Lidan295(LD295), Liaodan575(LD575), Liaodan585(LD585), Liaodan586(LD586), Yudan9953(YD9953), Zengyu1317(ZY1317), Zengyu1572(ZY1572), Zhengdan528 (ZD528), Zhengdan958 (ZD958), Zhengdan309(ZD309), Zhengdan1002(ZD1002), Dongdan913(DD913), Zhengtai101(ZT101), Defeng586(DF586), Fuer116(FE116), JiuyuY02(JYY02), Jidan66(JD66), Jidan558(JD558)
The north maize
region (NM)
A6565, BY1, KX9384, M751, Danyu311(DY311), Demeiya1(DMY1), Demeiya2(DMY2), Demeiya3(DMY3), Deyu919(DY919), Denghai739(DH1739), Denghai769(DH769), Denghai786(DH786), Dika159(DK159), Dika517(DK517), Dongdan1331(DD1331), Dongdan6531(DD6531), Dongdan913(DD913), Dunyu323(DY323), Fengken139(FK139), Fuyu968(FY968), Hetian4(HT4), Hongshuo899(HS899), Hongyu236(HY236), Huamei1(HM1), Jidan1402(JD1402), Jidan66(JD66), Jidan68(JD68), Jidan898 (JD898), Jidan96(JD96), Jinongda935(JND935), Jingnongke728(JNK728), Jingke968(JK968), Lidan295(LD295), Lishou1(LS1), Lianchuang825(LC825), Liaodan585(LD585), Liaodan586(LD586), Nongda239(NH239), Nonghua103(NH103), Nonghua213 (NH213), Nonghua803(NH803), Rupu909(RP909), Shandan620(SD620), Shandan636(SD636), Tieyan388(TY388), Tieyan58 (TY58), Xianyu1321(XY1321), Xianyu335(XY335), Xiangyu998(XY998), Xinxin1(XX1), Yinyu123(YY123), Yinyu274(YY274), Yinyu439(YY439), Youdi919(YD919), Zeyu501(ZY501), Zeyu8911(ZY8911), Zengyu1572(ZY1572), Zhengdan958(ZD958), Zhongdan107(ZD107), Zhongdi702(ZD702), Zhongdi710(ZD710)
The Huang-huai-hai
maize region (HM)
KWS1568, KWS3564, M751, MC670, Beidou309(BD309), Danyu8201(DY8201), Denghai618(DH618), Dika517(DK517), Dika519(DK519), Dika653(DK653), Dongdan913(DD913), Fengken139(FK139), Fuyu5152(FY5152), Hengyu898(HY898), Huyu3518(HY3518), Humei1(HM1), Jidan66(JD66), Jintong152(JT152), Jinhua207(JH207), Jinhua318(JH318), Jingnongke728 (JNK728), Lidan295(LD295), Lianchuang805(LC805), Lianchuang808(LC808), Lianchuang825(LC825), Liaodan575(LD575), Liaodan585(LD585), Liaodan586(LD586), Liaodan588(LD588), Ningyu721(NY721), Nonghua101(NH101), Nonghua5(NH5), Nonghua816(NH816), Shandan636(SD636), Shandan650(SD650), Xianyu335(XY335), Xianyu696(XY696), Xindan58(XD58), Xindan65(XD65), Xindan68(XD68), Xinyu77(XY77), Yuyu30(YY30), Yufeng303(YF303), Yudan9953(YD9953), Zeyu501 (ZY501), Zeyu8911(ZY8911), Zhenjin308(ZJ308), Zhenjin323(ZJ323), Zhenjin8(ZJ8), Zhengdan958(ZD958), Zhongdan909 (ZD909), Zhongkeyu505(ZKY505), Zhongzhong8(ZZ8)

Table 2

Test year, number of test varieties, and date of determination in the experimental sites"

Number of varieties tested
Start date (M-D)
End date (M-D)
奇台 Qitai 2016 33 07-15 10-8
2017 18 07-20 11-20
2018 16 07-17 11-10
昌吉 Changji 2017 12 07-15 10-15
伊犁 Yili 2017 20 07-20 10-10
永宁 Yongning 2018 30 07-28 11-30
铁岭 Tieling 2017 19 07-26 10-21
2018 18 08-05 11-05
大庆 Daqing 2016 8 08-01 12-04
2017 20 08-10 12-09
新乡 Xinxiang 2015 11 08-16 11-14
2016 17 08-14 10-17
2017 36 08-18 12-26
北京 Beijing 2014 8 08-01 11-02
2017 12 08-18 12-15

Table 3

Growth process of varieties in different regions"

Sowing date (M-D)
Silking date (M-D)
Physiological maturity date (M-D)
Growth period (d)
奇台 Qitai 2016 04-14 07-01-07-18 09-08-09-29 148-169 21
2017 04-22 07-01-07-17 09-13-09-29 144-169 25
2018 04-17 07-10-07-17 09-27-10-10 163-176 13
昌吉 Changji 2017 05-05 07-03-07-12 08-25-09-15 112-133 21
伊犁 Yili 2017 04-25 07-07-07-12 09-12-10-02 140-160 20
永宁 Yongning 2018 04-28 07-13-07-20 09-04-09-28 129-154 25
铁岭 Tieling 2017 04-28 07-08-07-19 09-09-10-03 134-158 24
2018 05-04 07-14-07-24 09-24-10-10 143-159 16
大庆 Daqing 2016 04-28 07-20-08-02 09-13-10-11 138-167 29
2017 05-08 07-17-08-02 09-20-10-22 134-158 24
新乡 Xinxiang 2015 06-16 07-23-08-10 09-23-10-19 99-125 26
2016 06-04 07-23-07-31 09-05-09-28 93-116 23
2017 06-18 08-02-08-10 09-22-10-26 96-130 34
北京 Beijing 2014 06-01 07-21-08-04 09-13-09-27 104-118 14
2017 06-18 08-03-08-12 10-01-10-20 105-124 19

Fig. 1

Moisture content of maize at physiological maturity and the days of dehydration to 25% and 20% moisture content The main box called the quartile interval (IQR), it contains the distribution area of fifty percent samples in Box-whisker Plot. The two sidelines mean the reasonable sample border in Tukey method. The black solid line in box positions the median sample. The red hidden line stands for the average. The black circle stands for the outlier. GMC represents grain moisture content, and PM represents physiological maturity. The same as below"

Fig. 2

Moisture content at physiological maturity and the days of dehydration to 25% moisture content of different varieties"

Fig. 3

Relationship between growth period of tested maize varieties and moisture content during physiological maturity ns represents no significant difference"

Fig. 4

Relationships between moisture content at physiological maturity and accumulated temperature from dehydrating to 25% and 20% moisture content"

Table 4

The variety classificationin different regions when the moisture content of grain decreased to 25%"

项目 Item
生理成熟至含水率25% GMC decreased from PM to 25% 生理成熟至含水率20% GMC decreased from PM to 25%
I 郑单528、辽单575、真金323、辽单585、登海1769、新玉27、真金308、MC670、利单295、东单913、陕单628、泽玉501
ZD528, LD575, ZJ323, LD586, DH1769, XY27, ZJ308, MC670, LD295, DD913, SD628, ZY501
LD586, NY524, YY119, ZD958, ZN777, DH1769, ZD1002, MC670, FE116, SD628, JYY02, ZY501
II 辽单586、宁玉524、YY119、M751、郑单958、中农777、登海177、新玉69、富尔116、金珠58、登海1786、郑单1002、丰垦139、农华106、正泰101、KWS01、银玉274、新玉77、新玉47、九玉Y02、锦华150、登海113
LD586, NY524, YY119, M751, ZD958, ZN777, DH177, XY69, FE116, JZ58, DH1786, ZD1002, FK139, NH106, ZT101, KWS01, YY274, XY77, XY47, JYY02, JH150, DH113
ZN77, XY27, DH177, ZJ308, XY69, JZ58, DH1786, FK139, DD913, NH106, XY77
III 登海318、YY137、登海119、豫单9953、北斗309、德丰586、新玉32、联创808、银玉369、京科968、增玉1572、新玉65、联创825、农华213、陕单16、矮单268、先玉335、泽玉8911、农华205、吉单66、吉单558、KWS3376、登海1739、新玉30、增玉1317
DH318, YY137, DH119, YD9953, BD309, DF586, XY32, LC808, YY369, JK968, ZY1572, XY65, LC825, NH213, SD16, AD268, XY335, ZY8911, NH205, JD66, JD558, KWS3376, DH1739, XY30, ZY1317
DH318, YY137, YD9953, DF586, LC808, LC825, NH213, KWS9384, XY335, ZY8911, JD558, XY30, ZY1317
IV 登海105、KWS9384、KWS3564、陕单650、银玉439
DH105, KWS9384, KWS3564, SD650, YY439
BD309, XY32, DH105, XY65, SD16, JD66, SD650, KWS3376, DH1739
I 银玉123、富育968、泽玉8911、先玉335、泽玉501、优迪919、A6565、农华103、禾田4号、银玉439、德美亚2号、京科968、德育919、登海739
YY123, FY968, ZY8911, XY335, ZY501, YD919, A6565, NH103, HT4, YY439, DMY2, JK968, DY919, DH739
HT4, DH739, DMY3, ZY1572, JK968, LD585, DMY2, YY439, A6565, YD919, XY335, FY968, DMY1, YY123
II 宏硕899、BY1、敦玉323、京农科728、铁研58、吉单96、辽单586、粒收1号、辽单585、增玉1572、农华803、吉单898、利单295
HS899, BY1, DY323, JNK728, TY58, JD96, LD586, LS1, LD585, ZY1572, NH803, JD898, LD295
LD295, ZY501, LD586, ZY8911, JNK728, BY1, FK139
III 中迪702、宏玉236、M751、迪卡517、东单1331、铁研388、辽单575、吉单66、瑞普909、鑫鑫1号、银玉274、翔玉998、迪卡159、吉农大935、吉单68、东单6531、德美亚1号
ZD702, HY236, M751, DK517, DD1331, TY388, LD575, JD66, RP909, XX1, YY274, XY998, DK159, JND935, JD68, DD6531, DMY1
DY311, DD6531, DK159, LC825, XY998, RP909, JD66, LD575, TY388, DD1331, DK517, XY1321, M751, HM1, NH213, ZD702
IV 农华213、KX9384、吉单1402、农大239、华美1号、先玉1321、中单107、登海786、东单913、联创825、陕单636、陕单620、丹玉311、郑单958、登海769、丰垦139
NH213, KX9384, JD1402, ND239, HM1, XY1321, ZD107, DH786, DD913, LC825, SD636, SD620, DY311, ZD958, DH769, FK139
DH769, ZD958, SD620, SD636, YY274, DD913, DH786, KX9384, HY236
I 陕单636、禾田1号、泽玉501、联创805、农华816、辽单586
SD636, HT1, ZY501, LC805, NH816, LD586
NH5, LD295, SD636, ZD958, ZY501, JD66, LC805, KWS3564, LD586, MC670, M751
II 东单913、郑单958、中单909、新单58、真金323、吉单66、恒育898、宇玉30、富育5152、北斗309、登海618、户玉3518、MC670、辽单585、M751、丰垦139
DD913, ZD958, ZD909, XD58, ZJ323, JD66, HY898, YY30, FY5152, BD309, DH618, HY3518, MC670, LD585, M751, FK139
DD913, ZD909, XD58, TH1, ZJ323, HY898, NH816, YY30, FY5152, BD309, DH618, HY3518, LD585, FK139
III 联创808、迪卡517、华美1号、宁玉721、先玉335、新单65、迪卡653、金通152、锦华318、陕单650、裕丰303、农华101、真金308、中科玉505、丹玉8201、豫单9953、农华5号
LC808, DK517, HM1, NY721, XY335, XD65, DK653, JT152, JH318, SD650, YF303, NH101, ZJ308, ZKY505, DY8201, YD9953, NH5
LC808, DK517, HM1, NY721, XY335, XD65, DK653, JT152, JH318, SD650, XD68, NH101, ZJ308, ZKY505, DY8201, YD9953
LD575, XD68, JNK728, ZY8911, LD295
LD575, YF303, JNK728, ZY8911
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