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Potassium and Magnesium Nutrition of Tea Plants and Management Technology

RUAN Jian-yun   

  1. Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and The Key Laboratory of Tea Chemical Engineering of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hangzhou 310008
  • Online:2007-12-31 Published:2007-12-31

Abstract: Hydroponic, potted soil and field experiments were carried out to investigate the functional physiology of potassium, magnesium nutrition and their accompanying anion chloride versus sulphate on nitrogen and free amino acid metabolism and transport in tea plants. The results showed that N uptake, nitrate reductase activity and the accumulation of free amino acid especially theanine of tea plants were improved by increasing the supply of K or Mg. The long distance transport of free amino acid via phloem and xylem was also promoted by Mg supply. Application of K fertilizer containing Cl was found to reduce free amino acid accumulation under controlled conditions and it is suggested that the reduction of NO3- and transport of theanine from root to shoot and its catabolism might be affected by the supply of Cl. However, field experiments showed that potassium chloride within appropriate dose had similar effect as potassium sulphate. The availability status of K and Mg in tea soils and tea plant response to fertilizers application were systematically investigated. The distribution pattern and supply capacity of potassium and magnesium status of tea soils were revealed by analyses of typical samples taken from major tea producing provinces. A number of field experiments with uniform designs in different regions of tea production over years demonstrated the effect of fertilization with K and Mg on yields and quality of the major tea types, e.g. green tea, black tea, and oolong tea in China. Pot experiments or field experiment further revealed that resistances to drought and diseases of tea plants were improved by K application. Based on these results, K and Mg fertilizers application technology was developed. The overall results confirm that balanced nutrition including the nutrients K and Mg is an important measure contributing to productivity of tea in China.

Key words: Tea , Potassium , Magnesium , Chloride , Nitrogen metabolism , Free amino acids , Tea quality

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