Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (6): 1074-1085.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.06.005


Effect of Nitrogen Rates on Yield Formation and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Oilseed Under Different Cropping Systems

LI XiaoYong1(), HUANG Wei2, LIU HongJu3, LI YinShui1, GU ChiMing1, DAI Jing1, HU WenShi1, YANG Lu1, LIAO Xing1, QIN Lu1()   

  1. 1 Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetics Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062
    2 Huanggang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huanggang 438000, Hubei
    3 Yingcheng Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Yingcheng 432400, Hubei
  • Received:2022-06-19 Accepted:2022-08-24 Online:2023-03-23 Published:2023-03-23


【Objective】 The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nitrogen application on yield formation and nutrient utilization of oilseed (Brassica napus L.) under different cropping systems. 【Method】 A field experiment was carried out in Huanggang, Hubei Province. An oilseed variety ‘Zhongyouza19’ was used as the material, setting with two cropping systems (rice-oil rotation, RO; soybean-oil rotation, SO) and four nitrogen rates (N0, 0; N1, 90 kg·hm-2; N2, 180 kg·hm-2; N3, 270 kg·hm-2) in this study. The yield and its components, dry matter accumulation, agronomic traits, nitrogen content and seeds quality were measured. 【Result】 (1) The oilseed yield of SO was significantly higher than that of RO, and the pods per plant, seeds per pod and 1000-seeds weight of oilseed in different cropping systems all tended to increase significantly by increasing the amount of nitrogen. Compared with N0, the seed yield of RO increased by 176.68%, 436.49% and 835.40% under N1, N2 and N3 treatments, respectively, while that of SO increased by 123.96%, 344.46% and 547.25%, respectively. Compared with RO, the seed yield under SO increased by 62.09%, 31.33%, 71.79% and 12.21% under N0, N1, N2 and N3 treatments, respectively. (2) The root crown diameter, plant height, first effective branch height and branch number of SO oilseed were significantly higher than those of RO at maturity stage, and the increase in each agronomic trait index was significant under different cropping systems with the increase in nitrogen application; the root biomass and above-ground biomass of SO were significantly higher than those of RO at all growth stages, but the root shoot ratio was lower than that of RO. The root shoot ratio decreased significantly after seedling stage in both cropping system with increasing nitrogen application. (3) Nitrogen content and nitrogen accumulation in the root, pod shell, stalk and seeds of SO were higher than those in RO, and the increases in nitrogen content and nitrogen accumulation in each part were significant with the increase in nitrogen application; the apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency under SO was higher than that under RO, and the apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency under RO increased with the increase in nitrogen application. (4) Compared with the RO, the soluble sugar content of pod shell under SO was lower, while the amino acid content and amino acid/soluble sugar content were higher with the same nitrogen application. The soluble sugar content decreased, but the amino acid content and amino acid/soluble sugar content increased with the increase of nitrogen application. Therefore, the oil content of oilseed under SO was lower than that under RO due to the limitation of fatty acid synthesis substrate, and the oil content of seeds decreased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application in cropping system. Oil yield was the maximum in both cropping system at 270 kg·hm-2 nitrogen application level, 1 678.60 and 1 665.33 kg·hm-2 for RO, and 1 684.03 and 1 687.10 kg·hm-2 for SO, respectively, but the difference in oil yield between 180 and 270 kg·hm-2 nitrogen application for SO was not significant. 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, the nitrogen rate for RO could be controlled at about 270 kg·hm-2, but the nitrogen rate for SO could be controlled at about 180 kg·hm-2 to ensure higher nitrogen use efficiency and higher oil yield.

Key words: oilseed (Brassica napus L.), cropping system, nitrogen rate, yield, nitrogen use efficiency

Table 1

Effects of cropping system and nitrogen rate on yield and yield components of oilseed"

Cropping system
2019-2020 2020-2021
Effective pods per plant
Seeds per pod
1000-seed weight (g)
Yield (kg·hm-2)
Effective pods per plant
Seeds per pod
1000-seed weight (g)
Yield (kg·hm-2)
RO N0 10.66e 19.26b 3.54d 327.14h 11.15g 19.42b 3.62c 352.88g
N1 25.61d 22.12a 3.68bcd 937.97f 24.36e 22.12a 3.88bc 940.96e
N2 44.21c 22.22a 3.73bcd 1781.34d 45.66c 22.52a 3.93bc 1864.80c
N3 75.21b 22.54a 3.98bc 3188.84b 76.07b 22.64a 3.98bc 3161.93b
SO N0 17.03e 19.22b 3.60cd 530.34g 17.05f 19.82b 3.76bc 571.86f
N1 32.23d 22.09a 3.74bcd 1198.16e 32.25d 22.20a 3.94bc 1269.53d
N2 72.75b 22.41a 4.08b 2993.25c 78.86b 22.61a 4.08ab 3273.60b
N3 82.34a 22.72a 4.49a 3535.66a 85.03a 22.72a 4.39a 3590.21a
Variance analyses
C ** NS * ** ** NS * **
N ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
C×N ** NS NS ** ** NS NS **

Table 2

Effects of cropping system and nitrogen rate on agronomic traits of oilseed at maturity"

Cropping system
2019-2020 2020-2021
Root crown diameter (mm)
Plant height (cm)
Branch height (cm)
Branch number
Root crown diameter (mm)
Plant height (cm)
Branch height (cm)
Branch number
RO N0 7.71c 86.92e 48.34d 1.31e 8.43d 91.86e 46.87d 1.56d
N1 11.49b 113.07d 55.51cd 2.93d 12.46bc 120.81d 61.45c 3.63c
N2 12.49b 143.15c 84.83b 3.31d 13.76b 140.62c 89.84a 4.23b
N3 13.73ab 159.77ab 90.92ab 4.72ab 14.08b 150.55bc 93.36a 5.21a
SO N0 8.39c 87.33e 49.17d 1.64e 8.72cd 90.66e 50.34d 1.65d
N1 11.72b 148.68bc 61.13c 3.96c 12.82bc 148.22bc 77.42b 3.98bc
N2 13.73ab 154.61abc 96.08a 4.33bc 14.51ab 159.31ab 98.52a 4.32b
N3 16.35a 166.52a 97.23a 5.08a 16.93a 167.12a 101.11a 5.46a
Variance analyses
C * ** ** ** * ** ** NS
N ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Fig. 1

Dry matter accumulation and root shoot ratio under different cropping systems and nitrogen rates of oilseed RO and SO indicate the rice-oilseed cropping system and soybean-oilseed cropping system; N0, N1, N2 and N3 indicate the nitrogen rate of 0, 90, 180 and 270 kg·hm-2, respectively. * and **, significant difference at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively; NS, not significant. The same as below"

Table 3

Effects of cropping system and nitrogen rate on nitrogen content and uptake"

Cropping system
Nitrogen rate
根Root 茎Stem 角果壳Pod shell 籽粒Seed
N content (%)
N uptake (kg·hm-2)
N content (%)
N uptake (kg·hm-2)
N content (%)
N uptake (kg·hm-2)
N content (%)
N uptake (kg·hm-2)
2019-2020 RO N0 0.42c 2.23f 0.33c 4.59f 0.45d 1.29f 2.59f 8.48f
N1 0.44bc 5.04e 0.34c 11.70e 0.47d 6.39e 2.71ef 25.45de
N2 0.50a 7.10cd 0.37bc 14.96d 0.53bc 9.76d 2.98bcd 53.11c
N3 0.52a 9.63b 0.39bc 21.70c 0.55b 16.64b 3.08bc 98.14b
SO N0 0.44bc 2.51f 0.35c 6.90f 0.50cd 3.33f 2.85de 15.11ef
N1 0.49ab 6.51d 0.39bc 19.93c 0.55b 8.16de 2.89cde 34.65d
N2 0.52a 7.60c 0.42ab 26.94b 0.63a 14.30c 3.16b 94.48b
N3 0.52a 10.52a 0.48a 34.17a 0.66a 24.18a 3.50a 123.75a
2020-2021 RO N0 0.42e 2.52e 0.31e 3.80e 0.45e 1.31f 2.67d 9.41f
N1 0.45cde 5.11d 0.34de 11.26d 0.49de 6.77d 2.74cd 25.81e
N2 0.48bc 5.90d 0.38bcd 16.65c 0.52cd 9.91c 2.92c 54.36c
N3 0.51ab 7.51c 0.42ab 22.71b 0.55bc 14.49b 3.13b 99.03b
SO N0 0.43de 2.84e 0.37cd 6.70e 0.49cde 3.63e 2.83cd 16.17f
N1 0.48bcd 5.88d 0.39bc 21.81b 0.54bcd 8.58cd 2.90c 36.85d
N2 0.52ab 8.77b 0.41abc 24.29b 0.59ab 12.57b 3.19b 104.33b
N3 0.53a 10.65a 0.44a 33.42a 0.63a 24.89a 3.49a 125.26a
Variance analyses
C * ** ** ** ** ** ** **
N ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
C×N NS ** NS ** NS ** NS **

Fig. 2

Effects of cropping system and nitrogen rate on apparent recovery efficiency of applied nitrogen C, cropping system; N, nitrogen rate; C×N, interaction variance analysis between cropping system and nitrogen rate. The same as below"

Fig. 3

Soluble sugar and amino acid content under different cropping systems and nitrogen rates of oilseed"

Fig. 4

Oil content and oil yield under different cropping systems and nitrogen rates of oilseed"

Table 4

Correlation coefficients between carbon/nitrogen metabolic substrates of pod shell and seed yield and oil content"

15 d 25 d
Soluble sugar content
Amino acid
Amino acid/soluble sugar
Soluble sugar content
Amino acid
Amino acid/soluble sugar
含油率 Oil content 0.7259** -0.7855** -0.7942** 0.5858** -0.7132** -0.8019**
大田籽粒产量 Yield -0.4408** 0.9069** 0.8923** -0.9397** 0.8196** 0.8303**
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