Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 46-57.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.01.004


Relationship Between Growth and Development Characteristics and Yield Formation of Summer Maize Varieties Differing in Maturities

ZHAO JiYu(),REN BaiZhao,ZHAO Bin,LIU Peng,ZHANG JiWang()   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, Shandong
  • Received:2020-04-12 Accepted:2020-06-01 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2021-01-13
  • Contact: JiWang ZHANG;;


【Objective】 This study was expected to explore the relationship between growth and development characteristics and yield formation of summer maize varieties differing in maturities, providing theoretical references for the selection of new maize varieties with early maturity, high yield and adaptability to grain mechanical harvesting. 【Method】 In 2017, the early maturity hybrids Denghai 518 (DH518), Hengzao 8 (HZ8) and the mid-late maturity hybrids Denghai 605 (DH605) and Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) were used as test materials. In 2018, the early maturity hybrids Denghai 518 (DH518), Jingnongke 728 (JNK728), and the mid-late maturity hybrids Denghai 605 (DH605) and Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) were used as test materials. The planting density was 75 000 plants/hm2. The leaf establishment law, ear development characteristics, and the difference in solar radiation and accumulated temperature requirements at different growth stages were analyzed. 【Result】 The solar radiation and accumulated temperature requirements of different maize varieties at various growth stages were: R1-R6>VE-R1>sowing-VE. The demand for accumulated temperature of different varieties after flowering was higher than that before flowering. The difference in demand for accumulated temperature of mid-late maturity hybrids and early-maturing varieties was mainly in V6-R1, which was specifically manifested in the 9-16th leaf establishment period; There was no significant difference in the demand for accumulated temperature after flowering. Correlation analysis showed that the yield of summer maize varieties at different maturity stages had extremely significant positive correlations with spike height and spike height coefficient. The development characteristics of tassel in summer maize cultivars at different maturity stages were different. The length of tassel in late-maturing cultivars was significantly lower than in early-maturing cultivars, but the number of tassel branches, total tassel spikelet, spikelet abortion rate and effective spikelet of late-maturing varieties were significantly higher than those of early-maturing varieties; The differentiation of female ears to grains was greatly affected by the genotype of the variety. 【Conclusion】The growth and development characteristics of summer maize varieties differing in maturities were significantly different, and the yield of the mid-late maturity hybrids was significantly higher than that of the early maturity hybrids. The typical characteristics of early-grain mechanical harvesting corn varieties were fewer total leaves, shorter V6-R1 time and faster dehydration rate.

Key words: summer maize, leaf establishment, solar radiation and accumulated temperature requirements, male and female spike differentiation, yield

Fig. 1

Meteorological conditions during the summer maize growth stage in 2017 and 2018"

Table 1

Experimental treatments in the field"

年份 Year 品种 Variety 种植密度 Plant density (plant/hm2) 播种时间 Sowing date (M-D)
2017 DH518 HZ8 DH605 ZD958 75000 06-10
2018 DH518 JNK728 DH605 ZD958 75000 06-07

Fig. 2

Yield of summer maize varieties differing in maturities Different letters above error bars indicated significant difference between two types of varieties (P<0.05)"

Fig. 3

Days of different maize varieties at various growth stages VE: Emergence stage; V6: The six-leaf stage; R1: Silking stage; R6: Physiological maturity stage. The same as below"

Fig. 4

Solar radiation and accumulated temperature requirements of different maize varieties at various growth stages"

Fig. 5

Leaf area in different leaf positions of different maize varieties"

Fig. 6

The demand of active cumulative temperature for leaf formation of different maize varieties"

Table 2

Plant traits of summer maize varieties differing in maturity"

年份 Year 品种 Hybrid 穗位高 Ear height (cm) 株高 Plant height (cm) 穗高系数 Ear height coefficient
2017 HZ8 93c 265a 0.35c
DH518 81d 255b 0.32d
ZD958 118a 261a 0.45a
DH605 107b 264a 0.41b
2018 JNK728 93b 268a 0.35 b
DH518 76c 226c 0.33b
ZD958 105a 255b 0.41a
DH605 97b 249b 0.39a

Table 3

Correlation analysis of yield and plant traits of summer maize varieties differing in maturity"

产量 Yield 穗位高 Ear height 株高 Plant height 穗高系数 Ear height coefficient
产量 Yield 1
穗位高 Ear height 0.822** 1
株高 Plant height 0.201 0.601** 1
穗高系数 Ear height coefficient 0.901** 0.948** 0.315 1

Table 4

Ear characters of maize hybrids differing in maturity"

Number of rows
per ear
Number of grains per row
Ear length
Bald length
Ear diameter
Cob diameter
2017 DH518 15.3b 32.5b 16.81b 0.26b 4.92b 2.33a
HZ8 17.0a 27.8d 16.70b 1.55a 4.67c 2.10b
ZD958 15.4b 34.9a 17.10b 0.11b 5.22a 2.47a
DH605 15.6b 31.2c 19.86a 1.64a 4.90b 2.33a
2018 DH518 15.3b 32.1b 15.54b 0.30c 4.73a 2.29ab
JNK728 15.3b 31.9b 16.85b 1.01b 4.68a 2.11b
ZD958 15.5b 33.8a 16.24b 0.91b 4.75a 2.51a
DH605 16.3a 32.1b 18.59a 1.36a 4.74a 2.35ab

Table 5

Tassel traits of summer maize hybrids differing in maturity"

Tassel length
Tassel branch numbers
Total tassel spikelet numbers
Spikelet abortion rate (%)
Effective spikelet numbers
2017 DH518 61.0a 6c 620c 3.44c 599c
HZ8 62.5a 8bc 604c 3.11c 585c
ZD958 54.8b 23a 1825a 12.69a 1594a
DH605 57.7b 10b 791b 7.99b 728b
2018 DH518 59.7ab 6d 624c 3.6c 602c
JNK728 61.6a 9c 611c 3.3c 591c
ZD958 55.9c 22a 1804a 12.3a 1581a
DH605 57.7bc 11b 792b 6.9b 737b

Table 6

Floret differentiation development and the grain number per panicle formation of summer maize hybrids differing in maturity"

Number of total floret
Number of filament
Number of fertilization floret
Number of normal kernel
Floret fertility rate (%)
Flower seed setting rate (%)
Seed abortive rate (%)
Total seed setting rate (%)
Total abortive rate (%)
2017 DH518 618c 613c 530bc 497b 85.9a 93.8b 6.2b 80.5a 19.5c
HZ8 606c 600c 513c 469c 84.8a 91.3b 8.7b 77.4b 22.6b
ZD958 675b 664b 547b 535a 81.0b 97.8a 2.2c 79.2ab 20.8bc
DH605 784a 756a 658a 487b 83.9a 74.1c 25.9a 62.1c 37.9a
2018 DH518 604c 598c 524b 492b 86.8a 94.0c 6.0b 81.6b 18.4c
JNK728 592c 587c 507c 488b 85.7b 96.1b 3.9c 82.4a 17.6d
ZD958 656b 645b 533b 520a 81.3d 97.5a 2.5d 79.3c 20.7b
DH605 758a 733a 634a 522a 83.6c 82.3d 17.7a 68.8d 31.2a

Fig. 7

100-grain moisture of summer maize hybrids differing in maturity after pollination"

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