Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (11): 2176-2188.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.010


Response of Zinc Concentration and Distribution in Wheat Grain to Soil Zinc Fertilization in Dryland of Loess Plateau

DING YuLan1(), HUANG Cui1, WANG XingShu1, ZHANG XueMei1, XU JunFeng1, HUANG Ning1, DANG HaiYan1, GUO ZiKang1, SUN RuiQing1, WANG ZhaoHui1,2()   

  1. 1 College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-Environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
    2 State Key Laboratory for Crop Stress Resistance and High-Efficiency Production, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
  • Received:2023-07-26 Accepted:2023-10-06 Online:2024-06-01 Published:2024-06-07
  • Contact: WANG ZhaoHui


【Objective】The changes in available soil zinc (Zn), wheat grain yield and grain Zn concentration were identified, so as to provide the important basis for optimizing Zn biofortification of wheat grain technology.【Method】Based on the location-fixed field trial initiated in 2017 in drylands of the Loess Plateau, the samples were collected to analyze the available soil Zn, wheat yield, yield components, Zn concentrations in grain and its tissues, Zn uptake and distribution in various plant parts under different Zn application rates in the wheat growing seasons of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.【Result】Zn application did not significantly affect the wheat yield and yield components, but Zn concentration was increased by 28.8%-46.0% in grain and maximized to 31.1 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 24.9 kg·hm-2; Zn concentration was increased by 31.8%-58.8% in bran and maximized to 87.6 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 27.3 kg·hm-2; Zn concentration was increased by 26.3%-41.3% in flour and maximized to 11.3 mg·kg-1 at Zn application rate of 24.0 kg·hm-2. The grain Zn was found mainly distributed in bran, accounting for 77.7%-80.0%, with the average Zn concentration of 78.9 mg·kg-1; and 20.0%-22.3% Zn in flour, with the average Zn concentration of 10.8 mg·kg-1. With the Zn application rate increase, Zn concentration increased much more in bran than that in the flour. Available soil Zn was increased by 235.2%-1233.8% and 207.4%-825.9% in the 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil, respectively, and reached 9.47 and 2.50 mg·kg-1 at the maximum Zn application rate of 27.3 kg·hm-2, respectively. Available Zn of 0-100 cm soil layers contributed differently to wheat Zn uptake, with that in top soil contributed much more than that in deep soil layers.【Conclusion】Obviously, soil Zn application significantly increased soil available Zn and wheat grain Zn concentrations in drylands of the Loess Plateau, and for further improvement of wheat grained Zn nutritional and explore the increase potential in wheat grain Zn concentration, an integrative optimization should be implemented on Zn rates and application methods, and other agronomical measures, such as water, N and phosphorus supply, as well as green manure planting.

Key words: dryland, wheat, grain, flour, Zn concentration, available soil Zn

Fig. 1

Precipitation during the fallow (Jul.-Sept.) and growing seasons (Oct.-Jun in next year) of winter wheat in 2020-2021 and 2021-2022"

Table 1

Basic chemical properties of the 0-20 cm layer soil treated with different Zn rates at wheat sowing of the location-fixed field experiment in 2017 and 2022"

Zn rate
pH 有机质
Organic matter
Total N
Available P
Available K
Available Zn
2017 8.30 11.8 0.8 9.42 0.27 10.83 123 0.24
2022 0.0 8.49 12.2 0.8 2.56 0.46 11.93 131 0.38
6.8 8.48 13.0 0.8 3.62 0.44 14.19 141 1.66
13.6 8.50 12.2 0.8 3.29 0.46 12.91 127 2.01
20.5 8.47 12.8 0.8 2.86 0.53 13.38 137 4.20
27.3 8.54 12.6 0.8 3.24 0.50 12.11 128 4.41

Table 2

Effects of Zn application rates on the yield and yield components of wheat"

Zn rate
Harvest index
Spike number
Grain number
per spike
Thousand grain weight (g)
2021 0 7404a 15970a 46a 574bc 28a 46a
6.8 7048a 15178a 46a 534c 29a 45ab
13.6 7459a 16661a 45a 641ab 28a 42b
20.5 6851a 14953a 46a 543c 28a 44ab
27.3 7799a 17499a 45a 672a 27a 44ab
2022 0 10356a 21099a 49a 634a 31a 52ab
6.8 10690a 21130a 51a 640a 32a 52a
13.6 10399a 20990a 50a 620a 32a 52a
20.5 10568a 21564a 49a 641a 32a 53a
27.3 10924a 21864a 50a 654a 33a 51b
年度均值 Annual average
2021 7312 16052 46 593 28 44
2022 10587* 21329* 50* 638* 32* 52*
0 8880a 18535a 48a 604a 30a 49a
6.8 8869a 18154a 48a 587a 31a 49a
13.6 8929a 18826a 47a 631a 30a 47a
20.5 8710a 18259a 47a 592a 30a 48a
27.3 9362a 19682a 47a 663a 30a 47a

Fig. 2

Effects of Zn application rates on the Zn concentration in different organs and different grain tissues of wheat The regression equation between Zn concentrations of different organs of wheat or tissues of grain and Zn application rates. Straw: y=-0.0012x2+ 0.1684x+3.7284; Chaff: y=-0.0047x2+0.2834x+22.09; Grain: y=-0.0146x2+0.7261x+22.098; Bran: y=-0.0268x2+1.8052x+57.049; Flour: y=-0.0055x2+0.2639x+ 8.1732. The average Zn concentrations over 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 were shown in Fig.2-A, and those of 2021-2022 was shown in Fig.2-B. The different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments by the LSD test at P<0.05"

Table 3

Effects of Zn application rates on the Zn uptake of wheat"

Zn rate (kg·hm-2)
锌吸收量Zn uptake (g·hm-2)
地上部 Shoot 茎叶 Straw 颖壳 Chaff 籽粒 Grain 面粉 Flour 麸皮 Bran
0 250c 28c 10b 212c 55b 149c
6.8 340b 44bc 14b 283b 72a 196b
13.6 329b 35bc 14b 279b 74b 197b
20.5 379ab 53ab 17ab 310ab 78a 219ab
27.3 417a 63a 23a 331a 81a 250a

Fig. 3

Effects of Zn application rates on the Zn distribution proportion in different organs and different grain tissues of wheat Data are the average over the two years of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 in Fig.3-A, and that are one year of 2021-2022 in Fig.3-B. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference among treatments by the LSD test at P<0.05"

Table 4

Effects of Zn application rates on the soil available Zn concentration (mg·kg-1)"

Zn rate (kg·hm-2)
土层 Soil layer (cm)
0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Pre-sowing in 2021-2022
0 0.38±0.05c 0.31±0.04d 0.10±0.01c 0.07±0.01b 0.05±0.02c
6.8 1.66±0.19c 0.78±0.18cd 0.16±0.02bc 0.10±0.01b 0.09±0.01bc
13.6 2.01±0.33b 1.72±0.22bc 0.23±0.03b 0.11±0.02b 0.08±0.01bc
20.5 4.20±0.56a 2.51±0.21ab 0.26±0.04b 0.14±0.02ab 0.12±0.02ab
27.3 4.41±0.10a 2.83±0.32a 0.42±0.06a 0.24±0.08a 0.14±0.01a
均值 Average 2.53±0.20 1.63±0.19 0.23±0.03 0.13±0.03 0.10±0.01
At harvest in 2021-2022
0 0.71±0.16e 0.27±0.05c 0.12±0.01c 0.10±0.01b 0.10±0.01b
6.8 2.38±0.23d* 0.83±0.20bc 0.21±0.04bc 0.14±0.03ab 0.16±0.03ab
13.6 4.20±0.55c* 1.16±0.22b 0.25±0.06bc 0.16±0.03ab 0.22±0.05ab
20.5 6.76±0.39b* 2.33±0.33a 0.54±0.14a 0.29±0.10a 0.38±0.15ab
27.3 9.47±0.91a* 2.50±0.21a 0.47±0.11ab 0.25±0.03ab 0.39±0.12a
均值 Average 4.70±0.45* 1.42±0.20 0.32±0.07 0.19±0.04 0.25±0.07

Fig. 4

Relationships of soil available Zn with Zn uptake and distribution in wheat The ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn uptake in Fig.4-A; the ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn concentration in Fig.4-B; the ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn distribution proportion in Fig.4-C; the data of Zn uptake, Zn concentration and Zn distribution proportion of straw, chaff, grain, flour and bran are the average of 2021-2022 in Fig.4; and the abscissa (x) is soil available Zn concentration at harvest of 2021-2022. **: P<0.01, *: P<0.05"

Fig. 5

Relationships of different organs and different grain tissues Zn concentration with Zn uptake and distribution of wheat The ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn uptake in Fig.5-A; the ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn concentration in Fig. 5-B; the ordinate (y) is straw, chaff, grain, flour, and bran Zn distribution proportion in Fig. 5-C; and the abscissa (x) is grain, flour, and bran Zn concentration; the data of Zn uptake, Zn concentration and Zn distribution proportion of straw, chaff and grain are the two-year’s averages of 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 and those of the Zn uptake, Zn concentration and Zn distribution proportion in the bran and flour are the average of 2021-2022 in Fig. 5. **: P<0.01, *: P<0.05"

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