Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (9): 1687-1708.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.09.006


Classification and Identification of Nitrogen Efficiency of Wheat Varieties Based on UAV Multi-Temporal Images

ZANG ShaoLong1(), LIU LinRu1, GAO YueZhi1, WU Ke1, HE Li1,3(), DUAN JianZhao1, SONG Xiao2, FENG Wei1,3()   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046
    2 Institute of Plant Nutrition and Environmental Resources, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002
    3 National Engineering Research Centre for Wheat, Zhengzhou 450046
  • Received:2023-11-19 Accepted:2024-03-01 Online:2024-05-01 Published:2024-05-09
  • Contact: HE Li, FENG Wei


【Objective】To explore the potential of UAV remote sensing in nitrogen efficiency classification and recognition, a nitrogen efficiency classification method for wheat varieties was constructed, so as to provide the theoretical basis and technical support for nitrogen efficient variety screening.【Method】Six agronomic indicators related to nitrogen efficiency at maturity stage (yield, plant nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen physiological use efficiency, plant dry biomass, total nitrogen uptake of grains, and N harvest index) were used to construct the principal component synthesis value, and K-Means cluster analysis was performed on them. The 121 wheat varieties were divided into three types: high, medium, and low nitrogen efficiency types. A UAV remote sensing platform equipped with a multi-spectral camera was used to obtain remote sensing images of wheat at the jointing, booting and flowering stages, and 34 vegetation indices were extracted to analyze the correlation between vegetation index and nitrogen efficiency comprehensive value. The accuracy of nitrogen efficiency classification models of support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification methods were compared, and the overall classification accuracy (OA) and Kappa coefficient were used to compare the classification and recognition ability of wheat varieties in different growth periods. Three different feature set screening methods(ReliefF algorithm, Boruta algorithm and RF-RFE algorithm) were used to comprehensively evaluate the optimized feature subsets, and an appropriate classification and recognition method for wheat varieties nitrogen efficiency was established.【Result】With the progress of wheat growth stage, the correlation between vegetation index and the comprehensive value of nitrogen efficiency gradually increased, which reached the highest correlation coefficient at flowering stage (r=0.502). The full feature set of vegetation indices was used to classify the nitrogen efficiency of wheat varieties. For the data of single growth stage, SVM model had the best classification accuracy at flowering stage (OA=77.1%, Kappa=0.591), and the worst classification accuracy at jointing stage (OA=65.6%, Kappa=0.406). In general, the classification accuracy of nitrogen efficiency of varieties with multi-growth stage data fusion was higher than that of single growth stage, among which SVM model with jointing stage + booting stage + flowering stage had the best classification accuracy (OA=80.6%, Kappa=0.669). In order to reduce the number of feature set variables in multi-growth period data fusion, the feature optimization effects of RF-RFE, Boruta and ReliefF algorithms were compared and analyzed. The optimal feature subset based on RF-RFE algorithm had the highest classification accuracy, and its OA and Kappa coefficients were 4.0% and 10.1% higher than those of the full feature set classification model, respectively. Among them, the data fusion of three growth stages had the best classification accuracy (OA=85.4%, Kappa=0.749).【Conclusion】The nitrogen efficiency evaluation method with six nitrogen efficiency indexes - principal component analysis -K-Means were established in this study. The RF-RFE algorithm effectively optimized the number of characteristic subsets of the multi-growth period combination, and obtained high classification accuracy. A nitrogen efficiency classification model of wheat varieties based on the fusion of multi-growth period combination and RF-RFE-SVM technology was established, which provided the theoretical basis and technical support for the rapid and accurate classification and identification of wheat varieties with nitrogen efficiency.

Key words: winter wheat, UAV, vegetation index, multiple growth periods, feature selection, nitrogen efficiency classification

Fig. 1

Profile of the research areas a: Xingyang City, Henan Province; b: Yuanyang County, Henan Province"

Table 1

Numbers and names of the studied raw cultivars"

Variety name
Variety name
Variety name
Variety name
C1 中麦30
Zhongmai 30
C32 泛育麦20
Fanyumai 20
C62 丰德存5号
Fengdecun 5
C92 西农926
Xinong 926
C2 新麦30
Xinmai 30
C33 西农99
Xinong 99
C63 郑麦1926
Zhengmai 1926
C93 科大116
Keda 116
C3 秋乐168
Qiule 168
C34 泛麦8号
Fanmai 8
C64 矮抗58
Aikang 58
C94 天民304
Tianmin 304
C4 大平原1号
Dapingyuan 1
C35 中育1686
Zhongyu 1686
C65 鑫华818
Xinhua 818
C95 郑366
Zheng 366
C5 新麦26
Xinmai 26
C36 开麦1502
Kaimai 1502
C66 西农633
Xinong 633
C96 豫农416
Yunong 416
C6 周麦27
Zhoumai 27
C37 中麦578
Zhongmai 578
C67 西农579
Xinong 579
C97 郑麦113
Zhengmai 113
C7 郑麦369
Zhengmai 369
C38 漯麦18
Luomai 18
C68 豫农907
Yunong 907
C98 豫农186
Yunong 186
C8 洛麦41
Luomai 41
C39 兰考198
Lankao 198
C69 浚麦8105
Xunmai 8105
C99 西农161
Xinong 161
C9 西农20
Xinong 20
C40 平安0602
Pingan 0602
C70 西农586
Xinong 586
C100 郑麦33
Zhengmai 33
C10 平安658
Pingan 658
C41 泰农18
Tainong 18
C71 豫农908
Yunong 908
C101 郑育11
Zhengyu 11
C11 怀川709
Huaichuan 709
C42 阜麦936
Fumai 936
C72 艾麦24
Aimai 24
C102 豫农804
Yunong 804
C12 周麦30
Zhoumai 30
C43 平安518
Pingan 518
C73 漯丰7011
Luomai 7011
C103 泉麦39
Quanmai 39
C13 洛麦37
Luomai 37
C44 新麦45
Xinmai 45
C74 稷麦337
Jimai 337
C104 连麦1901
Lianmai 1901
C14 怀川758
Huaichuan 758
C45 云台301
Yuntai 301
C75 富麦916
Fumai 916
C105 周麦28
Zhoumai 28
C15 漯麦163
Luomai 163
C46 优麦3号
Youmai 3
C76 春晓158
Chunxiao 158
C106 百农889
Bainong 889
C16 偃高58
Yangao 58
C47 豫麦49198
Yumai 49198
C77 滑育麦1号
Huayumai 1
C107 轮选369
Lunxuan 369
C17 洛麦31
Luomai 31
C48 扬麦22
Yangmai 22
C78 轮选136
Lunxuan 136
C108 洛麦27
Luomai 27
C18 新麦60
Xinmai 60
C49 郑麦163
Zhengmai 163
C79 许麦1706
Xumai 1706
C109 许科168
Xuke 168
C19 天宁38号
Tianning 38
C50 轮选989
Lunxuan 989
C80 昌麦20
Changmai 20
C110 洛麦29
Luomai 29
C20 百麦1811
Baimai 1811
C51 轮选125
Lunxuan 125
C81 徐麦17106
Xumai 17106
C111 天麦119
Tianmai 119
C21 郑麦136
Zhengmai 136
C52 百农207
Bainong 207
C82 新麦65
Xinmai 65
C112 保丰1903
Baofeng 1903
C22 西农511
Xinong 511
C53 豫麦18
Yumai 18
C83 周麦33号
Zhoumai 33
C113 漯丰1901
Luofeng 1901
C23 郑麦158
Zhengmai 158
C54 轮选69
Lunxuan 69
C84 怀川101
Huaichuan 101
C114 许麦1636
Xumai 1636
C24 中育1428
Zhongyu 1428
C55 豫麦61
Yumai 61
C85 吉兴653
Jixing 653
C115 阜麦16
Fumai 16
C25 囤麦259
Tunmai 259
C56 小偃6号
Xiaoyan 6
C86 鹤麦601
Hemai 601
C116 中育1220
Zhongyu 1220
C26 洛麦26
Luomai 26
C57 济麦229
Jimai 229
C87 憨丰3468
Hanfeng 3468
C117 新麦29
Xinmai 29
C27 洛麦34
Luomai 34
C58 存麦29
Cunmai 29
C88 职院171
Zhiyuan 171
C118 周麦32
Zhoumai 32
C28 囤麦257
Tunmai 257
C59 西农979
Xinong 979
C89 郑研麦182
Zhengyanmai 182
C119 囤麦127
Tunmai 127
C29 郑品麦8号
Zhengpinmai 8
C60 太麦198
Taimai 198
C90 百农4199
Bainong 4199
C120 郑麦618
Zhengmai 618
C30 郑麦1860
Zhengmai 1860
C61 涡麦44
Womai 44
C91 郑大181
Zhengda 181
C121 泛育麦18
Fanyumai 18
C31 存麦16 Cunmai 16

Fig. 2

Technical flowchart"

Fig. 3

DJI M600Pro UAV, equipped with camera and image acquisition"

Table 2

Spectral indices and calculation formula in this study"

植被指数 Vegetation indices 公式 Formulas
归一化植被指数NDVI (Rnir-Rred)/(Rnir+Rred)
重归一化植被指数RDVI 0.5(Rnir-Rred)/(Rnir+Rred)
优化土壤调节植被指数OSAVI 1.16(Rnir-Rred)/(Rnir+Rred+0.16)
归一化绿度植被指数GNDVI (Rnir-Rgreen)/(Rnir+Rgreen)
红波段比值植被指数RVIred Rnir/Rred
红边归一化植被指数NDRE (Rnir-Rre)/(Rnir+Rre)
双波段增强植被指数EVI2 2.5(Rnir-Rred)/(Rnir+2.4Rred+1)
改良叶绿素吸收率指数MCARI [Rre-Rred-0.2(Rre-Rgreen)]/(Rre/Rred)
转化叶绿素吸收反射指数TCARI 3[Rnir-Rred-0.2(Rnir-Rgreen)(Rnir/Rred)]
改善简单比率植被指数MSR (Rnir/Rred-1)/[(Rnir/Rred)0.5+1]
结构不敏感色素指数SIPI (Rnir-Rblue)/(Rnir-Rred)
植被衰减指数PSRI (Rnir-Rgreen)/Rnir
宽动态植被指数WDRVI (0.1Rnir-Rred)/(0.1Rnir+Rred)
差值植被指数DVI Rnir-Rred
非线性指数NLI (Rnir2-Rred)/(Rnir2+Rred)
三角植被指数TVI 60(Rnir-Rgreen)-100(Rred-Rgreen)
改善三角植被指数MTVI2 1.5[1.2(Rnir-Rgreen)-2.5(Rred-Rgreen)]/[(2Rnir+1)2-(6Rnir-5Rred0.5)-0.5]0.5
红边土壤调整植被指数RESAVI 1.5(Rnir-Rre)/(Rnir+Rred+0.5)
改进土壤调节植被指数MSAVI 0.5{2Rnir+1-[(2Rnir+1)2-8(Rnir-Rred)]0.5}
红边比值植被指数RERVI Rnir/Rre
垂直植被指数PVI 2.5(Rnir-10.489Rred-6.604)/(1+10.4892)0.5
红边差异植被指数REDVI Rnir-Rre
绿波段比值植被指数RVIgreen Rnir/Rgreen
红边宽动态植被指数REWDRVI (0.12Rnir-Rre)/(0.12Rnir+Rre)
最佳植被指数VIopt1 100(lnRnir-lnRre)
红边反射植被指数RRE (Rnir+Rred)/2
红边重归一化植被指数RERDVI (Rnir-Rre)/(Rnir+Rre)0.5
归一化绿蓝植被指数GBNDVI (Rnir-Rgreen-Rblue)/(Rnir+Rgreen+Rblue)
修正红边变换植被指数MRETVI 1.2[1.2(Rnir-Rgreen)-2.5(Rre-Rgreen)]
绿色宽动态植被指数GWDRVI (0.12Rnir-Rgreen)/(0.12Rnir+Rgreen)
改进归一化差异指数MNDI (Rnir-Rre)/(Rnir-Rgreen)
DATT (Rnir-Rre)/(Rnir-Rred)
归一化红边指数NREI Rre/(Rnir+Rre+Rgreen)
MERIS陆地叶绿素指数MTCI (Rnir-Rre)/(Rre-Rred)

Table 3

Evaluation index analysis of nitrogen efficiency of tested wheat varieties"

Plant nitrogen accumulation(kg·hm-2
Nitrogen physiological utilization efficiency(kg/kg)
Dry plant weight
Total nitrogen uptake amount of grain
N harvest index(kg/kg)
最小值 Minimum 3747.263 92.987 22.697 4690.196 79.300 0.549
最大值 Maximum 10214.400 281.304 56.771 19581.582 217.876 0.905
标准差 SD 947.395 35.408 6.998 2643.563 23.819 0.067
平均值 Mean 6477.528 170.242 39.075 12368.062 136.316 0.763
变异系数 CV (%) 14.626 20.799 17.910 21.374 17.474 8.754

Table 4

Rotated eigenvalues, contributions, cumulative contributions and component loading value of PCA"

Principal component
载荷值 Load value 特征值
Contribution rate (%)
Cumulative contribution rate (%)
Plant nitrogen accumulation
Nitrogen physiological utilization efficiency
Dry plant weight
Total nitrogen uptake amount of grain
N harvest index
F1 0.063 0.860 -0.937 0.780 0.179 -0.001 2.262 37.7 37.7
F2 0.975 0.465 0.263 0.409 0.911 0.104 2.244 37.4 75.1
F3 0.049 0.020 -0.012 -0.022 0.124 0.993 1.006 16.8 91.9

Table 5

Principal component comprehensive evaluation of the studied wheat cultivars"

Breed number
F1 F2 F3 F 品种编号
Breed number
F1 F2 F3 F
C1 -0.317 0.641 0.818 0.142 C62 -0.629 -0.245 -2.503 -0.770
C2 -2.011 1.418 0.208 -0.586 C63 0.888 0.475 -0.904 0.424
C3 -1.072 2.763 -0.114 0.187 C64 -1.093 -0.445 -1.344 -0.871
C4 1.558 -0.820 -0.464 0.480 C65 -0.927 -0.314 -0.024 -0.546
C5 1.171 -0.146 1.237 0.735 C66 -0.711 2.003 -0.301 0.134
C6 -2.373 1.041 0.733 -0.783 C67 2.748 -1.147 -0.506 0.976
C7 -0.432 0.977 0.119 0.065 C68 1.629 -1.093 0.327 0.567
C8 -0.155 -0.042 0.362 -0.031 C69 -0.765 0.460 -0.511 -0.337
C9 -0.006 0.885 0.963 0.384 C70 -1.388 2.118 0.259 -0.083
C10 0.681 -1.102 -0.443 -0.026 C71 -2.323 1.811 -1.120 -0.844
C11 0.582 -0.452 0.013 0.170 C72 -0.038 -0.899 -0.289 -0.303
C12 -0.981 0.873 -0.662 -0.357 C73 1.612 -3.448 -0.519 -0.201
C13 0.483 1.710 -0.767 0.574 C74 -0.942 1.702 -0.580 -0.105
C14 1.751 -0.988 -0.135 0.583 C75 -1.488 -2.072 -1.125 -1.465
C15 2.400 0.508 -0.070 1.313 C76 -0.146 -2.357 0.762 -0.580
C16 -0.458 0.391 -2.511 -0.517 C77 -3.360 0.514 1.877 -1.233
C17 -1.466 1.810 -1.177 -0.429 C78 0.611 1.384 0.871 0.808
C18 -1.272 2.205 -0.894 -0.183 C79 -2.138 0.572 1.842 -0.618
C19 -0.711 0.174 0.728 -0.191 C80 -1.821 -0.316 1.690 -0.721
C20 -0.111 -0.329 0.171 -0.116 C81 0.568 -0.359 0.577 0.277
C21 -0.197 0.598 0.289 0.107 C82 -0.993 0.503 0.883 -0.220
C22 -1.496 0.626 -0.916 -0.718 C83 1.539 1.277 1.063 1.269
C23 2.322 -0.657 0.150 0.998 C84 -3.303 -0.793 0.820 -1.718
C24 -0.843 1.528 0.105 0.006 C85 -2.781 -0.974 0.833 -1.506
C25 1.371 -0.396 -1.048 0.409 C86 -1.936 -1.588 -0.315 -1.431
C26 -1.296 0.084 0.360 -0.563 C87 0.423 0.861 0.680 0.546
C27 -0.666 -0.680 0.398 -0.449 C88 0.865 -0.012 -0.223 0.390
C28 0.492 -0.398 0.740 0.254 C89 0.954 0.778 0.852 0.813
C29 -1.476 -1.032 0.832 -0.875 C90 4.364 0.249 -0.764 2.107
C30 2.381 -1.044 1.470 1.132 C91 0.372 -1.094 -0.488 -0.183
C31 2.202 -1.051 0.719 0.924 C92 0.039 0.394 0.995 0.281
C32 1.328 -0.610 0.730 0.610 C93 -1.180 0.379 1.978 -0.173
C33 0.202 -0.103 0.702 0.183 C94 -2.722 -0.602 1.461 -1.279
C34 0.126 0.049 -0.126 0.056 C95 -1.469 -0.462 0.316 -0.801
C35 -0.181 1.094 0.192 0.231 C96 0.018 -1.265 -0.429 -0.395
C36 1.531 0.562 -0.051 0.900 C97 5.070 2.615 -0.155 3.183
C37 2.610 -1.414 0.361 0.973 C98 -1.095 -0.871 0.252 -0.735
C38 0.981 -2.864 -1.846 -0.566 C99 0.665 -0.939 -0.135 0.058
C39 -2.627 0.864 -2.907 -1.527 C100 0.654 -0.626 -0.461 0.085
C40 0.902 -0.348 0.359 0.411 C101 1.691 0.077 0.114 0.876
C41 -2.718 0.103 -1.911 -1.619 C102 -4.342 -0.949 2.120 -2.070
C42 -0.107 -1.098 -0.821 -0.474 C103 -0.220 0.625 1.729 0.329
C43 -1.018 1.756 -1.385 -0.254 C104 0.945 0.360 0.120 0.583
C44 -0.485 1.925 -0.780 0.149 C105 2.353 1.331 0.326 1.571
C45 0.864 -0.213 -1.090 0.200 C106 -0.243 -2.186 -0.464 -0.775
C46 -1.828 -0.370 0.557 -0.916 C107 0.958 -0.269 0.418 0.469
C47 -0.065 0.660 -1.906 -0.156 C108 -0.102 -2.081 -0.771 -0.726
C48 -0.708 0.061 -0.690 -0.443 C109 3.877 1.811 0.524 2.485
C49 -0.284 2.189 -1.453 0.214 C110 2.431 -0.157 -0.175 1.135
C50 -0.835 0.143 -0.640 -0.476 C111 -2.170 -1.724 -0.457 -1.605
C51 2.213 -1.481 -1.143 0.522 C112 0.232 0.647 0.690 0.395
C52 2.023 0.189 0.169 1.078 C113 -0.654 0.268 0.714 -0.141
C53 -0.903 -0.914 -0.044 -0.697 C114 -0.670 -0.885 0.353 -0.512
C54 -0.106 0.867 0.908 0.321 C115 0.774 -0.621 -0.040 0.212
C55 -0.587 -0.615 -0.016 -0.457 C116 1.676 1.766 1.622 1.555
C56 -1.346 1.678 -0.780 -0.343 C117 5.175 1.677 0.290 3.055
C57 -2.038 1.776 -1.254 -0.734 C118 2.738 2.314 0.319 2.022
C58 0.668 0.214 -0.468 0.314 C119 -0.605 -0.974 0.267 -0.517
C59 3.495 -2.360 0.963 1.254 C120 -2.297 -1.011 0.991 -1.251
C60 -0.806 -2.776 -2.516 -1.533 C121 -2.325 -1.947 0.824 -1.540
C61 0.654 -2.304 0.522 -0.207

Table 6

Clustering results and clustering centers of tested wheat cultivars based on comprehensive score of nitrogen efficiency"

Breed number
Clustering center
Low nitrogen
efficiency type
C2、C6、C12、C16、C17、C22、C26、C27、C29、C38、C39、C41、C42、C46、C48、C50、C53、C55、C56、C57、C60、C62、C64、C65、C69、C71、C72、C75、C76、C77、C79、C80、C84、C85、C86、C94、C95、C96、C98、C102、C106、C108、C111、C114、C119、C120、C121 -0.856
Medium nitrogen
efficiency type
C1、C3、C4、C5、C7、C8、C9、C10、C11、C13、C14、C18、C19、C20、C21、C23、C24、C25、C28、C31、C32、C33、C34、C35、C36、C37、C40、C43、C44、C45、C47、C49、C51、C54、C58、C61、C63、C66、C67、C68、C70、C73、C74、C78、C81、C82、C87、C88、C89、C91、C92、C93、C99、C100、C101、C103、C104、C107、C112、C113、C115 0.280
High nitrogen efficiency type
C15、C30、C52、C59、C83、C90、C97、C105、C109、C110、C116、C117、C118 1.782

Fig. 4

Band reflectance boxplot of three nitrogen efficiency varieties at different growth stages"

Fig. 5

Correlation heat map between vegetation indices and the comprehensive value of nitrogen efficiency of wheat at different growth stages"

Table 7

Classification accuracy of nitrogen efficiency of wheat varieties based on single growth stage"

Growth stage
KNN RF SVM 平均值 Mean
OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa
S1 55.8 0.154 62.4 0.358 65.6 0.406 61.3 0.306
S2 65.2 0.354 68.3 0.454 72.1 0.511 68.6 0.440
S3 66.3 0.380 72.2 0.510 77.1 0.591 71.9 0.493
平均值 Mean 62.4 0.296 67.6 0.441 71.6 0.503

Table 8

Classification accuracy of nitrogen efficiency of wheat varieties based on multiple growth stages"

Growth stage
KNN RF SVM 平均值 Mean
OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa OA(%) Kappa
S1+S2 65.2 0.352 72.3 0.523 74.4 0.557 70.6 0.477
S1+S3 66.7 0.387 74.7 0.565 77.1 0.609 72.8 0.521
S2+S3 68.1 0.414 76.8 0.592 78.0 0.620 74.3 0.542
S1+S2+S3 70.3 0.451 79.3 0.632 80.6 0.669 76.7 0.584
平均值 Mean 67.6 0.401 75.8 0.578 77.5 0.614

Fig. 6

Optimization results of multiple growth stages feature sets based on RF-RFE"

Fig. 7

Optimization results of multiple growth stages feature sets based on Boruta"

Fig. 8

Optimization results of multiple growth stages feature sets based on ReliefF"

Fig. 9

Evaluation of nitrogen efficiency classification model of wheat varieties based on different feature selection algorithms of vegetation indices in multiple growth stages"

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