Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (21): 4623-4634.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.21.012
• HORTICULTURE • Previous Articles Next Articles
GAO YongBo1(),WANG ShiXian1,WEI Min1,LI Jing1,GAO ZhongQiang4,MENG Lun5,YANG FengJuan1,2,3,*()
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[1] | XIAO DeShun, XU ChunMei, WANG DanYing, ZHANG XiuFu, CHEN Song, CHU Guang, LIU YuanHui. Effects of Rhizosphere Oxygen Environment on Phosphorus Uptake of Rice Seedlings and Its Physiological Mechanisms in Hydroponic Condition [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(2): 236-248. |
[2] | ZHANG XiaoLi, TAO Wei, GAO GuoQing, CHEN Lei, GUO Hui, ZHANG Hua, TANG MaoYan, LIANG TianFeng. Effects of Direct Seeding Cultivation Method on Growth Stage, Lodging Resistance and Yield Benefit of Double-Cropping Early Rice [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(2): 249-263. |
[3] | YAN YanGe, ZHANG ShuiQin, LI YanTing, ZHAO BingQiang, YUAN Liang. Effects of Dextran Modified Urea on Winter Wheat Yield and Fate of Nitrogen Fertilizer [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(2): 287-299. |
[4] | XU JiuKai, YUAN Liang, WEN YanChen, ZHANG ShuiQin, LI YanTing, LI HaiYan, ZHAO BingQiang. Nitrogen Fertilizer Replacement Value of Livestock Manure in the Winter Wheat Growing Season [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(2): 300-313. |
[5] | WANG CaiXiang,YUAN WenMin,LIU JuanJuan,XIE XiaoYu,MA Qi,JU JiSheng,CHEN Da,WANG Ning,FENG KeYun,SU JunJi. Comprehensive Evaluation and Breeding Evolution of Early Maturing Upland Cotton Varieties in the Northwest Inland of China [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 1-16. |
[6] | ZHAO ZhengXin,WANG XiaoYun,TIAN YaJie,WANG Rui,PENG Qing,CAI HuanJie. Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Types on Summer Maize Yield and Soil Ammonia Volatilization Under Future Climate Change [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 104-117. |
[7] | ZHAO HaiXuan,ZHANG YiTao,LI WenChao,MA WenQi,ZHAI LiMei,JU XueHai,CHEN HanTing,KANG Rui,SUN ZhiMei,XI Bin,LIU HongBin. Spatial Characteristic and Its Factors of Nitrogen Surplus of Crop and Livestock Production in the Core Area of the Baiyangdian Basin [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 118-128. |
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[9] | XIONG WeiYi,XU KaiWei,LIU MingPeng,XIAO Hua,PEI LiZhen,PENG DanDan,CHEN YuanXue. Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Levels on Photosynthetic Characteristics, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Spring Maize in Sichuan Province [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(9): 1735-1748. |
[10] | LI YiLing,PENG XiHong,CHEN Ping,DU Qing,REN JunBo,YANG XueLi,LEI Lu,YONG TaiWen,YANG WenYu. Effects of Reducing Nitrogen Application on Leaf Stay-Green, Photosynthetic Characteristics and System Yield in Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(9): 1749-1762. |
[11] | GUO ShiBo,ZHANG FangLiang,ZHANG ZhenTao,ZHOU LiTao,ZHAO Jin,YANG XiaoGuang. The Possible Effects of Global Warming on Cropping Systems in China XIV. Distribution of High-Stable-Yield Zones and Agro-Meteorological Disasters of Soybean in Northeast China [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(9): 1763-1780. |
[12] | WANG HaoLin,MA Yue,LI YongHua,LI Chao,ZHAO MingQin,YUAN AiJing,QIU WeiHong,HE Gang,SHI Mei,WANG ZhaoHui. Optimal Management of Phosphorus Fertilization Based on the Yield and Grain Manganese Concentration of Wheat [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(9): 1800-1810. |
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