Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (18): 3847-3859.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.18.005


The Possible Effects of Global Warming on Cropping Systems in China ⅫⅠ. Precipitation Limitation on Adjusting Maturity Cultivars of Spring Maize and Its Possible Influence on Yield in Three Provinces of Northeastern China

LI E1(),ZHAO Jin1(),YE Qing2,GAO JiQing1,YANG XiaoGuang1   

  1. 1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
    2College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045
  • Received:2020-11-19 Accepted:2021-02-01 Online:2021-09-16 Published:2021-09-26
  • Contact: Jin ZHAO;


【Objective】Under the background of climate change, this study focused on the changing precipitation and its possible influence on yield in the sensitive areas with adjusting spring maize maturity cultivars in the three provinces in Northeastern China, which could provide a scientific reference for the local cultivars’ adjustment of spring maize. 【Method】 Taking 1985 as the time node, the period of 1961-2017 was split into two sub-periods (1961-1985 and 1986-2017) in this study. Based on the observed meteorological data in 24 meteorological stations and observed maize growth stages in 16 agrometeorological experimental stations in the sensitive area, the changing characteristics of water conditions in the maize growth stages was analyzed, and the influence of precipitation on the climatic potential yield was adjusted by the ‘correction step by step’ method. 【Result】(1)During 1961-2017, the actual sowing dates in the sensitive area showed an advanced trend, while the maturity dates showed a delayed trend, which indicated the adjustment of maturity cultivars in the actual practice and the actual growth stage was prolonged. (2)The adjustment of maturity cultivars in sensitive areas increased the water demand in the early (sowing to jointing) and late (flowering to maturity) stages, but decreased the water demand in the middle (jointing to flowering) stage. Meanwhile, the effective precipitation in the early stage showed an increasing trend, while a decreasing trend was found in the middle and late stages. (3)After the adjustment of maturity cultivars, the satisfaction rate of effective precipitation in the middle stage was the lowest. (4)With the adjustment of maturity cultivars, the climatic potential yield showed a decreasing trend in Kuandian and Tongyu stations in the south and west of area 5, where those middle-late-maturing cultivars were adjusted into late-maturing ones. However, the climatic potential yield showed an increasing trend and decreased in the north of area 1 where especial-early-maturing cultivars were adjusted into early-maturing cultivars, and area 3 where early-maturing cultivars were adjusted into middle-maturing cultivars. 【Conclusion】 Under the background of climate change, the effective precipitation satisfaction rate, K value in sensitive areas of Northeast China decreased in the middle and late growth stages, and the climatic potential yield decreased in the west and south of the study area, while increased in the east with high instability. Therefore, in the eastern, western, and southern parts of sensitive areas, more attention should be paid to the selection of mature cultivars of spring maize, and irrigation should be carried out in time in the middle and late growth stages of spring maize.

Key words: three provinces of Northeastern China, sensitive area, spring maize, production potential

Table 1

Regional distribution of meteorological stations and growth period stations and growth period data years"

Area name
Adjustment characteristics of maturity cultivars
Station name
Name of growth period station used
Growth period data time
Area 1
Especial-early was adjusted into early
黑河 Heihe 嘉萌Jiameng 1995-2007
孙吴Sunwu 嘉萌Jiameng 1995-2007
Area 2
Early was adjusted into middle
克山Keshan 海伦Hailun 1981-2007
明水Mingshui 青冈Qinggang 1982-2007
海伦Hailun 海伦Hailun 1981-2007
铁力Tieli 佳木斯Jiamusi 1990-2007
鹤岗Hegang 集贤Jixian 1983-2007
Area 3
Early was adjusted into middle
虎林Hulin 集贤Jixian 1983-2007
尚志Shangzhi 五常Wuchang 1983-2007
Area 4
Middle was adjusted into middle-late
齐齐哈尔Qiqihaer 富裕Fuyu 1995-2007
安达Anda 青冈Qinggang 1982-2007
哈尔滨Harbin 哈尔滨Harbin 1984-2007
三岔河Sanchahe 扶余Fuyu 1981-1989、2000-2006
桦甸Huadian 桦甸Huadian 1981-2006
通化Tonghua 通化Tonghua 1981-2006
临江Linjiang 梅河口Meihekou 1985-2006
Area 5
Middle-late was adjusted into late
通榆Tongyu 长岭Changling 1981-2006
乾安Qian’an 农安Nong’an 1984-2004
长岭Changling 长岭Changling 1981-2006
双辽Shuangliao 梨树Lishu 1981-2006
四平Siping 梨树Lishu 1981-2006
宽甸Kuandian 宽甸Kuandian 1981-1993
前郭尔罗斯Qianguoerluosi 农安Nong’an 1984-2004
集安Ji’an 通化Tonghua 1981-2006

Fig. 1

The study area and distribution of the meteorological station"

Table 2

Division of different growth periods and crop coefficient"

Kc 前期 Early stage 中期 Middle stage 后期 Late stage
0.3 1.15 0.6
Growth period
Jointing-flowering (spinning)
Flowering (spinning)-maturity

Fig. 2

Frequency distribution diagram of growth period change at stations in the study area"

Fig. 3

Changes of crop water demand at different growth stages (a. Early stage; b. Middle stage; c. Late stage) from 1961 to 2017"

Fig. 4

Changes of effective precipitation at different growth stages (a. Early stage; b. Middle stage; c. Late stage) from 1961 to 2017"

Fig. 5

Distribution characteristics of effective precipitation satisfaction rate K in different growth stages of sensitive areas from 1961 to 2017 (a. Effective precipitation satisfaction rate in period i; b. the satisfaction rate of effective precipitation in period ii; c. comparison of effective precipitation satisfaction rate in k period; 1. Early stage; 2. Middle stage; 3. Late stage)"

Fig. 6

Distribution of average value (a, b), variation trend (c), range of increases and decreases (d), coefficient of variation (e) of climatic production potential of spring maize in different periods in the study area and climatic potential yield and the changing of effective precipitation satisfaction rate during growth stages (f)"

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