Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (18): 3834-3846.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.18.004


Combined Effects of Shade and Waterlogging on Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Summer Maize

YU WeiZhen1(),ZHANG XiaoChi2(),HU Juan1,SHAO JingYi1,LIU Peng1,ZHAO Bin1,REN BaiZhao1()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Taian 271018, Shandong
    2College of Food Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, Shandong
  • Received:2020-09-16 Accepted:2020-12-18 Online:2021-09-16 Published:2021-09-26
  • Contact: BaiZhao REN;;


【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological mechanism of shade and waterlogging combined treatment on photosynthetic characteristics of summer maize during different growth stages. 【Method】 DH605 was selected as the test variety. Shading treatment, waterlogging treatment and shading + waterlogging treatment were set in different growth periods under field conditions, including waterlogging at the third leaf stage (V3-W), the sixth leaf stage (V6-W), and flowering stage (VT-W); shading at V3 (V3-S), V6 (V6-S), and VT (VT-S); waterlogging and shading combined treatment at V3 (V3-S-W), V6 (V6-S-W), and VT stage (VT-S-W). The effects of shading and waterlogging compound treatment on yield, photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution of summer maize were studied, and the differences of photosynthetic characteristics and yield between single treatment and compound treatment were compared. 【Result】 After shading and waterlogging, the LAI, relative chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), Transpiration rate (Tr), and stomatal conductance (Gs) of summer maize were significantly decreased. Compared with CK, the Pn under V3-S-W, V6-S-W and VT-S-W was significantly decreased by 43.7%, 41.1% and 35.1%, respectively. Moreover, the net photosynthetic rate of the combined treatment of shading and waterlogging was decreased more than that of shading or waterlogging treatment. The combined treatment of shading and waterlogging resulted in the decrease of photosynthetic performance of summer maize, leading to the decrease of dry matter accumulation ability and grain distribution ratio of summer maize, and thus resulting in a significant decrease of maize yield. Compared with CK, the yield under V3-S-W, V6-S-W and VT-S-W were reduced by 32.5%, 28.3% and 24.7%, respectively. Compared with single shading or flooding treatment, the yield under V3-S-W was 26.3% and 13.1% lower than that under V3-S and V3-W, respectively. Compared with V6-S and V6-W, the grain yield under V6-S-W was decreased by 14.9% and 6.2%, respectively. Compared with VT-S and VT-W, the yield of VT-S-W was reduced by 2.9% and 15.0%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Combined treatment with shading and waterlogging resulted in significantly reduced LAI, decreased relative chlorophyll content and inhibited photosynthetic performance of summer maize, which led to hindered accumulation and distribution of photosynthetic compounds in summer maize, and thus resulting in the decrease of maize yield. Combined treatment with shading and waterlogging at V3 stage had the greatest effect on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize, followed by V6 and VT stage. At the same time, the photosynthetic characteristics and yield decreased by combined treatment with shading and waterlogging were higher than either single treatment.

Key words: summer maize, shade, waterlogging, combined stress of shade and waterlogging, yield, photosynthetic characteristics

Fig. 1

Climatic conditions during maize growth period from 2018 to 2019"

Fig. 2

Field microclimate during stress time CK represents control, W represents waterlogging treatment, S represents shade treatment, S+W represents waterlogging and shading combined treatment. The same as below"

Table 1

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on summer maize yield and its components"

2018 2019
1000-grain weight (g)
kernels per spike
Ear number (ear)
1000-grain weight (g)
kernels per spike
Ear number (ear)
CK 375ab 544a 67496 13770a 348a 496a 67496 13563a
V3-W 377a 477e 65962 11897cd 308de 364g 62304 8114f
V3-S 373abc 544a 65962 13386a 330b 480b 65850 12130b
V3-S-W 381a 450f 64561 11094e 304e 325h 64122 7378g
V6-W 365c 487d 64823 11528de 314d 375ef 62304 8538e
V6-S 378a 528b 63063 12590b 326bc 474c 64121 11542c
V6-S-W 373abc 464e 64741 11225e 314d 369fg 62292 8409ef
VT-W 366bc 518c 64684 12267bc 321c 462d 65850 11397c
VT-S 364c 518c 67496 12754b 326bc 372ef 64121 9051d
VT-S-W 373abc 480de 64624 11587de 321c 376e 64121 9025d
S ns ** - ** ** ** - **
W ns ** - ** ** ** - **
G ** ** - * ** ** - **
S×W ns ** - ns ** * - **
S×G ns ** - ns ns ** - **
W×G ns ** - * ** ** - **
S×W×G ns ** - ns ns ** - **

Table 2

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on photosynthetic rate and gas exchange parameters of maize (2019)"

Pn (μmol·m-2·s-1)
Tr (μmol·m-2·s-1)
Gs ((μmol·m-2·s-1)
Ci (μmol·m-2·s-1)
CK 37.7a 6.75a 357a 172c
V3-W 21.5e 4.63d 190e 248a
V3-S 35.9ab 5.76b 330bc 185bc
V3-S-W 21.2e 4.11d 181e 260a
V6-W 22.7de 4.71cd 197de 238a
V6-S 35.9ab 5.69b 346ab 201b
V6-S-W 22.2e 3.99e 189e 239a
VT-W 35.3b 5.66b 316c 189bc
VT-S 25.4c 5.30bc 212d 182bc
VT-S-W 24.5cd 5.30bc 194de 179bc
S ** ** ** **
W ** ** ** *
G ** ** ns **
S×W ** * * ns
S×G ** ns ns **
W×G ** ** ns **
S×W×G ns ns ns ns

Fig. 3

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on the relative content of chlorophyll * means significantly different at 0.05 probability level between different treatment. A, B, and C represent V3, V6, and VT, respectively, for shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment. The same as below"

Fig. 4

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on LAI A, B, and C represent V3, V6, and VT, respectively, for shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment"

Fig. 5

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on dry matter accumulation A, B, and C represent V3, V6, and VT, respectively, for shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment"

Table 3

Effects of shading, waterlogging and their combined treatment on dry matter distribution"

茎 Stem 叶 Leaf 粒 Grain 轴 Spike axis 单株
Total dry matter
Dry matter (g/plant)
Proportion (%)
Dry matter (g/plant)
Proportion (%)
Dry matter (g/plant)
Proportion (%)
Dry matter (g/plant)
Proportion (%)
CK 71.0ab 21.8% 37.0bc 11.4% 199.0a 61.1% 18.0b 5.5% 325.5a
V3-W 73.0ab 26.7% 44.7ab 16.4% 135.0d 49.3% 21.0ab 7.7% 273.7d
V3-S 68.0b 21.9% 39.6bc 12.7% 186.0ab 59.8% 17.5b 5.6% 311.1a
V3-S-W 75.0a 27.5% 42.2b 15.5% 132.0d 48.5% 23.0a 8.4% 272.2d
V6-W 66.8b 23.8% 45.4ab 16.5% 150.4c 53.0% 19.0b 6.7% 283.6cd
V6-S 65.0b 21.3% 41.6bc 13.7% 180.3b 59.2% 17.7b 5.8% 304.6bc
V6-S-W 66.2b 23.7% 52.7a 18.9% 141.0d 50.5% 19.5b 7.0% 279.3d
VT-W 70.5b 23.6% 32.2c 10.8% 175.0b 58.7% 20.5ab 6.9% 298.2c
VT-S 69.5b 24.0% 39.4bc 13.6% 161.0c 55.6% 19.8b 6.8% 289.7c
VT-S-W 69.9b 24.4% 36.6bc 12.8% 159.0c 55.5% 20.8ab 7.3% 286.3cd
2019 CK 76.7a 21.4% 36.9a 10.3% 202.4a 59.8% 22.6a 6.7% 338.6a
V3-W 46.5f 24.9% 25.3de 13.6% 97.5de 52.3% 17.6c 9.4% 186.5f
V3-S 62.0c 21.2% 32.9ab 11.2% 174.8b 59.8% 22.7a 7.8% 292.5c
V3-S-W 54.2e 30.9% 21.6e 12.3% 96.2e 49.1% 13.5d 7.7% 185.4g
V6-W 64.2c 29.9% 28.1cd 13.1% 105.7d 49.2% 16.7bc 9.6% 214.7e
V6-S 71.2b 24.5% 31.8bc 10.9% 167.7b 57.7% 20.1bc 6.9% 290.8c
V6-S-W 58.2d 27.5% 27.4cd 13.0% 105.9d 50.9% 10.2d 7.2% 211.4e
VT-W 72.2b 23.9% 37.9a 12.5% 167.9b 55.5% 24.7a 8.2% 302.7b
VT-S 76.5a 28.5% 37.0a 13.8% 132.8c 49.5% 22.1ab 8.2% 268.4d
VT-S-W 74.1ab 28.0% 37.4a 14.1% 132.4c 50.1% 20.5bc 7.8% 264.4d
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