Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 2510-2522.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.003


Precise Evaluation of 48 Maize Inbred Lines to Major Diseases

ZHAO ZiQi1(),ZHAO YaQi1(),LIN ChangPeng1,ZHAO YongZe1,YU YuXiao1,MENG QingLi2,ZENG GuangYing3,XUE JiQuan1,YANG Qin1()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas/Key Laboratory of Maize Biology and Genetic Breeding in Arid Area of Northwest Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
    2Baoji Institute of Agricultural Science, Qishan 722499, Shaanxi
    3Zhenping Institute of Agricultural Science, Zhenping 725600, Shaanxi
  • Received:2020-11-02 Accepted:2020-12-29 Online:2021-06-16 Published:2021-06-24
  • Contact: Qin YANG;;


【Objective】 In order to provide valuable resources to the maize community for enhancing disease resistance, we selected 30 core maize inbred lines from Shaan A and Shaan B heterotic groups, and 18 major maize germplasms worldwide for disease resistance evaluation and resistance gene identification.【Method】Gibberella stalk rot, Gibberella ear rot, northern leaf blight (NLB) and southern leaf blight (SLB) were artificially inoculated, while gray leaf spot (GLS) was naturally infected in replicated field trials at different locations in 2019 and 2020. A randomized complete block design was adopted with two to three replicates being evaluated at each location. Sorghum grain inoculum was artificially inoculated to the whorl of each plant at the seedling stage for NLB and SLB. Gibberella stalk rot was artificially inoculated using corn grain inoculum buried next to the root of each plant at heading time, while Gibberella ear rot was artificially inoculated by injecting conidial suspension through the silk channel and the husk separately. The best linear unbiased predictions (BLUPs) were estimated and correlation coefficients were calculated between each pair of the disease resistance. Disease resistance genes were genotyped using functional markers. 【Result】Nine highly resistant (HR) lines for NLB, two HR lines for SLB, ten resistant (R) lines for GLS, five HR lines for stalk rot, and five R lines for ear rot resistance were identified out of the 48 maize germplasms. Eight inbred lines showed multiple disease resistance to the three foliar diseases, such as 1145, CML170, and so on. We identified seven elite inbred lines showing good performance for all the five diseases, including 1145, CML170, KA105, KB020, X178, Shen137, and Zheng58. NLB, SLB, GLS, and Gibberella stalk rot resistance were significantly positively correlated, while Gibberella ear rot was not correlated with the other four diseases. 1145, KA081, and Shen137 contain the resistant qRfg1 allele. KB109 harbors the resistant Rcg1 allele. Many inbred lines carry the resistant Htn1 and ZmCCoAOMT2 alleles.【Conclusion】1145, CML170, KA105, KB020, X178, Shen137, and Zheng58 could be selected for multiple disease resistance improvement in breeding program. Shen137 is the best line for marker-assisted selection for qRfg1, Htn1, and ZmCCoAOMT2 loci.

Key words: maize, disease resistance, northern leaf blight, southern leaf blight, gray leaf spot, stalk rot, ear rot

Table 1

Disease rating scale and evaluation of northern leaf blight, southern leaf blight, gray leaf spot, ear rot and stalk rot in maize"

Northern leaf blight
Southern leaf blight
Gray leaf spot
Gibberella ear rot
Gibberella stalk rot
Diseased area (%)
Disease level
Disease scale
Disease level
Disease scale
Disease level
Diseased area (%)
Disease level
Disease scale
Disease level
0—10 HR 1—2 HR 1—2 HR 0—1 HR 1—2 HR
10—25 R 2—3 R 2—3 R 1—10 R 2—3 R
25—40 MR 3—4 MR 3—4 MR 10—25 MR 3—5 MR
40—65 S 4—5 S 4—5 S 25—50 S 5—7 S
65—100 HS 5—9 HS 5—9 HS 50—100 HS 7—9 HS

Fig. 1

Rating scale of maize resistance to stalk rot"

Table 2

Primers used to identify the cloned disease resistance genes"

基因名称 Gene ID 病害 Disease 引物名称 Primer name 引物序列 Primer sequence (5′-3′)
qRfg1 禾谷镰孢茎腐病
Gibberella stalk rot
Rcg1 炭疽茎腐病
Anthracnose stalk rot
Htn1 大斑病
Northern leaf blight
ZmCCoAOMT2 小斑病、灰斑病
Southern leaf blight, Gray leaf spot

Fig. 2

Histogram of disease resistance BLUP a: Northern leaf blight; b: Southern leaf blight; c: Gray leaf spot; d: Gibberella stalk rot; e: Gibberella ear rot"

Table 3

Variance component analysis for resistance to different diseases on 48 maize inbred lines"

Random factor
Estimate (standard error)
P value
Fixed factor
F test
Northern leaf blight
重复Rep. (Env.) 0.00 NS 基因型Genotype 4.98***
环境Env. 26.17(39.43) NS
基因型与环境互作 Genotype×Env. 51.55(17.12) 0.0038
散粉期DTA 0.00 NS
残差Residual 55.86(8.24)
Southern leaf blight
重复Rep. (Env.) 0.01(0.01) NS 基因型Genotype 11.89***
环境Env. 0.00 NS
基因型与环境互作 Genotype×Env. 0.11(0.04) 0.0047
散粉期DTA 0.00 NS
残差Residual 0.20(0.02)
Gray leaf spot
重复Rep. (Env.) 0.00 NS 基因型Genotype 3.42***
环境Env. 0.00 NS
基因型与环境互作 Genotype×Env. 0.18(0.08) 0.0093
残差Residual 0.33(0.05)
禾谷镰孢菌茎腐病Gibberella stalk rot 重复Rep. (Env.) 0.33(0.25) NS 基因型Genotype 4.44***
环境Env. 0.93(1.14) NS
基因型与环境互作 Genotype×Env. 1.31(0.27) <0.0001
残差Residual 0.89(0.10)
禾谷镰孢穗腐病Gibberella ear rot 重复Rep. (Env.) 25.06(22.14) NS 基因型Genotype 1.01
环境Env. 20.41(41.66) NS
基因型与环境互作 Genotype×Env. 302.13(74.24) <0.0001
残差Residual 239.63(30.51)

Table 4

Resistance evaluation of maize inbred lines to 5 diseases"

Inbred line
Northern leaf blight
Southern leaf blight
Gray leaf spot
Gibberella stalk rot
Gibberella ear rot
1145 P78599 HR R R HR MR
KA064 陕A群ShaanA MR HR S MR MR
KA081 陕A群ShaanA HR R MR R S
KA103 陕A群ShaanA R R R S MR
KA105 陕A群ShaanA R R MR R R
KA106 陕A群ShaanA MR MR S MR MR
KA109 陕A群ShaanA R MR MR MR S
KA115 陕A群ShaanA HR MR MR MR MR
KA147 陕A群ShaanA R R MR R S
KA203 陕A群ShaanA R R MR HR HS
KA225 陕A群ShaanA MR S MR S HS
KA327 陕A群ShaanA R R R MR MR
KB019 陕B群ShaanB MR MR MR S MR
KB020 陕B群ShaanB HR HR MR R MR
KB024 陕B群ShaanB R HS S MR MR
KB025 陕B群ShaanB MR HS S MR MR
KB043 陕B群ShaanB MR MR S R S
KB052 陕B群ShaanB MR S S S MR
KB062 陕B群ShaanB S S HS R S
KB081 陕B群ShaanB S MR MR MR MR
KB089 陕B群ShaanB MR HS S HS MR
KB102 陕B群ShaanB R R R R S
KB106 陕B群ShaanB MR S S MR S
KB107 陕B群ShaanB MR S MR S R
KB109 陕B群ShaanB R S MR R MR
KB128 陕B群ShaanB MR MR MR MR MR
KB204 陕B群ShaanB R MR MR S R
KB207 陕B群ShaanB R R S R S
KB227 陕B群ShaanB R MR MR R S
KB243 陕B群ShaanB R S S MR MR
KB588 陕B群ShaanB HR MR MR MR S
Mo17 Lan R MR MR MR MR
NW-H537 Reid MR R MR R MR
X178 P78599 HR R R HR MR
昌7-2 Chang7-2 SPT HR MR R S HS
沈137 Shen137 P78599 HR R R R MR
郑58 Zheng58 Reid R R R R MR

Fig. 3

Phenotypic correlations for all pairs of traits based on BLUPs Positive correlations with P<0.01 are highlighted in blue"

Table 5

Test results of the cloned resistance genes in maize inbred lines"

Inbred line
抗病基因Disease resistance gene
qRfg1 Rcg1 Htn1 ZmCCoAOMT2
1145 RR rr rr RR
2082 rr rr rr rr
AMD43 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
B110 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
B73 rr rr rr rr
CML170 rr rr rr rr
KA064 rr rr rr RR
KA081 RR rr RR rr
KA103 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
KA105 rr rr rr rr
KA106 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KA109 rr rr rr RR
KA115 rr rr RR rr
KA147 rr rr RR RR
KA203 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KA225 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KA327 rr rr RR RR
KB019 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KB020 rr rr RR rr
KB024 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KB025 rr rr rr RR
KB043 rr rr RR rr
KB052 rr rr RR RR
KB062 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KB081 rr rr rr rr
KB089 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KB102 rr rr rr 未知Unknown
KB106 rr rr RR RR
KB107 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
KB109 rr RR 未知Unknown RR
KB128 rr rr RR rr
KB204 rr rr 未知Unknown 未知Unknown
KB207 rr rr RR rr
KB227 rr rr rr rr
KB243 rr rr RR RR
KB588 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
Mo17 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
NW-H537 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
PH4CV rr rr 未知Unknown rr
PH6WC rr rr RR rr
PHK42 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
PHN11 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
PHT60 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
X178 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
昌7-2 Chang7-2 rr rr 未知Unknown rr
黄早四 HZS rr rr 未知Unknown 未知Unknown
沈137 Shen137 RR rr RR RR
郑58 Zheng58 rr rr 未知Unknown RR
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