Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2016, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (19): 3831-3844.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.19.014

• STORAGE·FRESH-KEEPING·PROCESSING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Fermentation on the Polysaccharides Processing Characteristics in Apple Pomace

JIA Feng, GUO Yu-rong, LIU Dong, YANG Xi, DENG Hong, MENG Yong-hong   

  1. College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119
  • Received:2016-03-22 Online:2016-10-01 Published:2016-10-01

Abstract: 【Objective】The output of apple in China accounts for over 50% of the world annually. Among those apples, there are about 20% of apple fruits are used as raw materials to produce deep-processed products. As a result, apple pomace of thousands of tons are produced each year, which has caused the tremendous waste of apple recourse because these pomace are generally sold as a cheap fertilizer or are discarded directly as junks. The difference of physical and rheological property, viscosity-average molecular weight, and basic structure of polysaccharides between raw pomace and fermented apple pomace was studied in order to provide innovative thoughts and a theoretical basis for the exploitation of apple polysaccharides.【Method】Apple pomace (AP), wine fermented apple pomace polysaccharides (WFP), vinegar fermented apple pomace polysaccharides (VFP) were used as experimental materials, the paper investigated overall the processing properties of polysaccharides in fermented apple pomace through comparing with the extract ratio, solubility, hygroscopicity, moisture retention, and emulsifiability, foaming capacity and stability among AP, WFP and VFP. Besides, the rheological properties, microstructure, viscosity-average molecular weight were determined by using rheometer, desktop scanning electron microscope (DSEM), ubbelohde viscometer, respectively.【Result】The extraction ratio of AP was 5.68%, while that of polysaccharide in fermented apple pomace was 6%-7%, both of which had a significant difference (P<0.05). The solubility of VFP and WFP were, respectively, 0.1405 g·mL-1 and 0.0771 g·mL-1, and significantly higher (P<0.05) than AP (0.0283 g·mL-1). Compared to AP, the stability of foaming, hygroscopicity, moistureretention of polysaccharides, fermented apple pomace were significantly increased (P<0.05), while oil absorption, emulsifiability and its stability obviously decreased (P<0.05). According to analysis on rheological property, AP, WFP, VFP could be attributed to typical non-Newtonian fluid, and the apparent viscosity showed obvious dependent-characteristic of concentration. Besides, VFP and WFP had great resistance against temperature change. The findings of analysis of viscosity-average molecular weight and DESM indicated that the viscosity-average molecular weight of AP, WFP, VFP all distributed in the range of 15-130 kDa, and AP>WFP>VFP. Additionally, the microstructure analysis showed that AP consisted of band, bar and flake, twining with each other and forming firm network. WFP contained dentation, bar and flake, so its cross-linking was comparatively lower. But VFP mainly consisted of flake, overlapping with one another, and cross-linking was the lowest.【Conclusion】WFP, VFP were greatly improved in physicaland rheological properties, microstructure and viscosity-average molecular weight, indicating the processing property of polysaccharides in fermented apple pomace was superior to AP.

Key words: apple pomace polysaccharide, fermentation, properties, rheology, structure, processing characteristics

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