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    01 December 2015, Volume 48 Issue 23
    Sustainable Soil Management: An Emerging Soil Science Challenge for Global Development
    PAN Gen-xing, CHENG Kun, LU Hai-fei, LI Lian-qing, LIU Xiao-yu, BIAN Rong-jun, ZHANG Xu-hui, ZHENG Ju-feng, ZHENG Jin-wei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4607-4620.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.002
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    Critical concerns have been raised with the recognition of 2015 as an International Year of Soil. Global soil, as an end product of earth development over the geological epochs, conserves a natural capital from the natural resources, provided services for life well-being through its ecosystem functioning and delivers benefits for all people on the globe, thus sustaining the human society. However, these values of soil can only be viable with undestroyed soil pedon, soil quality and soil land cover in a global soil system. Yet, soil continuum is destroyed, soil functions are declined and soil land cover is sealed increasingly with the fast accelerating global soil degradation, driven by the rapid economic development. An integrated sustainable soil management (SSM) deserves to develop while public awareness of the great potential risks from these unprecedented soil changes is reached. Such an SSM will help to conserve natural capital, ecosystem functioning and human benefits, balancing soil value for agricultural production, environment protection and ecosystem conservation. Thus, conserving natural capital, ecosystem functioning and multiple benefits should be conceived as a new soil civilization, within particularly the framework of the eco-civilization proposed for China. Furthermore, a central foci of SSM will be to engineer soil changes. A national SSM will treat the interests trade between the land/soil users and beneficiaries through a policy mechanism of eco-subsidy, implement national and regional SSM projects proactively and develop technically innovative and multiple beneficial practices to recover degraded soil or conserve soil resilience, finally, researches to explore potential SSM approaches and technologies will be vital for social and economic sustainable development of China, facing very sharply soil changes and land cover changes.
    Characterizing and Quantifying Soil Resilience for Ecosystem Services
    CHENG Kun, YUE Qian, XU Xiang-rui, YAN Ming, PAN Gen-xing
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4621-4629.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.003
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    2015 is the International Year of Soil, which indicates soils are the central consideration of what constitutes sustainable development. However, due to direct or indirect human disturbance such as land use change, soil management and land degradation, soil becomes fragile under the global change pressures. Soils play a critical role in delivering ecosystem services. The co-benefits or trade-offs between various ecosystem services provided by soils are main issues focused by the researchers. Soil carbon, nutrient and water cycles, and soil biodiversity could be related to the provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystem services which they underpin. Characterizing and quantifying soil resilience for ecosystem services are main challenges to seek the sustainable soil management for improving soil resilience. Developing the ecosystem service indicators system and assessing the co-benefits or trade-offs between various ecosystem services using multiscale, multi-objectives, multi-factors approaches are both focused on the process of research. Furthermore, model simulation is one of the key approaches for the quantification of soil resilience for ecosystem services.
    Soil Organic Carbon Balance and Nitrogen Cycling in Plastic Film Mulched Croplands in Rainfed Farming Systems
    LI Xiao-gang, LI Feng-min
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4630-4638.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.004
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    With the rapid increase in the application area, the effects of plastic film mulch on the sustainability and productivity of rainfed croplands received more and more attention from society. In this review, after briefly summarizing the yield increase effect of plastic film mulch cropping in semiarid rainfed areas, we focused on recent advances in the field of plastic film mulch effects on the soil organic carbon (SOC) balance and nitrogen (N) cycling. Plastic film mulch, especially when combined with a ridge-furrow approach, significantly relieves the limitations of insufficient hydrothermal conditions to crop production, and thus profoundly increases crop yields and cropland productivity. The yield increase effect has a clear regional variation pattern: being greater in more hydrothermally limited areas than in less hydrothermally limited areas. Literature retrieval showed that studies of plastic film mulch effects on SOC balance and N cycling were scarce in croplands. Limited research results showed that plastic mulch stimulates SOC mineralization while increasing crop root-derived carbon input to the soil, and thus the SOC balance can be maintained. Also, limited research results showed that plastic mulch stimulates soil N mineralization thus increases soil N availability and crop N uptake; however, it is not clear if the plastic film mulch increases denitrification. Plastic mulch influences the fertilizer N use efficiency of crops and leaching and ammonia volatilization losses. According to the current research progresses, we proposed three research directions to be further strengthened: (1) Soil organic matter stability and its reinforcement mechanisms in plastic-mulched croplands. (2) Systematically accessing nutrient management strategy and practice. (3) Investigating and introducing straw mulch and no-tillage cropping in areas where the temperature is not a major limitation to production.
    The Long-Term Effect Research of Various Tillage Managements on the Soil Aggregates and Organic Carbon in Fluvo-Aquic Soil
    ZHANG Xian-feng, ZHU An-ning, ZHANG Jia-bao, YANG Wen-liang, YAN Jing-tao
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4639-4648.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.005
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    【Objective】The long-term effects of various tillage managements on aggregation and organic C accumulation were investigated for promoting Fluvo-aquic soil quality in the North China plain.【Method】In this paper, undisturbed soils were sampled, which lasted for 8 years under conservation tillage at the State Experimental Station of Agro-Ecosystem in Fengqiu. The mass and stability of aggregates, and organic C concentration in bulk soil and aggregates were measured to evaluate the impact of tillage managements.【Result】Compared with conventional tillage, no-tillage and intermittent tillage markedly enhanced the mass proportion of large macro-aggregate in 0-10 cm layers and small macro-aggregate in 10-20 cm layers by 63.4% and 28.1%, respectively. In 0-20 cm layers, the mass proportion of macro-aggregate was increased by 3.0% under straw incorporation compared to that without straw returning. Tillage frequency reduction or straw incorporation improved the stability of aggregates, and the Mean Weight Diameter (MWD) and Geometric Mean Diameter (GMD) of the former in 0-10 cm layers were enhanced by 11.9%-31.6% and 4.1% -13.7%, respectively, while those of the latter in 0-20 cm layers were increased by 3.5% and 4.5%, respectively. Tillage frequency reduction and straw managements increased the organic C concentration of aggregates in 0-10 cm and 0-20 cm layers, respectively. Moreover, tillage methods coupled with straw managements had more significant effects on soil aggregates than single tillage frequency reduction or straw returning. The large and small macro-aggregates made more contribution to the accumulation of organic C in Fluvo-aquic soil, and the relative contribution from large macro-aggregate in 0-10 cm layers and that from small macro-aggregates in 10-20 cm layers could be enhanced by 49.2% and 29.1% respectively, through tillage frequency decrease.【Conclusion】No tillage and intermittent tillage combined with straw management could markedly accelerate soil aggregation. By enhancing the contribution of macro-aggregates to organic C accumulation, C sequestration in Fluvo-aquic soil would be also accelerated under conservation tillage.
    Effects of Long-Term Organic and Inorganic Fertilization on Enhancing Soil Organic Carbon and Basic Soil Productivity in Black Soil
    ZHA Yan, WU Xue-ping, ZHANG Hui-min, CAI Dian-xiong, ZHU Ping, GAO Hong-jun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4649-4659.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.006
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    【Objective】The objective of this study is to explore the effects of different long-term fertilizations on soil organic carbon (SOC) and basic soil productivity (BSP) in the northeast area of China. 【Method】Based on the data of the long-term experiments (1989-2011) on black soil in Gongzhulin, Jilin Province, China, the decision support system for an agrotechnology transfer crop growth model (DSSAT ver.4.0) was used to simulate yields by basic soil productivity of spring maize (Zea mays L.) to examine the relationship between BSP and SOC under long-term fertilization. Five treatments were included: (1) no-fertilization (Control), (2) synthetic fertilizer N, P, K (NPK), (3) NPK plus farmyard manure (NPKM), (4) 1.5 times of NPKM (1.5NPKM) and (5) NPK plus straw (NPKS). 【Result】After 20 years of treatments, the yields of BSP of spring maize increased 53.4%, 78.0%, 101.2%, and 69.4% under the NPK, NPKM, 1.5NPKM and NPKS, respectively, but the yield decreased under the CK. Until 2008, the SOC content increased 65.6%, 65.1%, 26.0%, and 21.7% under the 1.5NPKM, NPKM, NPKS and NPK, respectively, compared to the CK. The SOC stock increased 69.9%, 44.2%, 25.2%, and 16.7% compared to the initial value. There were significant positive correlations between SOC content and yields by BSP of spring maize (P<0.01), and yields by BSP of spring maize increased 220 kg·hm-2 when the SOC content increased 1 g?kg-1.【Conclusion】SOC was a major factor affecting BSP in the black soil. The manure or straw combined application with chemical fertilizers significantly enhanced BSP compared to the application of chemical fertilizers alone.
    Retention Characteristic of Carbon and Nitrogen from Amendments in Different Size Aggregates of Red Soil
    XU Hu, ZHANG Jing-ye, CAI An-dong, WANG Xiao-li, ZHANG Wen-ju
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4660-4668.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.007
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    【Objective】 Soil aggregates was not only one of the key structural unit, but also the most important space for soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration. The objective of this study was to explore the retention characteristics of carbon and nitrogen from corn straw and manure amendment in different size soil aggregates, which would be better understanding of the stabilization mechanism of added organic carbon and nitrogen in the aggregate and sustainable soil management.【Method】The treatments was set as follow: (1) Control; (2) straw addition in low rate; (3) straw addition in high rate; (4) manure addition in low rate (with same amount carbon in treatment (2); (5) manure addition in high rate (with same amount carbon in treatment (3). With isotope tracer technique of the natural abundance of 13C and labeled 15N, typical red soil from southern China (dominated by C3 natural vegetation) was incubated for 300 days indoor on the condition of constant temperature and humidity. The content of organic carbon and nitrogen, isotopic abundance of 15N and 13C in bulk soil and different aggregate size fractions were determined to analyze the distribution of added organic carbon in corn straw and nitrogen in manure, as well as the retention rate of carbon and nitrogen, in macro-aggregate (250-2 000 µm), micro-aggregates (53-250 µm) and silt-clay size fractions (<53 µm). 【Result】 Results showed that, compared with the control, contents of organic carbon and nitrogen were significantly (P<0.05) increased after additions of corn straw and manure in red soil after 300-days incubation. It also showed the more amounts of added organic amendments, the higher increments in soil organic carbon and nitrogen content. Compared with the straw addition with same amount of carbon, application of organic manure can significantly increase the content of carbon and nitrogen in different size aggregates. Compared with the Control, the distribution proportion of organic carbon and nitrogen was significantly increased after adding corn straw in macro-aggregate. The proportion of the 1% straw addition treatment was increased by 19.5 and 22.4 percent points, respectively. However, straw treatment significantly reduced the distribution proportion of organic carbon and nitrogen by an average of 11.4 and 10.6 percent points in <53 µm aggregates of straw treatment, respectively. For the manure addition treatment, the distribution proportion of organic carbon and nitrogen was significantly increased by 11.6 and 8.3 percent points in 53-250 µm aggregate, respectively, whereas the distribution proportion of organic carbon and nitrogen was reduced by an average of 6.0 and 9.4 percent points in <53 µm silt-clay fraction, respectively. In the different aggregate size fractions of corn straws treatment, δ13C value of organic carbon in 250-2 000 µm size fractions aggregate was the highest, the second was in the <53 µm fraction, and the lowest is in the 53-250 µm size aggregate fraction. Isotope analysis indicated that, the δ13C value of the corn addition with high rate treatment was relative high than the corn addition with low rate and the Control CK treatments. But there was no significantly different between the corn addition with low rate and the Control treatment. The retention rate of organic carbon from corn straw was 57.6% in the high corn straw addition treatment, of which the retention rate in the large aggregates (25.9%) was equivalent to 2 times of that in the silt-clay size fraction (13.3%). The nitrogen retention rate from organic manure was averaged as 77.3%, of which the largest proportion of nitrogen was 45.2% in micro-aggregate, was equivalent to 4 times of that in the macro-aggregate (10.4%).【Conclusion】With the same amount of carbon addition, carbon and nitrogen from manure is more efficient for soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation. There is about 50% of the stabilized carbon derived from added corn straw was sequestrated in macro-aggregates, whereas about 58% of stabilized nitrogen from manure allocated in micro-aggregates.
    Influence of Long-Term Fertilization Managements on Organic C and Microorganism in Different Aggregates in Purple Paddy Soil
    CHEN Xuan-jing, LIANG Tao, ZHAO Ya-nan, ZHANG Yue-qiang, SHI Xiao-jun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4669-4677.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.008
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    【Objective】 Soil microorganisms play a critical role in the maintaining soil fertility, soil health and crop productivity. Soil microbial biomass carbon (C) concentration in different sizes of aggregates and aggregate distribution were studied in neutral purple paddy soil under long-term fertilization management. The aim of the study is to elucidate the relationship between long-term fertilization and microbial biomass dynamics in aggregate, in order to evaluate the influence of different fertilizer managements on evolution of soil fertility. 【Method】 Four treatments were conducted this research (1)CK;(2)NPK;(3)S;(4)NPK+S. Soils were sampled at 0-20 cm depth.Wet-sieving method was used to determine aggregate distribution of a neutral purple paddy soil after long-term fertilization management for 22 years. Soil microbial biomass C concentration and activity were determined at all aggregate levels.【Result】Long-term fertilization management after 22 years indicated that soil large aggregate content with sizes of >0.25 mm was significantly increased in treatments with inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer (NPK), with rice straw return (S), and with both (NPK+S), compared to the control. The increase was highest in NPK+S treatment where the aggregate stability was also shown to be the greatest, thus indicating the importance of inorganic fertilizer and organic residues in the formation and stability increases of large aggregate in purple soil. Fertilization increased aggregate stability and soil organic C content significantly, the increase was highest in S and NPK+S, indicating the importance of straw returning in the increase of aggregate stability and soil organic C. Long term fertilization changed the distribution of soil nutrition and microbial activity in soil aggregates. Further, soil organic C and microbial biomass C concentration varied in different aggregate sizes. In large water-stable aggregate (2.00-1.00 and 1.00-0.25 mm), organic C concentration, soil respiration rate and metabolic quotient were greater than in small aggregate (<0.25 mm).【Conclusion】Aggregate larger than 0.25 mm had the greatest proportion of soil organic C and microbial biomass C, while microbial activity was greatest in 1.00-2.00 mm. Under such agroecosystem, long-term application of inorganic NPK fertilizer together with rice straw return greatly increased the proportion of large water-stable aggregate and the concentration of soil organic C and microbial biomass C. It is therefore an effective land management in improving aggregates distribution, increasing soil microbial function and productivity in purple paddy soil.
    Effect of Long-Term Organic-Manure Combined with Chemical Fertilizers on Aggregate Sizes Distribution and Its Organic and Inorganic Carbon on a Tier Soil
    WANG Ren-jie, Qiang Jiu Ci-ren, XUE Yan-fei, ZHANG Shu-lan, YANG Xue-yun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4678-4689.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.009
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    【Objective】The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of long-term application of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers on distribution of water-stable aggregates and their organic carbon (SOC) and inorganic carbon (SIC) in a tier soil under winter wheat and summer maize rotation system, and to get deep insight into the mechanisms of soil carbon sequestration in tier soil.【Method】 Soil samples with an increment of 10-30 cm were collected from a 21-year long-term field experiment. Collected soil samples of two treatments, of which one receiving no fertilizer (CK) and the other, receiving organic manure plus N, P and K fertilizers (MNPK), were separated into 5 aggregate-sizes classes by wet sieving. And then both organic and inorganic carbon contents in each size of aggregates and bulk soils were determined.【Result】Compared to CK, MNPK significantly reduced the proportion of aggregates that >1 mm at all three soil horizons, while increased the 0.25-1 mm aggregates at 0-20 cm soil layers. MNPK significantly decreased the mean weight diameter (MWD) at 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil horizons by 26.6%, 38.3% and 62.4%, respectively. MNPK also decreased the geometric mean diameter (GMD) at 20-30 cm soil depth, but had no effect on it at 0-20 cm soil layers. In comparison to CK, MNPK significantly increased the SOC contents of bulk soils by 150%, 97% and 42%, respectively, for above three soil layers; and enhanced SOC in aggregates >2 mm, 1-2 mm, 0.5-1 mm, 0.25-0.5 mm and <0.25 mm by 163%, 160%, 111%, 86% and 61%, respectively at 0-10 cm; by 97%, 109%, 118%, 39% and 45%, respectively at 10-20 cm soil horizons. Organic carbon concentration of aggregates generally tended to increase with the increasing size of aggregates. MNPK greatly improved the SIC of bulk soils by 28.2% at 20-30 cm soil depth. However, the SIC of the macro-aggregates showed a tendency of decreasing on MNPK over CK at 0-10 cm soil horizons, where it decreased drastically in >2 mm and 0.25-0.5 mm sizes fractions; while it remained unchanged at 10-20 cm soil horizons but enhanced markedly in all sizes of aggregates at 20-30 cm soil depth by 22.1%-36.6%. The results also exhibited that greater than 50% of SOC were sequestrated in aggregate of <0.25 mm sizes fraction, with less than 10% in 1-2 mm sizes fractions. The MNPK treatment considerably lowered the proportions of SOC in aggregates of >2 mm and <0.25 mm over CK, where the proportions of SOC decreased by 4.33% and 13.78%, respectively, at 0-10 cm soil depth, by 10.24% and 7.81%, respectively, at 10-20 cm soil depth; while it significantly enhanced the partitioning proportions of SOC in 0.5-1 and 0.25-0.5 mm fractions over CK by 13.8% and 5.66%, respectively, in 0-10 cm soil depth, by 13.46% and 5.41%, respectively, in 10-20 cm soil depth. MNPK significantly increased proportions of SIC in aggregates of 0.5-1 mm and 0.25-0.5 mm by 9.03%, 4.59%, respectively, at 0-10 cm, and by 9.28%, 6.96%, respectively, at 10-20 cm soil depth. By contrast, MNPK considerably reduced the proportions of SIC in >2 mm aggregates at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm by 6.95% and 12.53%, respectively. At 20-30 cm soil depth, MNPK substantially increased the proportion of SIC in <0.25 mm aggregates by 18.98%, while reduced them in >2 mm and 1-2 mm aggregates by 16.67% and 5.28%, respectively.【Conclusion】Long-term application of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers significantly promoted the soil carbon sequestration in the way of changing the distribution of water stable aggregates and the partitioning proportions of soil carbon sequestrated in aggregates of varying sizes on Tier soil. In addition, as an index of soil aggregates stability evaluation, GMD is more suitable than MWD for the investigated soil.
    Effects of 15-Year Conservation Tillage on Soil and Aggregate Organic Carbon Sequestration in the Loess Hilly Region of China
    LI Jing, WU Hui-jun, WU Xue-ping, CAI Dian-xiong, WANG Bi-sheng, LIANG Guo-peng, YAO Yu-qing, Lü Jun-jie
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4690-4697.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.010
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    【Objective】Conservation tillage is an essential measure as its function in improving the soil organic carbon (SOC) contents and the stabilization of soil aggregation. The objectives of this study are to (i) reveal the SOC sequestration under 15-year tillage systems and (ii) evaluate the contributions of different sizes of aggregates on carbon sequestration in the Loess Hilly region of China. 【Method】A long-term tillage experiment, started in 1999, was used for the study. The tillage treatments included: reduced tillage (RT), no-tillage (NT), sub-soiling with mulch (SM), and conventional tillage (CT). Recorded winter wheat yields and SOC contents at depths of 0-10 cm during the 15 years were used to estimate C input and SOC stocks, and soil samples collected in 2013 were separated into>2, 1-2, 0.25-1, 0.053-0.25, and<0.053 mm using a wet sieving method and the content of organic carbon in these aggregates were analyzed. 【Result】SOC stocks in the 0-10 cm soil layer of NT and SM were 10.9 and 10.6 t C?hm-2, and were significantly larger than RT and NT. SOC sequestration rates of NT and SM were 0.09 and 0.06 t C?hm-2?a-1. Microaggregate stored most of the organic carbon, accounting for 65% of the total organic carbon stock of the aggregate, implying that microaggregate plays an important role in SOC stock. But the organic carbon contents of microaggregates were not sensitive to tillage, indicating a C saturation in the microaggregate. Macroaggregates had higher organic carbon contents, which were about 3-8 times that of the microaggregates, and the organic carbon contents of macroaggregates were sensitive to tillage. Organic carbon stocks of macroaggregate responded positively to cumulative C input, and that means macroaggregates had a high carbon sequestration potential. SOC sequestration significantly increased with the increase of cumulative carbon inputs. To maintain the soil organic carbon stock at a stable level, the minimum annual need for C input amount was 2.4 t C?hm-2. 【Conclusion】The long-term conservation tillage (included no-tillage and sub-soiling and mulch management), is a sustainable soil carbon enhancement method for these dryland soils for the Loess Hilly region of China, it significantly promoted C sequestration and the newly organic C was mainly accumulated in the macroaggregates.
    Mineralization Characteristics of Upland Soil Labile and Recalcitrant Nitrogen Under Long-Term Different Fertilization Systems
    WU Hong-liang, YU Wei-shui, ZHU Ping, ZHANG Shui-qing, ZHAO Ya-wen, LIU Jing, WANG Shi-chao, MENG Fan-hua, LU Chang-ai
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4698-4706.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.011
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    【Objective】Labile nitrogen (Lab-N) and recalcitrant nitrogen (Rec-N) are important components of soil organic matter, and their mineralization ability has an effect on organic nitrogen turnover properties. The objective of this study is to research the mineralization characteristics of soil labile and recalcitrant nitrogen under different long-term fertilization, and to provide a basis for different fertilization measures and their nitrogen supplying capacities. 【Method】Using laboratory incubation method, soil labile and recalcitrant nitrogen fractions separated by particle size-density separation method were studied under four treatments, namely no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizer (NPK), chemical fertilizer combined with straw (NPKS), and chemical fertilizer combined with manure (NPKM) from two typical long-term experiment sites (black soil and fluvo-aquic soil) in China. 【Result】Results of laboratory sieving and incubation showed that the method was simple and suitable to study the mineralization characteristics of soil labile and recalcitrant nitrogen fractions in which average soil mass recovery and average soil nitrogen recovery were both above 97%, and average mineralization contribution rate (soil labile and recalcitrant nitrogen fractions mineralization amount to that of original soil) was 99.91% (99.89%-99.93%). Net-nitrogen (Net-N) mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen under treatments of NPK, NPKS and NPKM were higher than that under CK treatments by 26.82%-137.10% (except NPK of black soil). Different fertilizer treatments had a significant influence on Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen in black soil and fluvo-aquic soil. The Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen in black soil under NPKM treatment was 1.48 mg?kg-1?d-1, which was higher compared with NPKS (1.02 mg?kg-1?d-1) and NPK (0.75 mg?kg-1?d-1). The Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen in fluvo-aquic soil under NPKM treatment was 1.17 mg?kg-1?d-1, which was higher compared with NPKS (0.89 mg?kg-1?d-1) and NPK (0.76 mg?kg-1?d-1). The Net-N mineralization potential of soil recalcitrant nitrogen had no significant difference among different fertilizer treatments. The average mineralization potential was 0.58 mg?kg-1?d-1 (0.52-0.63 mg?kg-1?d-1) in black soil and 0.51 mg?kg-1?d-1 (0.40-0.62 mg?kg-1?d-1) in fluvo-aquic soil. The Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen was higher than that of soil recalcitrant nitrogen in both black soil and fluvo-aquic soil, and it showed the biggest difference under the NPKM treatment. Among them, the Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen was 1.41, 1.39, 1.75, and 2.35 times that of soil recalcitrant nitrogen as the order of CK, NPK, NPKS, and NPKM in black soil, and was 1.22, 1.33, 1.56, and 1.87 times as the same order in fluvo-aquic soil. The mineralization contribution rate of soil labile nitrogen was influenced by different fertilizer measures in this order CK, NPKsignificantly higher than the other treatments. There were no significant differences among the mineralization contribution rate of upland recalcitrant nitrogen under different fertilizer treatments. The average mineralization contribution rates were 86.24% (83.96%-88.51%) in black soil and 88.46% (86.71%-90.20%) in fluvo-aquic soil. 【Conclusion】 The Net-N mineralization potential and mineralization contribution rates of upland soil labile nitrogen were more sensitive to different fertilizer measures than that in upland soil recalcitrant nitrogen. Under different fertilization measures, the Net-N mineralization potential of soil labile nitrogen was significantly higher than that of soil recalcitrant nitrogen, especially for the treatment of NPKM. Long-term application of NPKS or NPKM will improve Net-N mineralization potential and mineralization contribution rate of upland soil. The improvement effect is in the order of NPKM>NPKS>NPK.
    Variation Characteristics of Fractions of Active Nitrogen and Organic Nitrogen Under Different Long-Term Fertilization Practices in Black Soil
    HAO Xiao-yu, MA Xing-zhu, GAO Zhong-chao, CHEN Miao-miao, ZHOU Bao-ku
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4707-4716.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.012
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    【Objective】The objective of this study is to research characteristics of fractions of active nitrogen and organic nitrogen and their relationship under long-term different fertilization, and to provide a scientific basis for evaluating soil fertility and improving fertilization management and in the black soil (Typic hapludoll).【Method】A long-term experiment with various fertilizations was carried out during 1979-2014 in a rotation system with wheat (Triticum Aestivium) -soybean (Glycine max) -maize (Zea mays) in black soil of northeastern China. The experiment consisted of five treatments: non-fertilization (CK), PK fertilizer (PK), NPK fertilizer (NPK), horse manure (M), horse manure plus NPK fertilizer (MNPK). Soil soluble organic nitrogen (SON), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) and organic nitrogen fractions were measured by the extraction-subtraction method, fumigation-extraction method and acid hydrolysis-distillation method (Bremner method), respectively.【Result】The contents of fractions of active nitrogen and organic nitrogen were not affected by long-term application of NPK fertilizers. Compared with NPK, the contents of SON in horse manure application (M) and chemical fertilizers application combined with horse manure (MNPK) increased by 34.7% and 56.2%, while MBN increased by 89.8% and 144.7%, respectively. Compared with CK and NPK, long-term horse manure application (M and MNPK) significantly increased the contents of ammonia N (AN), amino acid N (AAN), amino sugar N (ASN) and hydrolysable unknown N (HUN) by 23.3%-29.1%, 19.2%-33.2%, 30.6%-47.6% and 20.2%-32.0%, respectively. However, the content of non-hydrolysable N (NHN) was not changed under different fertilization treatments. The contents of different forms of organic nitrogen fractions in all treatments displayed an order of NHN>AAN>AN>HUN>ASN. Compared with NPK, long-term application of M and MNPK increased the proportion of total hydrolysable N accounted for total nitrogen by 6.4% and 9.9%, respectively. A significant positive correlation between soil total nitrogen (TN), SON, MBN and acid hydrolysable organic nitrogen (AHON) fractions, and the effects of AAN, HUN and AN on both SON and MBN were the most. 【Conclusion】The changes of soil nitrogen content was closely related to fertilization measures. Long-term chemical fertilizers application combined with horse manure is an effective way for increasing various forms of nitrogen content and improving supply capacity of soil nitrogen. AAN, HUN and AN were the major contributors to the active nitrogen in black soil.
    Effect of Combined Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Manure on the Dynamic of Soil Soluble N in Greenhouse Cultivation
    DUAN Peng-peng, CONG Yao-hui, XU Wen-jing, ZHANG Yu-ling, YU Na, ZHANG Yu-long
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4717-1427.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.013
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    【Objective】 A greenhouse cultivation experiment was conducted to study the effect of different short-term fertilization treatments on the dynamic of soil soluble N (soil mineral N and soil soluble organic nitrogen) during the tomato growth period, and to evaluate the soil soluble N which plays an important role in greenhouse soils. The results would provide a scientific basis and practical guidance for rational fertilization. 【Method】 We report a comparative study in which under different N management (different rate of N, combined with or without manure fertilizer) in the greenhouse cultivation. We observed the effect on dynamic variation during the tomato growth period and in the 0-50 cm soil layers at the fallow period of soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) and soil soluble organic nitrogen (SSON) contents. 【Result】 The combined application of N fertilizer and manure treatments significantly increased SMN and SSON contents compared to N fertilizer treatments in the 0-30 cm soil layers, and more amplification occurred in SMN (P<0.01). There was a large dynamic during the tomato growth period, in general, SMN and SSON contents were highest during the first ear fruit period, and the SMN content was higher than the SSON content during the second ear fruit period, while the SSON content was higher than the SMN content during the harvest period; also significant positive relationships were found between SMN and SSON throughout the tomato growing season (P<0.05). N fertilizer plus manure increased the content of SSON in the 0-10 cm layer and SMN in the 0-50 cm layer significantly compared to N fertilizer treatments during the fallow period; the SMN and STSN were decreased with the soil deep, and accumulation occurred in the 20-40 cm soil layer (P<0.05). In addition, whether through the tomato growth period or the fallow period, in the no-manure treatments, the highest content of soil mineral N and soil soluble organic nitrogen occurred in the N2 treatment, and SSON was higher in the soil soluble N pool. But in the N fertilizer plus manure treatments, they were higher in the MN2 and MN3 treatments than the others, and SMN was a larger proportion overall, while SSON accounted for a large part of soil total soluble nitrogen (STSN).【Conclusion】 The conclusion is that the medium rate of N fertilizer plus manure has a high ability to modulate the soil soluble N supply in a greenhouse condition.
    Changes in Olsen Phosphorus Concentration and Its Response to Phosphorus Balance in the Main Types of Soil in China
    ZHAN Xiao-ying, REN Yi, ZHANG Shu-xiang, KANG Ri-feng
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4728-4737.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.014
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    【Objective】The objective of this study is to clarify the changes in available phosphorus (P) and its response to P balance (P input minus P output), and to provide a scientific basis for rational fertilization.【Method】Twenty-one monitoring sites of the main five types of soil in China with long-term conventional fertilization were chosen to explore the relationships of change of available P and P balance, available P efficiency (available P efficiency refers to the change of available P by the unit of accumulated P budget) and soil properties (pH, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and alkaline-hydrolyzable nitrogen).【Result】The P was exhausted at two monitoring sites, and accumulated at nineteen sites. The P balance in different sites ranged from -290-4 919 kg·hm-2 under conventional fertilization. Soil available P increased at 14 monitoring sites, and decreased at 2 sites. Available P increased significantly by 0.74 mg·kg-1 each year at 21 monitoring sites. Among all the sites, 81% have a significant positive correlation between changes of available P and soil P balance. Available P increased by 1.12, 3.76, 5.01, 2.34, and 0.47 mg·kg-1 with an average surplus of 100 kg P·hm-2 under fluvo-aquic soil, black soil, paddy soil, purplish soil and irrigation-silted soil. And the coefficient of variation was 25%, 52% and 68% under fluvo-aquic soil, paddy soil and purplish soil. Available P efficiency in the conventional fertilization soil was significantly correlated with the soil pH (r=0.65, P<0.01), soil organic matter content (r=0.62, P<0.01), total nitrogen (r=0.52, P<0.01) and alkaline-hydrolyzable nitrogen (r=0.63, P<0.01) .【Conclusion】The available P efficiency of different soil types ranged from 0.47-10.76 mg·kg-1. The overall trend in available P efficiency across all soil types was paddy soil>black soil>purplish soil>fluvo-aquic soil>irrigation-silted soil. The available P efficiency in the conventional fertilization soil was significantly correlated with the soil pH, soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and alkaline-hydrolyzable nitrogen.
    Response of Soil Phosphorus to P Balance Under Long-Term Fertilization in Fluvo-Aquic Soil
    YANG Jun, GAO Wei, REN Shun-rong
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4738-4747.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.015
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    【Objective】Soil phosphorus is essential indexes for assessing soil fertility, so the responses of Olsen phosphorus (Olsen-P) and total phosphorus (TP) to P balance under various long-term fertilization were studied, which can provide a scientific basis for improving fertilization management and soil fertility in fluvo-aquic soil. 【Method】The relationships between Olsen-P, total P change, and the budget of soil P balance in the treatments of CK, N, NP, NK, PK, NPK, NM, and NS were studied by the method of linear regression based on a 34-year field experiment in Tianjin, China. 【Result】The results showed that under long-term application of N, NK, NS, and without fertilizer (CK), the P balance of the plough layer (0-20 cm) always remained a wane status, with a surplus of P balance in the PK, NP, NPK, and NM treatments, and the most P accumulation in the PK treatment. But the P balance showed a decreasing trend with cultivate time in the P fertilize and manure treatments, especially 20 years later. Applications of PK, NP, NPK, and NM increased the amount of Olsen-P significantly. The Olsen-P was significantlycorrelated with the P balance (P<0.05). For every 100 kg P·hm-2 surplus, there would be 3.59, 1.19, 1.75, and 2.40 mg·kg-1 increase in Olsen-P in the PK, NP, NPK, and NM treatments, respectively. There were positive relationships between total P and P balance under long-term different fertilization, and different treatments had significantly different effects on the relationship between total P and P balance. We can assume that P balance had no effects on total P in N and NS treatments. With an average surplus of 100 kg P·hm-2, the total P increased by 0.06, 0.07, 0.07, and 0.10 mg·kg-1, in the PK, NP, NPK, and NM treatments, respectively.【Conclusion】 The status of soil P balance was closely related to the type of fertilizer application. The increment of Olsen-P and total P caused by application of chemical P fertilizer or manure were significantly and positively linearly correlated with soil P balance. The increase of TP under long-term application of manure with chemical N is higher than that under chemical P in fluvo-aquic soil.
    The Release Kinetics of Non-Exchangeable Potassium in Red Soil and Its Organo-Mineral Complex of Long-Term Fertilizer Experiments
    YUE Long-kai, WANG Bo-ren, HUANG Qing-hai, LIU Kai-lou, CAI Ze-jiang, LI Dong-chu, HUANG Jing, ZHANG Hui-min
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4748-4758.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.016
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    【Objective】The objective of this study is to research the non-exchangeable potassium release characteristics in red soil and its complex of different long-term fertilizers, to explore the differences of potassium supply capacity of soil caused by long-term different fertilization, and to clarify non-exchangeable potassium (K) release ability in bulk soils and different size fractions of organo-mineral complex. 【Method】The experiment was based on two fertilization experiments of over 20 years, one of which was located at Jinxian, Jiangxi Province and the other at Qiyang, Hunan Province. Organo-mineral complexes were separated from bulk soil with the fraction sizes of <2, 2-10, 10-50, 50-100 and >100 µm by the ultrasonic beating and siphon method. The non-exchangeable K release from bulk soil and its organo-mineral complex samples were extracted using oxalic acid. Before extracting, the bulk soil and its organo-mineral complex samples were calcium saturated, and the data of the accumulation of non-exchangeable K release from bulk soil and its organo-mineral complex were used to simulate a kinetics equation to study the law of non-exchangeable K release.【Result】After 300 hours of extraction, the accumulation of non-exchangeable K release showed that at the Jinxian site, the amount of non-exchangeable K released by soil with mixed utilizing chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer combined with manure (NPKM) and mixed utilizing chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer (NPK) increased by 98.0 and 81.0 mg·kg-1 compared with mixed utilizing chemical nitrogen and phosphorus (NP), respectively, with the increase ratio was 30.7% and 25.4%, respectively. However, at the Qiyang site, the amount of non-exchangeable K release by NPKM and NPK increased by 130.0 and 40.0 mg·kg-1 compared with NP, respectively, and the increase ratio was 52.1% and 16.0%, respectively. The application of K fertilizer increased the accumulation of non-exchangeable K release significantly, especially in the <2 µm size of organo-mineral complex fraction. Both the first-order kinetic equation and Elovich equation could simulate the ability of non-exchangeable K release well in both bulk soil and organio-mineral complex (P<0.001). Meanwhile, there was a significant positive correlation (P<0.001) between kinetic equation values (first-order kinetic equation a value, Elovich equation b value) and the real accumulation of non-exchangeable K release. 【Conclusion】Long-term chemical K fertilizer and chemical K fertilizer combined with manure could improve the K supply ability of red soil, especially in the <2 µm size of organo-mineral complex. The characteristic value of both first-order kinetic equation (a) and Elovich equation (b) could simulate the accumulation of non-exchangeable K release in both bulk soil and organo-mineral complex.
    Response of Rice Yield to Inherent Soil Productivity of Paddies and Fertilization in Sichuan Basin
    LIANG Tao, CHEN Xuan-jing, ZHAO Ya-nan, HUANG Xing-cheng, LI Hong, SHI Xiao-jun, ZHANG Yue-qiang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4759-4768.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.017
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    【Objective】Sichuan basin is the main region of single-season rice in China. This paper studied the inherent productivity of paddies, the nutrient supply capacity of paddy soils and the effect of fertilization of paddy in order to evaluate effect on soil inherent productivity of paddies and the effect of fertilization on rice yield. The aim of the study is to provide theoretical basis for improvement in soil fertility and regional rational fertilization. 【Method】The total 474 field experiments were used to evaluate the yield-based inherent soil productivity, nutrient supply capacity of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) and fertilization response with five treatments (unfertilized control, PK, NK, NP and NPK) during 2005 to 2010 in Sichuan basin. The effect of fertilization, yield stability and sustainability based on the yield of rice under different inherent productivity of paddy soils were also assessed. Meanwhile, it analysed the change trend of soil inherent productivity of paddies for more than 30 years in Sichuan basin. 【Result】 It showed that there was a steady improvement of soil inherent productivity in Sichuan basin from literature survey. The rice yield based on soil inherent productivity is between 5.6 to 6.4 t·hm-2 since 2000 and increased 1.5 t·hm-2 than that between 1980 to 2000. The contribution rate of soil productivity also rose by 6.7%. Field trials showed that the contribution rates of inherent productivity and fertilizer to rice yield is 67.4-75.9% and 24.1-32.6% respectively. The supply capacity of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in Sichuan basin paddy soil were 103-120, 23.2-27.5, 139-185 kg·hm-2. The average contribution rate of nutrient supply capacity on yield were 78.2%, 88.8% and 90.8%, respectively and the contribution rate of fertilization on yield is less than 30%. The increment by different fertilizers was largest with N fertilization followed by P and K fertilization. The inherent soil productivity and nutrient supply capacity differed among regions (Chengdu plain>middle shallow hilly zone in Sichuan basin>peripheral hilly zone in Sichuan basin>eastern hilly zone in Sichuan basin). Plots with higher inherent soil productivity can result in higher yield when NPK fertilizer was applied. There is a significant and positive correlation between contribution rate of soil fertility to yield and inherent soil productivity, but the correlation between contribution rate of fertilizer to yield and inherent soil productivity was significantly negative. It also found that sustainable index and stability index of rice yield was increased with improvement of inherent soil productivity. 【Conclusion】 We concluded that improving inherent soil productivity of paddies can promote rice yield while decrease its dependence on fertilization but is also beneficial to sustainable rice production.
    Responses of Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat Cultivars Released in Different Decades to Soil Fertility in Shaanxi Guanzhong Plain
    HAN Xiao-yu, HUANG Fang, WANG Zheng, ZHANG Shu-lan,YANG Xue-yun
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4769-4780.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.018
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    【Objective】 With the aim of investigating the responses of grain yield and nitrogen efficiencies of winter wheat cultivars released in different decades to various levels of soil fertility status in Shaanxi Guanzhong Plain. 【Method】 The performance of three representative leading wheat cultivars released from 1980s to 2010s under a gradient of soil fertility levels, which had been receiving diverse fertilization treatments for 33 years was evaluated. The winter wheat cultivars are cultivar Xiaoyan 6 in 1980s, cultivar Xiaoyan 22 at the end of 1990s and cultivar Xinong 979 after 2005. The fertilization treatments including different quantities and/or types of mineral fertilizers and organic manure, they are control (CK, no nutrient input), combination of two rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (N1P1, N2P2) and their combination with two doses of organic manure (M1N1P1, M1N2P2, M2N1P1, M2N2P2). 【Result】 The results showed that the grain yield and harvest index of wheat showed an increasing trend with cultivar evolution under same soil fertility level, particularly under higher fertility soils. The grain yield of wheat increased with the improving soil fertility and the amount of fertilizers supplied, with the highest yield increase observed for cultivar Xinong 979 ranged from 151.0% to 610.5%, the least for cultivar Xiaoyan 6 at a range of 148.1%-341.8%, and the cultivar Xiaoyan 22 in between ranged from 127.9% to 349.7%. The soil fertility and cultivar showed a significant interaction effect on grain yield and harvest index of wheat, under lower soil fertility, the grain yield of cultivar Xiaoyan 6 was higher than that of cultivar Xinong 979, and vice versa under high fertility. The nitrogen requirement for producing 100 kg wheat grain showed a decreasing trend with cultivar evolution, but it tended to increase with the increasing soil fertility and the quantity of fertilizers supplied for individual variety. And a considerable interaction effect of soil fertility and cultivar was also observed on the nitrogen requirement for producing 100 kg wheat grain. Both nitrogen physiological efficiency and nitrogen agronomic efficiency showed the increasing trends with cultivar evolution. But the former tended to be declined with improving soil fertility while the latter exhibited the features of a parabolic curve with increasing amount of fertilizer/manure applied. There is no interaction effect of soil fertility and cultivar on nitrogen physiological efficiency and nitrogen agronomic efficiency of winter wheat. 【Conclusion】 The updated wheat varieties could achieve improvingly higher grain yield potential and increased nitrogen efficiencies only under high fertility soil conditions where the nutrients are sufficiently supplied in Shaanxi Guanzhong Plain. Therefore, cultivation of new varieties should be synchronized with the improving soil fertility to assure food security and reach a sustainable agricultural production.
    Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Crop Yield and Soil Physical Properties in Lime Concretion Black Soil
    WANG Dao-zhong, HUA Ke-ke, GUO Zhi-bin
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4781-4789.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.019
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    【Objective】 Maintaining and improving soil fertility, in order to improve soil productivity, is an important part of the sustainable development of agriculture. The effects of long-term combined applications of chemical fertilizer with cow manure (CM), pig manure (PM), and wheat straw (WS) on crop yields and physical properties were investigated in a lime concretion black soil to explore the mechanism of soil fertility improvement. 【Method】The crop yield and soil physical properties in seven treatments composed of chemical fertilizer and combined applications of chemical fertilizer with CM, PM, WS from a long-term experimental field established in 1982 were studied to evaluate the effects of different fertilization treatments on crop yield and soil physical properties of lime concretion black soil in the Mengcheng county of Anhui province. 【Result】The wheat and soybean yield of the treatment without fertilization in the long-term continuously decreased, and the average annually decreasing rates were 39.0 kg·hm-2 and 70.9 kg·hm-2, respectively. The yield of wheat and soybean fluctuated at a very low level after 25 years. The wheat yield of the treatments with a single chemical fertilizer or a combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic material showed an increasing trend. The yield of the treatments with a combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic material increased when compared to the treatment that applied a single chemical fertilizer; the average annual yield increase rate was above 5%. The yield-increasing effect of cow manure was better than pig manure, and of pig manure was better than straw. The interannual fluctuation range of wheat and soybean yield was large, the coefficient of variation (CV) of the treatment without fertilization was the highest, while applied fertilizer could decrease CV. The CV of the treatment with a combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic material was lower than the single chemical fertilizer treatment. The long-term combined application of cow manure, pig manure, and wheat straw with chemical fertilizer could decrease the soil bulk density, and significantly improve soil field water-holding capacity. The yields of wheat and soybean were significantly positively correlated with soil field water-holding capacity, but negatively with soil bulk density. 【Conclusion】The long-term balanced application of single chemical fertilizer or the combined application of organic material and chemical fertilizer could improve soil fertility, wheat yield showed an increasing trend. The combined application of organic material and chemical fertilizer could improve crop yields, decrease yield variation, and improve soil physical properties, suggesting that it is an effective fertilization mode to improve soil physical quality and soil fertility in lime concretion black soil area.
    Effect of Long-Term Different Fertilization on Maize Yield Stability in the Northeast Black Soil Region
    GAO Hong-jun, PENG Chang, ZHANG Xiu-zhi, LI Qiang, ZHU Ping
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4790-4799.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.020
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    【Objective】This research was conducted to reveal the stability difference and dynamic of maize yield in the Northeast Black Soil region of China, and to provide scientific references for establishing the optimal fertilization pattern and promoting the sustainable production of maize.【Method】Based on the long-term experiment on Black Soil fertility and fertilizer efficiency in Gongzhuling city of Jilin province, the respond of maize yield and soil nutrient to eight fertilization patterns were analyzed: non-fertilization (CK), application of single chemical NP (NP), application of single chemical NK (NK), application of single chemical PK (PK), application of single chemical NPK (NPK), mixed application of low amounts of chemical fertilizer and manure (M1NPK), chemical fertilizer plus maize straw (SNPK), and mixed application of high amount chemical fertilizer and manure M2NPK).【Result】It was discovered that maize yield in chemical fertilizer plus organic manure treatments showed a significant increasing trend. There were no significant differences in average yields among the M1NPK, SNPK, and NPK treatments, in which the same N amounts were applied. The NPK treatment had a higher maize yield than the M1NPKand SNPK treatments in the first eleven years, but the result was the opposite in the recent fourteen years. Maize average yields of chemical fertilizer treatments showed an order of NPK>NP>NK>PK and CK during a 25 year period. The yield effects of chemical fertilizers N, P, and K were 33.0, 16.2, and 5.3 kg·kg-1 respectively. The application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer had a higher sustainable yield index (SYI) from 0.712 to 0.798, but the SYI was very low in imbalance fertilization and no fertilizer treatments. The coefficient variation (CV) of maize yield was greater in the CK, PK, or NK treatments, which ranged from 18.5% to 34.7%, while the organic and inorganic fertilizer treatments had a lower CV of between 10.8%-13.0%. The average productivity contribution was 37.8%, 91.2% in the PK and NPK treatments respectively, and there were no significant differences in the productivity contribution among the M1NPK, SNPK, and NPK treatments. Addition of organic fertilizer increased the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium in soils. The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, and available phosphorus were very significantly positively correlated with yield (P<0.01), but available potassium was significantly positively correlated with yield (P<0.05).【Conclusion】The stability of maize yield and soil productivity contribution decreased in the non-fertilization and partly applied chemical fertilizer treatments. A balanced application of chemical fertilizer improved the stability and sustainability of maize yield. A mixed application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer could significantly increase yield. The treatments of M1NPK and SNPK could effectively save energy and reduce emission, as well as increase the stability of maize yield. Replacing chemical fertilizer N input with organic fertilizer N proved to be a feasible method for fertilization measures in the Black Soil region of Northeast China.
    Status and Change Characteristics of Farmland Soil Fertility in Jilin Province
    YAN Li, WANG Yin, FENG Guo-zhong, GAO Qiang
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4800-4810.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.021
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    【Objective】Thirty years have passed since the second national soil survey ended, farmland soil fertility has changed tremendously due to the impact of cultivation activities, cultivar, and tillage way. It is thus important to explore the status of field soil fertility in order to achieve effective utilization of soil resources and sustainable development of cultivation.【Method】The status of field soil fertility was analyzed by massive data of soil sampled in “soil testing and fertilizer recommendation project” in Jilin Province during 2005-2010, and change characteristics of soil nutrients were explored by comparing it with the data of the second national soil survey.【Result】Soil pH is at 6.6 on average in Jilin Province presently; organic matter, alkalystic N, available P, and available K was 26.1 g·kg-1, 146.8 mg·kg-1, 26.7 mg·kg-1, and 121.9 mg·kg-1 on average, respectively. Compared with results from the second national soil survey, soil organic matter reduced significantly, alkalystic N and available P increased, and available K decreased slightly. Soil nutrient has significant differences in different areas in Jilin Province. From East to West, soil pH increased; organic matter, alkalystic N and available P decreased; available K in the East was remarkably lower than that in the other areas. 【Conclusion】There were effective measures, such as scientific and rational fertilization, combined application of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, and straw return, to prevent soil acidification, to increase soil fertility, and to relieve soil potassium deficiency during the farmland cultivation in Jilin Province.   
    Evolution Characteristics and Influence Factors of Acidification in Paddy Soil of Southern China
    ZHOU Xiao-yang, ZHOU Shi-Wei, XU Ming-gang, Colinet Gilles
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4811-4817.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.022
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    【Objective】The objective of this research was to illustrate evolution characteristics of acidification in paddy soil of southern China and to understand the main reasons of soil acidification, which will help farmers to reduce and control soil acidification rate in these areas by rational fertilization. 【Method】We collected monitoring data from 20 sites located in Jiangsu, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan Province in southern China to evaluate soil acidification characteristics of paddy soils and to analyze cause for soil acidification.【Result】Significant soil acidification was observed in paddy soils from 1988 to 2013 with the acidification of decreasing 0.59 pH of soils and average rate of 0.023 pH unit/a. There was phased characteristic of paddy soil acidification. Paddy soils average pH declined significantly during first 14 years with an average pH rate of 0.051pH unit/a. And there was no significant soil acidification in last 10 years. Further, increasing chemical nitrogen (N) rate leaded to paddy soil serious acidification. There was a negative correlation between the chemical fertilizer rate, chemical N rate and soil pH value. Soil pH of paddy soils declined 0.65 unit with chemical N rate increasing every 100 kg·hm-2. Decreasing organic fertilizer rate accelerated paddy soil acidification significantly. Soil pH of paddy soils decreasing 0.51 was observed with each reducing 100 kg·hm-2 of organic fertilizer application. Soil total N and available N contents have negative correlations with soil pH value, which soil pH decline about 0.1 with more 100 mg·kg-1 of soil total N and available N.【Conclusion】In southern China, paddy soils have significant acidification in last 25 years, and with phased characteristics of soil acidification. Significant acidification was in the earlier 10 years and soil pH is stable in the latest 10 years. Reducing the application rate of chemical nitrogen fertilizers and increasing organic fertilizers, is an effective practices for preventing acidification in paddy soils of southern China.
    Changes in pH and Exchangeable Acidity at Depths of Red Soils Derived from 4 Parent Materials Under 3 Vegetations
    ZHAO Kai-li, CAI Ze-jiang, WANG Bo-ren, WEN Shi-lin, ZHOU Xiao-yang, SUN Nan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4818-4826.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.023
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    【Objective】Soil parent materials and vegetation types are two main factors that affect soil acidification. To investigate changes in pH and soil exchangeable acidity at different depths of red soil derived from different soil parent materials and different vegetations will be significant for preventing soil acidification in regions with red soil.【Method】A series of soil samples at depths of 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and 80-100 cm were collected from 11 sites with 4 parent materials (Quaternary red earth, Red sandstone, Plate shale, and Granite) under 3 vegetations (masson pine forest, slash pine forest, and broadleaf forest), in Qiyang County, Hunan province. Soil pH and soil exchangeable acidity were determined, and soil acidification was estimated by the difference in soil pH between 0-40 cm and 60-100 cm layers. 【Result】 The pH of red soils derived from the 4 parent materials was below 6.0. For the 4 parent materials, the average pH of red soils at 0-40 cm layers were following the orders: Granite red soil>Red sandstone red soil>Quaternary red earth red soil>Plate shale red soil; the average pH of red soils under the 3 vegetations were following the orders: masson pine forest>slash pine forest>broadleaf forest. But exchangeable acidity showed the opposite trend. For Quaternary red earth, soil pH significantly increased with soil depths increasing at 0-40 cm layers, but the pH of red soils derived from other parent materials decreased; soil exchangeable acidity had the opposite change trend as compared with soil pH. At layers of 40-100 cm, the average pH of red soils derived from the 4 parent materials werein the following order: Granite red soil>Quaternary red earth red soil>Red sandstone red soil>Plate shale red soil; red soil pH under the 3 vegetations were in the following order: slash pine forest>masson pine forest>broadleaf forest. But, exchangeable acidity showed the opposite change trend. There were increasing trends in red soil pH at depths from 40 cm to100 cm for Red sandstone, Quaternary red earth, and Granite, but no change for Plate shale. Exchangeable acidity showed the opposite. For the 4 parent materials, the average acidification rate of red soils were in the following order: Quaternary red earth red soil>Red sandstone red soil>Granite red soil>Plate shale red soil. For the 3 vegetations they were in the following order: slash pine forest>broadleaf forest>masson pine forest. 【Conclusion】For red soils derived from the 4 parent materials under the 3 vegetations, the differences in soil pH and soil exchangeable acidity at 0-40 cm layers were much larger than that at 40-100 cm layers. For the 4 parent materials, the highest average acidification rate was observed in the red soil derived from Quaternary red earth at 0-40 cm layers, and the lowest was found in red soils from Granite and Plate shale. The acidification rates of red soils with the 3 vegetations were in the following order: slash pine forest>broad leave forest>masson pine forest.
    Effect of Long-Term Fertilization on Pb, As Contents of Soil and Maize Grain
    YANG Zhen-xing, ZHOU Huai-ping, XIE Wen-yan, GUAN Chun-lin, CHE Li
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4827-4836.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.024
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    【Objective】 The objective of this study is to explore the dynamic changes on contents of heavy metal Pb, As in cinnamon soil of long-term fertilization.【Method】Based on the experiment on 22-year application of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic fertilizers and the analysis of Pb and As contents in 0-20 and 20-40 cm soil layers and maize grains in 2013, the effects of accumulation state, interannual variation characteristics and profile distribution on changes of Pb and As contents in cinnamon soil and maize grains after long-term fertilization were studied.【Result】The soil Pb and As contents of no fertilizer treatment decreased, others increased. The soil Pb content increased 1.77-8.41 mg?kg-1 and variation of Pb was between 4.42% and 20.95%, respectively, as compared to the baseline levels. The soil As content decreased 17.10%-41.54%, respectively, as compared to the baseline levels. The content of Pb has obvious properties of surface-accumulation. The content of As in 20-40 cm soil layer was more than that in the plough layer. The contents of two heavy metals in soil tested in 2013 did not exceed the upper limits of the grade II criteria of the Environment Quality Standard for Soil. Pb and As contents in cinnamon soil were not significantly affected by the use of phosphate and organic fertilizers among treatments. Pb and As contents in maize grains analyzed in 2013 were below their respective thresholds of the national food safety standard.【Conclusion】The accumulation of heavy metal Pb in fertilization treatments was demonstrated. So, more attention should be paid to control the amount of fertilizer application.
    Evolution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in the Black Soil Under Long-Term Fertilization
    SU Shu, WANG Ying, LIU Jing, ZHU Ping, GAO Hong-jun, ZHANG Chong-yu, ZHOU Shi-wei
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4837-4845.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.025
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    【Objective】 It is necessary to assess the evolution of heavy metals in soils under long-term fertilization and cropping, which helps rational fertilization and healthy soils in the area.【Method】At a long-term Black Soil experimental station, Jilin, China, six treatments were selected in this study, including CK (control without fertilization), N (nitrogen), NP (nitrogen + phosphorus), NPK (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium), NPKM (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium + manure), and 1.5NPKM (1.5 times of NPKM). The soil in a 0-20 cm layer in each plot for each treatment was sampled in 1989, 1994, 2000, 2006, 2010, and 2012, respectively, and the total/available metal content (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) was measured. Additionally, the metal activity index was also calculated. 【Result】 The results showed that the total and available metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd) did not change with the fertilization year in CK and those treatments receiving chemical fertilizers; except Pb significantly increased under manure application (NPKM and 1.5NPKM). However, Cd activity index decreased markedly by 27%-28% for manure treatments. Three stages in the evolution of soil metals with long-term manure application, attributed to the stage-by-stage change in the metal content of animal manure, were presented, that is, there was a slow increase between 1989 and 2000, a rapid increase between 2000 and 2010, and it kept steady or slowly decreased after 2010. For example, 0.03 mg·kg-1·a-1, 0.07 mg·kg-1·a-1, and -0.13 mg·kg-1·a-1, respectively, for total soil Cd in 1.5NPKM, and 0.11 mg·kg-1·a-1, 0.53 mg·kg-1·a-1, and -1.25 mg·kg-1·a-1, respectively, for available soil Cu in NPKM, were assessed in the three stages above mentioned. Further, a partial correlation analysis showed that the activity index of Cu, Zn, and Pb was positively related to Olsen-P, SOM, and negatively related to soil pH, respectively; whereas the Cd activity index was negatively related to Olsen-P and SOM and positively related to soil pH, which suggested a more complex response for Cd to soil properties influenced by long-term fertilization. 【Conclusion】 Chemical fertilizers did not have an effect, but organic fertilizers strongly influenced the evolution of heavy metals in black soil, where three stages (slow increase, rapid increase, and slow decrease) were observed. Thus, it is critical to both apply organic fertilizers and pay attention to their potential risk for sustained crop production. There is still a risk of long-term cattle manure application with 30 t·hm-2 to the black soil.
    The Rock Fragments (<2 mm) and Their Action Mechanism on the Shear Strength of Purple Mudstone-Developed Soils
    ZHONG Shou-qin, LIU Bo, WEI Chao-fu, HU Fei-nan
    Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2015, 48(23):  4846-4858.  doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.23.026
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    【Objective】Soil shear strength is an indicator that reflects the ability of soil confronting sliding, water erosion, and overturning. The rock fragments in purple soil can significantly affect its shear strength. To date, most studies on the effects of rock fragments on shear strength often stress the role of rock fragments with sizes > 2 mm. The effects of rock fragments < 2 mm in soil are often ignored. Thus, evaluating the mechanisms of < 2 mm rock fragments on soil shear strength can promote sustainable development of soil.【Method】This paper used the purple soils of the sloping land developed from the mudstone as the research objects. The soil particle composition was measured using a pipette method, and the soil shear strength was measured via the strain control direct shear test under different moisture contents and vertical pressure. The < 2 mm of rock fragments and their mechanisms on soil shear strength were studied by comparing the analysis.【Result】From the summit to the toeslope, the particle compositions of dryland soils from summit to footslope were highly significantly correlated with that of their parent rock, but the correlations between the particle compositions of paddy land soils from footslope to toeslope and their parent rock were not significant. Hence, the particle compositions of dryland soils were highly related to that of their parent rock. The content of soil particles <0.25 mm were about 99.84%-99.91%, in which the contents of particles presented as >0.25 mm rock fragments occupied a ratio of 0.96%-57.82%, particles presented as >0.25 mm aggregates occupied a ratio of 6.33%-19.66%. The content of <2 mm rock fragments reduced with the decreasing elevation, and the rock fragment content of dryland was much higher than that of paddy land; by contrast, the contents of aggregate and clay particles increased. When the soil water content was increased from 7% to 25%, the effects of soil water content on dryland soils cohesion were less than that of paddy soils. The internal friction angle decreased linearly, and the influence of soil water content on the internal friction angle increased with the decreasing elevation. Under the same vertical pressure, the impact of soil water content on shear strength increased with the decreasing elevation and rock fragments. 【Conclusion】 There are a large amount of <2 mm rock fragments in purple soils developed from mudstone. And these <2 mm rock fragments had changed the traditional understanding of the aggregates. In the present study, the aggregates can be subdivided into pre-aggregates and post-aggregates. The former represented the <2 mm rock fragments, and the latter was the water-stable aggregates. In addition, these <2 mm rock fragments contained in soils could decrease the effects of soil water content on the cohesion and internal friction angle, as well as the soil’s shear strength. The results could provide a theoretical basis for improving the theoretical system of soil particle aggregate state study, and also would have a certain value for the conservation and sustainable use of sloping land in mudstone-developed purple soil areas.