Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (8): 1515-1530.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.08.008


Effects of Drip Irrigation Under Film and Trickle Furrow Irrigation on Maize Growth and Yield

LIU MengJie1,2(), LIANG Fei1,3(), LI QuanSheng1, TIAN YuXin1,4, WANG GuoDong1, JIA HongTao2()   

  1. 1 Institute of Farmland Water Conservancy and Soil-Fertilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Science, Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang
    2 College of Resources and Environment, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052
    3 College of Biology and Geography Sciences, Yili Normal University, Yili 835000, Xinjiang
    4 College of Grassland, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052
  • Received:2022-03-19 Accepted:2022-06-02 Online:2023-04-16 Published:2023-04-23


【Objective】The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of drip irrigation and trickle furrow irrigation on maize growth, yield and water use efficiency. 【Method】 Taking Zhengdan 958 as the research object, a field experiment was conducted from 2015 to 2021. The soil water content of 0-50 cm under narrow row, root zone and wide row was measured by a tubular moisture meter to study the effects of drip irrigation and trickle furrow irrigation under film on soil water distribution and its effects on maize plant height, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, biomass, yield and water use efficiency.【Result】Drip irrigation under mulch gave priority to supplement soil moisture in narrow row and root zone, while trickle furrow irrigation gave priority to supplement surface moisture in wide row. The water consumption of maize was mainly concentrated in 0-30 cm soil layer, and the soil water content in narrow row and 0-30 cm root zone of drip irrigation under mulch was higher than that of trickle furrow irrigation; with the increase of depth, the effect of irrigation on soil water content decreased, and the 40-50 cm water dynamics was less affected by irrigation methods. Drip irrigation under mulch could significantly promote the growth of maize at flowering and maturation stages, and increase leaf area index compared with trickle furrow irrigation. Compared with trickle irrigation, the plant height and leaf area index of drip irrigation under mulch increased by 4.3% and 8.3% at flowering stage, and increased by 4.9% and 15.1% at maturation stage, respectively. The total biomass of maize at flowering stage and maturation stage was drip irrigation under mulch>trickle furrow irrigation treatment, with an increase of 12.2% at flowering stage, and the maturation stage increased by 11.5%. The amount of dry matter transfer, the rate of dry matter transfer and the contribution rate of dry matter transfer of maize under drip irrigation were significantly higher than those under trickle irrigation, with increasing by 17.8%, 3.8% and 3.5% respectively. Drip irrigation under mulch significantly increased maize yield and irrigation water utilization efficiency, with an average yield increase of 14.4%, and irrigation water utilization efficiency increased by 14.6%.【Conclusion】Under the condition of equal irrigation volume, the drip irrigation under mulch could increase the water content in maize root zone, promote the growth of maize, facilitate the accumulation and transportation of dry matter of maize, improve the yield, and achieve water saving and efficiency increasing. Compared with trickle furrow irrigation, the average yield increased by 2 131.68 kg·hm-2, and the irrigation water use efficiency increased by 8.8%-24.1%. Therefore, the drip irrigation under plastic mulch was a high-yield and efficient irrigation method for maize planting in Northern Xinjiang.

Key words: drip irrigation under mulch, trickle furrow irrigation, maize, water use efficiency, yield, growth index, Xinjiang

Fig. 1

Changes in temperature and precipitation during the maize growing period from 2015 to 2021"

Table 1

Fertilization and irrigation"

出苗期 Seedling stage 拔节期 Jointing stage 小喇叭口期 Small bell- mouth stage 大喇叭口期 Big bell- mouth stage 抽雄期 Heading stage 开花期 Flowering stage 吐丝期
Silking stage
Grain formation stage
Milk-ripe stage
MDI 灌水量
Irrigation quantity
163.6 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 563.6 472.8 4800.0
Urea (kg·hm-2)
0.0 81.8 81.8 90.9 81.8 81.8 72.7 54.5 0.0 545.3
phosphate (kg·hm-2)
36.4 36.4 45.5 45.5 45.5 27.3 18.2 18.2 0.0 273.0
Potassium sulphate (kg·hm-2)
0.0 18.2 27.3 27.3 36.4 22.7 18.2 13.6 0.0 163.7
TFI 灌水量
Irrigation quantity
163.6 1200.0 1200.0 1200.0 1036.4 4800.0
0.0 163.6 172.7 154.5 54.5 545.3
Monoammonium phosphate (kg·hm-2)
36.4 81.8 90.9 45.5 18.4 273.0
Potassium sulphate (kg·hm-2)
0.0 45.5 63.6 40.9 13.7 163.7

Fig. 2

Schematic diagram of cultivation mode of drip irrigation and trickle furrow irrigation under maize film ● in the figure is the position of moisture meter, which is in the narrow row, root zone and wide row respectively; In addition, the drip irrigation belt in trickle ditch irrigation treatment is only used in seedling emergence water and removed after seedling emergence"

Fig. 3

Dynamic diagram of soil moisture at different sites of drip irrigation under film in 2021"

Fig. 4

Dynamic diagram of soil moisture at different locations of trickle furrow irrigation in 2021"

Table 2

Water distribution of drip irrigation and trickle furrow irrigation under 0-50 cm (%)"

Depth (cm)
Great trumpet stage
Flowering stage
Grain completion period
Maturation stage
0-10 N MDI 6.73±3.54a 9.76±3.16a 10.67±4.89a 9.42±3.96a
TFI 5.82±2.60a 6.01±2.95b 7.43±3.12b 9.72±3.39a
R MDI 8.64±4.12a 10.52±2.75a 10.51±2.33a 10.72±3.35a
TFI 7.13±3.76a 7.20±3.36b 8.46±2.53b 8.96±2.41b
W MDI 6.78±3.10a 8.11±3.01a 8.82±4.43a 10.25±4.80a
TFI 6.94±3.95a 7.62±2.68a 8.34±4.01a 9.25±4.30a
10-20 N MDI 12.11±4.59a 13.42±5.60a 14.95±6.25a 16.53±5.18a
TFI 9.42±2.92b 12.18±2.11a 14.71±3.15a 13.91±3.60b
R MDI 14.79±4.49a 15.53±4.87a 15.53±2.67a 17.96±4.30a
TFI 13.71±2.28a 14.59±1.73a 15.22±3.22a 17.64±4.78a
W MDI 9.78±4.32a 11.65±4.29b 11.92±5.03b 13.24±3.30b
TFI 13.94±6.74b 14.43±4.84a 16.88±3.89a 19.40±1.83a
20-30 N MDI 13.51±5.37a 16.48±5.92a 17.43±5.87a 18.64±4.01a
TFI 12.12±4.02a 16.12±2.72a 17.16±3.99a 16.72±4.60b
R MDI 14.29±2.29a 16.95±2.27a 17.52±2.47a 19.63±4.71a
TFI 14.79±2.54a 15.68±2.81a 16.52±4.47a 15.85±4.93b
W MDI 11.04±5.69b 13.40±6.23b 13.23±6.05b 14.44±4.89b
TFI 15.86±2.29a 16.98±4.56a 18.56±3.12a 20.64±1.74a
30-40 N MDI 16.82±6.25a 20.22±5.64a 21.20±4.12a 20.70±3.77a
TFI 15.41±5.59a 19.45±3.41a 19.50±4.17b 20.28±4.11a
R MDI 18.49±3.66a 19.79±5.04a 22.16±2.71a 21.48±4.98a
TFI 16.37±2.60b 20.11±3.45a 20.27±4.65b 21.72±4.38a
W MDI 14.70±5.62b 17.99±6.35b 18.13±5.85b 19.31±5.78b
TFI 18.43±2.73a 20.28±2.45a 21.83±3.28a 23.12±3.12a
40-50 N MDI 20.12±6.08a 22.70±5.30a 23.78±4.44a 24.28±3.98a
TFI 18.10±5.45b 21.89±4.16a 22.28±4.37b 22.31±4.56b
R MDI 20.49±3.45a 20.86±5.26a 23.21±4.13a 24.64±5.12a
TFI 19.31±5.61a 20.37±3.84a 21.87±4.37a 24.51±4.27a
W MDI 18.67±5.61a 21.43±6.13a 22.09±5.51a 23.41±3.88a
TFI 19.55±6.85a 22.02±4.14a 22.64±2.85a 24.25±2.88a

Fig. 5

Comparison of SPAD value between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation at flowering stage of maize Different lowercase letters on the column chart indicate significant difference between treatments (P<0.05). The same below"

Fig. 6

Comparison of plant height between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation at flowering and maturation stages of maize"

Fig. 7

Comparison of leaf area index between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation at flowering and maturation stages of maize"

Fig. 8

Comparison of aboveground biomass between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation at flowering stage of maize"

Fig. 9

Comparison of aboveground biomass between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation at maturation stage of maize"

Table 3

Comparison of yield and yield’s component of maize between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation"

Ear diameter (mm)
Row number per ear
Kernel number per row
1000-kernel weight (g)
Yield (kg·hm-2)
2015 TFI 47.22±1.34b 12.60±0.95a 29.50±3.09b 335.58±34.03b 14916.40±2026.18b
MDI 48.05±3.19a 12.80±0.98a 33.35±1.95a 393.92±21.86a 16515.66±2617.32a
2016 TFI 44.30±1.97a 13.65±1.00a 30.85±1.09a 337.29±17.84b 14288.22±1632.62b
MDI 44.00±1.61a 14.75±1.41a 33.30±1.14a 365.43±26.76a 16843.50±1634.13a
2017 TFI 46.51±1.78b 14.70±1.45a 34.05±1.84b 306.18±15.16b 15428.78±2809.12b
MDI 49.00±3.49a 15.50±1.68a 38.20±2.73a 326.75±27.56a 18225.88±1973.58a
2018 TFI 44.85±1.17b 13.60±0.33a 32.65±3.91b 305.20±18.91b 14041.35±1399.99b
MDI 46.85±2.73a 14.30±0.50a 36.45±2.25a 330.91±25.04a 15278.19±3218.16a
2019 TFI 45.50±0.43a 14.60±0.86a 33.05±2.83a 324.94±72.73b 15991.53±2714.84b
MDI 46.75±0.77a 14.30±0.69a 34.75±2.52a 346.35±31.95a 17397.55±3352.87a
2020 TFI 48.55±1.75a 14.40±0.50a 31.60±0.75a 356.14±33.57b 14587.73±1668.32b
MDI 49.55±1.54a 14.80±0.53a 31.40±0.21a 369.91±59.09a 18103.98±2863.82a
2021 TFI 43.42±1.36a 13.43±0.43a 29.75±2.69a 380.88±21.07a 14754.67±1369.82b
MDI 43.98±1.83a 13.78±0.13a 30.33±2.09a 384.35±19.05a 16565.66±1056.69a
TFI 45.76a 13.85a 31.64a 335.17b 14858.38b
MDI 46.88a 14.32a 33.97a 359.66a 16990.06a

Table 4

Effects of drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation on dry matter accumulation and transfer in maize at flowering stage"

Dry matter at flowering stage (kg·hm-2)
Dry matter at maturation stage (kg·hm-2)
Dry matter transshipment (kg·hm-2)
Dry matter transport rate (%)
Grain contribution
rate (%)
2015 TFI 18493.49a 27382.16a 5162.69a 40.08a 34.61a
MDI 19859.40a 30110.85a 5870.70a 43.76a 35.55a
2016 TFI 20213.96a 27909.20b 6580.82a 47.50a 42.89a
MDI 21811.50a 30948.75a 7224.32a 48.40a 46.06a
2017 TFI 20313.63a 28281.96b 7354.98a 53.43a 43.13a
MDI 21291.66a 31395.20a 7860.65a 54.61a 47.67a
2018 TFI 19459.31b 26063.78b 7263.27b 53.64b 51.73a
MDI 21476.24a 28190.16a 8335.34a 55.92a 54.56a
2019 TFI 17185.16b 27676.69b 4978.46b 42.82b 31.13a
MDI 19605.22a 30021.84a 6602.87a 51.17a 37.95a
2020 TFI 17173.31b 27439.78b 4270.48b 35.39a 29.27a
MDI 20855.56a 32706.41a 6352.09a 43.73a 35.09a
2021 TFI 19819.49b 26768.55b 7515.79b 58.41a 50.94a
MDI 22340.09a 30223.80a 8534.99a 60.10a 51.52a
平均 Mean TFI 18951.19b 27360.30b 6160.93b 47.32a 40.53a
MDI 21034.24a 30513.86a 7254.42a 51.10a 44.06a

Table 5

Comparison of irrigation water utilization efficiency between drip irrigation under mulch and trickle furrow irrigation for maize"

Irrigation amount in maize growth period(m3·hm-2)
Irrigation water utilization rate (kg·m-3)
2015 TFI 4800 14916.40b 2.83b
MDI 4800 16515.66a 3.13a
2016 TFI 4800 14288.22b 2.71b
MDI 4800 16843.50a 3.19a
2017 TFI 4800 15428.78b 2.92b
MDI 4800 18225.88a 3.45a
2018 TFI 4800 14041.35b 2.66a
MDI 4800 15278.19a 2.89a
2019 TFI 4800 15991.53b 3.03a
MDI 4800 17397.55a 3.29a
2020 TFI 4800 14587.73b 2.76b
MDI 4800 18103.98a 3.43a
2021 TFI 4800 14754.67b 2.79b
MDI 4800 16565.66a 3.14a
平均 Mean TFI 4800 14858.38b 2.81b
MDI 4800 16990.06a 3.22a
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