Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (11): 2121-2134.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.11.004


Effects of Water-Saving Irrigation on Grain Yield and Quality: A Meta-Analysis

MENG Yi1(),WENG WenAn1,CHEN Le1,HU Qun1,XING ZhiPeng1,WEI HaiYan1,GAO Hui1,HUANG Shan2,LIAO Ping1(),ZHANG HongCheng1()   

  1. 1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Jiangsu Industrial Engineering Research Center of High Quality Japonica Rice/Research Institute of Rice Industrial Engineering Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
    2Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education/Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045
  • Received:2021-08-23 Accepted:2021-11-04 Online:2022-06-01 Published:2022-06-16
  • Contact: Ping LIAO,HongCheng ZHANG;;


【Objective】 Compared with continuous flooding, the water-saving irrigation can increase water use efficiency. However, the effects of water-saving irrigation on yield and quality in rice paddies have not been clearly defined. The objective of this study was to identify the systematic effects of water-saving irrigation on rice yield and quality through Meta-analysis techniques. 【Method】 In the present study, a total of 34 studies that adapted a water-saving treatment and continuous flooding as the control involving 263 paired observations were included across this dataset. The meta-analysis was conducted to identify the responses of yield and quality to water-saving irrigation as affected by experimental type, water-saving irrigation type, cropping system, rice type, the period of water-saving irrigation, soil total nitrogen (N), soil texture, N rate, and the number of N application. 【Result】 Overall, the water-saving irrigation did not significantly affect grain yield and quality relative to continuous flooding. In terms of water-saving irrigation type, the moderate water-saving irrigation increased brown rice rate (+0.9%), milled rice rate (+1.5%), and head milled rice rate (+2.3%), but did not affect grain yield, chalkiness percentage, chalkiness degree, length/width ratio, amylose content, gel consistency, and protein content relative to continuous flooding. However, the severe water-saving irrigation significantly decreased grain yield (-22.1%), brown rice rate (-2.7%), milled rice rate (-2.7%), and head milled rice rate (-3.6%), and increased chalkiness percentage (+28.0%) and chalkiness degree (+46.7%), while no marked differences were observed on length/width ratio, amylose content, gel consistency, and protein content. Furthermore, compared with continuous flooding, the water-saving irrigation reduced protein content (-9.8%) of late rice, but did not affect that of early rice, middle rice, and single rice. 【Conclusion】 Compared with continuous flooding, the moderate water-saving irrigation could improve rice milling quality, and did not affect grain yield, appearance quality, cooking and eating quality, and nutrition quality. The severe water-saving irrigation significantly reduced rice yield, milling quality, and appearance quality, while no significant effects were found on cooking and eating quality and nutrition quality. The results provided an insight to evaluate the responses of grain yield and quality to water-saving irrigation.

Key words: water-saving irrigation, continuous flooding irrigation, yield, rice quality, meta-analysis

Table 1

Overview of the studies included in the present meta-analysis"

Experimental type
Water-saving irrigation type
Soil texture
Grain yield
Milling quality
Appearance quality
Cooking and eating quality
Nutrition quality
Brown rice rate
Milled rice rate
Head milled rice rate
Chalkiness percentage
Chalkiness degree
Length/width ratio
Amylose content
Gel consistency
Protein content
3 F M/S I/J L 单季稻 Single NA NA NA NA NA NA
6 F M J L 中稻 Middle NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
7 F M I L 早稻 Early NA NA
10 F M I L 中稻 Middle NA
14 F M I/J L 中稻 Middle
15 F M/S I/J L 中稻 Middle NA
16 F M J L 中稻 Middle NA NA NA
17 F M/S J L/H 中稻 Middle NA
18,19 F M I H 晚稻 Late NA
21 P M/S I L NA
22 F M/S I L 晚稻 Late NA
23 F M I L 晚稻 Late NA
25 P/F M/S I/J L 中稻 Middle NA NA NA NA NA
26 F M/S J H 中稻 Middle
Experimental type
Water-saving irrigation type
Soil texture
Grain yield
Milling quality
Appearance quality
Cooking and eating quality
Nutrition quality
Brown rice rate
Milled rice rate
Head milled rice rate
Chalkiness percentage
Chalkiness degree
Length/width ratio
Amylose content
Gel consistency
Protein content
27 P M/S J H NA
28 F M/S I L 中稻 Middle NA NA NA NA
29 F M/S I L 中稻 Middle NA NA NA NA NA
30 F NA I H 早、晚稻 Double NA NA NA NA
31 F M/S I L 晚稻 Late NA
32 F M I NA 晚稻 Late NA NA
33 F NA J H 单季稻 Single NA NA NA NA
34 P M/S I L NA

Fig. 1

The response of grain yield to water-saving irrigation as affected by categorical variables Numbers in the parentheses indicated the number of sample sizes within each category. Error bars indicated 95% confidence intervals. The same as below"

Table 2

The responses of grain yield, milling quality, appearance quality, cooking and eating quality, and nutrition quality to water-saving irrigation as affected by categorical variables (P values)"

Categorical variable
Grain yield
Milling quality
Appearance quality
Cooking and eating quality
Nutrition quality
Brown rice rate
Milled rice rate
Head milled
rice rate
Chalkiness percentage
Chalkiness degree
Length/width ratio
Amylose content
节水灌溉类型 Water-saving irrigation type < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.751 0.058 < 0.001 0.658
种植制度 Cropping system 0.470 0.811 0.672 0.889 0.483 0.284 0.433 0.929 0.180 < 0.05
水稻类型 Rice type 0.370 0.640 0.328 0.143 0.963 0.276 0.857 0.439 < 0.05 0.756
节水灌溉时期 Water-saving irrigation period 0.801 0.660 0.274 0.332 0.381 0.994 0.103 0.996 0.577 0.392
土壤全氮 Soil TN 0.852 0.504 0.947 0.237 0.078 0.083 0.717 0.090 0.766 0.371
土壤质地 Soil texture 0.258 0.122 < 0.05 0.819 0.117 0.223 0.550 0.835 < 0.01 0.858
氮肥施用量 N rate 0.837 0.261 0.842 0.633 0.338 0.938 0.542 0.405 0.819 0.828
氮肥施用次数 N application number 0.777 0.686 0.564 0.922 0.510 0.538 0.095 0.254 0.489 0.714
试验类型 Experimental type < 0.05 0.542 0.210 0.317 0.614 0.808 0.877 0.895 0.076 < 0.001

Fig. 2

The responses of brown rice rate (a), milled rice rate (b), and head milled rice rate (c) to water-saving irrigation as affected by categorical variables"

Fig. 3

The responses of chalkiness percentage (a), chalkiness degree (b), and length/width ratio (c) to water-saving irrigation as affected by categorical variables"

Fig. 4

The responses of amylose content (a), gel consistency (b), and protein content (c) to water-saving irrigation as affected by categorical variables"

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