Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (2): 307-319.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.02.006


Regulation Mechanism of Planting Density and Spraying Ethephon on Lignin Metabolism and Lodging Resistance of Summer Maize

GENG WenJie(),LI Bin(),REN BaiZhao,ZHAO Bin,LIU Peng,ZHANG JiWang()   

  1. Maize Technology Innovation Center of Shandong Province, Laizhou 261400, Shandong
  • Received:2021-04-01 Accepted:2021-10-29 Online:2022-01-16 Published:2022-01-26
  • Contact: JiWang ZHANG;;


【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulation mechanism of planting density and spraying ethephon on lignin metabolism and lodging resistance characteristics and to explore the mechanism of planting density and ethephon application on lodging resistance characteristics of summer maize. 【Method】 In this study, the summer maize hybrid, Xundan20, was grown by spraying water or ethephon at the seven-expanded-leaf stage under three different plant densities (60 000 plants/hm2, low density, L; 75 000 plants/hm2, medium density, M; 90 000 plants/hm2, high density, H) in order to explore the effects of density and ethephon on plant morphology, the third internode microstructure, lignin metabolism and yield, etc. 【Result】 Compared with LCK at milking stage, the internode length of the third stem under HCK increased by 19.75%. The stem diameter, stalk rind penetration strength, small vascular bundle number, small vascular bundle area and cortex thickness under HCK were 8.00%, 43.46%, 20.41%, 26.92% and 22.05% lower than those under LCK, respectively. The lignin accumulation and enzyme activity of PAL, 4-CL, CAD and POD under HCK were 24.04%, 33.81%、10.92%, 49.06% and 20.78% lower than those under LCK, respectively. Compared with HCK at milking stage, the internode length of the third stem under HE decreased by 34.84%. The stem diameter, stalk rind penetration strength, small vascular bundle number, small vascular bundle area and cortex thickness of HE were 14.22%,66.10%,22.71%,22.11% and 35.96% higher than those under HCK, respectively. The lignin accumulation and enzyme activity of PAL, 4-CL, CAD and POD of HE were 28.28%, 30.74%, 13.01%, 59.26% and 16.99% higher than those under HCK, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Lodging resistance of summer maize decreased with the increasing of planting density. After the application of ethephon, the stem strength and lignin metabolism of summer maize were enhanced, the lodging resistance was enhanced, and finally maize yield was increased. The effect of spraying ethephon on the lignin metabolism and lodging resistance of XD 20 was the most significant when the planting density was 90 000 plants/hm2, and yield was the highest.

Key words: planting density, ethephon, summer maize, lodging resistance, lignin metabolism

Fig. 1

Climate data for temperature and precipitation during the experimental period"

Table 1

Effects of planting density and ethephon on lodging rate of summer maize"

2017 2018
调查时期Investigation stage 倒伏率 Lodging percentage (%) 调查时期Investigation stage 倒伏率 Lodging percentage (%)
LCK R3 3.4e R3 11.1c
MCK R3 14.5b R3 44.1b
ME R3 5.3d R3 6.7d
HCK R3 20.5a VT 69.2a
HE R3 10.2c R3 11.2c

Fig. 2

Effects of planting density and ethephon on plant height and center of gravity height of summer maize LCK, MCK, ME, HCK and HE are the treatments of low density control, medium density control, medium density sprayed with ethephon, high density control and high density sprayed with ethephon, respectively. Different lowercase letters in the figure indicate significant difference at 5% level. The same as below"


Effects of planting density and ethephon on internode length of summer maize (cm)"

抽雄期 Tasseling stage 乳熟期 Milking stage
2017 LCK 3.00a 10.00c 13.50c 14.00b 2.67a 9.17a 15.33a 17.13a
MCK 3.33a 11.67b 15.00b 14.83b 2.67a 10.17a 15.50a 17.83a
ME 3.33a 8.33d 12.00d 12.33c 3.17a 7.33b 9.00b 13.00b
HCK 3.33a 13.00a 17.17a 17.00a 2.67a 10.50a 16.33a 18.83a
HE 3.67a 10.33c 12.33d 11.00d 2.33a 7.00b 8.67b 12.00b
2018 LCK 6.67a 13.10ab 15.27c 16.40b 6.00ab 13.20c 16.50bc 16.65b
MCK 7.00a 13.67a 17.00b 17.00b 6.50a 15.33b 17.00b 16.67b
ME 4.33b 11.33b 14.33c 15.33c 4.93b 8.93d 15.23c 15.93b
HCK 7.33a 14.43a 19.00a 18.33a 6.33a 16.50a 19.00a 18.25a
HE 4.00b 11.67b 14.00c 16.50b 5.50ab 8.57d 15.47bc 15.57b
年份Year (Y) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ns
密度Density (D) ns ** ** ** ns * ns ns
乙烯利Ethephon (E) ** ** ** ** * ** ** **
密度×乙烯利 (D×E) ns ns ** * ns ns ns *

Table 3

Effects of planting density and ethephon on stalk diameter of summer maize (mm)"

抽雄期 Tasseling stage 乳熟期 Milking stage
2017 LCK 27.84a 26.62a 23.87a 21.96ab 26.36a 22.92b 22.44b 22.52ab
MCK 26.38b 24.76b 22.52b 20.06c 25.48bc 21.92c 22.19b 22.00b
ME 29.00a 26.70a 23.89a 22.69a 25.46bc 22.64bc 22.39b 23.04ab
HCK 24.45c 21.97c 19.97c 19.91c 23.48d 20.65d 20.45c 20.35c
HE 28.07a 25.65ab 22.59b 20.64bc 24.93c 23.15ab 22.86b 22.99ab
2018 LCK 28.83b 27.43b 26.50b 24.02c 26.06a 21.65b 23.33a 22.67a
MCK 26.00c 25.19c 24.17c 23.14d 24.58b 20.53c 19.00b 19.33c
ME 28.17ab 29.32a 29.50a 27.14a 26.73a 23.67a 22.35a 22.33a
HCK 25.76c 25.75c 22.07d 21.31e 23.30c 20.33c 17.03c 17.00d
HE 29.61a 30.58a 30.07a 28.08a 24.21b 23.65a 23.33a 21.33b
年份Year (Y) ns ** ** ** ns ns ns *
密度Density (D) ** ** ** ns ** * * *
乙烯利Ethephon (E) ** ** ** ** * ** ** **
密度×乙烯利 (D×E) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns

Fig. 3

Effects of planting density and ethephon on stalk rind penetration strength of summer maize"

Fig. 4

Effects of planting density and ethephon on microstructure of summer maize a, b, c, d and e respectively show the microstructure at LCK, MCK, ME, HCK and HE"

Table 4

Effects of planting density and ethephon on microstructure of summer maize"

单株维管束数目 Number of vascular bundle per plant (No.) 小维管束面积
Small vascular bundle area (mm2)
Cortex thickness (μm)
Small vascular bundle
Big vascular bundle
Total number of vascular bundle
LCK 457.33±1.20a 170.67±0.67a 628.00±0.58a 0.130±0.003a 67.79±0.07b
MCK 388.00±0.58c 165.33±0.33ab 624.00±0.33a 0.102±0.002c 58.09±0.14c
ME 416.00±1.53b 153.33±0.88bc 581.33±2.19b 0.114±0.002b 68.10±0.52b
HCK 364.00±0.58d 144.00±0.67cd 522.67±0.33c 0.095±0.000c 52.84±0.13d
HE 446.67±3.28a 134.67±2.60d 517.33±4.58c 0.116±0.001b 71.84±0.38a

Fig. 5

Effects of planting density and ethephon on lignin content of summer maize V12, VT, R3 and R6 are twelve-leaf stage, tasseling stage, milking stage and maturity stage, respectively. The same as below"

Fig. 6

Effects of planting density and ethephon on lignin synthase activity of summer maize"

Table 5

Effects of planting density and ethephon on summer maize yield"

Ears (No. hm-2)
Kernels per ear
1000-grain weight (g)
Grain yield (kg·hm-2)
2017 LCK 50420d 532a 331.55a 8894.91c
MCK 60161c 509ab 324.49a 9932.49b
ME 65346b 506b 301.27b 9954.73b
HCK 59414c 476c 309.76b 8767.37c
HE 82617a 496bc 306.52b 12566.32a
2018 LCK 45949d 600a 318.26a 8777.77d
MCK 59678c 578b 303.92b 10500.73c
ME 68140b 573b 298.61c 11665.40b
HCK 25166e 353d 268.29e 2381.91e
HE 82587a 543c 290.59d 13039.17a
年份Year (Y) * ns ** ns
密度Density (D) ns ** ** ns
乙烯利Ethephon (E) ** ** ns **
密度×乙烯利 (D×E) ** ** ** **

Table 6

Correlation analysis between lodging rate and various factors"

Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient
Grain yield
-0.815 穿刺强度
Stalk rind penetration strength
-0.944* 木质素含量
Lignin content
Plant height
0.965** 皮层厚度
Cortex thickness
-0.967** 苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性
PAL activity
Center of gravity height
0.980** 大维管束数目
Number of big vascular bundle
-0.106 4-香豆酸CoA连接酶活性
4-CL activity
Internode length
0.860 小维管束数目
Number of small vascular bundle
-0.891* 肉桂醇脱氢酶活性
CAD activity
Stem diameter
-0.844 小维管束面积
Small vascular bundle area
-0.863 过氧化物酶活性
POD activity
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