Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 1856-1868.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.09.004


Mixed-Cropping Improved on Grain Filling Characteristics and Yield of Maize Under High Planting Densities

HU DanDan(),LI RongFa,LIU Peng(),DONG ShuTing(),ZHAO Bin,ZHANG JiWang,REN BaiZhao   

  1. College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, Shandong
  • Received:2020-07-08 Accepted:2020-09-27 Online:2021-05-01 Published:2021-05-10
  • Contact: Peng LIU,ShuTing DONG;;


【Objective】The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of mixed planting of maize varieties on grain filling characteristics and yield under close planting conditions. 【Method】Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) and Denghai 605 (DH605) were used as experimental materials. Three planting densities (D1, 67 500 plants/hm2; D2, 82 500 plants/hm2; D3, 97 500 plants/hm2), and two different mixed-cropping planting patterns (mixture (M), random sowing after mixing seeds of the two varieties in the same proportion; I, one row of ZD958 and one row of DH605) were arranged, with the same density of Zhengdan 958 (SZD958) and Denghai 605 (SDH605) as controls. Effects of mixed planting of maize varieties on the dry matter accumulation and translocation, grain filling characteristics and yield of summer maize were investigated under close planting conditions. 【Result】With the increase of planting density, the dry matter accumulation of different planting methods after anthesis increased, while the dry matter accumulation per plant at maturity and the grain filling parameters decreased. Although the 1000-grain weight decreased, the population yield increased significantly. There were no significant differences in the grain yields among the different treatments at D1 density. The grain yields obtained under the M and I treatments were higher than those of the monoculture treatments at D2 and D3 densities. Under D2 density, the 2-year average data showed that the grain yields obtained under the M and I treatments increased by 8.70% and 8.09% than that of SZD958, and 6.92% and 6.32% than that of SDH605, respectively. At D3 density, the grain yields obtained under the M and I treatments increased by 7.24% and 7.55% than that of SZD958, and 4.98% and 5.28% than that of SDH605, respectively. At D2 and D3 densities, the Gmax (maximum grain-filling rate), Wmax (kernel weight at the maximum grain filling rate) and grain weight were increased under the M and I treatments. And the 100-kernel weight was extremely significantly positively correlated with the days needed for reaching the maximum grain-filling rate (Tmax), Wmax, Gmax, and active grain filling period (P) at P<0.01. At D2 density, the average Wmax for two years under M and I treatments increased significantly by 11.61% and 11.12% than that of SZD958, and 5.86% and 5.38% than that of SDH605, respectively. The average Wmax at M and I treatments at D3 density increased significantly by 10.32% and 9.75% than that of SZD958, and 5.63% and 5.08% than that of SDH605, respectively. The dry matter accumulation per plant at maturity, dry matter accumulation after anthesis, the transfer amount and translocation efficiency of dry matter for M and I treatments increased than those of SZD958 and SDH605. The 2-year average data showed that dry matter accumulation after anthesis obtained under the M and 1:1 treatments increased by 4.43% and 7.56% than that of SZD958, and 5.25% and 8.36% than that of SDH605 at D2 density, respectively. The dry matter accumulation after anthesis obtained under the M and I treatments increased by 3.85% and 4.68% than that of SZD958, and by 4.52% and 5.36% than that of SDH605 at D3 density, respectively. 【Conclusion】There were no significant differences in the grain yields among the different treatments at low density. Under 82 500 plant/hm2 and 97 500 plant/hm2 density, the mixed cropping significantly increased dry matter accumulation and transport after anthesis, improved the maximum grain filling rate of summer maize and weight of maximum grain filling rate, promoted grain filling, and finally increased the yield significantly.

Key words: summer maize, density, mixed-cropping, grain filling characteristics, yield

Table 1

Effects of mixed-cropping of maize varieties on grain yield and yield components during the 2017 and 2018 growing seasons under different planting densities"

Planting pattern
Harvest ear number (ears/hm2)
per ear
weight (g)
2017 D1 SZD958 64400.8c 542.9a 357.0ef 2.86ef 10014.5e
SDH605 64377.5c 522.0c 388.7a 3.69cdef 10129.1e
M 64565.0c 541.7a 376.3b 2.64def 10315.0e
I 65012.5c 536.0b 366.4cd 3.27ef 10155.3e
D2 SZD958 78953.3b 462.5e 343.5gh 3.18bc 10850.2d
SDH605 79314.2b 464.8e 363.0de 3.97b 11064.8d
M 79279.2b 484.8d 372.3bc 2.81f 11928.5c
I 79354.6b 479.7d 368.8bcd 2.97cde 11798.3c
D3 SZD958 94190.0a 430.7g 314.2j 4.11b 12419.8b
SDH605 94379.3a 418.4h 333.4i 4.80a 12692.3b
M 94210.8a 445.4f 348.2fg 2.91bc 13234.2a
I 94293.8a 431.9g 336.6hi 3.15bcd 13424.2a
2018 D1 SZD958 64476.7c 504.1bc 345.8bc 3.15b 10278.1e
SDH605 63365.0c 496.4cd 358.0ab 3.34ab 10455.7e
M 65032.5c 518.5a 361.6a 3.21b 10594.1e
I 64754.6c 509.5ab 354.2abc 3.11ab 10391.2e
D2 SZD958 78928.3b 461.5f 332.4de 4.08ab 11036.0d
SDH605 78372.5b 449.1g 353.9abc 4.66ab 11184.3d
M 79484.2b 482.9e 358.3ab 2.97b 11859.9c
I 79206.3b 486.8de 355.0abc 3.77b 11857.0c
D3 SZD958 94491.7a 425.6h 319.1f 4.68ab 12662.9b
SDH605 93935.8a 416.2h 326.2ef 5.69a 12929.9b
M 95603.3a 451.4fg 344.0cd 3.95ab 13665.0a
I 94769.6a 444.1g 343.8cd 4.04b 13550.0a
年份Year (Y) NS *** *** ** ***
密度Density (D) *** *** *** *** ***
Planting pattern (T)
NS *** *** *** ***
Y×D NS *** *** NS NS
D×T NS * ** NS ***

Fig. 1

Effects of mixed-cropping of maize varieties on grain dry weight under different planting densities S represented monoculture; M represented random sowing at the same proportion; I represented raw ratio of ZD958 to DH605 is 1:1. The same as below"

Fig. 2

Effects of mixed-cropping of maize varieties on grain filling rate under different planting densities"

Table 2

Effects of different mixed-cropping of maize varieties on grain-filling parameters"

Planting pattern
R A B C Tmax
2017 D1 SZD958 0.9965 31.29 63.80 0.15 28.27abc 15.65cd 1.15abc 40.87abc
SDH605 0.9964 32.76 64.05 0.14 28.76a 16.38ab 1.18a 41.52ab
M 0.9957 33.06 58.82 0.14 28.58ab 16.53a 1.18a 42.11a
I 0.9965 32.67 65.17 0.15 28.65a 16.34ab 1.19a 41.20ab
D2 SZD958 0.9973 28.76 64.58 0.15 27.68cde 14.38fg 1.08d 39.86bcd
SDH605 0.9966 29.84 65.04 0.15 27.74cde 14.92ef 1.12bcd 40.01bcd
M 0.9973 31.63 62.93 0.15 27.75bcde 15.82bc 1.18a 40.20abcd
I 0.9969 31.25 68.92 0.15 28.09abcd 15.62cd 1.18a 39.83bcd
D3 SZD958 0.9973 27.89 75.93 0.16 27.09e 13.94g 1.11cd 37.57e
SDH605 0.9973 29.00 70.99 0.16 27.37de 14.50fg 1.13bcd 38.58de
M 0.9974 30.30 74.29 0.16 27.72cde 15.15de 1.18a 38.66de
I 0.9978 30.25 69.65 0.15 27.66cde 15.13de 1.16ab 39.12de
2018 D1 SZD958 0.9988 33.81 54.35 0.14 28.03ab 16.91b 1.20abc 42.34ab
SDH605 0.9983 34.32 53.40 0.14 28.04ab 17.16ab 1.21ab 42.42ab
M 0.9988 34.56 53.75 0.14 27.97ab 17.28ab 1.23a 42.21ab
I 0.9989 35.13 53.27 0.14 28.33a 17.57a 1.23a 42.83a
D2 SZD958 0.9977 29.78 53.21 0.14 27.53b 14.89d 1.07ef 41.81ab
SDH605 0.9984 31.96 52.56 0.14 27.77ab 15.98c 1.14bcde 42.13ab
M 0.9991 33.75 53.36 0.14 27.93ab 16.87b 1.20abc 42.39ab
I 0.9992 33.79 51.32 0.14 27.94ab 16.89b 1.19abcd 42.80a
D3 SZD958 0.9990 28.09 51.65 0.14 27.33b 14.05e 1.01f 41.62b
SDH605 0.9988 29.51 54.12 0.14 27.63ab 14.75d 1.06ef 41.59b
M 0.9994 31.42 54.41 0.14 27.85ab 15.71c 1.13cde 41.90ab
I 0.9993 31.09 51.54 0.14 27.63ab 15.55c 1.11de 42.18ab

Fig. 3

Effects of mixed-cropping of maize varieties on dry matter accumulation of per plant under different planting densities at maturity stage The different small letters are significantly different at 5% probability level"

Table 3

Effects of mixed-cropping of maize varieties on dry matter distribution of per plant under different densities at maturity stage"

Planting pattern
干物质积累比例 Dry matter partitioning rate (%)
2017 D1 SZD958 18.90 11.66 3.10 0.75 6.80 58.79
SDH605 18.81 11.83 2.86 0.42 6.65 59.42
M 18.49 11.60 2.75 0.89 6.78 59.49
I 18.65 11.55 2.83 0.68 6.51 59.79
D2 SZD958 18.85 11.52 2.68 1.14 6.90 58.30
SDH605 18.96 11.44 2.47 0.55 6.78 59.80
M 18.75 11.94 2.48 0.54 5.65 60.65
I 18.64 11.96 2.70 0.73 6.12 60.15
D3 SZD958 19.08 11.49 2.65 0.56 6.44 57.17
SDH605 18.66 11.41 3.01 0.64 6.66 59.63
M 18.31 11.12 2.67 0.45 6.59 60.87
I 18.30 11.16 2.68 0.62 6.73 60.51
2018 D1 SZD958 18.12 12.60 4.15 0.96 6.72 57.44
SDH605 17.68 12.50 3.98 0.63 5.96 59.25
M 17.54 12.20 3.48 0.94 6.71 59.13
I 17.52 12.11 3.63 0.82 6.79 59.14
D2 SZD958 18.64 11.93 4.29 0.87 6.90 57.64
SDH605 18.44 11.98 3.37 0.63 7.16 58.99
M 18.2 12.16 3.64 1.04 5.99 59.58
I 18.35 11.67 3.55 0.93 6.35 59.68
D3 SZD958 18.71 11.57 3.68 0.75 7.46 57.83
SDH605 19.16 11.84 2.56 0.47 7.04 58.93
M 18.51 11.57 3.06 0.90 5.89 60.08
I 18.50 11.42 3.15 0.78 6.14 60.02

Table 4

Effects of different mixed-cropping of maize varieties on dry matter accumulation and transport after anthesis"

Planting density
Planting pattern
Dry matter accumulation
after anthesis (kg·hm-2)
Transfer amount of
dry matter (kg·hm-2)
Translocation efficiency of
dry matter (%)
Contribution rate to grain of
dry matter transportation (%)
2017 D1 SZD958 13078.6gh 1762. 6d 21.4d 14.0b
SDH605 12699.4h 1755.7d 21.6d 14.2ab
M 12936.8gh 1847.9d 22.5bcd 14.7ab
I 12895.7gh 1819.6d 22.1cd 14.5ab
D2 SZD958 13706.5ef 1838.7d 21.3d 14.1ab
SDH605 13386.8fg 1986.9cd 22.8bcd 15.0ab
M 14172.4d 2335.6ab 24.1ab 16.1ab
I 14100.9de 2192.4bc 23.1bcd 15.5ab
D3 SZD958 15012.1c 2231. 8bc 22.7bcd 15.4ab
SDH605 15220.2bc 2312.3ab 23.5abc 15.5ab
M 15562.9ab 2512.6a 25.0a 16.3a
I 15773.9a 2397.2ab 24.0ab 15.7ab
2018 D1 SZD958 12636.2ef 1836.2g 22.8e 15.3e
SDH605 12327.3f 1879.2fg 23.5de 15.5de
M 12614.0ef 2063.0ef 24.7bcde 17.0abcd
I 12929.2ef 1842.5g 23.0e 15.4de
D2 SZD958 13247.6e 2096.3de 23.5de 15.9cde
SDH605 12773.2ef 2187.4de 23.8cde 16.7bcde
M 13976.9d 2411.2bc 25.3abcd 17.2abc
I 14335.6cd 2282.4cd 25.1bcd 16.3cde
D3 SZD958 15477.8ab 2445.6bc 23.8cde 17.2abc
SDH605 14992.9bc 2600.3ab 25.8abc 18.2ab
M 16148.3a 2790.8a 26.4ab 18.4a
I 16157.2a 2774.9a 27.1a 18.1ab

Table 5

Correlation analysis of grain filling parameters, dry matter accumulation and transfer rate and yield"

Correlation coefficient
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
A1 1
A2 0.632** 1
A3 0.375** 0.729** 1
A4 0.466** 0.655** 0.063 1
A5 -0.450** -0.345** -0.276* -0.149 1
A6 -0.299* 0.016 0.006 0.121 0.858** 1
A7 -0.204 -0.326** -0.271* -0.165 0.298* 0.236* 1
A8 0.362** 0.503** 0.472** 0.204 -0.359** -0.217 -0.687** 1
A9 0.631** 0.958** 0.815** 0.504** -0.391** -0.045 -0.536** 0.815** 1
A10 -0.273* -0.390** -0.340** -0.184 0.376** 0.264* 0.926** -0.777** -0.513** 1
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