Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (24): 4632-4646.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.24.017
• RESEARCH NOTES • Previous Articles
Cong GUO1,Wei GUAN1,XiangGuo ZENG1,QingHua ZHANG1,FaYun XIANG1,YueJun SONG2,YongChao HAN1()
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WANG L, ZHANG Y J, ZHANG J W, LIU X Q, SONG Y L, REN Q Q, SUN J X . Analysis of variety resources and comprehensive evaluation of ornamental value in 53 Chinese rose. Molecular Plant Breeding, 2019,17(15):5154-5162. (in Chinese) | |
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WU Y Y, ZHOU X, XU T L, CHANG Z, YI X W, GAO H B, ZHAO H X, WANG J, CHENG T R, ZHANG Q X, PAN H T . Identification and evaluation of F1 hybrids between Rosa ‘Sanka’ × R. multiflora var. cathayensis. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2019,41(3):124-133. (in Chinese) | |
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DING X L, LIU J, ZHAO H, WANG J, LUO L, PAN H T, ZHANG Q X . Hybrid identification and morphological evaluation of modern roses (Rosa hybrida) × Rosa rugosa. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2014,36(5):123-130. (in Chinese) | |
[19] | 赵佳, 刘荣, 杨帆, 李鑫, 刘厚生, 严倩, 肖月华 . 月季花青素苷相关R2R3-MYB蛋白基因的克隆和表达分析. 中国农业科学, 2015,48(7):1392-1404. |
ZHAO J, LIU R, YANG F, LI X, LIU H S, YAN Q, XIAO Y H . Cloning and expression analyses of R2R3-MYB genes related to anthocyanin biosynthesis in rose. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015,48(7):1392-1404. (in Chinese) | |
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[23] | 李晓丽, 庄得凤, 马策, 马丹, 李振涛 . 月季杂交后代花色遗传特性初探. 北方园艺, 2017,14:96-98. |
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[33] | SMULDERS M J M, ARENS P, BOURKE P M, DEBENER T, LINDE M, DE RIEK J, LEUS L, RUTTINK T, BAUDINO S, SAINT-OYANT L H, CLOTAULT J, FOUCHER F . In the name of the rose: a roadmap for rose research in the genome era. Horticulture Research, 2019,6:65. |
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[1] | XIE YiTong,ZHANG Fei,SHI Jie,FENG Li,JIANG Li. Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on the Postharvest Quality and Chloroplast of Gynura bicolor D.C [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(8): 1642-1656. |
[2] | SONG JiangTao,SHEN DanDan,GONG XuChen,SHANG XiangMing,LI ChunLong,CAI YongXi,YUE JianPing,WANG ShuaiLing,ZHANG PuFen,XIE ZongZhou,LIU JiHong. Effects of Artificial Fruit Thinning on Sugar and Acid Content and Expression of Metabolism-Related Genes in Fruit of Beni-Madonna Tangor [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(23): 4688-4701. |
[3] | XIANG YuTing, WANG XiaoLong, HU XinZhong, REN ChangZhong, GUO LaiChun, LI Lu. Lipase Activity Difference of Oat Varieties and Prediction of Low Lipase Activity Variety with High Quality [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(21): 4104-4117. |
[4] | DONG MingMing,ZHAO FanFan,GE JianJun,ZHAO JunLiang,WANG Dan,XU Lei,ZHANG MengHua,ZHONG LiWei,HUANG XiXia,WANG YaChun. Heritability Estimation and Correlation Analysis of Longevity and Milk Yield of Holstein Cattle in Xinjiang Region [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(21): 4294-4303. |
[5] | LIU Feng,JIANG JiaLi,ZHOU Qin,CAI Jian,WANG Xiao,HUANG Mei,ZHONG YingXin,DAI TingBo,CAO WeiXing,JIANG Dong. Analysis of American Soft Wheat Grain Quality and Its Suitability Evaluation According to Chinese Weak Gluten Wheat Standard [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(19): 3723-3737. |
[6] | JIANG XiaoTing,HUANG GaoXiang,XIONG XiaoYing,HUANG YunPei,DING ChangFeng,DING MingJun,WANG Peng. Effects of Seedlings Enriched with Zinc on Cadmium Accumulations and Related Transporter Genes Expressions in Different Rice Cultivars [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(17): 3267-3277. |
[7] | FENG JunJie,ZHAO WenDa,ZHANG XinQuan,LIU YingJie,YUAN Shuai,DONG ZhiXiao,XIONG Yi,XIONG YanLi,LING Yao,MA Xiao. DUS Traits Variation Analysis and Application of Standard Varieties of Lolium multiflorum Introduced from Japan [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2447-2460. |
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[9] | Ting ZHANG,GenPing WANG,YanJie LUO,Lin LI,Xiang GAO,RuHong CHENG,ZhiGang SHI,Li DONG,XiRui ZHANG,WeiHong YANG,LiShan XU. Color Difference Analysis in the Application of High Quality Foxtail Millet Breeding [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(5): 901-908. |
[10] | LI KaiFeng,YIN YuHe,WANG Qiong,LIN TuanRong,GUO HuaChun. Correlation Analysis of Volatile Flavor Components and Metabolites Among Potato Varieties [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(4): 792-803. |
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[15] | ZHU LingXiao,LIU LianTao,ZHANG YongJiang,SUN HongChun,ZHANG Ke,BAI ZhiYing,DONG HeZhong,LI CunDong. The Regulation and Evaluation Indexes Screening of Chemical Topping on Cotton’s Plant Architecture [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(20): 4152-4163. |