Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2016, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (16): 3108-3118.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.16.005


Effects of Water Management and Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Seed Yield and Seed Quality of Maize (Zea mays L.)

REN Li-sha 1, GU Ri-liang 1, JIA Guang-yao1, TIAN Kai-xin2, SHI Xiu-de3, WANG Jian-hua1   

  1. 1Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Science, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University/Center of Seed Science and Technology/Beijing Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding/Beijing Innovation Center for Seed Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100193
    2 Beijing Denon Seed Industry Co., Ltd, Beijing 100086
    3 Jinan Lexishi Fertilizer Industry Co., Ltd, Jinan 250000
  • Received:2016-02-04 Online:2016-08-16 Published:2016-08-16

Abstract: 【Objective】The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of water management and controlled-release fertilizer on seed yield and seed quality and to determine the optimal harvest time for maize hybrid JK968. These results will provide theoretical and technical supports for high quality maize seed production in China.【Method】Maize hybrid Jingke968 was grown in Zhangye city, Gansu province, in 2014 and 2015. Field experiments were designed under split-plot. The main plot treatment was two distinct water managements of normal water irrigation and controlled water irrigation (no water irrigation after grain filling stage that is about 35 days after pollination, DAP). The subplot treatments was two distinct fertilizer treatments of traditional fertilizer (urea and diammonium phosphate) and controlled-release fertilizer (N : P : K ration of 24 : 12 : 10). Seed samples were harvested from 44 to 68 DAP with an interval of 3 for investigating seed yield traits (seed yield, seed number per hectare and 100-seed weight) and seed quality traits (seed moisture, standard germination and accelerated aging germination, and electric conductivity.【Result】Fertilization treatment and irrigation management significantly affected seed yield and seed number per hectare, but none of any effects on seed moisture content, 100-seed weight and seed vigor. Compared to traditional fertilizer, control-released fertilizers increased seed yield by 3.10% and seed number per hectare by 2.13%. Economic benefit by control-released fertilizers also increased by RMB 4 400- 21 700 Yuan and 1 200-13 500 Yuan per hectare under normal water condition and controlled water condition, respectively. Controlled water management decreased seed yield and seed number by 2.00% and 2.49%, respectively, and decreased economic benefit from 1 100 to 17 800 Yuan RMB compared to normal water management. Harvest time significantly affected seed yield, seed moisture, 100-seed weight and seed vigor, but showed no effects on seed number per hectare. Harvest time from 44 to 68 DAP, grain filling and 100-seed weight increased, while seed moisture decreased. Until 68 DAP, seed weight still increased that suggested that the seed have not met their full maturity at this stage. In both years of 2014 and 2015, the vigor of seed harvested from 56-65 DAP showed the highest standard germination rate and accelerated aging germination rate, and the lowest electric conductivity. These results indicated that from 56 to 65 DAP was the best harvest time for maize hybrid JK968, in which the seed vigor was maintained at high level and the damage from cold weather could be avoided. 【Conclusion】The optimal harvest time was from 56 to 65 DAP for Jingke968 seed product, since seed vigor and seed harvest number reached the highest levels during this growth stage. Controlled-release fertilizer improved seed yield, seed harvest number and economic benefit without affecting seed quality. But it decreased grain yield without water irrigation after grain filling stage. Thus controlled-release fertilizer and normal irrigation could save labor and increase economic benefits for seed production.

Key words: maize, controlled-release fertilizer, water management, seed vigor

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