Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2013, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 463-475.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.03.003


Eco-physiological Characteristics and Super High Yield Formation Mechanism of Ordered Transplanting and Optimized Broadcasting Rice

 ZHANG  Hong-Cheng, GUO  Bao-Wei, CHEN  Hou-Cun, ZHOU  Xing-Tao, ZHANG  Jun, ZHU  Cong-Cong, CHEN  Jing-Du, LI  Gui-Yun, WU  Zhong-Hua, DAI  Qi-Gen, HUO  Zhong-Yang, XU  Ke, WEI  Hai-Yan, GAO  Hui, YANG  Xiong   

  1. 1.College of Agriculture, Yangzhou University/Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture/Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
    2.Crop Cultural   Station, Haian County, Haian 226600, Jiangsu
  • Received:2012-09-18 Online:2013-02-01 Published:2012-10-14

Abstract: 【Objective】The eco-physiological characteristics and mechanisms of ordered transplanting and broadcasting rice were studied to explore the means of super high yield for rice. 【Method】Three planting methods including ordered transplanting (OT), optimized broadcasting (OB) and cast transplanting (CT) using dry-raising seedlings in plastic plates with mechanical transplanting (MT) were compared to investigate the eco-physiological characteristics and the super high yield formation mechanism in respects of seedling establishment, tillering, matter production and accumulation, root characteristics at late stages, population light transmittance characteristics, and stem lodging resistance. 【Result】Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice had better population starting point quality and earlier seedling establishment, and their LAI, leaf area duration, grain-leaf ratio, matter production, accumulation and translocation at each stage were all significantly or highly significantly superior to cast transplanting. Moreover, at late stages, they showed better population light transmittance and slower senescence, and maintained higher matter production and lodging resistance as well. 【Conclusion】With their higher population start point, earlier seedling establishment, and obvious growth superiority, ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice are capable of serving as the basis of rice super high cultivation.

Key words: rice , transplanting , broadcasting , eco-physiology , super high yield

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