Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (11): 2143-2160.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.11.008

• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Exogenous Addition of L-Proline on the Occurrence of Cotton Verticillium Wilt and Its Soil Microbial Community in Rhizosphere

ZHAO WeiSong(), GUO QingGang, CUI NaQi, LU XiuYun, LI SheZeng, MA Ping()   

  1. Plant Protection Institute, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Northern Region of North China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/IPM Innovation Center of Hebei Province/ International Science and Technology Joint Research Center on IPM of Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, Hebei
  • Received:2024-01-04 Accepted:2024-02-16 Online:2024-06-01 Published:2024-06-07
  • Contact: MA Ping


【Objective】Root exudates are signal mediators for the interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, which have important regulatory functions for plant disease occurrence and plant growth. The objective of this study is to clarify the microecological mechanism of L-proline in root exudates of cotton against the occurrence of Verticillium wilt, reveal the relationship of L-proline-mediated interaction between rhizosphere microorganisms and the occurrence of cotton Verticillium wilt, and to provide a new perspective for the construction of beneficial bacterial communities for the biological control of soil-borne diseases.【Method】Through greenhouse pot experiments, different concentrations of L-proline (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mmol·L-1) were set as experimental treatments, and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR and metagenomic sequencing techniques were used to determine the DNA copy numbers of Verticillium dahliae and microbial community structure and function of soil samples treated with L-proline. The microbial community structures of rhizosphere soils under different concentrations of L-proline were compared using principal component analysis. Redundancy analysis was used to study the correlations between soil nutrient factors and microbial community structure, and Spearman correlation analysis was focused on the relationships between microbial community structure and functional metabolic pathways.【Result】Compared with the blank control, the occurrence of cotton Verticillium wilt could not reduce under low concentration (50 mmol·L-1) L-proline treatment, while the disease indexes under high-concentration (100, 200, and 400 mmol·L-1) L-proline treatments were decreased by 22.51%, 60.23%, and 64.23%, respectively. The results of qPCR showed that L-proline treatment did not significantly decrease the copy numbers of V. dahliae in soil. The metagenomic sequencing analysis showed that the Shannon index of bacterial diversity significantly increased after L-proline treatment, while the Shannon index of fungal diversity showed a downward trend. At the genus level, the relative abundances of Nocardioides, Lysobacter, Arthrobacter, Phycicoccus, Pseudomonas, and Mucor were increased after treatment with L-proline. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) showed that the enrichment of microbial KEGG pathways in rhizosphere soil changed after exogenous addition of L-proline, except for L-proline at the concentration of 100 mmol·L-1. Redundancy analysis showed that bacterial community composition was significantly influenced by pH, conductivity, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and organic matter (OM), while fungal community composition was significantly correlated with ammonium nitrogen. Spearman correlation analysis showed that the bacterial KEGG pathways were negatively correlated with pH, OM and ammonium nitrogen, while positively correlated with conductivity and nitrate nitrogen. Most of the KEGG pathways of fungi had poor correlation with soil nutrients.【Conclusion】The exogenous addition of an appropriate amount of L-proline can influence the occurrence of cotton Verticillium wilt through altering the structure and function of soil bacterial communities, increasing the relative abundance of beneficial microorganisms, but it cannot change the DNA copy numbers of pathogen. Meanwhile, the composition and function of bacterial community are related to soil nutrients.

Key words: L-proline, rhizospheric microorganism, cotton Verticillium wilt, Verticillium dahliae, soil nutrient

Fig. 1

Effects of L-proline on the occurrence of cotton Verticillium wilt and DNA copy numbers of V. dahliae"

Table 1

Effect of L-proline on plant growth of cotton"

Plant height
Ground diameter (cm)
Shoot fresh weight
Shoot dry weight
Root fresh weight
Root dry weight
CK 53.48±0.99a 3.04±0.21a 8.73±0.73a 3.12±0.34a 1.02±0.15a 0.40±0.06a
L50 56.73±6.14ab 3.01±0.20a 10.03±1.99a 2.82±0.23a 0.90±0.23a 0.52±0.29a
L100 63.34±6.82b 2.97±0.17a 9.79±0.63a 2.83±0.29a 1.05±0.45a 0.39±0.21a
L200 59.85±6.80ab 3.04±0.21a 10.35±1.57a 2.94±0.61a 0.82±0.26a 0.35±0.09a
L400 55.53±5.08ab 2.80±0.09a 9.73±0.95a 2.83±0.22a 0.85±0.20a 0.26±0.02b

Table 2

Effect of L-proline on soil nutrients in cotton rhizosphere"

CK L50 L100 L200 L400
速效钾含量AK content (mg·kg-1) 157.40±1.27a 155.99±5.75a 154.45±2.45a 157.96±6.58a 140.38±3.19b
速效磷含量AP content (μmol·g-1) 1.39±0.12a 1.44±0.02a 1.58±0.11a 1.44±0.15a 1.40±0.22a
铵态氮含量NH4+-N content (mg·kg-1) 23.85±2.79a 21.33±1.98a 24.26±0.58a 18.17±0.35b 17.27±2.33b
硝态氮含量NO3--N content (μg·g-1) 11.87±2.86b 4.06±0.32d 6.75±0.79c 12.80±2.55b 375.76±7.31a
有机质含量OM content (%) 4.66±0.02b 4.71±0.11b 4.98±0.07a 4.93±0.04a 4.99±0.03a
pH 7.89±0.01ab 7.90±0.02a 7.93±0.01a 7.85±0.04b 7.75±0.02c
电导率Conductivity (μm·cm-1) 215.67±31.94b 197.37±4.38b 191.20±3.08b 212.67±3.06b 316.00±1.00a

Table 3

Effect of L-proline on α diversity index of microbial community in rhizosphere"

细菌Bacteria 真菌Fungi
Shannon ACE Shannon ACE
CK 4.57±0.01c 2806.70±16.17a 4.60±0.11a 388.67±12.67a
L50 4.59±0.01ab 2791.00±17.78a 4.55±0.04a 367.00±7.00a
L100 4.60±0.01a 2808.00±14.53a 4.52±0.10a 382.50±9.19a
L200 4.60±0.01a 2796.00±13.53a 4.46±0.11ab 369.00±54.56a
L400 4.59±0.01ab 2794.00±8.66a 4.32±0.11b 366.00±7.55a

Fig. 2

Principal component analysis of bacterial (A) and fungal (B) community structure in rhizosphere under different treatments at the phylum level"

Fig. 3

Analysis of differences in bacterial (A) and fungal (B) community composition at the phylum level under different treatments (One-way ANOVA)"

Fig. 4

Comparison of relative abundance of dominant bacterial (A) and fungal (B) communities under different treatments at the genus level"

Fig. 5

LDA of KEGG pathways with significant differences based on different treatments A: CK vs L50; B: CK vs L100; C: CK vs L200; D: CK vs L400"

Fig. 6

Redundancy analysis plots of the correlations between soil nutrient factors and microbial community"

Table 4

Differential analysis of the effects of soil nutrient factors on microbial communities composition"

RDA1 RDA2 决定系数
Coefficients of determination (R2)
P value
细菌Bacteria pH 0.9613 -0.2756 0.7921 0.001
电导率Conductivity -0.9959 0.0907 0.7810 0.004
硝态氮含量NO3--N content -0.9977 0.0685 0.8673 0.005
铵态氮含量NH4+-N content 0.8755 -0.4833 0.7556 0.001
速效磷含量AP content 0.6975 -0.7166 0.0443 0.760
速效钾含量AK content 0.9999 0.0116 0.6554 0.002
有机质含量OM content 0.3713 -0.9285 0.5679 0.005
真菌Fungi pH -0.8198 -0.5723 0.0988 0.532
电导率Conductivity 0.4810 0.8767 0.0553 0.729
硝态氮含量NO3--N content 0.3452 0.9385 0.0345 0.827
铵态氮含量NH4+-N content -0.8095 -0.5872 0.5188 0.015
速效磷含量AP content -0.6515 0.7587 0.0989 0.543
速效钾含量AK content -0.5847 -0.8113 0.0306 0.850
有机质含量OM content -0.9769 0.2136 0.3668 0.064

Fig. 7

Heatmap of relationships between top 20 KEGG pathways and nutrient factors of rhizospheric soil according to the result of Spearman’s correlation Positive relationships are represented in red, while negative relationships are represented in blue. The significant correlations are presented as asterisks (* P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001)"

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