Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (13): 2613-2628.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.13.011

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Association Analysis of Main Characteristics of Bur and Nut with SSR Markers in Chinese Chestnut

CHEN Xu1(),HAO YaQiong1,NIE XingHua1,YANG HaiYing1,LIU Song1,WANG XueFeng2,CAO QingQin1,QIN Ling1(),XING Yu1()   

  1. 1College of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing 102206
    2Long Tan Forestry Station, Liyang 213300, Jiangsu
  • Received:2021-10-18 Accepted:2022-03-01 Online:2022-07-01 Published:2022-07-08
  • Contact: Ling QIN,Yu XING;;


【Objective】In the experiment, the quantitative, qualitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics of 113 chestnut varieties (lines) were measured, their genetic variation were analyzed, characteristics differences among different groups were compared, SSR markers were associated with characteristics, more characteristics significantly associated with SSR markers were obtained, and the excellent allelic variation sites were excavated, so as to provide the references for the research on molecular assisted breeding of Chinese chestnut.【Method】Firstly, 38 quantitative, qualitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics of bur and nut were determined and analyzed. Secondly, the significance and correlation analysis of quantitative characteristics were performed by SPSS and Graphpad software, and the genetic diversity of SSR markers was analyzed. Finally, the association analysis of characteristics and markers was carried out by general linear model (GLM) and mixed linear model (MLM) of TASSEL 2.1.【Result】In genetic diversity analysis, the average number of effective number of alleles (Ne), Shannon index (I), polymorphism information content (PIC>0.5), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and expected heterozygosity (He) of 21 pairs of SSR markers were 3.164, 1.269, 0.589, 0.593, and 0.635, respectively. They were divided into two main groups according to the analysis of population structure. On the other hand, the intermediate type of varieties was defined as one group in the cluster analysis, so that the characteristics differences could be compared precisely. In the analysis of qualitative and pseudo-qualitative characteristics, the diversity index varied from 0.139 to 1.567, and the characteristic with the highest genetic diversity was nut glossiness, while the lowest was the hilum margin. There were obvious differences in the frequency distribution of nut shape, glossiness, color and other characteristics in different groups. In the analysis of quantitative characteristics, the range of coefficient of variation was between 3.96% and 36.31%, the coefficient of variation in bur weight, total bur weight and single nut weight were all above 30% with a high degree of genetic variation; the coefficient of variation of nut shape index and water content were all below 10%, which had stable genetic characteristics. The correlation coefficients were all above 0.6, indicating the appearance characteristics of bur and nut were highly correlated. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in fruit shape and weight between Group 1 vs. Group 2 and Group 2 vs. Group 3. In the association analysis, 13 SSR markers were extremely significantly associated with 18 phenotypic characteristics in the GLM model and the interpretation rate of phenotypic variation ranged from 15.12% to 54.99%, while there were 6 SSR markers in the MLM model that were extremely significantly associated with 7 phenotypic characteristics and the interpretation rate of phenotypic variation ranged from 8.66% to 26.93%. 【Conclusion】In this study, SSR markers were associated with phenotypic characteristics, thirteen SSR markers were extremely significantly correlated with 20 phenotypic characteristics, such as nut single weight, which laid a foundation for molecular assisted breeding of Chinese chestnut.

Key words: Chinese chestnut, characteristic, SSR, genetic diversity, association analysis

Table 1

Polymorphism of SSR markers"

CmSI0396 4 2.553 1.069 0.708 0.608 0.542
CmSI0509 5 2.217 1.040 0.504 0.549 0.503
CmSI0561 8 1.988 1.132 0.460 0.497 0.477
CmSI0617 8 4.414 1.637 0.814 0.773 0.738
CmSI0658 6 4.454 1.589 0.796 0.775 0.740
CmSI0702 5 2.887 1.177 0.637 0.654 0.589
CmSI0735 6 2.753 1.199 0.646 0.637 0.568
CmSI0742 6 3.149 1.280 0.558 0.682 0.624
CmSI0800 13 5.240 1.959 0.708 0.809 0.786
CmSI0809 4 3.015 1.193 0.625 0.668 0.604
CmSI0853 6 3.835 1.518 0.681 0.739 0.699
CmSI0871 5 1.895 0.768 0.531 0.472 0.384
CmSI0883 6 3.776 1.531 0.681 0.735 0.702
CmSI0933 3 1.822 0.799 0.469 0.451 0.408
CmSI0938 4 1.774 0.740 0.204 0.436 0.368
CmSI0922 8 4.884 1.766 0.664 0.795 0.769
CmSI0930 11 4.617 1.838 0.779 0.783 0.761
CmSI0881 6 3.278 1.442 0.478 0.695 0.658
CmSI0614 6 4.464 1.590 0.805 0.776 0.740
CmSI0404 3 1.399 0.510 0.212 0.285 0.253
CmSI0747 3 2.042 0.880 0.496 0.510 0.456
均值 Average 6 3.164 1.269 0.593 0.635 0.589

Fig. 1

Distribution of Delta K values for structure analysis (A) and population structure diagram (B) in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

Fig. 2

UPGMA clustering graph in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

Table 2

Frequency distribution qualitative characters in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

频率分布 Frequency distribution (%) 多样性指数H'
Diversity index
1 2 3 4 5
开裂方式Bur crack 32.74 63.72 3.54 0.771
刺束分支角Prickle angle 4.42 65.49 30.09 0.777
刺束密度Prickle density 5.31 29.20 65.49 0.793
刺束颜色Prickle color 11.50 88.50 0.357
坚果颜色均匀度Nut color evenness 71.68 22.12 6.19 0.745
坚果光泽Nut glossiness 21.24 30.09 13.27 20.35 15.04 1.567
果顶果肩Apex 26.55 35.40 35.40 2.65 1.184
茸毛分布Fuzz distribution 56.64 22.12 21.24 0.985
茸毛颜色Fuzz color 25.66 74.34 0.570
茸毛密度Fuzz density 30.97 25.66 28.32 15.04 1.354
筋线明显程度Obvious of stripes 76.11 20.35 3.54 0.650
底座大小Hilum size 9.73 50.44 39.82 0.939
底座光滑度Hilum smoothing 44.25 55.75 0.687
涩皮剥离难易程度Difficulty of peeling inner skin 12.39 87.61 0.375
刺苞形状Bur shape 24.78 74.34 0.88 0.608
坚果颜色Nut color 2.65 36.28 14.16 41.59 5.31 1.262
边果形状Nut shape 77.88 22.12 0.528
底座接线Hilum margin 97.35 0.88 1.77 0.139
种仁颜色Kernel color 5.31 87.61 7.08 0.459

Table 3

Frequency distribution and difference comparison of qualitative characters in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

频率分布 Frequency distribution (%)
1 2 3 4 5
Bur crack
1 47.06 47.06 5.88
2 29.33 68.00 2.67
3 33.33 61.90 4.76
Prickle angle
1 5.88 58.82 35.29
2 5.33 65.33 29.33
3 71.43 28.57
Prickle density
1 5.88 23.53 70.59
2 5.33 32.00 62.67
3 4.76 23.81 71.43
Prickle color
1 11.76 88.24
2 10.67 89.33
3 14.29 85.71
Nut color evenness
1 70.59 23.5 5.88
2 76.00 17.33 6.67
3 57.14 38.10 4.76
Nut glossiness
1 29.41 41.18 11.76 11.76 5.88
2 20.00 26.67 10.67 22.67 20.00
3 19.05 33.33 23.81 19.05 4.76
1 17.65 29.41 52.94
2 28.00 36.00 33.33 2.67
3 28.57 38.10 28.57 4.76
Fuzz distribution
1 88.24 5.88 5.88
2 48.00 25.33 26.67
3 61.90 23.81 14.29
Fuzz color
1 23.53 76.47
2 26.67 73.33
3 23.81 76.19
Fuzz density
1 35.29 41.18 11.76 11.76
2 29.33 18.67 32.00 20.00
3 33.33 38.10 28.57
Obvious of stripes
1 76.47 23.53
2 78.67 16.00 5.33
3 66.67 33.33
Hilum size
1 23.53 58.82 17.65
2 6.67 41.33 52.00
3 9.52 76.19 14.29
频率分布 Frequency distribution (%)
1 2 3 4 5
Hilum smoothing
1 29.41 70.59
2 48.00 52.00
3 42.86 57.14
Difficulty of peeling inner skin
1 23.53 76.47
2 9.33 90.67
3 14.29 85.71
Bur shape
1 17.65 82.35
2 24.00 74.67 1.33
3 33.33 66.67
Nut color
1 17.65 70.59 11.76
2 2.67 42.67 18.67 33.33 2.67
3 4.76 28.57 9.52 47.62 9.52
Nut shape
1 47.06 52.94
2 85.33 14.67
3 76.19 23.81
Hilum margin
1 88.24 11.76
2 98.67 1.33
3 100.00
Kernel color
1 17.65 82.35
2 4.00 92.00 4.00
3 76.19 23.81

Table 4

Variation analysis for main quantitative characters in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

指标 Character 极小值 Minimum 极大值 Maximum 平均值 Average 标准差 S 变异系数 CV (%)
总苞重 Total bur weight (g) 11.93 120.83 65.91 22.02 33.41
苞重 Bur weight (g) 7.76 79.95 38.66 14.04 36.31
刺苞宽Bur width (mm) 50.80 105.31 80.54 10.77 13.38
刺苞厚Bur thickness (mm) 42.58 88.06 66.45 8.14 12.25
刺苞高Bur height (mm) 39.55 80.09 61.99 7.87 12.69
苞肉厚Bur skin thickness (mm) 1.52 5.48 3.63 0.974 26.80
刺束长Prickle length (mm) 6.80 18.66 13.77 2.21 16.08
刺苞的坚果数Nuts No./Bur 1.38 3.10 2.50 0.305 12.21
单粒重Single nut weight (g) 2.67 20.68 10.99 3.81 34.69
坚果厚Nut thickness (mm) 13.86 32.05 20.60 3.25 15.76
坚果宽Nut width (mm) 19.42 39.53 31.08 3.67 11.79
坚果高Nut height (mm) 17.45 32.63 26.60 2.71 10.19
果形指数Nut shape index 0.788 0.953 0.858 0.034 3.96
出实率Kernel yield (%) 22.23 56.84 41.27 5.80 14.05
含水量Water content (%) 44.46 60.69 52.03 3.57 6.85
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar (%, DW) 8.63 19.75 13.21 2.08 15.76
直链淀粉含量Amylose (%, DW) 4.44 18.53 11.86 3.20 26.94
支链淀粉含量Amylopectin (%, DW) 28.52 75.64 53.15 10.15 19.09
总淀粉含量Total starch (%, DW) 40.22 85.18 65.01 9.39 14.45

Fig. 3

Frequency distribution among phenotype and nutrient in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

Fig. 4

Correlation analysis among phenotype and nutrient in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

Table 5

Difference comparison of quantitative characters in chestnut cultivars (lines)"

指标 Character 组1 Group1 组2 Group2 组3 Group3
总苞重Total bur weight (g) 56.29±17.47a 72.26±21.37b 51.03±16.40a
苞重Bur weight (g) 32.80±10.55a 42.68±13.88b 29.05±9.71a
刺苞宽Bur width (mm) 75.29±10.62a 83.62±9.81b 73.78±9.07a
刺苞厚Bur thickness (mm) 62.15±7.98a 68.94±7.12b 61.05±7.40a
刺苞高Bur height (mm) 57.34±7.09a 64.58±6.58b 56.54±7.96a
苞肉厚Bur skin thickness (mm) 3.30±0.82a 3.84±0.96b 3.18±0.89a
刺束长Prickle length (mm) 12.97±2.02a 14.18±2.10a 12.95±2.31a
刺苞的坚果数Nuts No./Bur 2.53±0.28a 2.49±0.30a 2.52±0.32a
单粒重Single nut weight (g) 9.24±3.05a 12.03±3.74b 8.67±2.87a
坚果厚Nut thickness (mm) 19.22±2.52a 21.42±3.12b 18.75±2.99a
坚果宽Nut width (mm) 29.78±3.47a 32.06±3.34b 28.63±3.35a
坚果高Nut height (mm) 25.63±2.71a 27.32±2.38b 24.82±2.71a
果形指数Nut shape index 0.86±0.04a 0.85±0.04a 0.87±0.02a
出实率Kernel yield (%) 41.69±4.50a 40.71±6.31a 42.95±4.10a
含水量Water content (%) 51.58±3.17a 52.13±3.56a 52.04±3.77a
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar (%, DW) 12.62±2.11a 13.19±1.98a 13.83±2.19a
直链淀粉含量Amylose (%, DW) 12.94±2.93a 11.77±3.26a 11.21±2.81a
支链淀粉含量Amylopectin (%, DW) 52.51±11.56a 52.82±9.68a 55.09±9.96a
总淀粉含量Total starch (%, DW) 65.45±10.82a 64.58±9.02a 66.29±8.96a

Table 6

Association analysis results of GLM and MLM models"

P<0.01 R2 (%) P<0.01 R2 (%)
总苞重Total bur weight CmSI0883 0.0017 36.84
CmSI0930 0.0021 46.90
苞重Bur weight CmSI0883 0.0023 36.43
CmSI0930 0.001 49.07 0.0095 16.31
刺苞宽Bur width CmSI0883 0.0072 33.37
刺苞厚Bur thickness CmSI0883 0.0045 33.90
刺苞高Bur height CmSI0883 7.96E-04 37.47
刺束长Prickle length CmSI0702 0.0018 28.87
CmSI0883 0.0084 34.38
刺苞的坚果数Nuts No./Bur CmSI0800 0.0074 53.33 0.0027 19.99
单粒重Single nut weight CmSI0853 0.0021 38.84
CmSI0930 0.0092 42.86
坚果宽Nut width CmSI0930 0.0065 45.21
坚果高Nut height CmSI0883 0.0035 36.59
含水量Water content CmSI0735 6.71E-04 36.42
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar CmSI0800 0.0085 26.93
刺束密度Prickle density CmSI0735 0.0064 26.79 0.0065 8.66
CmSI0742 0.0053 29.04
坚果颜色均匀度Nut color evenness CmSI0871 8.14E-05 30.05
筋线明显程度Obvious of stripes CmSI0800 0.0037 20.21
涩皮剥离难易程度Difficulty of peeling inner skin CmSI0561 7.94E-05 42.52
刺苞形状Bur shape CmSI0404 0.0061 15.12
坚果颜色Nut color CmSI0881 0.0076 36.49
底座接线Hilum margin CmSI0509 1.73E-06 45.52 1.20E-03 14.41
CmSI0881 5.96E-07 54.99 3.60E-03 16.29
种仁颜色Kernel color CmSI0617 0.0037 47.72 0.0041 17.93
CmSI0881 0.0033 37.95 0.0013 15.01
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