Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (8): 1684-1701.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.08.009


Nitrogen Cycling in the Crop-Soil Continuum in Response to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Temperature -A Review

ZHANG JinYuan1,2(),LI YanSheng1,YU ZhenHua1,XIE ZhiHuang1,2,LIU JunJie1,WANG GuangHua1,LIU XiaoBing1,WU JunJiang3,Stephen J HERBERT4,JIN Jian1()   

  1. 1Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science/Key Laboratory of Black Soil Agroecology, Harbin 150081, China
    2University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China
    3Soybean Research Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Soybean Cultivation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Key Laboratory of Soybean Cultivation of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150086, China
  • Received:2020-06-24 Accepted:2020-07-29 Online:2021-04-16 Published:2021-04-25
  • Contact: Jian JIN;


In geochemical element cycling, nitrogen is one of the most important and active nutrient elements, determining grain yield and quality of crop. With the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature in global climate change, the changes in crop-soil nitrogen cycle may significantly affect crop production in agro-ecosystem. Therefore, studying the response of crop-soil continuum nitrogen cycle under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature could provide a theoretical basis for the scientific and reasonable prediction of crop nitrogen demand in farmland ecosystem and the guarantee of stable supply of crop yield under the future climate conditions. Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on nitrogen uptake and distribution in crop and soil nitrogen turnover were reviewed in this paper, and the interaction between elevated CO2 and temperature on crop-soil nitrogen cycling processes in previous studies was systematically summarized. Under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, although the transpiration of crop decreased, the photosynthetic rate, biomass, root branches and root surface area increased, and the root nodule nitrogen fixation ability of legume crop also increased. Thus, these factors overall promoted crop nitrogen uptake and increased crop yield and grain nitrogen allocation, but the average nitrogen concentration across crop decreased. Furthermore, the high CO2 concentration increased soil enzyme activity, enhanced soil organic nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and denitrification, and accelerated soil nitrogen turnover. Warming and increasing CO2 concentration interactively affected crop-soil nitrogen cycle. Warming and high CO2 concentration synergistically promoted crop biomass, photosynthesis, underground nitrogen distribution and root branching and root surface area. Elevated temperature enhanced the elevated CO2-induced inhibition on crop transpiration and nitrogen concentration. Warming inhibited the positive effect of high CO2 concentration on nitrogen distribution, nitrogen absorption and yield of crop grains. Elevated temperature enhanced soil enzyme activity and mineralization at high CO2 concentration, but molecular mechanisms of their interactive effect on soil nitrification and denitrification were still not clear. Research on soil microbes in relevant to aboveground crop, in particular, nitrogen cycling processes and their feedback mechanisms on global change remained unknown. The 16 S rRNA, DGGE, T-RFLP, qPCR, RT-PCR techniques, proteomics and in situ studies of stable isotope probes could be used to investigate the microbial species composition and physiological functions in complex environments. This review highlighted further investigations on the potential interaction between elevated CO2 and temperature on nitrogen cycle in the crop-soil continuum in farming soils, and the microbial community in the rhizosphere that were involved in soil nitrogen cycle. Thus, the nitrogen cycle in agricultural ecosystem under climate change could be predicted, by which the adaptability of the ecosystems to climate change could be enhanced effectively.

Key words: CO2 concentration, temperature, plant nitrogen, nitrogen uptake, soil nitrogen cycle, microorganism

Table 1

Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on crop N concentration, N uptake and biomass"

Crop species
CO2 concentration/temperature
N concentration
N uptake
大豆Soybean 390/550 μmol·mol-1 [33]
大豆Soybean 390/550 μmol·mol-1 [41]
大豆Soybean 415/550 μmol·mol-1 [8]
水稻Rice 380/680 μmol·mol-1 [13]
水稻Rice 500 μmol·mol-1 [12]
水稻Rice 390/550 μmol·mol-1 [51]
水稻Rice 370/550 μmol·mol-1 [39]
水稻Rice +200 μmol·mol-1 [11]
小麦Wheat 390/550 μmol·mol-1 [53]
小麦Wheat 360/550 μmol·mol-1 [40]
水稻Rice 500 μmol·mol-1;+2℃ [12]
水稻Rice 380/680 μmol·mol-1;22/32℃ [13]
水稻Rice +60 μmol·mol-1;+2℃ [35]
水稻Rice +60 μmol·mol-1;+2℃ [37]
水稻Rice 390/550 μmol·mol-1;+2℃ [51]
水稻Rice +200 μmol·mol-1;+1℃ [11]

Fig. 1

Interaction between atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature on crop-soil continuum nitrogen cycle"

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