Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (7): 1322-1337.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.07.002

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Growth Characteristics and Key Techniques for Stable Yield of Growth Constrained Direct Seeding Rice

ZHANG HongCheng,XING ZhiPeng,WENG WenAn,TIAN JinYu,TAO Yu,CHENG Shuang,HU Qun,HU YaJie,GUO BaoWei,WEI HaiYan   

  1. Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops/Jiangsu Industrial Engineering Research Center of High Quality Japonica Rice, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu
  • Received:2021-01-13 Accepted:2021-03-01 Online:2021-04-01 Published:2021-04-22
  • Contact: HongCheng ZHANG,ZhiPeng XING


With the decrease of high-quality labor in rural areas, the rising of labor cost and the development of large-scale production, direct seeding as a simplified rice planting technology was widely used continuously. Therefore, the promotion of its stable or increased yielding was of great significance in ensuring food security in this country. According to the growth characteristics of direct seeding rice in multiple cropping area of South China, a concept of growth constrained direct seeding rice was put forward. In other words, the rice emergence and seedling growth under direct seeding were significantly imitated and affected by multiple adversities, which were caused by 100% returning the previous crop straw to the field and lower quality of ploughing and sowing in short crop rotation time. And the rice later sowing date under direct seeding method than transplanting rice shortened the plant growth duration, reduced the utilization of temperature and light resources, and imitated the rice growth, as affected by the previous crop. Thus the yield of direct seeding rice was not high and instable. For now, this kind of growth constrained direct seeding rice was widely used in production and restricted the balanced production increase in large area. Therefore, the stable yield cultivation methods of growth constrained direct seeding rice were explored in this paper. The comparison experiments were carried out with a representative japonica rice variety in consideration of more panicles and more grains in Jiangsu, and the treatments of 1.2 million, 2.4 million and 3.6 million basic seedlings per hectare, under representative simplified cultivation and sowing methods on a large scale. With the basic seedlings treatments, three cultivation ways of growth constrained direct seeding rice were formed respectively, including panicles formed with more tillers, panicles formed with both stems and tillers, and panicles formed with more stems in the experiment. The characteristics of photosynthetic matter production, yield and quality of different types of rice were systematically analyzed. “The basic seedlings of rice should be increased appropriately to increase the ratio of main stem to panicle and produce more spikelets with sufficient main stem, and then the dry matter in middle and late growth duration would be produced and accumulated more and more” was tentatively believed as an effective cultivation way for stable yield, high quality and efficiency of growth constrained direct seeding rice. The key techniques of stable yield cultivation and reasonable development suggestions of growth constrained direct seeding rice were also introduced in this paper.

Key words: rice, direct seeding, growth constrained, growth characteristics, key techniques

Fig. 1

Formation of growth restricted direct seeding rice"

Table 1

Effects of planting methods on rice growth stage in Jiangsu province"

Ecological area
Variety type
Planting method
Sowing (M-D)
Jointing (M-D)
Heading (M-D)
Maturity (M-D)
常规粳稻JCR 机插 MT 05-28 07-31 09-06 10-26
直播 DS 06-13 08-05 09-10 10-30
籼粳杂交稻JIHR 机插 MT 05-28 07-27 09-02 10-24
直播 DS 06-13 08-01 09-07 10-28
杂交籼稻IHR 机插 MT 05-28 08-01 09-10 10-23
直播 DS 06-13 08-09 09-19 11-02
杂交粳稻JHR 机插 MT 05-29 07-26 08-20 10-17
直播 DS 06-28 08-08 09-19 10-28
常规粳稻JCR 机插 MT 05-29 07-30 08-30 10-17
直播 DS 06-28 08-15 09-10 10-24
常规粳稻JCR 机插 MT 05-31 08-15 09-02 10-31
直播 DS 06-15 08-20 09-07 11-04

Table 2

Effects of planting methods on EAT and SRA in main rice growth duration"

Variety type
营养生长期Vegetative 生殖生长期Reproductive 灌浆结实期Grain filling
EAT (℃·d)
SRA (MJ·m-2)
EAT (℃·d)
SRA (MJ·m-2)
EAT (℃·d)
SRA (MJ·m-2)
机插 MT 970a 1256a 544a 620a 516a 878a
直播 DS 836b 992b 516a 583a 476a 841a
机插 MT 903a 1177a 556a 623a 549a 910a
直播 DS 761b 903b 540a 621a 506a 864a
机插 MT 867a 1288a 492a 655a 345a 759a
直播 DS 794b 1063b 458a 636a 307b 740a

Table 3

Effects of planting methods on some agronomic indexes of rice"

常规粳稻JCR 籼粳杂交稻JIHR 杂交籼稻IHR
机插 MT 直播 DS 机插 MT 直播 DS 机插 MT 直播 DS
Flag leaf
长Length (cm) 25.3a 22.5a 39.9a 36.7b 45.8a 42.1b
比叶重Specific leaf weight (mg·cm-2) 4.9a 4.8a 5.1a 5.0a 4.8a 4.6a
叶基角Leaf basal angle (°) 5.6b 7.2a 6.5b 8.4a 4.9b 5.7a
披垂度Leaf drooping angle (°) 5.4a 6.3a 6.8a 7.7a 10.6b 11.5a
Penultimate leaf
长Length (cm) 38.0a 35.2b 48.5a 45.5b 60.8a 56.9b
比叶重Specific leaf weight (mg·cm-2) 5.0a 4.9a 5.2a 5.1b 4.8a 4.8a
叶基角Leaf basal angle (°) 12.7a 12.6a 12.7b 14.2a 13.5b 14.5a
披垂度Leaf drooping angle (°) 8.1b 9.9a 9.8b 11.4a 15.6a 16.1a
长Length (cm) 33.4a 31.1b 45.5a 42.6b 57.0a 55.6b
比叶重Specific leaf weight (mg·cm-2) 4.8a 4.7a 5.0a 4.9a 4.8a 4.7a
叶基角Leaf basal angle (°) 12.5b 14.9a 16.6b 18.8a 20.5b 23.7a
披垂度Leaf drooping angle (°) 7.9b 10.6a 10.3b 13.4a 21.3b 23.2a
First internode
长Length (cm) 2.5b 3.1a 2.3a 2.9a 2.8b 3.2a
粗Diameter (cm) 0.624a 0.600a 0.829a 0.796b 0.822a 0.801a
Second internode
长Length (cm) 6.2b 6.7a 6.3a 6.6a 7.9a 8.3a
粗Diameter (cm) 0.510a 0.481a 0.699a 0.679b 0.713a 0.684b
Third internode
长Length (cm) 10.7a 11.2a 12.4a 12.9a 12.1a 12.5a
粗Diameter (cm) 0.438a 0.407b 0.621a 0.600a 0.617a 0.582b
穗长Panicle length (cm) 15.3a 14.5b 20.1a 18.7b 23.5a 21.8b
株高Plant Height (cm) 96.1a 92.1b 109.1a 106.1a 116.9a 110.9b
穗粒数Spikelets per panicle 125.8a 111.5b 214.1a 188.4b 165.4a 147.9b
穗重Panicle weight (g) 3.2a 2.8b 4.8a 4.1b 3.7a 3.2b
相对重心高Relative gravity center height (%) 45.1b 46.3a 51.6a 52.5a 48.9a 50.0b
Dry weight per stem plus sheath
抽穗期Heading (g) 1.80a 1.63b 2.67a 2.34b 2.31a 2.07b
乳熟期Milky stage (g) 1.45a 1.33b 2.05a 1.85b 1.83a 1.70b
成熟期Maturity (g) 1.59a 1.43b 2.41a 2.09b 1.98a 1.77b

Table 4

Effects of planting methods on tiller number and effective panicle percentage at main growth stages of rice"

Variety type
Basic seedlings
(×104 hm-2
(×104 hm-2
(×104 hm-2
(×104 hm-2
Percentage of
productive tiller (%)
机插 MT 75.8 473.9b 366.6b 356.8b 75.3a
直播 DS 90.0 519.0a 385.0a 366.5a 70.6b
机插 MT 50.5 329.9b 254.8b 248.2b 75.3a
直播 DS 60.0 359.7a 266.3a 254.5a 70.8b
机插 MT 50.5 380.2b 282.8b 276.1b 72.7a
直播 DS 60.0 413.4a 296.7a 283.3a 68.5b

Table 5

Effects of planting methods on rice yield in Jiangsu province"

Test site
机插MT 10.5a 10.2a
直播DS 9.6b 9.3b
机插MT 10.6a 10.4a
直播DS 9.5b 9.4b
机插MT 10.7a 10.5a 10.4a 11.3a 11.8a 10.2a
直播DS 9.5b 9.5b 9.5b 10.2b 10.4b 9.1b
机插MT 10.2a 10.7a
直播DS 8.4b 9.8b

Table 6

Effects of basic seedling density on yield and its components of growth constrained direct seeding rice"

Basic seedling
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelets per
(×104 hm-2)
grains (%)
weight (g)
实产 Grain yield (t·hm-2)
2017 2018
Water direct- seeding
120 307.8c 128.8a 39638.0c 91.7a 26.59a 9.2b 9.5b
240 368.3b 120.2b 44246.8a 91.3a 26.54a 10.2a 10.4a
360 401.5a 104.8c 42079.4b 90.2a 26.46a 9.5b 9.7b
Dry direct- seeding
120 297.4c 119.6a 35554.5c 94.0a 26.92a 8.7b 8.8c
240 353.8b 114.0b 40321.6a 93.7a 26.86a 9.7a 9.9a
360 382.2a 101.3c 38706.2b 93.7a 26.84a 9.4a 9.2b

Table 7

Effects of basic seedling density on leaf area index and grain leaf ratio of growth constrained direct seeding rice"

Basic seedling
(×104 hm-2)
叶面积指数 Leaf area index 颖花数/叶面积
Grain weight/Leaf
Elongation stage
Heading stage
Water direct-
120 3.76b 6.85b 3.89b 0.578b 0.531b 13.44ab
240 4.05ab 7.36a 4.36a 0.601a 0.549a 13.92a
360 4.49a 7.26a 4.13a 0.579b 0.522b 13.14b
Dry direct-
120 3.22b 6.65b 3.54b 0.535b 0.503b 13.04b
240 3.56ab 7.24a 3.96a 0.557a 0.522a 13.44a
360 3.86a 7.17a 3.74a 0.540b 0.506b 13.09b

Fig. 2

Effects of basic seedling density on tiller dynamics and effective panicle percentage of growth constrained direct seeding rice Data in the figure were collected in Jiangyan experimental site in Jiangsu province in 2017, and were not published. HE: Heading stage; MA: Maturity. Error bars represent standard errors. Different small letters showed significant difference at 0.05 level. BSD: Basic seedling density"

Table 8

Effects of basic seedling density on dry matter accumulation traits of growth constrained direct seeding rice"

Basic seedling
(×104 hm-2)
Elongation to heading stage
Heading to maturity
Accumulation (t·hm-2)
Ratio (%)
Accumulation (t·hm-2)
Ratio (%)
Water direct- seeding
120 3.69b 9.98b 15.64b 6.28b 40.2a 5.66b 36.2b
240 4.08ab 10.62a 17.06a 6.54a 38.4b 6.43a 37.7a
360 4.28a 10.82a 17.09a 6.53a 38.2b 6.27a 36.7b
Dry direct- seeding
120 3.57b 9.61b 15.09b 6.05b 40.1a 5.48b 36.3b
240 4.01ab 10.56a 16.71a 6.55a 39.2ab 6.15a 36.8a
360 4.18a 10.66a 16.66a 6.48a 38.9b 6.01a 36.0b

Fig. 3

Effects of basic seedling density on leaf area duration, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate of growth constrained direct seeding rice Data in the figure were collected in Jiangyan experimental site in Jiangsu province in 2017, and were not published. Error bars represent standard errors. Different small letters showed significant difference at 0.05 level"

Table 9

Effects of basic seedling density on main quality traits of growth constrained direct seeding rice"

Basic seedling
(×104 hm-2)
Head rice
Gel consistency
Water direct-seeding
120 70.25a 3.5a 15.0a 74a 9.3a
240 69.82a 3.6a 14.7ab 75a 9.3a
360 69.34a 3.8a 14.4b 76a 9.4a
Dry direct-seeding
120 67.85a 3.9b 14.6a 73a 9.7a
240 67.14a 4.2ab 14.3a 73a 9.8a
360 66.75a 4.4a 14.2a 74a 9.8a

Table 1

0 Effects of basic seedling density on RVA profile traits of growth constrained direct seeding rice"

Basic seedling
(×104 hm-2)
viscosity (cP)
viscosity (cP)
viscosity (cP)
point (℃)
Water direct- seeding
120 2242a 1230a 2256b 1012a 14c 1025b 82.6a
240 2205ab 1202b 2277ab 1003a 72b 1075ab 83.6a
360 2157b 1205b 2303a 952b 146a 1098a 82.5a
Dry direct- seeding
120 2194a 1352a 2242b 842a 48c 890b 88.6a
240 2089ab 1327b 2244b 762b 155b 917a 89.1a
360 2044b 1325b 2261a 719c 217a 935a 89.1a
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