Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 669-682.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.04.001


Identification of miRNAs and tRFs in Response to Salt Stress in Rice Roots


  1. College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University/National Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science, Zhengzhou 450002
  • Received:2019-07-07 Accepted:2019-08-06 Online:2020-02-16 Published:2020-03-09
  • Contact: Dong DING,JiHua TANG;


【Objective】 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important food crop in China. But as a salt sensitive plant, to study the expression pattern of salt stress responding genes in rice has theoretical and practical significance. The dissection of the molecular mechanism and regulatory network in response to salt stress will contribute to salt-tolerant rice breeding. 【Method】 The rice variety Nipponbare seeds were used as experimental materials. Samples were treated with 150 mmol·L -1 NaCl for 21 days in 1/2MS medium. Small RNAs were extracted from treated and non-treaded root samples for sequencing. Differentially expressed miRNAs and tRFs (tRNA-derived RNA fragments) were identified using the cut-off of log2 fold change (log2FC) >1 or <-1, and their predicted target genes were analyzed. The sequencing results and target genes were further verified by real-time quantitative PCRs.【Result】 RPM > 500 for at least one set of data and log2 FC > 1 or <-1 were used as the cut-off threshold, and 31 differently expressed miRNAs were obtained. Among them, the expression of 8 miRNA were up-regulated and 23 miRNA were down-regulated under salt treatment. The differently expressed miRNAs belonged to 12 miRNA families. 8 of these miRNA families have been reported as salt responding ones in Arabidopsis, maize and wheat, including osa-miR397, osa-miR396, osa-miR156, osa-miR167, osa-miR1432, which were down-regulated miRNAs, and osa-miR159, osa-miR168, osa-miR164, which were up-regulated ones under salt treatment, The other 4 miRNA families, namely osa-miR1882, osa-miR1876, osa-miR1423 and osa-miR5077, have not yet been reported in relation to salt stress. 162 target genes of these 31 differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted. Under salt stress, the expression of 34-38nt tRFs were significantly enhanced in rice root, indicating these tRFs were not produced randomly, but induced by salt stress. RPM > 50 and log2 FC > 1 or <-1 were used as the threshold, 3 tRFs were detected as 5' terminal tRFs and 3 tRFs were detected as 3' terminal tRFs. These tRFs are produced from 6 tRNAs. It is suggested that these tRFs function potentially response to salt stress in rice root. 【Conclusion】 In this study, 12 miRNA families responding to salt stress were detected in rice root. Most of their target genes are transcription factors. It is suggested that these miRNAs are involved in the salt response through post-transcriptional regulation of their target genes. In addition, 8 of them were conserved salt responsive miRNAs among plant species. Furthermore, the salt responsive tRFs of rice was examined in transcriptome level. 6 tRFs induced by salt stress were identified.

Key words: Oryza sativa L., salt stress, transcriptome, miRNAs, tRFs

Table 1

qRT-PCR primer sequences of salt stress related genes in rice"

Primer sequence (5'-3')

Fig. 1

Phenotypes of rice seedlings at 21 days under NaCl A: Salt treatment of Nipponbare; B: Non salt treatment of Nipponbare; Bar: 1 cm"

Fig. 2

Histogram of the length of small molecular RNA"

Table 2

Differentially expressed miRNAs in response to salt stress in rice"

miRNA 染色体
Sequence (5'-3')
Average of NP-RPM
Average of NP-Na-RPM
osa-miR397a 6 28489785 28489898 21 UCAUUGAGUGCAGCGUUGAUG 3385.00 273.09 -3.631709 下调Down
osa-miR397b 2 3280781 3280898 21 UUAUUGAGUGCAGCGUUGAUG 14209.57 1461.91 -3.280937 下调Down
osa-miR1882e-3p 10 10320904 10321044 24 GAAAUGAUCUUGGACGUAAUCUAG 3760.37 649.34 -2.533830 下调Down
osa-miR396f-5p 2 35636546 35636721 22 UCUCCACAGGCUUUCUUGAACU 1173.18 321.53 -1.867414 下调Down
osa-miR396e-5p 4 34436820 34437003 21 UCCACAGGCUUUCUUGAACUG 1173.18 321.53 -1.867414 下调Down
osa-miR156a 1 22524147 22524246 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156b-5p 1 4666341 4666516 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156c-5p 1 4665975 4666123 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156d 2 4512884 4513012 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156e 4 25026327 25026430 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156f-5p 8 21478230 21478415 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156g-5p 2 8412516 8412618 20 CGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156h-5p 8 21491232 21491417 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156i 2 24119995 24120084 20 UGACAGAAGAGAGUGAGCAC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR156j-5p 6 26554795 26554959 22 GCUCGCUCCUCUUUCUGUCAGC 2155.81 688.99 -1.645684 下调Down
osa-miR167d-5p 7 4166404 4166295 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167e-5p 2 3742241 3742513 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167f 10 14723044 14723156 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167g 3 3347682 3347763 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167h-5p 12 25480618 25480737 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167i-5p 6 27674749 27674949 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR167j 1 32686068 32686227 21 UGAAGCUGCCAGCAUGAUCUG 2924.08 1169.08 -1.322607 下调Down
osa-miR1432-5p 7 23401702 23401810 21 AUCAGGAGAGAUGACACCGAC 485.58 219.53 -1.145259 下调Down
osa-miR159f 1 6693112 6693299 21 CUUGGAUUGAAGGGAGCUCUA 874.14 1817.05 1.055665 上调Up
osa-miR159a.1 1 17681923 17682194 21 UUUGGAUUGAAGGGAGCUCUG 15079.03 32657.51 1.114871 上调Up
osa-miR159b 1 1215030 1215217 21 UUUGGAUUGAAGGGAGCUCUG 15079.03 32657.51 1.114871 上调Up
osa-miR168a-5p 2 1553154 1553240 21 UCGCUUGGUGCAGAUCGGGAC 398.64 916.89 1.201650 上调Up
osa-miR1876 10 4833365 4833521 24 AUAAGUGGGUUUGUGGGCUGGCCC 1462.10 3609.01 1.303566 上调Up
osa-miR1423-5p 4 19715117 19715252 24 AGGCAACUACACGUUGGGCGCUCG 265.74 1720.74 2.694957 上调Up
osa-miR164e 3 10542157 10542288 21 UGGAGAAGCAGGGCACGUGAG 75.61 558.04 2.883783 上调Up
osa-miR5077 3 14094752 14094842 19 GUUCGCGUCGGGUUCACCA 93.53 856.96 3.195773 上调Up

Fig. 3

The number of detected family members per miRNA family"

Fig. 4

qRT-PCR expression analysis of salt stress miRNAs and target genes in rice NP: Non salt treatment Nipponbare; NP-Na: Salt treatment Nipponbare; * indicates difference at the 0.05 level; ** indicates difference at the 0.01 level. The same as below"

Table 3

Source tRNA of tRFs related to salt stress in rice"

Gene ID of source tRNA
Gene expression
Sequence (5'-3')
NP-RPM average value
NP-Na-RPM average value
ENSRNA049444301 反密码子为UUC的谷氨酸
tRNA tRNA-Glu for anticodon UUC
12:25043392..25043429 38 GAAAGCCAGATAT
54.91457551 79.26862858 0.529560894
ENSRNA049444701 反密码子为UUC的谷氨酸
tRNA tRNA-Glu for anticodon UUC
12:2735598..2735634 37 GCCATTGTCGTCTA
280.0756319 532.1395357 0.925988127
EPlORYSAT000373797 反密码子为UCC的谷氨酸
Pt:15650..15686 37 GCCCCTATCGTCTA
51.33846231 85.59087607 0.737416929
EPlORYSAT000373812 反密码子为GUG的组氨酸
Pt:81050..81087 38 GGCGGATGTAGC
27.04710805 62.75454797 1.214245673
EPlORYSAT000373840 反密码子为GUC的天门
Pt:16231..16267 37 GGGATTGTAGTTC
45.81324826 183.8090975 2.004371412
ENSRNA049445145 反密码子为CGC的丙氨酸
tRNA tRNA-Ala for anticodon CGC
8:22194244..22194280 37 GGGGACGTAGCTCATATGGTAGAGCGCTCGCTTCGCA 3.948187725 64.83354259 4.037477913
ENSRNA049444418 反密码子为UUC的谷氨酸
tRNA tRNA-Glu for anticodon UUC
12:27018602..27018639 38 TCACCCAGACGACCCGGGTTCAAATCCCGGCAATGGAA 8.877923176 86.56822355 3.285543425
ENSRNA049446755 反密码子为GCC的甘氨酸
tRNA tRNA-Gly for anticodon GCC
3:25619176..25619211 36 ACGGTACAGACCC
5.511015306 72.72375321 3.722036619
EPlORYSAT000373797 反密码子为UCC的谷氨酸
Pt:15686..15722 37 CAAGGAGGCAGCG
24.28546159 47.55822306 0.969601905
EPlORYSAT000373840 反密码子为GUC的天门
Pt:16267..16304 38 CAAGGCGGAAGCT
14.74937311 52.34254363 1.827330398

Table 4

Predictive target genes for differential expression of tRFs in rice salt stress"

Gene ID of source tRNA
Target gene ID
Gene description
EPlORYSAT000373812 Os01g0810100 1:34412916..34416988 叶绿体核糖核酸酶III蛋白
Chloroplast ribonuclease III domain protein
Os10g0119300 10:1234067..1241670 FH2结构域结合肌动蛋白
Actin-binding FH2 domain containing protein
Os03g0301700 3:10621704..10625395 钙调蛋白结合蛋白磷酸酶
Calmodulin-binding protein phosphatase
Os03g0435200 3:18355628..18365524 五肽重复蛋白
Pentatricopeptide repeat domain containing protein
EPlORYSAT000373840 Os04g0531300 4:26565544..26571685 tRNA -二氢吡啶合酶蛋白
tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase domain containing protein
Os11g0593500 11:22604874..22606587 环状F-box蛋白
Cyclin-like F-box domain containing protein
Os06g0128200 6:1485977..1490634 LMBR1膜内在蛋白
LMBR1 integral membrane protein
Os03g0562200 3:20188178..20194997 环状F-box蛋白
Cyclin-like F-box domain containing protein
Os03g0860700 3:36320679..36333253 肌球蛋白Myosin
Os01g0850100 1:36540164..36545196 磷脂酸类磷脂
Phosphatidic acid phosphatase-like protein
ENSRNA049445145 Os08g0389300 8:18398361..18407618 UbiA-异戊二烯转移酶家族蛋白
UbiA prenyltransferase family domain containing protein
Os10g0464400 10:17133478..17137843 卤酸脱卤酶类水解酶蛋白
Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain containing protein
ENSRNA049444418 Os08g0134900 8:1988346..1990818 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
Os01g0267800 1:9192164..9193439 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶蛋白
Serine/threonine protein kinase domain containing protein
Os03g0320100 3:11549564..11551862 α-N-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶 A
Alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase A
Os07g0484800 7:17787901..17801227 腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶蛋白
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase like protein
Os09g0333600 9:10071433..10085739 多效性耐药蛋白4 Pleiotropic drug resistance protein 4
Os09g0529700 9:20744838..20748509 液泡蛋白分选;内吞体分选转运复合体
Vacuolar protein sorting; endocyte sorting and transport complex
Os02g0250700 2:8518506..8535685 表达蛋白Expressed protein
Os12g0256600 12:8809699..8811919 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
Os08g0226100 8:7698342..7699299 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
Os05g0400200 5:19470226..19475222 逆转录转座子蛋白Ty1亚类
Retrotransposon protein Ty1-copia subclass
Os05g0126200 5:1497942..1499638 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
ENSRNA049446755 Os08g0387300 8:18299461..18299571 膜蛋白质Membrane protein
Os03g0320100 3:11549564..11551862 α-N-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶A
Alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase A
Os05g0400200 5:19470226..19475222 逆转录转座子蛋白Ty1亚类
Retrotransposon protein Ty1-copia subclass
EPlORYSAT000373840 Os03g0165300 3:3513371..3517214 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
Os12g0274450 12:10072058..10075165 保守假设蛋白Conserved hypothetical protein
Os04g0271700 4:11375483..11377317 玉米素葡萄糖基转移酶UDP-glycosyltransferase

Fig. 5

qRT-PCR expression analysis of salt stress tRFs and target genes in rice"

Fig. 6

The potential regulating network of salt-responsive miRNAs and tRFs in rice roots"

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