Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2012, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (18): 3709-3720.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2012.18.004


A Dynamic Model of Dry Matter and Nutrient Accumulation in Super Hybrid Rice and Analysis of Its Characteristics

 JI  Hong-Ting, FENG  Yue-Hua, HE  Teng-Bing, PAN  Jian, FAN  Le-Le, LI  Yun, WU  Biao, XIAO  Ming, LIANG  Xian-Lin   

  1. 1.贵州大学农学院,贵阳550025
  • Received:2012-03-12 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-07-12

Abstract: 【Objective】 Modeling dynamics of dry matter and nutrient accumulation of super hybrid rice is an important task for further improvement of yield and rational application of fertilizer.【Method】A field experiment with two super hybrid cultivars (Zhunliangyou527, Qyou 6) and CK(Ⅱyou838) was conducted in 2011, and dry matter accumulation (DMA) and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation(NA, PA, KA)were measured. The dynamic equations of relative dry matter accumulation (DMAR) and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation (NAR, PAR, KAR) were established with the normalized DMA, normalized NA, PK and KA and normalized growth time, and the dynamic characteristics of DMA and NA, PA, KA changes were analyzed based on the relative equations.【Result】Gompertz simulated better than the other equations for the DMA and nutrient dynamic accumulation characteristics of super hybrid rice. The equations were validated with field experimental data of 2009 and 2011.The NRMSE of DMA simulation were relatively smaller, and R2 values were above 0.9820. The accuracies were about 1, and the NS values were above 0.9530. Validation for the nutrient accumulation equation showed that the model simulated well. The R2, k and NS were all about 1. The analysis of growth characteristics of super hybrid rice showed that the rate of DMA in super hybrid rice was slightly higher than CK at earlier stage and significantly at last stage. The maximum rate of DMA of super hybrid rice was from boot stage to heading stage. The initial of DMA rapid growth stage for super hybrid rice were lower than the CK. The duration of rapid growth period of DMA of super hybrid rice was 71-75 d, which was 16-19 d longer than the CK and the ratio of DMA of rapid growth period in total DMA of super hybrid rice was 4.47%-11.25% higher than that of the CK. The maximum NA rate of super hybrid rice was in 10 d before boot stage. The NA (nitrogen accumulation) rapid growth stage was from 12 d before jointing stage to heading stage, and the NA in rapid growth period was 65.60% of total NA. The maximum PA rate of super hybrid rice was in 8 d before boot stage. The PA(phosphorus accumulation)rapid growth stage was from after jointing stage to 7 d before heading stage, and the PA in rapid growth period was 68.36% of total PA. The maximum KA rate of super hybrid rice was in 3-4 d after jointing stage. The PA(potassium accumulation) rapid growth stage was from 12-16 d after jointing stage to 1-5 d before heading stage, and the KA in rapid growth period was 60.10%-61.71% of total KA. 【Conclusion】The study used the Gompertz equation to simulate the DMA and nutrient dynamic accumulation characteristics of super hybrid rice. The advantage of DMA and nutrient of super hybrid rice were that the duration of rapid growth was longer than that of conventional rice, and the accumulation rate at last stage was faster relatively.

Key words: super hybrid rice, dry matter accumulation, nutrient accumulation, Gompertz equation

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