Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (4): 729-742.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.04.009


Effects of Crop Residue Decomposition on Soil Inorganic Nitrogen and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fluvo-Aquic Soil and Shajiang Black Soil

ZHANG XueLin(),WU Mei,HE TangQing,ZHANG ChenXi,TIAN MingHui,LI XiaoLi,HOU XiaoPan,HAO XiaoFeng,YANG QingHua,LI ChaoHai   

  1. Agronomy College, Henan Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science/Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops for 2011, Zhengzhou 450002
  • Received:2021-01-11 Accepted:2021-03-11 Online:2022-02-16 Published:2022-02-23


【Objective】The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of crop residue decomposition on soil available nitrogen (N) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and provide a theoretical basis for reasonable N fertilizer rate in agricultural soils to promote residue decomposition, to increase soil available nutrients, and to reduce N2O emissions. 【Method】The indoor soil incubations with nylon decomposition bag were conducted to study the effects of crop residue types (wheat and maize), soil types (fluvo-aquic soil: AS and Shajiang black soil: LS) and N fertilizer rates (N0: 0; N1: 180 kg N·hm-2; N2: 360 kg N·hm-2) on soil N2O emission. A control (CK) without residue addition and N fertilizer input was also established for the two soil types. Inorganic N content, N2O and CO2 flux, and soil enzyme activity were measured in incubated soil. 【Result】Compared with CK, soil inorganic N content under N0 decreased significantly, which was decreased by 0.8 mg·g-1 for 1 g wheat residue addition or 0.4 mg·g-1 for 1 g maize residue addition. Compared with AS, soil inorganic N content in LS reduced by 16% with wheat residue addition, by 41% with maize residue addition. Compared with wheat residue addition, soil inorganic N content in AS and LS increased by 111% and 252% with maize residue addition, respectively. Compared with CK, both soil N2O and CO2 flux increased with wheat residue or maize residue addition, and the total accumulation of soil N2O flux under N0 treatment increased by 70% and 47% with wheat residue and maize residue addition, by 346% and 154% for CO2 accumulation, and by 53% and 71% for global warming potential, respectively. Compared with AS, soil N2O flux in LS reduced by 38% and 61% with wheat residue and maize residue addition, by 12% and 51% for the accumulation of N2O flux, and by 28% and 16% for the accumulation of CO2 flux, respectively. And the global warming potential in LS increased by 13% with the wheat residue addition in comparison with that in AS, while declined by 44% with maize residue addition. Compared with wheat residue addition, the accumulation of soil N2O flux with maize residue addition increased by 88% in AS, and by 6% in LS, and reduced by 21% and 6% for the accumulation of soil CO2 flux in AS and LS, respectively. And the global warming potential with maize residue addition was 91% higher than that of wheat residue addition under the conditions of different N fertilizer rates and soil types. Compared with N0 and N2, soil N2O flux and their global warming potential under N1 treatment reduced significantly with wheat residue or maize residue addition in LS. Compared with CK, soil invertase activity increased with wheat residue or maize residue addition in both AS and LS, while which declined for soil Catalase and O2 content. Compared with wheat residue addition, soil urease activity, Catalase, and invertase activities declined with maize residue addition. Compared with AS, soil urease and catalase activities in LS reduced with wheat residue or maize residue addition, while soil O2 content increased. The catalase activities and O2 content was significantly and negatively related with soil N2O flux. 【Conclusion】The decomposition of wheat residue and maize residue reduced soil inorganic N content while increasing soil N2O flux. Soil inorganic N content and N2O flux with maize residue addition were higher than that of wheat residue. Emissions of N2O from Fluvo-aquic soil with wheat or maize residue addition was higher than that from Shajiang black soil. When combined with suitable N fertilizer rate, neither residues additions in Shajiang black soil increased N2O flux and global warming potential. These results suggested that, in the field, comprehensive management methods by returning residue to soil should consider the residue type, soil type and rate of N fertilization.

Key words: crop residue, fluvo-aquic soil, Shajiang black soil, greenhouse gas, soil nitrogen mineralization, global warming potential

Table 1

Comparison of the basic properties between two soil types or residue types by paired T-test"

土壤类型Soil type 秸秆类型 Residue type
潮土AS 砂姜黑土LS 小麦Wheat 玉米Maize
全碳TC (%) 7.3 ± 0.43 8.17 ± 0.96 448.13 ± 90.23 598.39 ± 39.48*
全氮TN (%) 3.18 ± 0.72 2.79 ± 0.18 6.19 ± 1.79 12.07 ± 0.29**
全磷TP (%) 3.88 ± 0.20 4.46 ± 0.81 - -
C:N 2.45 ± 0.34 2.99 ± 0.54 74.66 ± 11.62* 49.60 ± 3.35
速效氮Available N (g·kg-1) 0.08 ± 0.009 0.1 ± 0.003 - -
速效磷Available P (g·kg-1) 0.01 ± 0.001 0.02 ± 0.001 0.38 ± 0.06 0.34 ± 0.03
可溶性糖Soluble sugar (%) - - 3.34 ± 2.24 8.09 ± 0.23*
pH 7.78 ± 0.006* 6.81 ± 0.21 - -
砂粒Sand (%) 5.65 ± 0.42 39.09 ± 4.6** - -
粉粒Silt (%) 56.38 ± 3.96** 21.35 ± 1.17 - -
黏粒Clay (%) 37.93 ± 3.84 39.56 ± 5.07 - -

Fig. 1

Temporal variations of soil NO3--N (A, B, C, D), NH4+-N (E, F, G, H), and inorganic N (I, J, K, L) concentrations during wheat and maize residue decomposition"

Table 2

Effects of crop residues, soil types and N fertilizer rates on soil inorganic N, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential via GLM-ANOVA"

NO3--N concentration
INN concentration
Accumulation for N2O flux in
180 d (kg·hm-2)
180天CO2 排放累积量
Accumulation for CO2 flux in
180 d (kg·hm-2)
Global warming potential
(kg CO2-e·hm-2)
Wheat residue
CK 51.25±1.84b 56.97±2.82b 59.76±1.53b 65.43±2.96b 0.47±0.04a 0.77±0.06a 8.21±0.72a 3.85±0.49a 149.53±12.47a 234.72±16.77a
N0 42.02±6.32a 34.05±1.82a 50.20±6.85a 42.74±1.89a 0.61±0.06b 1.30±0.05c 21.62±1.04bc 13.07±0.77b 204.19±18.82b 399.86±14.29b
N1 79.06±4.50c 59.37±3.64b 87.81±4.70c 68.60±4.60b 1.15±0.07c 1.21±0.05b 22.18±1.64c 15.13±1.13c 363.65±19.80c 375.43±15.24b
N2 110.95±4.86d 96.41±6.51c 120.62±5.24d 107.08±6.36c 1.61±0.14d 1.41±0.06d 19.89±0.98b 16.65±1.13d 501.09±42.45d 437.34±18.13c
Maize residue
CK 130.27±3.75a 148.09±5.25a 142.25±4.46a 162.67±4.80a 1.01±0.05a 0.81±0.11a 7.10±1.19a 7.64±0.78a 306.97±15.71a 249.96±32.62a
N0 116.96±4.98a 145.83±10.91a 130.58±4.63a 159.69±10.81a 1.38±0.07b 1.63±0.12b 20.06±1.33c 17.17±1.01c 430.74±22.78b 504.11±35.33b
N1 170.85±5.59b 242.94±10.98b 183.38±5.34b 255.42±11.68b 1.88±0.08c 1.58±0.11b 17.14±0.43b 13.62±0.91b 576.79±23.25c 483.52±33.24b
N2 220.95±21.26c 339.68±8.30c 231.72±22.80c 353.15±8.59c 5.72±0.08d 1.77±0.18b 17.84±0.80b 13.37±2.24b 1721.24±24.59d 540.82±55.87b
Residue (R)
159.74*** 3715.61*** 157.98*** 8.81** 1513.11***
Soil (S)
594.82*** 156.19*** 7024.73*** 223.57*** 346.75***
Nitrogen (N)
296.75*** 542.02*** 10234.15*** 360.45*** 1200.99***
R×S 114.04*** 276.89*** 983.78*** 32.78*** 724.15***
R×N 23.66*** 96.72*** 411.09*** 19.55*** 367.45***
S×N 47.02*** 22.61*** 4895.21*** 9.36*** 595.95***
R×S×N 159.74*** 42.38*** 705.76*** 7.59*** 323.89***

Fig. 2

Temporal variations of soil N2O flux during wheat and maize residue decomposition"

Fig. 3

Temporal variations of soil CO2 flux during wheat and maize residue decomposition"

Table 3

Effects of crop residues, soil types and N fertilizer rates on residue soluble sugar content, soil enzyme activities and O2 content via GLM-ANOVA"

Residue soluble sugar
Soil urease
(mg NH4+-N·g-1·24h-1)
Soil catalase
(mg H2O2·g-1·20min-1)
Soil protease
(mg glycine·kg-1·h-1)
Soil invertase
(mg glucose·g-1·24h-1)
Soil O2 content
Wheat residue
CK - - 1.53±0.02a 0.44±0.01a 1.19±0.02b 1.09±0.01b 13.13±0.65a 11.91±0.55 25.73±1.02a 25.35±0.94a 20.48±0.20b 23.63±0.68c
N0 1.98±0.14 2.06±0.14 1.67±0.02c 0.55±0.01b 1.17±0.01a 1.08±0.01b 14.02±0.71ab 11.70±0.25 29.14±1.19b 34.08±2.26b 20.14±0.20ab 22.95±0.24bc
N1 2.26±0.13 2.16±0.24 1.67±0.03c 0.53±0.03b 1.17±0.00a 1.08±0.01b 14.33±0.05b 12.08±0.20 29.89±1.43b 36.27±3.40b 20.02±0.21a 22.35±0.23b
N2 1.97±0.14 2.11±0.06 1.60±0.03b 0.52±0.00b 1.17±0.01a 1.04±0.01a 15.47±0.24c 11.71±0.27 30.47±2.28b 33.53±1.81b 20.15±0.24ab 21.08±0.89a
Maize residue
CK - - 1.02±0.03 0.29±0.02 1.17±0.00c 0.99±0.01d 12.86±0.30c 12.75±0.17 7.95±0.37a 5.55±0.27a 21.08±0.04c 22.49±0.50b
N0 3.37±0.21 3.05±0.11 1.02±0.04 0.28±0.03 1.16±0.00b 0.96±0.02c 13.11±0.20c 12.78±0.28 8.57±0.17ab 6.40±0.26b 20.64±0.03b 21.47±0.04a
N1 3.05±0.23 2.90±0.16 1.03±0.02 0.27±0.01 1.16±0.00bc 0.91±0.00b 12.34±0.15b 12.69±0.21 9.22±0.14b 6.45±0.31b 20.54±0.10b 21.38±0.30a
N2 2.86±0.11 2.90±0.11 1.00±0.06 0.25±0.03 1.12±0.01a 0.84±0.01a 11.84±0.15a 12.67±0.15 7.91±0.80a 5.93±0.35ab 20.20±0.29a 21.07±0.15a
Residue (R)
430.17*** 3685.63*** 166.44*** 13.45*** 3924.52*** 7.59**
Soil (S)
1.30 18148.06*** 612.93*** 95.38*** 2.45 346.54***
Nitrogen (N)
4.62* 17.83*** 18.61*** 1.14 25.87*** 37.37***
R×S 3.74 683.12*** 83.15*** 130.59*** 61.35*** 55.5***
R×N 8.57*** 19.63*** 6.24*** 10.99*** 16.82*** 1.39
S×N 2.45 2.16 5.36** 2.55 3.62* 10.54***
R×S×N 1.57 0.83 2.31 10.72*** 4.19** 5.86**

Fig. 4

Temporal variations of soil O2 content during wheat and maize residue decomposition."

Table 4

Pearson correlation coefficients (r) between soil N2O and CO2 accumulation with soil inorganic N, enzyme activities and other properties (n=16)"

CO2 flux
N (mg·kg-1)
(mg NH4-N·
(mg H2O2·g-1·
(mg glycine·
(mg glucose·
O2 content
Residue soluble sugar (%)
N2O flux 小麦
AS 0.46 0.96** 0.18 -0.33 0.84** 0.62* -0.36 0.03
LS 0.93** 0.32 0.85** -0.71** -0.17 0.79** -0.72** -0.08
AS 0.68** 0.89** -0.24 -0.97** -0.83** -0.31 -0.78** -0.68*
LS 0.39 0.59* -0.26 -0.72** 0.01 0.58* -0.81** 0.04
CO2 flux 小麦
AS - 0.26 0.89** -0.73** 0.54* 0.69** -0.69** 0.17
LS - 0.29 0.85** -0.69** -0.13 0.81** -0.69** 0.34
AS - 0.54* -0.11 -0.66** -0.45 0.13 -0.80** -0.46
LS - -0.34 0.28 0.18 0.09 0.47 -0.2 0.38
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