Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 271-285.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.02.004
WANG ShiYa1,2(),ZHENG DianFeng1,2,*(),XIANG HongTao3,FENG NaiJie1,2,*(),LIU Ya2,LIU MeiLing2,JIN Dan2,MOU BaoMin2
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[1] | DONG YongXin,WEI QiWei,HONG Hao,HUANG Ying,ZHAO YanXiao,FENG MingFeng,DOU DaoLong,XU Yi,TAO XiaoRong. Establishment of ALSV-Induced Gene Silencing in Chinese Soybean Cultivars [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(9): 1710-1722. |
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[11] | REN JunBo,YANG XueLi,CHEN Ping,DU Qing,PENG XiHong,ZHENG BenChuan,YONG TaiWen,YANG WenYu. Effects of Interspecific Distances on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Root Spatial Distribution of Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping System [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(10): 1903-1916. |
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