Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2020, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 1997-2008.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.10.007
• PLANT PROTECTION • Previous Articles Next Articles
YAO LiXiao,FAN HaiFang,ZHANG QingWen,HE YongRui,XU LanZhen,LEI TianGang,PENG AiHong,LI Qiang,ZOU XiuPing,CHEN ShanChun()
[1] | FERENCE C M, GOCHEZ A M, BEHLAU F, WANG N, GRAHAM J H, JONES J B . Recent advances in the understanding of Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri pathogenesis and citrus canker disease management. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2018,19(6):1302-1318. |
[2] | 姚利晓, 何永睿, 邹修平, 雷天刚, 许兰珍, 彭爱红, 陈善春 . 柑橘基因工程育种研究策略及其进展. 果树学报, 2013,30(6):1056-1064. |
YAO L X, HE Y R, ZOU X P, LEI T G, XU L Z, PENG A H, CHEN S C . Advances and strategies in citrus genetic engineering and breeding. Journal of Fruit Science, 2013,30(6):1056-1064. (in Chinese) | |
[3] | PENG A, CHEN S, LEI T, XU L, HE Y, WU L, YAO L, ZOU X . Engineering canker-resistant plants through CRISPR/Cas9-targeted editing of the susceptibility gene CsLOB1 promoter in citrus. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2017,15:1509-1519. |
[4] | KOBAYASHI A K, VIEIRA L G E, BESPALHOK FILHO J C, LEITE JR. R P, PEREIRA L F P, MOLINARI H B C, MARQUES V V . Enhanced resistance to citrus canker in transgenic sweet orange expressing the sarcotoxin IA gene. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017,149(4):865-873. |
[5] | OMAR A A, MURATA M M, EL-SHAMY H A, GRAHAM J H, GROSSER J W . Enhanced resistance to citrus canker in transgenic mandarin expressing Xa21 from rice. Transgenic Research, 2018,27(2):179-191. |
[6] | 胡安华, 祁静静, 张庆雯, 陈善春, 邹修平, 许兰珍, 彭爱红, 雷天刚, 姚利晓, 龙琴, 何永睿, 李强 . 柑橘溃疡病相关基因CsPGIP的克隆与表达. 中国农业科学, 2019,52(4):639-650. |
HU A H, QI J J, ZHANG Q W, CHEN S C, ZOU X P, XU L Z, PENG A H, LEI T G, YAO L X, LONG Q, HE Y R, LI Q . Cloning and expression analysis of the citrus bacterial canker-related gene CsPGIP in citrus. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(4):639-650. (in Chinese) | |
[7] | 邹修平, 龙俊宏, 彭爱红, 陈敏, 龙琴, 陈善春 . 超量表达CsGH3.6通过抑制生长素信号转导增强柑橘溃疡病抗性. 中国农业科学, 2019,52(21):3806-3818. |
ZOU X P, LONG J H, PENG A H, CHEN M, LONG Q, CHEN S C . Overexpression of CsGH3.6 enhanced resistance to citrus canker disease by inhibiting auxin signaling transduction. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(21):3806-3818. (in Chinese) | |
[8] | HE Y, JIA R, QI J, CHEN S, LEI T, XU L, PENG A, YAO L, LONG Q, LI Z, LI Q . Functional analysis of citrus AP2 transcription factors identified CsAP2-09 involved in citrus canker disease response and tolerance. Gene, 2019,707:178-188. |
[9] | LI Q, JIA R R, DOU W, QI J, QIN X, FU Y, HE Y, CHEN S . CsBZIP40, a BZIP transcription factor in sweet orange, plays a positive regulatory role in citrus bacterial canker response and tolerance. PLoS ONE, 2019,14(10):e0223498. |
[10] | 窦万福, 祁静静, 胡安华, 陈善春, 彭爱红, 许兰珍, 雷天刚, 姚利晓, 何永睿, 李强 . GST pull-down联合LC-MS/MS筛选柑橘抗溃疡病转录因子CsBZIP40的互作蛋白. 中国农业科学, 2019,52(13):2243-2255. |
DOU W F, QI J J, HU A H, CHEN S C, PENG A H, XU L Z, LEI T G, YAO L X, HE Y R, LI Q . Screening of interacting proteins of anti-canker transcription factor CsBZIP40 in citrus by GST pull-down combined with LC-MS/MS. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(13):2243-2255. (in Chinese) | |
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[15] | ZHAI Y, LI P, MEI Y, CHEN M, CHEN X, XU H, ZHOU X, DONG H, ZHANG C, JIANG W . Three MYB genes co-regulate the phloem-based defence against English grain aphid in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017,68(15):4153-4169. |
[16] | WEI X, SHAN T, HONG Y, XU H, LIU X, ZHANG Z . TaPIMP2, a pathogen-induced MYB protein in wheat, contributes to host resistance to common root rot caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana. Scientific Reports, 2017,7:1754. |
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[19] | LI T, ZHANG X Y, HUANG Y, XU Z S, WANG F, XIONG A S . An R2R3-MYB transcription factor, S1MYB28, involved in the regulation of TYLCV infection in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae, 2018,237:192-200. |
[20] | XIE R, LI Y, HE S, ZHENG Y, YI S, LV Q, DENG L . Genome-wide analysis of citrus R2R3MYB genes and their spatiotemporal expression under stresses and hormone treatments. PLoS ONE, 2014,9(12):e113971. |
[21] | LIU C, WANG X, XU Y, DENG X, XU Q . Genome-wide analysis of the R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene family in sweet orange ( Citrus sinensis). Molecular Biology Reports, 2014,41(10):6769-6785. |
[22] | JIA N, LIU J, SUN Y, TAN P, CAO H, XIE Y, WEN B, GU T, LIU J, LI M, HUANG Y, LU J, JIN N, SUN L, XIN F, FAN B . Citrus sinensis MYB transcription factors CsMYB330 and CsMYB308 regulate fruit juice sac lignification through fine-tuning expression of the Cs4CL1 gene. Plant Science, 2018,277:334-343. |
[23] | HUANG D, WANG X, TANG Z, YUAN Y, XU Y, HE J, JIANG X, PENG S A, LI L, BUTELLI E, DENG X, XU Q . Subfunctionalization of the Ruby2-Ruby1 gene cluster during the domestication of citrus. Nature Plants, 2018,4(11):930-941. |
[24] | JIA N, LIU J, TAN P, SUN Y, LV Y, LIU J, SUN J, HUANG Y, LU J, JIN N, LI M, IMAM K M S U, XIN F, FAN B . Citrus sinensis MYB transcription factor CsMYB85 induce fruit juice sac lignification through interaction with other CsMYB transcriptionfactors. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: Article 213. |
[25] | HUANG D, YUAN Y, TANG Z, HUANG Y, KANG C, DENG X, XU Q . Retrotransposon promoter of Ruby1 controls both light- and cold-induced accumulation of anthocyanins in blood orange. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2019,42(11):3092-3104. |
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贾瑞瑞, 周鹏飞, 白晓晶, 陈善春, 许兰珍, 彭爱红, 雷天刚, 姚利晓, 陈敏, 何永睿, 李强 . 柑橘响应溃疡病菌转录因子CsBZIP40的克隆及功能分析. 中国农业科学, 2017,50(13):2488-2497.
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JIA R R, ZHOU P F, BAI X J, CHEN S C, XU L Z, PENG A H, LEI T G, YAO L X, CHEN M, HE Y R, LI Q . Gene cloning and expression analysis of canker-related transcription factor CsBZIP40 in citrus. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(13):2488-2497. (in Chinese)
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[28] | 范海芳, 彭蕴, 张庆雯, 何永睿, 邹修平, 李强, 彭爱红, 许兰珍, 雷天刚, 陈善春, 姚利晓 . 柑橘R2R3-MYB类转录因子CitMYB20的克隆与表达分析. 分子植物育种, 2019,17(10):3199-3207. |
FAN H F, PENG Y, ZHANG Q W, HE Y R, ZOU X P, LI Q, PENG A H, XU L Z, LEI T G, CHEN S C, YAO L X . Cloning and expression of citrus R2R3-MYB transcription factor CitMYB20. Molecular Plant Breeding, 2019,17(10):3199-3207. (in Chinese) | |
[29] | ZOU X, JIANG X, XU L, LEI T, PENG A, HE Y, YAO L, CHEN S . Transgenic citrus expressing synthesized cecropin B genes in the phloem exhibits decreased susceptibility to Huanglongbing. Plant Molecular Biology, 2017,93(4/5):341-353. |
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[32] | LIU X, YANG L, ZHOU X, ZHOU M, LU Y, MA L, MA H, ZHANG Z . Transgenic wheat expressing Thinopyrum intermedium MYB transcription factor TiMYB2R-1 shows enhanced resistance to the take-all disease. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013,64(8):2243-2253. |
[33] | LIU H, ZHOU X, DONG N, LIU X, ZHANG H, ZHANG Z . Expression of a wheat MYB gene in transgenic tobacco enhances resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum, and to drought and salt stresses. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 2011,11(3):431-443. |
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[39] | YU Q B, HUANG M, JIA H G, YU Y, PLOTTO A, BALDWIN E A, BAI J H, WANG N, GMITTER JR. F G . Deficiency of valencene in mandarin hybrids is associated with a deletion in the promoter region of the valencene synthase gene. BMC Plant Biology, 2019,19(1):101. |
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[4] | ZHANG Qi,DUAN Yu,SU Yue,JIANG QiQi,WANG ChunQing,BIN Yu,SONG Zhen. Construction and Application of Expression Vector Based on Citrus Leaf Blotch Virus [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(22): 4398-4407. |
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[12] | WU Wei,XU HuiLi,WANG ZhengLiang,YU XiaoPing. Cloning and Function Analysis of a Serine Protease Inhibitor Gene Nlserpin2 in Nilaparvata lugens [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2338-2346. |
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