Proteomic Comparison Between Leaves from a Red-Flesh Mutant and Its Wild-Type in Sweet Orange |
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University |
摘要 The red-flesh mutant Hong Anliu sweet orange is of high nutritional value due to its lycopene accumulation. Our previous studieson this mutant fruits suggested that photosynthesis and oxidative stress could promote the formation of mutation trait. However,leaf rather than fruit is the major part for some important biological processes such as photosynthesis. In this study, we analyzedthe proteomic alteration in leaves of the red-flesh mutant Hong Anliu vs. its wild type (WT). Ten differentially expressed proteinswere identified, of which two were involved in photosynthesis, three in oxidative stress, two in defense, and three in metabolism.The high up-regulation of photosynthetic proteins proved the hypothesis that enhanced photosynthesis could provide andtransport more substrates into mutant fruits for carotenoid biosynthesis. Similar to the previous results in fruits, anti-oxidativeproteins were highly up-regulated in leaves, suggesting the whole plant of Hong Anliu suffered from enhanced oxidative stressProteins involved in defense and metabolism were also identified, and their possible roles in the mutation were discussed.
Abstract The red-flesh mutant Hong Anliu sweet orange is of high nutritional value due to its lycopene accumulation. Our previous studieson this mutant fruits suggested that photosynthesis and oxidative stress could promote the formation of mutation trait. However,leaf rather than fruit is the major part for some important biological processes such as photosynthesis. In this study, we analyzedthe proteomic alteration in leaves of the red-flesh mutant Hong Anliu vs. its wild type (WT). Ten differentially expressed proteinswere identified, of which two were involved in photosynthesis, three in oxidative stress, two in defense, and three in metabolism.The high up-regulation of photosynthetic proteins proved the hypothesis that enhanced photosynthesis could provide andtransport more substrates into mutant fruits for carotenoid biosynthesis. Similar to the previous results in fruits, anti-oxidativeproteins were highly up-regulated in leaves, suggesting the whole plant of Hong Anliu suffered from enhanced oxidative stressProteins involved in defense and metabolism were also identified, and their possible roles in the mutation were discussed.
Received: 28 September 2010
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Correspondence DENG Xiu-xin, Professor, Tel: +86-27-87286906, Fax: +86-27-87280016, E-mail: xxdeng@mail.hzau.edu.cn
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PAN Zhi-yong, DENG Xiu-xin.
Proteomic Comparison Between Leaves from a Red-Flesh Mutant and Its Wild-Type in Sweet Orange. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(8): 1206-1212.
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