Instruction for authors

  • Instruction to Authors

    Description  Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA), formerly Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC), founded in 2002, is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS).  JIA is a peer-reviewed and multi-disciplinary international journal and published monthly in English.  JIA Editorial Board consists of 294 well-respected scholars of agricultural scientific fields.  Prof. WU Kong-ming is the Chairman of the Board, and Prof. CHEN Hua-lan is the Editor-in-Chief.  JIA has been published by Elsevier B.V. since 2006 and is a leading academic journal in agricultural sciences in China.  As released by JCR, the latest IF of the journal is 4.8.

    Published articles of JIA are available both in print and electronic copies.  The electronic full texts are available on ScienceDirect (

    Mission  JIA promotes research and exchange of novel scientific discoveries and ideas for the advancement of agricultural sciences.  The journal emphasizes inter-disciplinary and systematic approaches addressing agricultural life science, agricultural sustainability, food science, agricultural environment, ecology and energy, therefore to concern for human health and development around the globe.

    Aims & Scope  JIA seeks to publish those papers that are influential and will significantly advance scientific understanding in agriculture fields worldwide.  JIA publishes manuscripts in the five categories focusing on the core subjects listed

    Peer Review This journal operates a double-blind review process. All contributions will be initially assessed by the Managing editor and Section editor for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper. 

    Commentary section is a platform to exchange viewpoints, praise and criticism each other in the agricultural science community.  Authors may submit comments in regard to the contents published previously in JIA or bring up other issues that may be of interest and relevant to JIA.  Commentary will appear at the beginning of the issue with no abstract or keywords.

    Review describes new development and highlight future directions of a specialized or interdisciplinary significance in agriculture sciences.  They should be focused on providing insights and summary/context on the published findings and introducing some new concepts or viewpoints for solving the important unresolved questions by presenting the research background, approach, and outlook of the field.  Only invited Reviews are considered.

    Research Article presents important new research results through reproducible experimental design, using genetic, biochemical, cell and molecular biological methods, statistical analyses, and other scientific methods. 

    Short Communication is for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to agriculture sciences.  It is intended to publish these results that are exceptional interest and particularly topical and relevant, but the preliminary results. It should be limited to 2 500 words, and could include no more than two figures or tables.

    Letter needs no more than 1 500 words, can include one figure and one table, other figures and tables can be submitted online as appendices.

    Core Subjects
      — Crop Science
      — Horticulture
      — Plant Protection
      — Animal Science
      — Veterinary Medicine 
      — Agro-ecosystem & Environment
      — Food Science
      — Agricultural Economics and Management
      — Agricultural Information Science

    Indexing  JIA has been indexed by SCI, Abstract Journal (AJ), Zoological Record (ZR), Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA), CABI, Scopus, and the main periodical databases in China.

    Copyright © 2024, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).   By your submission of this work and effectively at our acceptance for publication, you hereby assign  rights of the manuscript identified above and any tables, illustrations and other materials submitted for publication as part of the manuscript—including but not limited to copyrights, distribution rights, information network dissemination rights, broadcasting rights, performance rights, translation rights, compilation rights, adaptation rights and other copyright property rights, in print, electronic and all other media, in any form, in all languages, all over the world, and the rights to license others to do the same, exclusively to CAAS.

    Submission of a manuscript implies that the submitted work has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or lecture note or report, or in the form of an abstract); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors as well as by the authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that once acceptance, transfer of copyright to the CAAS will be required, and that the manuscript or parts thereof will thus not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holder.  Authors will have the right to share their article in the same ways permitted to third parties under the relevant user license, as well as certain scholarly usage rights.

    Acceptance  The acceptance of a paper implies that it has been reviewed and recommended by at least two reviewers, of which one is from the Editorial Board as a super reviewer.  Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within two months of receipt.  The accepted papers will be published in a chronological order.

    Submission  An electronic file of a manuscript with original figures, along with a cover letter to the editors, should be submitted online to JIA by accessing  All submitted manuscripts will undergo the plagiarism checking via the Crossref Similarity Check. And for any question involved, please feel free to contact us:

    Editorial Office of Journal of Integrative Agriculture
    No. 12 Zhongguancun South Street
    Beijing 100081, P.R.China
    Tel: +86-10-82105098, 82106279, 82106280
    Fax: +86-10-82106247

    Potential reviewers  Authors are encouraged to provide a list of potential reviewers.  Reviewers must not be subject to a conflict of interest involving the author(s) or manuscript(s).  The editors of JIA are not obligated to use any reviewer suggested by the author(s).

    Creating the manuscript  Microsoft Word files are required for all manuscripts. Generally, the manuscript should be arranged in the following sections and appear in order: Title, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of interest, Ethical approval (if involved) and References.

    All manuscripts must be written in clear and grammatically correct English.  Scientific language, nomenclature and standard international units should be used.

    The title page should include: title of the article, full name, institution(s) and address(es) of author(s); the first author’s professional title and degree; and correspondence’s detailed postal and e-mail addresses and phone and fax numbers.  For authors in China, the information mentioned above in Chinese is required.

    If the work involves the use of animal subjects, the author should ensure that the manuscript contains a statement that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines and the approatiate institutional committee(s) has approved them.

    Acknowledgements should be a brief statement at the end of the text and may include source of financial support.  The contract No. should be provided.

    References  Author-year citations are required.  Give the author’s name followed by the year of publication in the text, i.e., (Crews and Davies 1986).  Where there are more than two authors, only the first should be named followed by et al., i.e., (Cataldo et al. 1983).  Where there are more than one citation in the parentheses the “;” should be used (Obata and Umebayashi 1997; Yang et al. 1998), but if it is the same author, the “,” should be used (Smith 2000, 2002).  Reference to unpublished data and personal communication should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g., Clarke J M 2015, personal communication; Wang G P 2017, unpublished data).  In the reference list, the references should be listed in an alphabetical order.  Names of journals should be in italic in full titles rather than the abbreviation.  The following examples are for guidance.
    Chen W F, Xu Z J, Zhang L B, Zhang W Z, Ma D R. 2007. Theories and practices of breeding japonica rice for super high yield. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 40, 869–874. (in Chinese)
    Cousins I T, Mackay D. 2001. Strategies for including vegetation compartments in multimedia models.Chemosphere, 44, 643–654.

    Dababat A A, Fourie H. 2018. Nematode parasite of cereals. In: Sikora R A, Coyne D, Hallmann J, Timper P, eds., Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. pp. 163–200.
    FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2015. Online statistical database: Food balance. FAOSTAT. [2015-12-02].*/E
    GB/T 17891-1999. 1999. High Quality Paddy Rice. National Standard of the People’s Republic of China. (in Chinese)
    Zhang H M, Wang B R, Xu M G, Fan T L. 2009a. Crop yield and soil responses to long-term fertilization on a red soil in southern China. Pedosphere, 19, 199–207.
    Zhang H M, Xu M G, Zhang F. 2009b. Long-term effects of manure application on grain yield under different cropping systems and ecological conditions in China. Journal of Agricultural Science, 147, 31–42.

    Wu Y, Taliaferro C M. 2012. Switchgrass Cultivar. U.S. Patent, Application No. 8278500. Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C., USA.

    Tables should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a title at the top.

    Illustrations  Do not use figures that duplicate matter in tables.  Figures can be supplied in digital format, or photographs and drawings, which can be ready, or with source data, for reproduction.  Label each figure with figure number consecutively.  Figure legends should be grouped on a separate page.  Authors can publish colour photos, figures, or maps at their own expense.

    Handling and Printing fee of CNY600 per page for the first 10 pages, CNY650 per page for the subsequent pages, and CNY1500 per color plate will be charged for all the manuscripts accepted.  No charge for B/W figures. The evaluating fee of CNY300 is charged for each paper. 

    Open Access fee JIA is a fully Open Access (OA) journal on ScienceDirect and all the accepted articles are published OA. The OA fee could be covered by JIA (CAAS) via author's applying a waiver when submitting a paper.

    Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as PDF files for checking and correcting of typographical errors. To avoid delay in publication, proofs should be returned in 72 hours.

    Free providing  Two copies of the printed journal will be provided to authors free of charge.

    Reprints may be purchased by ordering in advance when sending back the proof by e-mail as CNY2 for each copy. 

    Reporting sex- and gender-based analyses

    Reporting guidance
    For research involving or pertaining to humans, animals or eukaryotic cells, investigators should integrate sex and gender-based analyses (SGBA) into their research design according to funder/sponsor requirements and best practices within a field. Authors should address the sex and/or gender dimensions of their research in their article. In cases where they cannot, they should discuss this as a limitation to their research's generalizability. Importantly, authors should explicitly state what definitions of sex and/or gender they are applying to enhance the precision, rigor and reproducibility of their research and to avoid ambiguity or conflation of terms and the constructs to which they refer (see Definitions section below). Authors can refer to the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines and the SAGER guidelines checklist. These offer systematic approaches to the use and editorial review of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, outcome reporting and research interpretation - however, please note there is no single, universally agreed-upon set of guidelines for defining sex and gender.

    Sex generally refers to a set of biological attributes that are associated with physical and physiological features (e.g., chromosomal genotype, hormonal levels, internal and external anatomy). A binary sex categorization (male/female) is usually designated at birth ("sex assigned at birth"), most often based solely on the visible external anatomy of a newborn. Gender generally refers to socially constructed roles, behaviors, and identities of women, men and gender-diverse people that occur in a historical and cultural context and may vary across societies and over time. Gender influences how people view themselves and each other, how they behave and interact and how power is distributed in society. Sex and gender are often incorrectly portrayed as binary (female/male or woman/man) and unchanging whereas these constructs actually exist along a spectrum and include additional sex categorizations and gender identities such as people who are intersex/have differences of sex development (DSD) or identify as non-binary. Moreover, the terms "sex" and "gender" can be ambiguous—thus it is important for authors to define the manner in which they are used. In addition to this definition guidance and the SAGER guidelines, the resources on this page offer further insight around sex and gender in research studies.

    Disclaimer  No responsibility is assumed by Publisher (Elsevier B.V.), nor by the Organization (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), nor by the Editors for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of any actual or alleged libellous statements, infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, or products liability, whether resulting from negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products or methods contained in the material therein. The publication of an advertisement in the Journal of Integrative Agriculture does not constitute on the part of Publisher or the Organization a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the advertised products or services described therein or of any of the representations or the claims made by the advertisers with respect to such products or services.

  • 2023-01-01 Visited: 18489