Utilizing the γ-Irradiated Sodium Alginate as a Plant Growth Promoter for Enhancing the Growth, Physiological Activities, and Alkaloids Production in Catharanthus roseus L. |
Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University |
Abstract Sodium alginate is a polysaccharide that is largely obtained from the brown algae (Sargassum sp.). It has been used as awonderful growth promoting substance in its depolymerized form for various plants. The aim of this study was to find outthe effects of various concentrations of ?-irradiated sodium alginate (ISA), viz., deionized water (control, T0), 20 (T1),40 (T2), 60 (T3), 80 (T4), and 100 ppm (T5) on the agricultural performance of Catharanthus roseus L. (Rosea) in terms ofgrowth attributes, photosynthesis, physiological activities, and alkaloid production. The present work revealed that ISAapplied as leaf-sprays at concentrations from 20 to 100 ppm might improve growth, photosynthesis, physiological activities,and alkaloid production in C. roseus L. significantly. Of the various ISA concentrations, 80 ppm proved to be the best onecompared to other concentrations applied.
Received: 02 August 2010
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Correspondence Mohd Naeem, Ph D, Mobile: +91-9719341207, E-mail: naeem_phd@yahoo.co.in
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Mohd Idrees, Mohd Naeem, Masidur Alam, Tariq Aftab, Nadeem Hashmi, Mohd Masroor Akhtar Khan, Moinuddin , Lalit Varshney.
Utilizing the γ-Irradiated Sodium Alginate as a Plant Growth Promoter for Enhancing the Growth, Physiological Activities, and Alkaloids Production in Catharanthus roseus L.. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 10(8): 1213-1221.
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