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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2024, Vol. 23 Issue (2): 590-604    DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2023.04.011
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The evolution and diurnal expression patterns of photosynthetic pathway genes of the invasive alien weed, Mikania micrantha

Kangkang Wang1, 2, 3, Mengjiao Jin1, Jingjing Li1, 2, 3, Yesong Ren1, Zaiyuan Li1, Xinghai Ren1, Cong Huang1, Fanghao Wan1#, Wanqiang Qian1#, Bo Liu1#

1 Shenzhen Branch, Guangdong Laboratory of Lingnan Modern Agriculture/Genome Analysis Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen 518120, China

2 State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Adaptation and Improvement, School of Life Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China

3 Shenzhen Research Institute of Henan University, Shenzhen 518000, China

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薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)是一种快速生长的全球性入侵杂草,广泛分布在热带和亚热带地区。薇甘菊的入侵会对当地自然生态系统造成严重破坏,并对森林和作物生产造成巨大的经济损失。它在光合作用方面具有优势,其净光合速率与C4植物相近,固碳能力较高。研究表明薇甘菊的光合能力是其快速生长和快速殖民新栖息地的重要原因之一。然而,目前尚没有研究揭示薇甘菊光合作用的进化机制和昼夜规律。本研究采用基因组学和转录组学相结合的方法,揭示了薇甘菊光合作用的进化机制和昼夜表达模式。结果显示,在薇甘菊中有16个正选择基因,主要集中于光反应和光同化物的利用两个过程中,并且叶绿素a/b结合蛋白、苹果酸脱氢酶、丙酮酸正磷酸二激酶和苹果酸酶家族的基因数量与C4植物(高粱或玉米)相似,显著高于其他植物。在不同组织中,98.1%与光反应相关的基因在茎中具有较高表达,C4循环相关的基因中有一半以上在茎中高于叶中的表达。气孔开闭过程中,2个碳酸酐酶基因在18:00的表达量高于8:00SLAC1HT1基因在18:00表达量最低。此外,与光合作用相关的基因在7:0017:00表达量较高。因此我们推测,薇甘菊能够在茎和花器官中进行光合作用,并且叶片的一些气孔在夜间能够通过CO2信号打开。此外,它的进化可能会减弱高光强时的光抑制,并在低光强时提高光合作用的效率。组织特异性光合类型和光合相关基因的不同昼夜模式可能有助于薇甘菊在新栖息地的快速定植。薇甘菊可能通过这些变化增加了它的种间优势和侵袭性。本文的研究结果为了解薇甘菊的光合作用机制及其控制和生物利用度提供了有价值的信息。


Mikania micrantha is a fast-growing global invasive weed species that causes severe damage to natural ecosystems and very large economic losses of forest and crop production.  It has advantages in photosynthesis, including a similar net photosynthetic rate as C4 plants and a higher carbon fixation capacity.  We used a combination of genomics and transcriptomics approaches to study the evolutionary mechanisms and circadian expression patterns of Mmicrantha.  In Mmicrantha, 16 positive selection genes focused on photoreaction and utilization of photoassimilates.  In different tissues, 98.1% of the genes associated with photoresponse had high expression in stems, and more than half of the genes of the C4 cycle had higher expression in stems than in leaves.  In stomatal opening and closing, 2 genes of carbonic anhydrase (CAs) had higher expression at 18:00 than at 8:00, and the slow anion channel 1 (SLAC1) and high-leaf-temperature 1 kinase (HT1) genes were expressed at low levels at 18:00.  In addition, genes associated with photosynthesis had higher expression levels at 7:00 and 17:00.  We hypothesized that Mmicrantha may undergo photosynthesis in the stem and flower organs and that some stomata of the leaves were opening at night by CO2 signals.  In addition, its evolution may attenuate photoinhibition at high light intensities, and enhance more efficient of photosynthesis during low light intensity.  And the tissue-specific photosynthetic types and different diurnal pattern of photosynthetic-related genes may contribute to its rapid colonization of new habitats of Mmicrantha.

Keywords:  invasion plant        Mikania micrantha        photosynthesis        stomata        stem   
Received: 30 December 2022   Accepted: 03 March 2023

The work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32072490), the National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFC2600100 and 2021YFC2600101), and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program, China.

About author:  Kangkang Wang, E-mail:; #Correspondence Bo Liu, E-mail:; Wanqiang Qian, E-mail:; Fanghao Wan, E-mail:

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WANG Kang-kang, JIN Meng-jiao, LI Jing-jing, REN Ye-song, LI Zai-yuan, REN Xing-hai, HUANG Cong, WAN Fang-hao, QIAN Wan-qiang, LIU Bo. 2024.

The evolution and diurnal expression patterns of photosynthetic pathway genes of the invasive alien weed, Mikania micrantha . Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(2): 590-604.

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