Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2015, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (15): 2995-3004.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.15.009


Effect Degree of Fertilization Practices on Soil Organic Carbon and Fraction of Croplands in China—Based on Meta-Analysis

CAI An-dong1, ZHANG Wen-ju1, YANG Pin-pin2, HAN Tian-fu1, XU Ming-gang1   

  1. 1Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081
    2College of Resource and Environment, South China  Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642
  • Received:2015-01-19 Online:2015-08-01 Published:2015-08-01

Abstract: 【Objective】 Fertilization practice is one of the key regulating factors on soil organic carbon in cropland. The objectives of this study were to explore the effect size of fertilization practices on total and mineral-associated organic carbon in topsoil under different cropping system and cropland uses, which has important implications for the equilibrium and sustainable management of soil organic carbon in agricultural ecosystem.【Method】By using the data collected from published literatures, a data set (286) with the same soil organic carbon fractionation method from independent research was built up. Meta-analysis method was implied to quantify the effect degree of fertilization practices (chemical fertilizers and organic manure) on the content of soil total organic carbon and mineral-associated organic carbon fraction under different cropping systems, cropland uses, and inherent soil properties (e.g., texture).【Result】Compared with no fertilizer treatment, fertilization practices significantly increased soil total and mineral associated organic carbon content by 39.4% and 27.7%, respectively. The increasing rate of applying organic manure (58.4% and 41.9%) was 3.4 and 5.2 times higher than that of chemical fertilizers application (13.4% and 8.0%), respectively. Generally, the effect degree of fertilization practices on the total soil and mineral associated organic carbon was significantly different among cropping systems, cropland uses, and soil textures. The effect size of organic manure application on total soil organic carbon (58.5%) and chemical fertilizers application on mineral associated organic carbon (10.7%) with mono-cropping were significantly higher than that with double cropping (55.6% and 7.3%), whereas there was no significant difference under chemical fertilizers application on total soil organic carbon (13.3%-13.8%) and organic manure application on mineral associated organic carbon (42.6%-43.5%) between these two cropping systems. For different cropland uses, the application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers in upland resulted in significantly higher increased rate (15.8% and 59.7%) than that in paddy fields (10.0% and 43.3%) on total and mineral associated organic carbon. However, application of chemical fertilizers did not significantly increase total or mineral associated organic carbon content in paddy field. As for soil textures, the increased rate of applying organic manure on total soil organic carbon (64.4%) and that of chemical fertilizers on mineral associated organic carbon (15.6%) in sandy soil with low content of soil organic carbon were significantly higher than that for loam and clay soil, whereas there was no significant difference for that between loam and clay soil with a mean value of 8.0%.【Conclusion】 Overall, applying organic fertilizer including chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure has a great significance to the accumulation and sustainable management of soil organic carbon and fertility, especially for mono-copping system and sandy soil.

Key words: cropland, fertilize, soil organic carbon, mineral associated organic carbon, copping system, cropland uses, Meta-Analysis

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