Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2011, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (17): 3508-3519.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.17.003


QTL Mapping for Grain Yield Associated Traits Using Ye 478 Introgression Lines in Maize

ZHAO  Pu, LIU  Rui-Xiang, LI  Cheng-Pu, XING  Xiang-Ru, CAO  Xiao-Liang, TAO  Yong-Sheng, ZHANG  Zu-Xin   

  1. 1. 河北农业大学农学院/国家玉米改良中心河北分中心
    2. 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院/作物遗传改良国家重点实验室
  • Received:2011-01-10 Revised:2011-02-24 Online:2011-09-01 Published:2011-03-22
  • Contact: Pu ZHAO

Abstract: 【Objective】 The purpose of this investigation was to identify QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) for maize yield related traits and those introgression lines containing favorable alleles. 【Method】 Two maize inbred lines, QB80 and Qi319 were used as the donor parents, respectively, and the Ye478 as the recurrent parent, two introgression line populations consisting of 61 and 72 family lines were constructed by backcrossing combined with directional selection, respectively. The two introgression line populations were evaluated across 4 environments in 2 years. The QTLs for yield and related traits were detected by stepwise regression (RSTEP-LRT) using Windows QTL ICI Mapping software. 【Result】 A total of 49 QTLs for 9 traits were identified in the population with QB80 as the donor, and 42 QTLs for 9 traits were identified in the population with Qi319 as the donor under four environments. Of which 16 QTLs were detected across not less than two environments. In addition, some QTLs for same trait detected in different environments were located in the same chromosome regions, and those QTLs for diverse traits were also located in the same or adjacent chromosome region, forming several multiple QTL-rich regions. The less consistent QTL was detected in two populations, indicating that the two donors contain different sets of favorable alleles. And the yield associated traits of those lines containing favorable introgression segments or alleles were significantly improved, implicating those lines are available for improving of Ye478 by QTL pyramiding. 【Conclusion】 The genetic difference between QB80 and Ye 478 is more than that of Qi319 and Ye478 , therefore, more yield trait QTL can be detected. Those introgression lines containing favorable alleles can be used to improve Ye478 by designed QTL pyramiding. The detected QTL-rich regions have given a subset of important chromosome regions for fine mapping and cloning of genes for yield associated traits.

Key words: Maize (Zea Mays L.), Introgression line, Yield trait, Quantitative trait loci (QTL)

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