Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (1): 34-51.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2024.01.004


Current Status and Strategies for Utilization of Stripe Rust Resistance Genes in Wheat Breeding Program of China

LIU ZhiYong1,2,3(), ZHANG HuaiZhi1,2, BAI Bin4, LI Jun5, HUANG Lin6, XU ZhiBin7, CHEN YongXing1,2, LIU Xu8, CAO TingJie9, LI MiaoMiao1, LU Ping1, WU QiuHong1, DONG LingLi1, HAN YuLin10, YIN GuiHong11, HU WeiGuo9, WANG XiCheng9, ZHAO Hong9, YAN SuHong8, YANG ZhaoSheng8, CHANG ZhiJian12, WANG Tao7(), YANG WuYun5(), LIU DengCai6(), LI HongJie13(), DU JiuYuan4()   

  1. 1 Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering/The Innovative Academy of Seed Design, Beijing 100101
    2 College of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
    3 Hainan Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory, Sanya 572024, Hainan
    4 Wheat Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070
    5 Crop Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Chengdu 610066
    6 Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Wenjiang 611130, Sichuan
    7 Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041
    8 Institute of Cotton Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, Henan
    9 Wheat Research Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002
    10 Zhoukou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhoukou 466001, Henan
    11 College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046
    12 College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University/Institute of Crop Sciences, Taiyuan 030801
    13 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
  • Received:2022-07-25 Accepted:2022-09-06 Online:2024-01-01 Published:2024-01-10


Wheat stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) is a devastating disease threaten food security in China and worldwide. Epidemics of wheat stripe rust have been under control through applying resistant cultivars and crop protection approaches. However, due to climate change, innovation of cropping system, improvement of breeding technology, yield level enhancement of wheat cultivars, variation in structure and frequency of virulence genes in Pst populations in the new era, the current status of stripe rust resistance genes in wheat breeding programs need to be evaluated. The results could provide useful information for applying stripe rust resistance genes to develop new wheat cultivars with broad-spectrum and durable rust resistance. After multiple year’s stripe rust resistance survey, genetic analysis, molecular tagging and mining of stripe rust resistance genes in wheat cultivars and advanced breeding lines, the current status of major stripe rust resistance genes utilization was reviewed. We summarized the present situations of major stripe rust resistance gene discovery and germplasm innovation, the most frequently used stripe rust resistance genes, new strategy for pyramiding adult plant partial resistance and all stage resistance, and molecular marker assisted selection for developing wheat cultivars with broad spectrum and durable resistance in China. This review also proposes the major research areas in wheat stripe rust resistance breeding in the new era.

Key words: wheat, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, boom and burst cycle, durable resistance, gene pyramiding, germplasm innovation

Fig. 1

Loss of stripe rust resistance of wheat cultivar Chuanmai 42 carrying Yr24/Yr26/YrCH42 in the field (Pixian, Sichuan, 2017)"

Table 1

Cataloged wheat stripe rust resistance genes"

Resistance type
Encoded protein
Yr1 2AL T. aestivum Chinese 166 ASR
Yr2 7B T. aestivum Heines Ⅶ ASR
Yr3a 5BL T. aestivum Cappelle Desprez ASR
Yr3b 5BL T. aestivum Hybrid 46 ASR
Yr3c 5BL T. aestivum Minister ASR
Yr4a 3B T. aestivum Cappelle Desprez ASR
Yr4b 3B T. aestivum Hybrid 46 ASR
Yr5 2BL T. spelta Album ASR BED-NLR[10]
Yr6 7BS T. aestivum Heines Kolben ASR
Yr7 2BL T. durum Lee ASR BED-NLR[10]
Yr8 2M/2D Ae. comosa Compair ASR
Yr9 1RS S. cereale Clement ASR
Yr10 1BS T. aestivum Moro ASR NAM-ZnF-BED[11]
Yr11 / T. aestivum Joss Cambier APR
Yr12 / T. aestivum Mega APR
Yr13 / T. aestivum Maris Huntsman APR
Yr14 / T. aestivum Hobbit APR
Yr15 1BS T. dicoccoides G-25 ASR Wheat tandem kinase 1[12]
Yr16 2DL T. aestivum Capelle Desprez APR
Yr17 2AS Ae. ventricosa VPM 1 ASR
Yr18 7DS T. aestivum Jupateco 73R APR ABC transporter[13]
Yr19 5B Ae. speltoids Compair ASR
Yr20 6D T. aestivum Fielder ASR
Yr21 1BL T. aestivum Lemhi ASR
Yr22 4D T. aestivum Lee ASR
Yr23 6D T. aestivum Lee ASR
Yr24 1BS T. durum K773 ASR
Yr25 1D T. aestivum Strubes Dickkopf ASR
Yr26 1BL T. turgidum R55 ASR
Yr27 2BS T. aestivum Ciano79 ASR NLR[14]
Yr28 4DS Ae. tauschii W7984 ASR NLR[15]
Yr29 1BL T. aestivum Pavon76 APR
Yr30 3BS T. aestivum Opata85 APR
Yr31 2BS T. aestivum Pastor ASR
Yr32 2AS T. aestivum Carstens V ASR
Yr33 7DL T. aestivum Batavia ASR
Yr34 5AL T. aestivum WAWHT 2046 APR
Yr35 6BS T. dicoccoides 98M71 ASR
Yr36 6BS T. dicoccoides RSL65 HTAP START-Kinase[9]
Yr37 2DL Ae. kotschyi S14 ASR
Yr38 6AS Ae. sharonenisis Line 03524 ASR
Yr39 7BL T. aestivum Alpowa HTAP
Yr40 5DS Ae. geniculata T5DL.5DS-5MgS ASR
Yr41 2BS T. aestivum Chuannong 19 ASR
Yr42 6AL Ae. neglecta 03M119-71A ASR
Yr43 2BL T. aestivum IDO377s ASR
Yr44 2BL T. aestivum Zak ASR
Yr45 3DL T. aestivum PI 181434 ASR
Yr46 4DL T. aestivum RL 6007 APR Hexose transporter[16]
Yr47 5BS T. aestivum Aus 28183 ASR
Yr48 5AL T. aestivum PI610750 APR
Yr49 3DS T. aestivum Chuangmai 18 APR
Yr50 4BL Th. Intermedium CH223 ASR
Yr51 4AL T. aestivum Aus 27858 ASR
Yr52 7BL T. aestivum PI 183527 HTAP
Yr53 2BL T. durum PI 480148 ASR
Yr54 2DL T. aestivum Quaiu 3 APR
Yr55 2DL T. aestivum Aus 38882 ASR
Yr56 2AS T. durum Wollaroi APR
Yr57 3BS T. aestivum Aus 27858 ASR
Yr58 3BS T. aestivum Aus 19292 APR
Yr59 7BL T. aestivum PI 178759 HTAP
Yr60 4AL T. aestivum Almop APR
Yr61 7AS T. aestivum Pindong 34 ASR
Yr62 4BL T. aestivum PI 192252 HTAP
Yr63 7BS T. aestivum Aus 27955 /
Yr64 1BS T. durum PI 331260 ASR
Yr65 1BS T. durum PI 480016 ASR
Yr66 3DS T. aestivum MSP4543.1 ASR
Yr67 7BL T. aestivum AGG91585WHEA ASR
Yr68 4BL T. aestivum AGG91587WHEA1 APR
Yr69 2AS Th. Ponticum CH 7086 ASR
Yr70 5DS Ae. umbellulata IL 393-4 ASR
Yr71 3DL T. aestivum Sunco APR
Yr72 2BL T. aestivum Aus 27507 /
Yr73 3DL T. aestivum Avocet R ASR
Yr74 5BL T. aestivum Avocet R ASR
Yr75 7AL T. aestivum Nyabing-3 APR
Yr76 3AS T. aestivum Tyee ASR
Yr77 6DS T. aestivum PI 322118 APR
Yr78 6BS T. aestivum PI 519805 APR
Yr79 7BL T. aestivum PI 182103 HTAP
Yr80 3BL T. aestivum Aus 27284 APR
Yr81 6AS T. aestivum Aus 27430 ASR
Yr82 3BL T. aestivum Aus 27969 ASR
Yr83 6RL S. cereale T-701 APR
Yr84 1BS T. dicoccoides PI 487260 ASR
Yr85 1BS T. aestivum Tres ASR
Yr86 2AL T. aestivum Zhongmai 895 APR
YrU1 5AL T. urartu PI 428309 ASR ANK-NLR-WRKY[17]

Table 2

Distribution of wheat stripe rust resistance genes in wheat breeding program of different regions in China"

Yr gene
Resistance type
Representative cultivars
Northern China Winter Wheat Zone
Yr9 ASR 京冬8号、农大3291、兰天11、兰天132等
Jingdong 8, Nongda 3291, Lantian 11, Lantian 132, et al.
Yr17 ASR 中麦175、轮选6号、兰天21、兰天132等
Zhongmai 175, Lunxuan 6, Lantian 21, Lantian 132, et al.
Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38 APR Libellula、Strampelli、武都17、天选44
Libellula, Strampelli, Wudu 17, Tianxuan 44
Yr24/Yr26/YrCH42 ASR 兰天17、兰天30、兰天35等
Lantian 17, Lantian 30, Lantian 35, et al.
Yr29/Lr46/Sr58/Pm39 APR 兰天27、兰航选151、天选50、长武357-9等
Lantian 27, Lanhangxuan 151, Tianxuan 50, Changwu 357-9, et al.
Yr30/Lr27/Sr2/Pm70 APR 兰天15、兰天34、兰天132等
Lantian 15, Lantian 34, Lantian 132, et al.
YrZH22 APR 兰天22、兰天33、兰天39、兰天44等
Lantian 22, Lantian 33, Lantian 39, Lantian 44, et al.
YrZH84 ASR 兰天33、兰天36、兰天37等
Lantian 33, Lantian 36, Lantian 37, et al.
YrZM175 ASR 中麦175 Zhongmai 175
Huang and Huai Rivers Winter Wheat Zone
YrJM22 ASR 济麦22 Jimai 22
Yr9 ASR 农大399、石4185、04中36、矮抗58、周8425B等
Nongda 399, Shi 4185, 04zhong 36, Aikang 58, Zhou 8425B, et al.
Yr17 ASR 孟麦58、淮阳1号、陕农33 Mengmai 58, Huaiyang 1, Shaannong 33
Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38 APR 中国春、济麦22 Chinese Spring, Jimai 22
Yr29/Lr46/Sr58/Pm39 APR 百农64、济南17、科农1006、西农528、陕农33
Bainong 64, Jinan 17, Kenong 1006, Xinong 528, Shaannong 33
Yr30/Lr27/Sr2/Pm70 APR 周8425B、周麦22等 Zhou 8425B, Zhoumai 22, et al.
YrZH22 APR 周8425B、周麦22等 Zhou 8425B, Zhoumai 22, et al.
YrZH84 ASR 周8425B、周麦22等 Zhou 8425B, Zhoumai 22, et al.
YrZY1152 ASR 中育1152 Zhongyu 1152
YrZM103 ASR 郑麦103 Zhengmai 103
Southern West Winter Wheat Zone
Yr5 ASR S2199
Yr17 ASR 川麦1691、绵麦52、内麦416、川农41
Chuanmai 1691, Mianmai 52, Neimai 416, Chuannong 41
Yr18/Lr34/Sr57/Pm38 APR 中国春、SY95-71、川麦801、川麦1456
Chinese Spring, SY95-71, Chuanmai 801, Chuanmai 1456
Yr24/Yr26/YrCH42 ASR 贵农系列、92R系列和川麦42
Guinong series, 92R series and Chuanmai 42
Yr29/Lr46/Sr58/Pm39 APR SW8588、川麦1691、蜀麦830和蜀麦126
SW8588, Chuanmai 1691, Shumai 830 and Shumai 126
Yr30/Lr27/Sr2/Pm70 APR 川麦88、西科麦12 Chuanmai 88, Xikemai 12
Yr15 ASR 绵麦835、蜀麦1868、川育29和川辐8号
Mianmai 835, Shumai 1868, Chuanyu 29 and Chuanfu 8
Yr28 ASR 蜀麦1675 Shumai 1675
Yr36 APR 蜀麦1701 Shumai 1701
Yr41 ASR 川农17 Chuannong 17
Yr69 ASR 蜀麦126 Shumai 126

Fig. 2

Adult plant resistance of several stripe rust resistance genes (Chengdu, 2022)"

Fig. 3

Adult plant resistance of stripe rust resistance genes Yr69, Yr50 and YrZM103 (Qingshui, Gansu, 2021)"

Fig. 4

Molecular marker detection of stripe rust resistance genes in Zhoumai series and Zhou 8425B’s derivatives (Qingshui, Gansu, 2021) A: Presence of stripe rust resistance allele; B: Presence of stripe rust susceptible allele; N: Null allele at this locus; *: Wheat cultivars carrying four stripe rust resistance genes"

Fig. 5

Pyramiding stripe rust resistance genes effects in wheat cultivars"

Fig. 6

Strategy for wheat stripe rust resistance genes utilization and molecular design of high-yielding new cultivars with durable and multiple disease resistance"

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