Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (18): 3473-3483.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.18.001


QTL Mapping of Thousand-Grain-Weight and Its Related Traits in Zhou 8425B × Xiaoyan 81 Population and Haplotype Analysis

LinHan ZOU1(),XinYing ZHOU1,ZeYuan ZHANG1,Rui YU1,Meng YUAN1,XiaoPeng SONG2,JunTao JIAN3,ChuanLiang ZHANG1,DeJun HAN1(),QuanHao SONG2()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
    2Zhumadian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhumadian 463000, Henan
    3Nanyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanyang 473000, Henan
  • Received:2022-03-09 Accepted:2022-06-06 Online:2022-09-16 Published:2022-09-22
  • Contact: ZOU LinHan,HAN DeJun,SONG QuanHao;;


【Objective】Zhou 8425B is one of the most important founder parents in China and Xiaoyan 81 is an elite cultivar with high yield and good quality. Thousand-grain weight (TGW) is an important factor that affects wheat yield. Identification of QTL associated with grain related traits from Zhou 8425B and Xiaoyan 81, and haplotype analysis of these QTL in wheat cultivars from different ecological regions would be beneficial for yield improvement by molecular marker-assisted selection.【Method】In this study, a RIL population (F8) derived from Zhou 8425B × Xiaoyan 81 was planted in Yangling during 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons to evaluate grain related traits. Using a high-density genetic map constructed by 90K SNP markers, QTL mapping of thousand-grain weight, grain length, grain width and thickness was performed under three environments. Simultaneously, the KASP markers linked to the identified QTL were developed and molecular detection was carried out among 479 wheat accessions worldwide. Moreover, haplotype analysis of target QTL was performed in 106 current wheat commercial cultivars from Yellow and Huai River Valley Winter Wheat Region selected from 479 wheat accessions.【Result】A total of 22 QTL on 8 chromosomes were detected, and the phenotypic variation explanation (PVE) ranged from 4.77% to 19.95%. Among them, 12 QTL are major QTL (PVE>10%) and Qkgw.nwafu-6B is a new QTL. QTL on chromosomes 4A, 6A, 6B, and 7D were detected in multiple environments, of which, the QTL on chromosomes 4A and 7D are same as previously reported ones. Compared to TaGW2-6A using molecular detection, both Zhou 8425B and Xiaoyan 81 carried the same allele of TaGW2. Based on haplotype result of Qkgw.nwafu-6A, Zhou 8425B and Xiaoyan 81 were placed in different groups. Therefore, Qkgw.nwafu-6A tends to be a new one. Haplotype analysis showed that there were five haplotypes for Qkgw.nwafu-6A and there were eight haplotypes for Qkgw.nwafu-6B. 6A_h1 and 6B_h6 accounted for over 20% in different ecological regions. In addition, a co-segregated KASP marker was developed for Qkgw.nwafu-6B and was significantly associated with the grain weight in the 479 wheat accessions.【Conclusion】Qkgw.nwafu-6A and Qkgw.nwafu-6B are possible new QTL associated with thousand-grain-weight, and 6A_h1 and 6B_h6 are likely favorable haplotypes. A molecular marker KASP_IWA349 co-segregated with Qkgw.nwafu-6B was developed and will be useful for marker assisted selection.

Key words: wheat, thousand-grain-weight, 90K gene chip, QTL mapping, haplotype analysis, development of molecular markers

Table 1

KASP primers used in this study"

引物 Primer 引物序列 Primer sequence (5′-3′)

Table 2

Phenotypic analysis of TGW in Z8425B/XY81RIL population"

亲本Parent 最小值
Z8425B XY81
E1 54.55 40.75 19.95 61.25 40.63 9.84 -0.12 -0.69 0.74
E2 61.36 42.66 30.81 61.36 49.33 6.01 -0.32 0.30
E3 60.67 43.43 25.66 63.64 49.00 6.64 -0.42 0.31

Fig. 1

Distribution of QTLs related to grain weight, grain length, grain width and grain thickness on chromosomes QTLs on different chromosomes are represented by different colors"

Table 3

Mapping results of grain-related traits"

QTL 环境
Physical position (Mb)
标记区间Marker interval LOD 表型
PVE (%)
置信区间<BOLD>C</BOLD>onfidence interval
左侧Left 右侧Right LeftCI RightCI
Qgt.nwafu-1B E2 1B 93.00 564.91—566.60 RAC875_c55891_659 RAC875_c55891_712 2.94 5.52 -0.04 92.50 94.50
Qgw.nwafu-1D E1 1D 5.50 7.83—7.94 Kukri_c2464_560 CAP7_c3533_280 2.66 11.78 0.13 0.00 11.32
Qgt.nwafu-2B E1 2B 0.00 1.60—10.17 RAC875_c40246_71 BobWhite_c39433_450 2.84 7.20 0.09 0.00 0.50
Qgt.nwafu-2D E2 2D 175.00 592.62—641.96 wsnp_JD_c19101_17343310 RAC875_c23815_716 4.02 7.36 0.05 174.50 175.00
Qkgw.nwafu-3A E3 3A 269.00 700.69—700.74 Kukri_rep_c89509_83 IAAV1134 2.52 4.77 -2.59 268.53 270.78
Qgt.nwafu-3B.1 E2 3B 13.00 6.39—8.97 tplb0043c20_1046 Tdurum_contig34149_219 6.13 11.85 -0.06 12.50 14.50
Qgt.nwafu-3B.2 E2 3B 371.00 759.17—766.64 BS00057988_51 wsnp_CAP7_c5097_2266314 4.04 8.46 0.05 361.54 380.55
Qkgw.nwafu-4A E3 4A 156.00 625.86—626.02 Kukri_c77040_87 RAC875_c56535_256 2.67 5.08 2.40 153.50 156.50
Qgt.nwafu-4A E2 4A 156.00 625.86—626.02 Kukri_c77040_87 RAC875_c56535_256 4.56 8.73 0.05 153.50 156.50
Qgw.nwafu-5B E1 5B 274.00 663.52—667.68 Kukri_c32825_95 RAC875_c29488_56 3.20 12.34 0.12 273.14 275.31
Qkgw.nwafu-6A.1 E3 6A 45.00 100.26—103.15 Ku_c1021_1642 RAC875_c64560_111 3.89 7.81 2.98 44.50 46.50
Qkgw.nwafu-6A.2 E1 6A 47.00 105.17—107.11 BS00044311_51 Kukri_c10611_632 4.73 17.24 3.45 46.50 47.50
Qgt.nwafu-6A E2 6A 46.00 100.26—127.19 RAC875_c64560_111 Excalibur_c49419_202 8.14 16.98 0.07 45.50 46.50
Qkgw.nwafu-6B E2 6B 240.00 688.20—690.73 wsnp_BE518379B_Ta_2_2 TA005327-0480 3.30 13.92 3.29 239.87 240.50
Qgl.nwafu-6B E1 6B 239.00 686.80—690.73 RFL_Contig2206_1694 D_F5XZDLF01B7ECX_54 2.75 12.70 0.11 238.61 240.40
Qgt.nwafu-7A E1 7A 333.00 679.90—680.34 Excalibur_c17899_352 wsnp_Ku_rep_c103889_90513365 3.13 8.08 0.09 332.87 333.91
Qkgw.nwafu-7B E3 7B 36.00 GENE-3775_392 RAC875_c43810_265 8.60 14.55 -20.54 35.50 38.50
Qgw.nwafu-7B E2 7B 175.00 684.42—710.11 Excalibur_c6330_1158 Kukri_rep_c68594_530 33.04 10.57 -2.47 173.60 178.90
Qgl.nwafu-7B.1 E2 7B 175.00 684.42—710.11 Excalibur_c6330_1158 Kukri_rep_c68594_530 40.38 12.34 -4.40 173.60 178.90
Qgl.nwafu-7B.2 E1 7B 0.00 1.25—1.26 Excalibur_c53111_144 Kukri_rep_c71778_644 3.96 17.26 -0.12 0.00 2.50
Qgt.nwafu-7D.1 E2 7D 174.00 548.80—553.22 Ku_c32426_324 RAC875_rep_c106588_205 4.88 9.19 -0.05 172.99 174.56
Qgt.nwafu-7D.2 E1 7D 173.00 548.80—553.22 Ku_c32426_324 RAC875_rep_c106588_205 7.08 19.95 -0.14 172.99 174.56

Fig. 2

Cluster analysis of 6A chromosome location interval of 106 wheat varieties (lines)"

Fig. 3

Cluster analysis of 6B chromosome location interval of 106 wheat varieties (lines)"

Fig. 4

Significance test chart of 479 wheat varieties (KASP_IWA34)20LY: 20Luoyang; 20YL: 20Yangling; 20XC: 20Xuchang"

Fig. 5

SNP clustering of dominant wheat varieties in Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong wheat regions"

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