Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (22): 4709-4727.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.22.001


Post-transcriptional Regulation of TaNAC Genes by Alternative Splicing and MicroRNA in Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

LÜ ShiKai(),MA XiaoLong,ZHANG Min,DENG PingChuan,CHEN ChunHuan,ZHANG Hong(),LIU XinLun(),JI WanQuan()   

  1. College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
  • Received:2021-02-10 Accepted:2021-04-07 Online:2021-11-16 Published:2021-11-19
  • Contact: Hong ZHANG,XinLun LIU,WanQuan JI;;;


【Objective】 In the present study, the common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was exposed to the stress of stripe rust and powdery mildew. Then the cloned TaNAC structural variation transcripts formed by alternative splicing were analyzed. And putative information of TaNAC genes regulated by miRNAs was annotated. It would shed light on the study of TaNAC genes in response to fungal stress of wheat at the post-transcriptional level. 【Method】 After common wheat resistance germplasm N9134 being infected stripe rust and powdery mildew respectively, the leaves were sampled at eight time points. Then a large number of TaNAC transcripts were cloned from the mixed sample pool. Referring to the wheat genome annotation of Chinese Spring (IWGSC RefSeqv1.1), the sequence structure characteristics of TaNAC structural variation transcripts formed by alternative cutting were revealed. Using bioinformatics software and online tools, the coding products derived from these TaNAC transcripts were compared and analyzed, including the functional domain, advanced structure, physical and chemical properties, subcellular localization and other characteristics. And then, one pair of TaNAC structural variation transcripts were selected to further verify the predicted subcellular localizations by onion epidermis transient expression system. Meanwhile, five groups of TaNAC transcripts were conducted transcriptional self-activation experiments in yeast. It was aimed to analyze the effects of structural variation, which caused by alternative splicing on transcriptional regulation activity. Additionally, using the miRBase database, the targeting relationship between TaNAC genes and tae-miRNAs was forecasted and established in wheat. 【Result】 In this study, 35 TaNAC structural variation transcripts were formed by alternative splicing form 13 TaNAC genes, and they all were cloned from common wheat N9134 after infecting by stripe rust and powdery mildew. After analyzing, it was found that there were differences in the nucleic acid sequence structure of different structural variation transcripts from the same TaNAC gene, as well as in the functional domain, advanced structure, physicochemical properties and subcellular localization of their corresponding coding products. And they might be with different transcriptional regulatory activities. Moreover, different TaNAC genes could be with different patterns of alternative splicing, and the coded products of the structural variation transcripts from different TaNAC genes showed diversity in characteristics of structure, physical and chemical properties, transcriptional regulatory activity and so on. By analysis of TaNAC genes and their target tae-miRNAs, which is in the coding region, the result showed that the binding sites of tae-miRNAs were all in the non-alternative splicing region. 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, TaNAC genes might be involved in the response of wheat to fungal stress through the post-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing. And the tae-miRNAs targeted to TaNAC genes could function post-transcriptional regulation independently of alternative splicing.

Key words: wheat, TaNAC transcription factor, microRNA, alternative splicing, post-transcriptional regulation, stress responses

Table 1

The primer sequences of TaNAC structural variation transcripts with alternative splicing in the gene cloning experiment"

TaNAC genes
Forward primer sequences (5′-3′)
Reversed primer sequences (5′-3′)

Fig. 1

The quality detection of total RNA extracted from N9134 being infected by stripe rust and powdery mildew M: Marker DL2000; S: Samples under the infection of stripe rust; P: Samples under the infection of powdery mildew; 1-8: The infected leaves of N9134 were harvested at the eight time points of 0 h (hour), 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h after being inoculated"

Fig. 2

Partial amplification product of TaNAC genes from the mixed cDNA in this study M: Marker DL2000; 1-5 were the cDNA amplification products of TaNAC_NTL5_7B, TaNAC008_3A, TaNAC013_3A, TaNAC092_2A and TaNAC092_2B, respectively; White arrows were the target bands of the amplification products"

Table 2

The 35 TaNAC structural variation transcripts cloned from 13 genes by alternative splicing"

Names of TaNAC transcripts
Sequence length (bp)
The corresponding genes in IWGSC RefSeq v1.1
Exon skipping or not
Intron retention or not
Coding mode of transcripts
1 TaNAC_NTL5_7B.2 1932 MN747301 TraesCS7B02G196900 是 Yes 否 No 正常 N
TaNAC_NTL5_7B.3 879 MN747304 TraesCS7B02G196900 正常 N
2 TaNAC008_3A.1 1446 MN747252 TraesCS3A02G176500 是 Yes 否 No 正常 N
TaNAC008_3A.2 597 MN747253 TraesCS3A02G176500 正常 N
3 TaNAC013_3A.1 1017 MN747260 TraesCS3A02G245900 是 Yes 否 No 正常 N
TaNAC013_3A.2 1017 MN747262 TraesCS3A02G245900 正常 N
TaNAC013_3A.3 974 MN786410 TraesCS3A02G245900 提前终止 P
4 TaNAC017_5A.2 2193 MN747191 TraesCS5A02G271500 是 Yes 否 No 正常 N
TaNAC017_5A.3 1701 MN747193 TraesCS5A02G271500 正常 N
TaNAC017_5A.4 1181 MN786415 TraesCS5A02G271500 分段 S
TaNAC017_5A.5 1237 MN786416 TraesCS5A02G271500 分段 S
TaNAC017_5A.6 1308 MN747194 TraesCS5A02G271500 正常 N
5 TaNAC011_7D.1 1467 MN747256 TraesCS7D02G365200 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC011_7D.2 865 MN786437 TraesCS7D02G365200 分段 S
6 TaNAC017_5D.2 2160 MN747189 TraesCS5D02G279100 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC017_5D.4 2052 IWGSC TraesCS5D02G279100 正常 N
7 TaNAC024_3D.1 1320 MN747206 TraesCS3D02G109400 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC024_3D.2 1317 MN747210 TraesCS3D02G109400 正常 N
TaNAC024_3D.3 1457 MN786432 TraesCS3D02G109400 分段 S
8 TaNAC039_6B.3 1056 MN747281 TraesCS6B02G286200 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC039_6B.5 1171 MN786440 TraesCS6B02G286200 分段 S
9 TaNAC073_3B.3 966 MN747291 TraesCS3B02G410500 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC073_3B.4 1134 MN786442 TraesCS3B02G410500 分段 S
TaNAC073_3B.6 979 MN786412 TraesCS3B02G410500 提前终止 P
10 TaNAC092_2A.3 1068 MN747237 TraesCS2A02G338300 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC092_2A.5 1325 MN786430 TraesCS2A02G338300 分段 S
11 TaNAC092_2D.6 1062 MN747248 TraesCS2D02G324700 否 No 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC092_2D.7 1403 MN786434 TraesCS2D02G324700 分段 S
TaNAC092_2D.8 1405 MN786435 TraesCS2D02G324700 分段 S
12 TaNAC024_3A.1 1320 MN747211 TraesCS3A02G107400 是 Yes 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC024_3A.3 1317 MN747208 TraesCS3A02G107400 正常 N
TaNAC024_3A.6 1612 MN786431 TraesCS3A02G107400 分段 S
TaNAC024_3A.7 1401 MN786419 TraesCS3A02G107400 分段 S
13 TaNAC092_2B.1 1065 MN747239 TraesCS2B02G343600 是 Yes 是 Yes 正常 N
TaNAC092_2B.3 708 MN747234 TraesCS2B02G343600 正常 N
TaNAC092_2B.7 1167 MN786429 TraesCS2B02G343600 分段 S

Fig. 3

The structure pattern of TaNAC transcripts with alternative splicing (Exon skipping or intron retention) Blue: Exon; Gray: Intron"

Table 3

Structural characteristics and physicochemical properties of the peptides encoded by the 13 groups of normal encoding transcripts selected from the cloned TaNAC transcripts"

Name of cloned transcripts
Peptide length (aa)
NAM start_end (aa)
Topology of TMHs
Aliphatic index
Instability index
Predicted subcellular localization
1 TaNAC_NTL5_7B.2 643 23—149 o620—642i 71.12 -0.424 36.32 4.63 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC_NTL5_7B.3 292 无 None o269—291i 70.45 -0.114 40.41 4.61 胞外/细胞核 Ex / Nu
2 TaNAC008_3A.1 481 10—136 o448—470i 72.45 -0.554 35.92 5.67 细胞核/细胞质 Nu / Cy
TaNAC008_3A.2 198 10—136 无 None 65.56 -0.809 37.89 9.08 细胞质 Cy
3 TaNAC013_3A.1 338 73—212 无 None 63.08 -0.656 35.37 8.83 细胞核/线粒体 Nu / Mi
TaNAC013_3A.2 338 73—212 无 None 63.08 -0.655 35.48 8.83 细胞核/线粒体/细胞质
Nu / Mi / Cy
TaNAC013_3A.3 266 73—212 无 None 67.18 -0.676 36.58 9.15 细胞核/线粒体 Nu / Mi
4 TaNAC017_5A.2 730 13—136 o695—717i 69.74 -0.511 49.35 4.55 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC017_5A.3 566 无 None o531—553i 72.86 -0.403 51.11 4.18 细胞核/胞外 Nu / Ex
TaNAC017_5A.6 435 13—136 o400—422i 76.00 -0.476 50.17 5.92 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC017_5A.4 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
TaNAC017_5A.5 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
5 TaNAC011_7D.1 488 57—226 无 None 53.79 -0.843 55.96 7.53 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC011_7D.2 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
6 TaNAC017_5D.2 719 13—136 o683—705i 69.61 -0.490 49.99 4.57 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC017_5D.4* 683 13—136 o647—669i 70.26 -0.528 50.36 4.62 细胞核 Nu
7 TaNAC024_3D.1 439 45—186 无 None 59.13 -0.813 48.33 6.88 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC024_3D.2 438 44—185 无 None 59.27 -0.806 48.24 6.76 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC024_3D.3 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
8 TaNAC039_6B.3 351 8—135 无 None 58.97 -0.755 38.99 6.57 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC039_6B.5 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
9 TaNAC073_3B.3 321 46—188 无 None 54.7 -0.902 37.18 8.6 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC073_3B.6 278 46—188 无 None 59.64 -0.828 33.43 8.83 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC073_3B.4 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
10 TaNAC092_2A.3 355 14—138 无 None 64.14 -0.412 30.91 7.21 细胞核/叶绿体 Nu / Ch
TaNAC092_2A.5 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
11 TaNAC092_2D.6 353 14—138 无 None 65.33 -0.397 33.56 6.86 细胞核/叶绿体 Nu / Ch
TaNAC092_2D.7 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
TaNAC092_2D.8 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
12 TaNAC024_3A.1 439 45—186 无 None 58.45 -0.828 46.99 6.76 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC024_3A.3 438 44—185 无 None 58.58 -0.821 46.9 6.67 细胞核 Nu
TaNAC024_3A.6 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
TaNAC024_3A.7 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —
13 TaNAC092_2B.1 354 14—138 无 None 65.14 -0.386 31.18 6.67 叶绿体/细胞核 Ch / Nu
TaNAC092_2B.3 235 14—136 无 None 57.87 -0.506 31.91 5.27 胞外/细胞核 Ex / Nu
TaNAC092_2B.7 分段 S — — — — — — — — — — — —

Table 4

Comparison of the secondary structure of peptides encoded by the TaNAC transcripts with alternative splicing in groups"

分组Groups 转录本
Peptide length (aa)
Number of aa in alpha helix
Percentage of aa in alpha helix (%)
Number of aa in beta turn
Percentage of aa in beta turn (%)
Number of aa in extended strand
Percentage of aa in extended strand (%)
Number of aa in random coil
Percentage of aa in random coil (%)
1 TaNAC_NTL5_7B.2 643 140 21.77 25 3.89 95 14.77 383 59.56
TaNAC_NTL5_7B.3 292 51 17.47 13 4.45 45 15.41 183 62.67
2 TaNAC008_3A.1 481 137 28.48 25 5.20 60 12.47 259 53.85
TaNAC008_3A.2 198 29 14.65 12 6.06 43 21.72 114 57.58
3 TaNAC013_3A.1 338 82 24.26 29 8.58 66 19.53 161 47.63
TaNAC013_3A.2 338 89 26.33 19 5.62 64 18.93 166 49.11
TaNAC013_3A.3 266 61 22.93 17 6.39 57 21.43 131 49.25
4 TaNAC017_5A.2 730 213 29.18 60 8.22 106 14.52 351 48.08
TaNAC017_5A.3 566 163 28.80 35 6.18 85 15.02 283 50.00
TaNAC017_5A.6 435 121 27.82 37 8.51 75 17.24 202 46.44
6 TaNAC017_5D.2 719 217 30.18 54 7.51 99 13.77 349 48.54
TaNAC017_5D.4 683 198 28.99 50 7.32 97 14.20 338 49.49
9 TaNAC073_3B.3 321 76 23.68 24 7.48 56 17.45 165 51.40
TaNAC073_3B.6 278 63 22.66 32 11.51 54 19.42 129 46.40
13 TaNAC092_2B.1 354 67 18.93 15 4.24 46 12.99 226 63.84
TaNAC092_2B.3 235 87 37.02 21 8.94 26 11.06 101 42.98

Fig. 4

Advanced structure analysis of alternatively spliced products of TaNAC008_3A and TaNAC092_2B a and b: The predicted results of secondary and tertiary structure of peptides; 1-4: The peptides encoded by the transcripts of TaNAC008_3A.1, TaNAC008_3A.2, TaNAC092_2B.1 and TaNAC008_3A.3, respectively; —: Extended strand; —: Beta turn; —: Alpha helix; —: Random coil"

Fig. 5

The subcellular localization of TaNAC013_3A.2 and TaNAC013_3A.3 using the transient expression system of onion epidermal cells"

Fig. 6

Comparative analysis of transcriptional activation of some structural variant transcripts of TaNAC genes a: Growth of yeast Y2H Gold positive strain transformed by recombinant pGBKT7 vector with different target fragments in SD/Trp/X-α-gal solid medium. b: Growth of yeast strains corresponding to the recombinant vectors of the two structural variant transcripts of TaNAC008_3A and the negative and positive control vectors in SD/-Trp, SD/-Trp/-his/-Ade and SD/-Trp/ABA solid media. In a and b, A-E are the row numbers of the samples, and 1-4 are the column numbers. After combination of the row and column numbers, A1-E1 represent Y2H Gold positive yeast strains transformed with recombinant pGBKT7 vectors with different target fragments, as detailed in Table 5. E2: The positive control yeast strain transformed with pGBKT7-53+pGADT7-T vectors, E3: The negative control strain transformed with pGBKT7 vector"

Table 5

Results of transcriptional activation of 17 structural variant transcripts from five TaNAC genes"

Number in Fig. 6
Length of insert fragment (bp)
是否具有激活功能 Activation or not
SD/-Trp SD/-Trp/X-α-gal SD/-Trp/AbA SD/-Trp/-His/-Ade
A1 TaNAC008_3A.1 1446 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
A2 TaNAC008_3A.2 597 是 Yes 否 No 否 No 否 No
A3 TaNAC_NTL5_7B.2 1932 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
A4 TaNAC_NTL5_7B.3 879 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
B1 TaNAC013_3A.3 801/974 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
B2 TaNAC013_3A.3 974 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
B3 TaNAC013_3A.1 1017 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
B4 TaNAC013_3A.2 1017 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
C1 TaNAC092_2A.3 1068 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
C2 TaNAC092_2A.5 1175 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
C3 TaNAC092_2A.5 633(1—633)/1175 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
C4 TaNAC092_2A.5 483(693—1175)/1175 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
D1 TaNAC092_2B.1 1065 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
D2 TaNAC092_2B.3 708 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes
D3 TaNAC092_2B.7 1167 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
D4 TaNAC092_2B.7 555(1—555)/1167 是 Yes 否 No 是 Yes 是 Yes
E1 TaNAC092_2B.7 483(685—1167)/1167 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes 是 Yes

Table 6

The predicted relationship of the TaNAC transcripts in IWGSC RefSeq v1.1 and the tae-miRNA"

TaNAC transcripts ID
Length (bp)
AS or not
NAM coding start_end (bp)
Target miRNA start_end (bp)
Target aligned fragment
tae-miR164 1 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS5A02G049100.1 918 是 Yes 40—423 653—673 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS5A02G049100.2 921 是 Yes 40—423 656—676 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS5B02G054200.1 921 是 Yes 40—423 656—676 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS5B02G054200.2 924 是 Yes 40—423 659—679 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS5D02G059700.1 909 是 Yes 40—423 644—664 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS5D02G059700.2 912 是 Yes 40—423 647—667 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7A02G334800.1 1092 否 No 64—444 770—790 AGCUCGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA :: :::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7A02G464100.1 924 否 No 34—435 653—673 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7A02G464800.1 927 否 No 34—438 656—676 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7B02G246300.1 1089 否 No 55—444 767—787 AGCUCGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA :: :::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7B02G364600.1 924 否 No 34—435 653—673 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7B02G365300.1 918 否 No 34—429 647—667 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7D02G342300.1 1089 否 No 64—444 767—787 AGCUCGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA :: :::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7D02G451700.1 939 否 No 34—438 656—676 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
TraesCS7D02G452500.1 927 否 No 34—435 656—676 AGCAAGUGCCCUGCUUCUCCA ::: ::::::::::::::::
1.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS2A02G338300.1 1068 否 No 40—414 680—700 CGCACGUGACCUGCUUCUCCA ::::::: ::::::::::::
TraesCS2B02G343600.1 1065 否 No 40—414 680—700 CGCACGUGACCUGCUUCUCCA ::::::: ::::::::::::
TraesCS2D02G324700.1 1062 否 No 40—414 677—697 CGCACGUGACCUGCUUCUCCA ::::::: ::::::::::::
2 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS7A02G305200.1 870 否 No 34—414 665—685 AGCAAGUGUCCUGCUUCUCCG ::: :::.:::::::::::.
TraesCS7B02G205600.1 879 否 No 34—414 674—694 AGCAAGUGUCCUGCUUCUCCG ::: :::.:::::::::::.
TraesCS7D02G302000.1 876 否 No 34—420 671—691 AGCAAGUGUCCUGCUUCUCCG ::: :::.:::::::::::.
TaNAC transcripts ID
Length (bp)
AS or not
NAM coding start_end (bp)
Target miRNA start_end (bp)
Target aligned fragment
tae-miR1128 3.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS3A02G339600.1 945 是 Yes 97—480 246—266 GUUCGGGAGCAGGGAGUGGUA :::::. : :::::::.:::
TraesCS3A02G339600.2 882 是 Yes 97—651 371—391 GUUCGGGAGCAGGGAGUGGUA :::::. : :::::::.:::
TraesCS3B02G371200.1 939 否 No 85—468 234—254 GUUCGGGAGCAGGGAGUGGUA :::::. : :::::::.:::
TraesCS3D02G333100.1 951 否 No 97—480 246—266 GUUCGGGAGCAGGGAGUGGUA :::::. : :::::::.:::
TraesCS4B02G328800.1 1044 否 No 34—414 180—200 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS4B02G328900.1 1059 否 No 49—429 195—215 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS4B02G329100.1 1059 否 No 52—432 198—218 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS4D02G325800.1 1065 否 No 52—432 198—218 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS5A02G500400.1 1017 否 No 22—402 195—215 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS5A02G500500.1 1110 否 No 52—432 168—188 AAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS5A02G500600.1 1071 否 No 52—432 198—218 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
TraesCS5A02G500700.1 2085 否 No 19—399 198—218 GAUCGGGGAGAGGGAGUGGUA ::::. ::::::::.:::
tae-miR408 3 翻译 Translation TraesCS6A02G378500.1 936 否 No 31—441 812—832 CCCAGGGCGGCGGCAGUGCAG ::::::.: ::::::::::
3.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS4B02G320300.1 1104 否 No 25—408 622—642 UUCAAGGAGGAGGCGGAGCAG .:: :::.:::::.: ::::
TraesCS4D02G316800.1 1104 否 No 25—408 622—642 UUCAAGGAGGAGGCGGAGCAG .:: :::.:::::.: ::::
TraesCS5A02G491700.1 1047 否 No 49—429 622—642 UUCAAGGAGGAGGCGGAGCAG .:: :::.:::::.: ::::
tae-miR9780 3 翻译 Translation TraesCSU02G120000.1 1239 否 No 22—450 136—156 GACGCGUACGCCGCCGACCCG : ::::: :. ::::::::::
3.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS6A02G065600.1 1227 否 No 22—444 136—156 GACGCGUACGGCGCAGAUCCG : ::::: :.:::: ::.:::
翻译 Translation TraesCSU02G119900.1 1284 否 No 22—450 136—156 GACGCGUACGCCGCCGAUCCG : ::::: :. ::::::.:::
tae-miR9676-5p 2.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS5B02G480900.1 900 是 Yes 58—351 755—776 ACCUCAGCUACGAUGACAUCCA : ::.:::::::::::::
TraesCS5B02G480900.2 984 是 Yes 58—435 839—860 ACCUCAGCUACGAUGACAUCCA : ::.:::::::::::::
tae-miR171a 3.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS4D02G175700.1 1074 否 No 28—408 747—767 GCUGAUGGCACGGCACGAUCA : :. ::::::::: :.::::
tae-miR444a 3.5 翻译 Translation TraesCS7A02G349500.1 1107 否 No 31—420 1011—1031 GGAGCAACUUGGAGGCAGCAG : :::::.: :::::::::.
tae-miR444b 3.5 翻译 Translation TraesCS7A02G349500.1 1107 否 No 31—420 1011—1031 GGAGCAACUUGGAGGCAGCAG : :::::.: :::::::::.
tae-miR9677a 3.5 裂解 Cleavage TraesCS1A02G276000.1 774 否 No 13—405 296—317 UGGUCUACUCCGCCGGCGGCCA .::::::.::..::::::

Table 7

Summary and analysis of miRNAs reported in Triticum aestivum, Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Brachypodium distachyon and Arabidopsis thaliana"

Number of miRNA precursors
Number of mature miRNAs
Number of miRNA families
Genome sizes (G)
普通小麦 Triticum aestivum 122 125 99 14.5
玉米 Zea mays 174 325 31 2.4
水稻 Oryza sativa 604 738 342 0.5
二穗短柄草 Brachypodium distachyon 317 525 183 0.385
拟南芥 Arabidopsis thaliana 326 428 215 0.13

Fig. 7

Comparison of miRNA family members reported in Triticum aestivum, Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Brachypodium distachyon and Arabidopsis thaliana"

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