Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 2630-2643.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.013
• HORTICULTURE • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHU ZhiFeng1(),LIU Ping2,XU RangWei1,CHEN ChuanWu2,DENG ChongLing2,NIU Ying2,ZHU Yi3,WANG PengWei1,DENG XiuXin1,CHENG YunJiang1()
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TANG Y, ZHANG X, CHEN C W, NIU Y, LIU P, DENG C L. Key technology of high quality and efficient cultivation management of Shatangju. Southern Horticulture, 2018,29(4):25-29. (in Chinese) | |
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LIU P, CHEN C W, TANG Y, NIU Y, HE J J, DENG C L. Study on the reasonable harvest period of canopy covered with plastic film in ‘Shatangju’ tangerine (Citrus reticulate). Southern Horticulture, 2018,29(6):56-58. (in Chinese) | |
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NIU Y, CHEN C W, LIU B H, LIU P, TANG Y, FAN Q J, DENG C L. Effect of fruit size and on-tree time on peel puffing and changes of sugar-acid ratio of Shatangju. South China Fruits, 2019,48(6):1-6. (in Chinese) | |
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[1] | WANG XuanDong, SONG Zhen, LAN HeTing, JIANG YingZi, QI WenJie, LIU XiaoYang, JIANG DongHua. Isolation of Dominant Actinomycetes from Soil of Waxberry Orchards and Its Disease Prevention and Growth-Promotion Function [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(2): 275-286. |
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[3] | ZOU YunQian,LIN ZiZhen,XU RangWei,CHENG YunJiang. Development and Evaluation of a Coating Substitute for Individual Polyethylene Film Packaging of Citrus Fruit [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2398-2412. |
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[5] | GONG ChengSheng, ZHAO ShengJie, LU XuQiang, HE Nan, ZHU HongJu, DOU JunLing, YUAN PingLi, LI BingBing, LIU WenGe. Chemical Compositions and Gene Mapping of Wax Powder on Watermelon Fruit Epidermis [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(9): 1587-1600. |
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[8] | NING JiYing, GU FengYing, GAO PingPing, CAO JingJing, LUO QiQi, WANG Feng. Freeze-Thaw Stability of Waxy Corn Starch Gel [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(8): 1514-1524. |
[9] | YANG Huan, SHEN Xin, LU DaLei, LU WeiPing. Effects of Heat Stress Durations at Grain Formation Stage on Grain Yield and Starch Quality of Waxy Maize [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(11): 2071-2082. |
[10] | WANG Jin-qiu, HE Yi-zhong, XU Kun-yang, LUO Yi, SHENG Ling, LUO Tao, LIU Huan, CHENG Yun-jiang. Characterization of Mature Fruit Surface Waxes of Three Cultivated Citrus Species [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016, 49(10): 1936-1945. |
[11] | TIAN Gui-li, ZHANG Sheng-ping, SONG Zi-chao, ZHANG Song, CUI Jin-ying, MIAO Han, GU Xing-fang. Genetic Analysis and QTL Mapping of Wax Powder on the Surface of Cucumber Fruit [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(18): 3666-3675. |
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[13] | YU Jing, RAN Cong-fu, LI Xue-jun, SHAO Hui, LI Li-qun. Study on Endosperm Development and Morphological Features of Starch Granules in Waxy Wheat Shannuo 1 and Non-Waxy Wheat Xinong 1330 [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(22): 4405-4416. |
[14] | NI Yu, SONG Chao, WANG Xiao-Qing. Investigation on Response Mechanism of Epicuticular Wax on Arabidopsis thaliana Under Cold Stress [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(2): 252-261. |
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