Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (11): 2366-2376.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.11.010


Effects of Tillage with Mulching on Soil Aggregate Structure and Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Dry-Farming Area of Southern Ningxia

MIAO FangFang(),MIAN YouMing,PU XueKe,WU ChunHua,ZHOU YongJin,HOU XianQing()   

  1. School of Agriculture Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021
  • Received:2020-07-30 Accepted:2020-09-19 Online:2021-06-01 Published:2021-06-09
  • Contact: XianQing HOU;


【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tillage with mulching on soil aggregate structure and water use efficiency of potato in southern Ningxia where is a typical semiarid rain-fed area. 【Method】A four years term field experiment of three growing season was carried out from 2013 to 2016, and three tillage methods (subsoiling, no tillage and ploughing) with three mulching measures (straw mulching, film mulching and no mulching) were set up to study the effects of different tillage methods combined with mulching measures on soil aggregate quantity, soil water storage capacity, potato yield and water use efficiency. 【Result】 Tillage methods, mulching measures and their interaction could significantly increase the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction in 0-40 cm layer. In 0-20 cm layer, compared with ploughing tillage without mulching treatment, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment significantly increased the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction by 14.2% and 16.9% in dry year (2016) and deficit year (2014), respectively, while no tillage with straw mulching treatment was significantly increased by 8.5% in the normal year (2015). In 20-40 cm soil layer, subsoiling with straw mulch in dry year, subsoiling with film mulch in deficit year, and no tillage with straw mulch in normal year had the best effects in the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction, which were significantly increased by 18.2%, 21.5% and 18.7%, respectively, compared with ploughing tillage without mulching. The tillage methods, mulching measures, and their interactions had significant effects on the soil water storage (0-200 cm). Compared with ploughing without mulching treatment, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment significantly increased the mean soil water storage in fallow period by 29.6%, 9.3%, and 11.4%, respectively. Compared with ploughing tillage without mulching, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment in dry year and deficit year significantly increased the mean soil water storage in key growth period by 21.9% and 28.3%, respectively, while no tillage with straw mulching treatment in normal year significantly increased the mean soil water storage in key growth period by 17.1%. In deficit year, the mulching methods and the interaction of tillage with mulching had significant effects on the yield and water use efficiency of potato, while no significances were found among the tillage methods. Compared with the ploughing without mulching, no tillage with straw mulch significantly increased the potato yield and water use efficiency by 51.8% and 50.5%, respectively. In normal year and dry year, the tillage methods, mulching measures and their interactions had highly significant effects on the potato yield and water use efficiency, and treatment of subsoiling with straw mulch had the best effect. The yield and water use efficiency of subsoiling with straw mulching treatment was 56.19% and 44.84% higher than that of ploughing tillage without mulching, respectively. 【Conclusion】Tillage combined with mulching could improve soil aggregate structure, significantly enhance soil water storage and moisture conservation capacity in fallow and growth periods, and significantly improve potato yield and water use efficiency. Subsoiling combined with straw mulch in normal and dry years, and no tillage combined with straw mulch in deficit years could achieve continuous yield increase of potato in southern Ningxia.

Key words: tillage with mulching, soil aggregate, soil water, potato yield, water use efficiency

Fig. 1

Monthly precipitation and periodical precipitation during the study period"

Table 1

Experiment design of potato autumn ploughing and covering"

Tillage method
覆盖材料 Mulching material
秸秆覆盖Straw mulch(JM) 地膜覆盖Film mulch(DM) 不覆盖No mulch(BM)
No tillage
No tillage with straw mulch
No tillage with film mulch
No tillage with no mulch
Subsoiling with straw mulch
Subsoiling with film mulch
Subsoiling with no mulch
Ploughing with straw mulch
Ploughing with film mulch
Ploughing with no mulch

Table 2

Content of >0.25 mm aggregates at 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments"

2014 2015 2016
0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 0-20 cm 20-40 cm
BT 70.39 72.25 70.39 72.25 70.39 72.25
NT BM 64.79c 64.62c 71.19b 70.88b 72.98c 75.02b
JM 68.56b 70.64b 75.88a 76.92a 79.37a 80.18a
DM 72.16a 79.16a 72.50b 70.58b 75.35b 79.56a
ST BM 69.92c 76.52c 72.18b 68.60ab 74.38c 74.60c
JM 86.61a 84.67b 74.90a 69.93a 80.81a 85.80a
DM 80.95b 89.10a 72.72b 68.41b 77.01b 77.36b
CT BM 74.06c 73.35a 69.97b 64.78b 70.76c 72.60b
JM 78.50b 72.35a 75.56a 69.86a 79.54a 80.34a
DM 85.74a 73.20a 72.70a 69.43a 77.13b 78.45a
F T 228.10** 108.03** 16.03* 58.35** 14.35* 23.27**
M 330.36** 276.32** 93.92** 19.25** 233.24** 94.67**
T×M 65.52** 76.71** 74.14** 21.14** 7.63** 9.50**

Fig. 2

Effects of tillage with mulch measures on soil water storage during the fallow period (a): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2013-2014; (b): Soil water storage at the beginning of leisure from 2014 to 2015; (c): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2014-2015; (d): Soil water storage at the beginning of leisure from 2015 to 2016; (e): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2015-2016. Values followed by different lowercase letters within the same stage are significantly different at P<0.05. * Indicates significance (P<0.05), ** Indicates extremely significant (P<0.01), ns: Indicates no significance (P>0.05). The same as below"

Table 3

Soil water storage in key growth period of potato under tillage with mulching measures (mm)"

Tillage method
Mulching measure
2014 2015 2016
Tuber initiation
Tuber expansion
Tuber initiation
Tuber expansion
Tuber initiation
Tuber expansion
NT BM 345.58c 303.26c 300.79c 413.86c 326.82c 311.05c 354.20c 330.64b 319.60c
JM 380.64a 363.26a 344.31a 469.37a 381.44a 357.70a 441.51a 412.40a 375.53a
DM 372.48b 322.12b 323.25b 441.31b 366.32b 340.19b 425.04b 408.90a 356.10b
ST BM 368.24c 325.80c 302.28c 430.11c 328.34c 311.22c 361.34c 334.14c 320.01c
JM 431.78a 382.92a 360.90a 466.99a 369.93a 344.89a 425.04a 437.26a 395.96a
DM 404.92b 353.21b 332.08b 451.30b 352.54b 336.49b 409.31b 409.93b 365.42b
CT BM 363.98c 299.78e 302.78c 398.87c 325.59c 307.07c 349.30c 330.21c 318.93c
JM 426.40a 363.40a 330.24a 445.01a 370.29a 338.02a 417.88a 406.85a 389.76a
DM 406.60b 329.48b 318.92b 439.34b 361.37b 329.43b 408.61b 395.03b 371.87b
F T 9.20* 14.49* 10.24* 13.34* 11.69* 9.23* 9.23* 13.50* 11.52*
M 254.79** 219.41** 173.3** 138.63** 568.12** 484.03** 379.94** 513.99** 595.73**
T×M 23.41** 4.49** 7.61** 6.03** 7.01** 8.59** 6.76** 5.88** 6.22**

Table 4

Effects of tillage with mulch on potato yield and water use efficiency"

Tillage method
Mulching material
产量 Potato yield (kg·hm-2) 水分利用效率 Water use efficiency (kg·hm-2·mm-1)
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016
NT BM 25697.8c 13550.9b 9329.7c 89.25b 36.86b 35.24b
JM 40781.0a 15464.7a 13902.9b 134.05a 39.83ab 50.28a
DM 29752.4b 15686.2a 15716.3a 90.00b 41.00a 54.71a
ST BM 26899.8c 15773.2c 11515.9c 90.98b 41.02c 41.42b
JM 38515.0a 20076.6a 17194.2a 127.30a 50.77a 55.98a
DM 32276.0b 17746.9b 15407.7b 96.11b 45.68b 52.86a
CT BM 26864.7c 14690.4c 9171.4c 89.06b 39.21b 34.49c
JM 36679.6a 16278.6b 10972.6b 118.90a 43.44a 41.44b
DM 29333.3b 16981.1a 12238.2a 88.61b 44.19a 46.93a
T 4.83ns 33.21** 41.06** 5.24ns 47.05** 183.15**
M 266.92** 115.34** 56.74** 206.56** 36.99** 112.53**
T×M 6.00** 16.76** 5.62** 3.28* 5.79** 6.40**
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