Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (24): 4677-4689.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.24.008


Influence of Long-term Fertilization on Community Structures and Colonization of Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fungi in a Brown Soil

GUO Jing(),LUO PeiYu(),YANG JinFeng,LI DongDong,HUANG YueYue,HAN XiaoRi()   

  1. College of Land and Environment, Shenyang Agricultural University/National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources, Shenyang 110866
  • Received:2018-04-16 Accepted:2018-07-10 Online:2018-12-16 Published:2018-12-16


【Objective】AM (Arbuscular mycorrhizal) fungi plays important roles like improving the rhizosphere soil environment, promoting the uptake of nutrients by plants, enhancing resistance of plant, and increasing crop yield and quality. This study aimed to explore changes of community structures and colonization rate of AM fungi and to find out the main factors which affected the changes under a corn-soybean rotation system and a long-term fertilization for 38 years in a brown soil. 【Method】 Soil samples (0-20 cm) were taken from the six treatments of the long-term fertilization experiment in June 2016, including (1) no fertilizer (CK); (2) chemical N input (N); (3) chemical N and P input (NP); (4) chemical N, P and K input (NPK); (5) pig manure (M); (6) pig manure, chemical N and P (MNP). Then the soil samples were analyzed by using PCR-DGGE, gel-recovery, sequencing and trypan blue staining. Relationship between community and colonization rate of AM fungi and environmental factors were analyzed by Redundancy analysis and Canonical Correlation analysis. 【Result】 The result showed that the contents of alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen (AHN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium (AK) , ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N), nitric nitrogen (NO3 --N) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) under organic fertilization treatments were significantly higher than them under the CK treatment and chemical fertilization treatments, and the trend was: organic fertilizer treatments > chemical fertilizer treatments > CK treatment. Compared with the CK treatment, soil pH was decreased in chemical fertilizer treatments and increased in organic fertilizer treatments. 22 bands of AM fungi from soil and 9 bands of AM fungi from root were obtained by gel-recovery, and 13 OTU were obtained by BLAST. The result of sequencing showed that AM fungi species isolated from soil samples were mainly Glomeromycota and Gigasporaceae, while infected AM fungi was only Glomeromycota. The cluster analysis showed that community structures of soil AM fungi were divided into three groups under a long-term fertilization in a brown soil, namely N treatment, organic fertilizer treatments and another fertilizer treatments. Community structures of infected AM fungi were also divided into three groups, namely NPK treatment, M treatment and NP treatment, and another fertilizer treatments. The spore density of AM fungi under organic fertilizer treatments was significantly higher than that under chemical fertilizer treatments and non-fertilizer treatment, and the trend was: organic fertilizer treatments > chemical fertilizer treatments > CK treatment. The trend of colonization rate of AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments was: NPK treatment > organic fertilizer treatments > another fertilizer treatments. Redundancy analysis showed that spore density was positively correlated with soil AHN, NH4 +-N, AP, AK, DOC and soil moisture content, and colonization rate was positively correlated with nitric nitrogen content. The colonization rate was positively correlated with spore density, while diversity index of AM fungi was neither correlation with colonization rate nor with spore density. Canonical Correlation analysis showed AHN, AK, DOC and NH4 +-N significantly influenced the ribotypes of AM fungi. 【Conclusion】 The long-term fertilization changed community structures of AM fungi by changing the physicochemical properties of the soil, and then affected colonization of AM fungi.

Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, brown soil, long-term fertilization, community structure, colonization rate

Table 1

PCR conditions of AM fungi"

引物名称Primer 引物序列(5′-3′)Primer sequence(5′-3′) 反应条件Conditions
NS1 GTAGTCATATGCTTGTCTC 94℃预变性3 min;94℃ 1 min,50 ℃ 1 min,72 ℃ 1 min,30个循环;72 ℃ 7 min (一轮)
An initial denaturation of 94℃for 3 min; 94℃ 1 min, 50℃ 1 min, 72℃ 1 min, 30 cycles; 72℃ 7 min (The first round)
AM1 GTTTCCCGTAAGGCGCCGAA 94 ℃预变性3 min;94 ℃ 30 s,58 ℃ 45 s,72 ℃ 45 s,28个循环;72 ℃ 7 min(二轮)
An initial denaturation of 94℃ for 3 min; 94℃ 30 s, 58℃ 45 s, 72℃ 45 s, 28 cycles; 72℃ 7 min (The second round)

Table 2

Physical and chemical properties of test soils"

AP (mg·kg-1)
AK (mg·kg-1)
AHN (mg·kg-1)
NO3--N (mg·kg-1)
NH4+-N (mg·kg-1)
DOC (mg·kg-1)
SM (%)
CK 5.75±0.01b 1.19±0.64d 96.66±1.21c 85.04±0.68f 12.06±0.02e 3.97±0.18d 39.42±0.26e 15.40±0.14b
N 4.87±0.00d 2.14±0.64d 81.62±1.86c 110.43±0.94d 48.38±1.03c 4.45±0.12cd 65.41±0.05d 15.41±0.22b
NP 5.35±0.01c 16.15±0.22c 76.94±2.32c 96.60±1.17e 51.22±1.39bc 4.83±0.16bc 71.29±0.74c 15.12±0.38b
NPK 4.99±0.01c 17.10±0.63c 107.02±1.16c 120.73±2.43c 55.97±0.74b 5.26±0.046b 73.10±0.17c 15.80±0.04b
M 6.64±0.06a 137.72±2.29b 209.96±9.98b 132.54±1.74b 41.81±0.75d 5.33±0.09b 108.44±2.51b 18.11±0.04a
MNP 5.78±0.02b 182.15±7.01a 268.12±9.75a 165.56±2.24a 73.63±0.43a 7.75±0.12a 126.45±1.30a 18.20±0.73a

Fig. 1

DGGE banding patterns of soil AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 2

DGGE banding patterns of infected AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Table 3

The diversity index of soil AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Evenness (E)
CK 2.04±0.01c 0.982±0.00a 8
N 1.93±0.01d 0.988±0.01a 7
NP 2.18±0.02a 0.991±0.01a 9
NPK 1.78±0.03e 0.997±0.02a 6
M 2.09±0.05b 0.999±0.01a 8
MNP 1.78±0.02e 0.995±0.01a 6

Table 4

The diversity index of infected AM fungi in different fertilizer treatments"

CK 0.88±0.06c 0.799±0.02b 3
N 1.03±0.09c 0.740±0.01b 4
NP 1.91±0.03a 0.981±0.01a 7
NPK 1.92±0.02a 0.985±0.01a 7
M 1.91±0.01a 0.984±0.01a 7
MNP 1.36±0.01b 0.988±0.01a 4

Fig. 3

Phylogenetic tree of AM fungi with different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 4

The spore density of AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 5

The colonization rate of AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 6

UPGMA dendrogram of soil AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 7

UPGMA dendrogram of infected AM fungi under different fertilizer treatments"

Fig. 8

Redundancy analysis depicting the relationship among soil physicochemical properties and AM fungi"

Fig. 9

Canonical Correlation analysis depicting the relationship among AM fungi ribotypes and physicochemical properties"

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