Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2017, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 320-331.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.02.011

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Genetic and Phylogenetic Relationships Among Citrus and Its Close and Distant Relatives Based on COS Marker

WANG Jiong, GONG GuiZhi, PENG ZhuChun, LI YiBing, WANG YanJie, HONG QiBin   

  1. Citrus Research Institute, Southwest University/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, National Citrus Engineering Research Center, Chongqing 400712
  • Received:2016-05-06 Online:2017-01-16 Published:2017-01-16

Abstract: 【Objective】To reveal genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Citrus and its close and distant relatives with newly developed conserved ortholog sequence (COS) Marker.【Method】According to the published C. sinensis and C. clementina genomic sequencing information, COS Markers were developed and screened. Polymorphic markers were used to amplify and detect Citrus and its close and distant relatives. Structure, Power Marker and GenAlEx were used to analyze the relevant data.【Result】A total of 60 COS primers were designed, and 25 primer pairs distributed in different linkage groups were selected based on clear and good DNA polymorphic bands. In 45 samples from Citrus and its relatives, 25 COS markers produced 584 bands, with an average of about 23.36 bands per marker, and genetic diversity ranged from 0.26 to 0.88, with an average of 0.49; PIC value was between 0.26 and 0.87, with an average of 0.48. When K = 9, a clear genetic structure relationship of citrus and its relatives were revealed. They were divided into C. reticulata group, C. grandis group, C. medica group, Papeda group, Fortunella group, P. trifoliate and Eremocitrus and M. australis group, Z. bungeanum group, Clausena lansium and Atalantia buxifolia and Murraya paniculata group as well as C. indica and C. mangshanensis hybrid groups. This result was globally consistent with that in the UPGMA clustering analysis. UPGMA clustering analysis revealed that COS Marker could effectively distinguish Citrus from its close and distant germplasm resources. At higher taxonomy level, Citrus was first separated from P. trifoliate, Eremocitrus, M. australis, Z. bungeanum, Clausena lansium, Atalantia buxifolia and Murraya paniculata; In Citrus, C. medica and Papeda group were first clustered, and then they were clustered with C. reticulata and C. grandis and other plants of Citrus. In C. reticulata group, Daoxian yeju and Cenxi suanju and other half wild C. reticulata were clearly distinguished from ponkan and the rest cultivated C. reticulata, but C. mangshanensis and C. indica were not in the group.【Conclusion】COS primers based on Citrus genomic information could get effective amplification and distinguish Citrus from its close and distant relatives effectively. The genetic makeup of C. mangshanensis and C. indica were heterozygous and different from C. reticulata, so they may not be the most primitive types of C. reticulata.

Key words: Citrus, COS marker, phylogenetic relationship, germplasm, genetics and evolution

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