Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2015, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (12): 2417-2427.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.12.015

• STORAGE·FRESH-KEEPING·PROCESSING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Rheologic Properties of ‘Huahong’ Apple Pulp and Their Principal Component Analysis

YANG Ling, ZHANG Cai-xia, KANG Guo-dong, TIAN Yi, CONG Pei-hua   

  1. Research Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science/Key Laboratory of Fruit Germplasm Resources Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Xingcheng 125100, Liaoning
  • Received:2014-12-30 Online:2015-06-16 Published:2015-06-16

Abstract: 【Objective】 An experiment was carried out to study the changes of rheological properties (including stress relaxation property and creep property) of ‘Huahong’ apple pulp during storage, analyze the correlation among rheological parameters, aiming to predict and evaluate ‘Huahong’ apple fruit quality by rheological method, and also improve the fruit quality evaluation system.【Method】 Through an experiment on ‘Huahong’ apple pulp’s creep and relaxation properties, creep models including the four components Burger’s model and the three components Maxwell stress relaxation model were established. The changes of stress relaxation and creep parameters during storage were acquired, and the correlation among these parameters were analyzed. The main stress relaxation and creep parameters were analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using SPSS software.Result The creep parameters of initial elastic coefficient E1, delayed elasticity coefficient E2, and viscosity coefficient η1 and η2 decreased constantly, and there was a significant positive correlation between each two parameters among these ones. The creep value increased slowly, and the creep was significantly and negatively correlated with the above four creep parameters. The delay time τ increased slowly, the maximum hardness of work increased first and then decreased, the values of the two parameters had a poor correlation with the other five creep parameters. The variation of relaxation parameters of the elastic modulus E0, balance elastic modulus Ee, the decay modulus E1, viscosity factor η, hardness, stress and total work decreased first, and than increased slight and finally decreased, there was a significant positive correlation among these seven parameters. The relaxation time was not consistent with the above seven relaxation parameters and had a poor correlation with them. The creep and relaxation parameters were analyzed by Principal Components Analysis, extract the first principal component of 10 variables was sufficient, and the contribution rate was 88.828%. The first principal component ‘rheological factors’ F1 decreased with the fruit texture soft and edible quality decreased during storage. 【Conclusion】 The ‘Huahong’ apple pulp has compression visco elastic mechanical properties. The four elements Burger’s model and Maxwell model could be well fitted the creep and relaxation model of ‘Huahong’ apple. They could be used as a method to characterize the rheological changes of ‘Huahong’ apple during storage, and could reflect the change of flesh texture.

Key words: ‘Huahong&rsquo, apple, pulp, rheological properties, stress relaxation, creep, principal components analysis

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