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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2018, Vol. 17 Issue (01): 184-196    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(17)61749-0
Animal Science · Veterinary Medicine Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Transcriptome analysis of salt-responsive genes and SSR marker exploration in Carex rigescens using RNA-seq
LI Ming-na1*, LONG Rui-cai2*, FENG Zi-rong1, LIU Feng-qi3, SUN Yan1, ZHANG Kun1, KANG Jun-mei2, WANG Zhen2, CAO Shi-hao1 
1 Grassland Science Department, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
2 Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
3 Institute of Pratacultural Science, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heilongjiang 150086, P.R.China
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Abstract  Carex rigescens (Franch.) V. Krecz is a wild turfgrass perennial species in the Carex genus that is widely distributed in salinised areas of northern China.  To investigate genome-wide salt-response gene networks in C. rigescens, transcriptome analysis using high-throughput RNA sequencing on C. rigescens exposed to a 0.4% salt treatment (Cr_Salt) was compared to a non-salt control (Cr_Ctrl).  In total, 57 742 546 and 47 063 488 clean reads were obtained from the Cr_Ctrl and Cr_Salt treatments, respectively.  Additionally, 21 954 unigenes were found and annotated using multiple databases.  Among these unigenes, 34 were found to respond to salt stress at a statistically significant level with 6 genes up-regulated and 28 down-regulated.  Specifically, genes encoding an EF-hand domain, ZFP and AP2 were responsive to salt stress, highlighting their roles in future research regarding salt tolerance in C. rigescens and other plants.  According to our quantitative RT-PCR results, the expression pattern of all detected differentially expressed genes were consistent with the RNA-seq results.  Furthermore, we identified 11 643 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from the unigenes.  A total of 144 amplified successfully in the C. rigescens cultivar Lüping 1, and 69 of them reflected polymorphisms between the two genotypes tested.  This is the first genome-wide transcriptome study of C. rigescens in both salt-responsive gene investigation and SSR marker exploration.  Our results provide further insights into genome annotation, novel gene discovery, molecular breeding and comparative genomics in C. rigescens and related grass species.
Keywords:  salt stress        Carex rigescens        transcriptome        differentially expressed genes        SSR markers  
Received: 10 April 2017   Accepted:

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31472139).

Corresponding Authors:  Correspondence SUN Yan, E-mail:    
About author:  LI Ming-na, E-mail:; LONG Rui-cai, E-mail:;* These authors contributed equally to this study.

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LI Ming-na, LONG Rui-cai, FENG Zi-rong, LIU Feng-qi, SUN Yan, ZHANG Kun, KANG Jun-mei, WANG Zhen, CAO Shi-hao. 2018. Transcriptome analysis of salt-responsive genes and SSR marker exploration in Carex rigescens using RNA-seq. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(01): 184-196.

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