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Journal of Integrative Agriculture  2014, Vol. 13 Issue (12): 2731-2740    DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60729-7
Animal Science · Veterinary Science Advanced Online Publication | Current Issue | Archive | Adv Search |
Effects of Dietary Fiber and Grit on Performance, Gastrointestinal Tract Development, Lipometabolism, and Grit Retention of Goslings
 JIN Ling, GAO Yu-yun, YE Hui, WANG Wen-ce, LIN Zhen-ping, YANG Hui-yong, HUANG Song-bo , YANG Lin
1、College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, P.R.China
2、Shantou Baisha Research Institute of Original Species of Poultry and Stock, Shantou 515800, P.R.China
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摘要  This study investigated effects of dietary fibre and grit on growth performance, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development, serum indexes and grit retention of Sichuan white goslings in China. The experiment was a 3×2 factorial design consisting of dietary crude fibre (CF) at 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0% levels by adding grass meal and with or without grit supplementation. A total of 720 1-d-old male goslings were randomly allocated into 36 pens of 20 goslings/pen (n=6 pens/treatment). At 21 d of age, GIT, blood samples and grit in gizzards were collected. Body weight (BW), empty BW (without GIT), average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) were affected by CF levels and the medium (4.0%) had the highest value. Adding grit improved BW, empty BW, ADG and ADFI. CF affected relative weight or length of proventriculus, gizzard and duodenum. Increasing CF levels decreased jejunum villus height and affected caecal crypt depth and villus height to crypt depth ratio. Higher CF levels decreased serum triglyceride. Adding grit increased relative weight of abdominal fat. Grit addition increased grit weight in gizzard and the ratio of grit in 0.45-1 and 1-2 mm while decreasing the ratio of grit <0.45 and 2-3 mm. In conclusion, moderate CF level and grit addition increased performance of goslings without interaction. Dietary CF levels affected the development of upper GIT and serum triglyceride. Grit needed by goslings should be less than 2 mm. Goslings’ gizzard would accumulate grit from feed when other grit could not be acquired.

Abstract  This study investigated effects of dietary fibre and grit on growth performance, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) development, serum indexes and grit retention of Sichuan white goslings in China. The experiment was a 3×2 factorial design consisting of dietary crude fibre (CF) at 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0% levels by adding grass meal and with or without grit supplementation. A total of 720 1-d-old male goslings were randomly allocated into 36 pens of 20 goslings/pen (n=6 pens/treatment). At 21 d of age, GIT, blood samples and grit in gizzards were collected. Body weight (BW), empty BW (without GIT), average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) were affected by CF levels and the medium (4.0%) had the highest value. Adding grit improved BW, empty BW, ADG and ADFI. CF affected relative weight or length of proventriculus, gizzard and duodenum. Increasing CF levels decreased jejunum villus height and affected caecal crypt depth and villus height to crypt depth ratio. Higher CF levels decreased serum triglyceride. Adding grit increased relative weight of abdominal fat. Grit addition increased grit weight in gizzard and the ratio of grit in 0.45-1 and 1-2 mm while decreasing the ratio of grit <0.45 and 2-3 mm. In conclusion, moderate CF level and grit addition increased performance of goslings without interaction. Dietary CF levels affected the development of upper GIT and serum triglyceride. Grit needed by goslings should be less than 2 mm. Goslings’ gizzard would accumulate grit from feed when other grit could not be acquired.
Keywords:  dietary fiber       grit       performance       gastrointestinal tract       goslings  
Received: 14 October 2013   Accepted:

Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-43-14) and the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest, China (201303143).

Corresponding Authors:  YANG Lin, E-mail:     E-mail:
About author:  JIN Ling, E-mail:

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JIN Ling, GAO Yu-yun, YE Hui, WANG Wen-ce, LIN Zhen-ping, YANG Hui-yong, HUANG Song-bo , YANG Lin. 2014. Effects of Dietary Fiber and Grit on Performance, Gastrointestinal Tract Development, Lipometabolism, and Grit Retention of Goslings. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(12): 2731-2740.

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