Screening and evaluation for antibiosis resistance of the spring wheat accessions to the grain aphid, Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) |
Kifle Gebreegziabiher GEBRETSADIK1, 2, ZHANG Yong1, CHEN Ju-lian1 |
1 State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, P.R.China
2 Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Mekelle 492, Ethiopia
本研究首先通过室内生物测定,对114个埃塞俄比亚春小麦品种(系)和22个中国春小麦品种(系)进行了对麦蚜优势种荻草谷网蚜(Sitobion miscanthi)抗生性筛选及鉴定,并利用刺吸电位图谱技术(EPG)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)分别对抗蚜小麦品种上蚜虫取食行为、酚类物质含量进行检测与分析。结果表明,供试小麦品种中,对荻草谷网蚜表现抗性的品种(系)共64个,其中高抗2个,中抗27个、低抗35个。与感蚜品种北京837相比,荻草谷网蚜在轮选145,Wane,轮选6,轮选103及5215等抗蚜品种(系)上,其成蚜前期及生殖前期显著延长,生殖历期缩短,繁殖力、内禀增长率(rm)与周限增长率(λ)显著下降;EPG结果表明,在抗蚜品种(系)上蚜虫取食行为受到显著影响,蚜虫口针穿刺历期及唾液分泌历期显著增加,而在韧皮部取食历期显著缩短,表明抗蚜性可能发生在韧皮部取食阶段,并与蚜虫口针穿刺叶肉细胞困难有关。酚类物质含量测定结果表明,与感蚜品种北京837相比,轮选145,轮选103与轮选6叶片中阿魏酸含量较高;轮选145中p-香豆酸含量较高;轮选145,Wane及轮选6中香草酸含量较高;轮选103与5215分别含有较高的紫丁香酸与咖啡酸含量。相关性分析表明,小麦叶片中的一些酚类物质含量如香草酸与香豆酸与蚜虫发育历期呈显著正相关,而与蚜虫繁殖力呈负相关。因此,推测酚类物质含量是小麦对荻草谷网蚜产生抗生性的主要原因。本研究鉴定的抗蚜春小麦品种(系)将有助于春小麦抗蚜品种的培育及利用。
Resistant cultivar deployment is an effective method for cereal aphid management. Under greenhouse conditions, preliminary antibiosis resistance screening was conducted on 114 Ethiopian and 22 Chinese spring wheat accessions. After performing a bioassay to determine antibiosis resistance, aphid feeding behaviour and phenolic acid content analyses were performed on the aphid resistant wheat accessions by electrical penetration graph (EPG) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. Among the wheat accessions, two high resistances, 27 moderate-resistances, and 35 low-resistances to Sitobion miscanthi were identified. The antibiosis resistance test showed prolonged pre-adult and pre-reproductive periods, shorter reproductive periods, lower fecundity, an intrinsic rate (rm) of increase, and a finite rate (λ) of increase of S. miscanthi on Lunxuan 145, Wane, Lunxuan 6, 204511, Lunxuan 103 and 5215 than those on the aphid-susceptible accession Beijing 837. The changes for the parameters of aphid feeding behaviour, including spending a longer time in the penetration and phloem salivation phases and less time in the phloem sap-feeding phase on the resistant wheat accessions, the aphid resistance may occur during the phloem phase and may be due to mechanicalAdditionally, the HPLC analysis showed higher contents of: 1) ferulic acid in Lunxuan 145, Lunxuan 103 and Lunxuan 6; 2) p-coumaric acid in Lunxuan145; 3) vanillic acid in Lunxuan 145, Wane and Lunxuan 6; 4) syringic acid in Lunxuan 103; and 5) caffeic acid in 5215. The contents of some phenolic acids within wheat leaves, such as p-courmaric acid and vanillic acid showed significant positive correlation with the duration of aphid development, but negative correlation with the aphid fecundity. The concentrations of these acids may be the causes of antibiosis resistance to S. miscanthi. The identification of grain aphid-resistant wheat accessions in our study will be helpful in future breeding program for pest control.
Received: 09 March 2021
Accepted: 16 April 2021
Fund: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871979 and 31901881), the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFD0201700, 2017YFD0200900 and 2016YFD0300700) and the China’s Donation to the Centre Agriculture Bioscience International (CABI) Development Fund. |
About author: Kifle Gebreegziabiher GEBRETSADIK, E-mail: kiflegeb2004@gmail.com; Correspondence ZHANG Yong, Tel: +86-10-62815934, E-mail: zhangyong02@caas.cn; CHEN Ju-lian, Tel: +86-10-62813685, E-mail: chenjulian@caas.cn
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Kifle Gebreegziabiher GEBRETSADIK, ZHANG Yong, CHEN Ju-lian.
Screening and evaluation for antibiosis resistance of the spring wheat accessions to the grain aphid, Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(8): 2329-2344.
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