Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2021, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (9): 1981-1992.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.09.014
• HORTICULTURE • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Yang(),WANG WenHui(
),TONG Wei,JIA XiaoHui,DU YanMin
[1] | 宋良, 张强, 杜国栋, 汪晓谦, 刘振. 辽宁梨产业发展现状及对策. 北方果树, 2018(4):36-38. |
SONG L, ZHANG Q, DU G D, WANG X Q, LIU Z. The present situation and countermeasures of the development of Liaoning pear industry. Northern Fruits, 2018(4):36-38. (in Chinese) | |
[2] | 王阳, 王文辉, 贾晓辉, 佟伟, 王志华, 杨晓龙. 梨不同品种果实冻藏品质性状分析与适宜品种筛选. 中国农业科学, 2017,50(17):3405-3417. |
WANG Y, WANG W H, JIA X H, TONG W, WANG Z H, YANG X L. Evaluation of frozen fruit quality of different pear cultivars. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(17):3405-3417. (in Chinese) | |
[3] | 王文辉, 佟伟, 贾晓辉. 我国冻梨生产历史、产业现状与问题分析. 保鲜与加工, 2015,15(6):1-6, 12. |
WANG W H, TONG W, JIA X H. Investigation and analyses of the frozen pear production history present situation and the industrial problems. Storage and Process, 2015,15(6):1-6, 12. (in Chinese) | |
[4] | 吴步梅, 魏永波, 马浩轩, 王筱姝, 方彩霞, 张文利. 甘肃省冻梨生产销售现状、问题及发展对策. 中国果树, 2018(6):94-97. |
WU B M, WEI Y B, MA H X, WANG X S, FANG C X, ZHANG W L. Production and sales status, problems and development countermeasures of frozen pear in Gansu province. China Fruits, 2018(6):94-97. (in Chinese) | |
[5] | 张文利, 魏永波, 罗健毅, 马浩轩, 王筱姝, 方彩霞, 吴步梅. 甘肃兰州的冻梨主要品种. 林业科技通讯, 2019(5):68-70. |
ZHANG W L, WEI Y B, LUO J Y, MA H X, WANG X S, FANG C X, WU B M. The main varieties of frozen pears in Lanzhou, Gansu. Forest Science and Technology, 2019(5):68-70. (in Chinese) | |
[6] | 段瑞君, 郑淑霞, 王振辉, 熊辉岩. 软儿梨冷冻贮藏过程酚类物质与多酚氧化酶的区域化分布. 中国农学通报, 2015,31(32):72-75. |
DUAN R J, ZHENG S X, WANG Z H, XIONG H Y. The distribution of phenolic compounds and polyphenol oxidase of Ruaner pear in frozen storage process. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2015,31(32):72-75. (in Chinese) | |
[7] | 蒋钦任, 马雅美, 马永强, 熊辉岩, 段瑞君. 软儿梨冷冻贮藏过程生理指标的变化研究. 北方园艺, 2013(3):139-141. |
JIANG Q R, MA Y M, MA Y Q, XIONG H Y, DUAN R J. Study on changes of related physiological index of Ruaner pear at frozen storage process. Northern Horticulture, 2013(3):139-141. (in Chinese) | |
[8] | 马雅美, 景海山, 熊辉岩, 段瑞君. 软儿梨冷冻贮藏过程品质变化的研究. 食品科技, 2013,38(6):51-53. |
MA Y M, JING H S, XIONG H Y, DUAN R J. Quality changes of Ruaner pear at frozen storage process. Food Science and Technology, 2013,38(6):51-53. (in Chinese) | |
[9] | 张忠, 马朝玲, 丁若珺, 毕阳, 王毅, 魏永波. 不同解冻方式对软儿梨果实品质与抗氧化物质含量的影响. 食品科学, 2018,39(3):236-244. |
ZHANG Z, MA C L, DING R J, BI Y, WANG Y, WEI Y B. Effects of different thawing methods on fruit quality and antioxidant compound contents of ‘Ruan’er’ pear. Food Science, 2018,39(3):236-244. (in Chinese) | |
[10] | 陈敬鑫, 张晓寒, 张媛, 葛永红, 朱丹实, 励建荣, 李永新, 冯叙桥. 抗坏血酸盐浸渍冷冻对东北冻梨食用品质的影响. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2020,11(12):3824-3830. |
CHEN J X, ZHANG X H, ZHANG Y, GE Y H, ZHU D S, LI J R, LI Y X, FENG X Q. Effect of ascorbate immersion freezing on the edible quality of frozen pear in northeast China. Journal of Food Safety and Quality, 2020,11(12):3824-3830. (in Chinese) | |
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[12] | 王阳, 贾晓辉, 王文辉, 佟伟, 王志华, 杜艳民. 中国冻梨加工品质评价体系构建. 中国农业科学, 2019,52(12):2151-2160. |
WANG Y, JIA X H, WANG W H, TONG W, WANG Z H, DU Y M. Quality evaluation system established for pear processed by freezing in China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019,52(12):2151-2160. (in Chinese) | |
[13] | 王阳, 王文辉, 佟伟, 贾晓辉, 杜艳民, 王志华. 基于模糊综合评判法优选冻梨工艺参数及糖酸含量研究. 食品工业科技. 2021,42(2):124-129, 137. |
WANG Y, WANG W H, TONG W, JIA X H, DU Y M, WANG Z H. Optimal processes for frozen pears (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim.) based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and sugar and acid content. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2021,42(2):124-129, 137. (in Chinese) | |
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[20] | 刘洋, 林希昊, 姚艳丽, 苏俊波. 高等植物蔗糖代谢研究进展. 中国农学通报, 2012,28(6):145-152. |
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[22] | 胡中海, 孙谦, 龙勇, 韩智, 朱攀攀, 白小鸣, 吴厚玖. 水果速冻保鲜技术研究进展. 食品与发酵工业, 2015,41(2):242-247. |
HU Z H, SUN Q, LONG Y, HAN Z, ZHU P P, BAI X M, WU H J. Advances in research on technology of quick-freezing fruits. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2015,41(2):242-247. (in Chinese) | |
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[24] | 李丽. 速冻草莓评价体系的建立研究[D]. 沈阳: 沈阳农业大学, 2016. |
LI L. Study on establishment of quality evaluation system for individual quick freezing (IQF) strawberry[D]. Shenyang: Shenyang Agricultural University, 2016. (in Chinese) | |
[25] | CHENG X F, ZHANG M, ADHIKARI B, ISLAM M N, XU B G. Effect of ultrasound irradiation on some freezing parameters of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing of strawberries. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014,44:49-55. |
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[28] | 赵金红. 渗透脱水-冻结与玻璃化贮藏对芒果品质的影响及动力学模拟[D]. 北京: 中国农业大学, 2014. |
ZHAO J H. Effect of osmo-dehydrofreezing and glassy state storage on the quality attributes of frozen mango and dynamic simulation[D]. Beijing: China Agricultural University, 2014. (in Chinese) | |
[29] | ZHAO J H, LIU F, WEN X, XIAO H W, NI Y Y. State diagram for freeze-dried mango: Freezing curve, glass transition line and maximal- freeze-concentration condition. Journal of Food Engineering, 2015,157:49-56. |
[30] | 韩斯, 孟宪军, 汪艳群, 李斌, 李冬男, 韦石. 氯化钙处理对速冻蓝莓冻藏期品质的影响. 食品科学, 2014,35(22):310-314. |
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[31] | 伍志权, 李唯正, 何鑫平, 方孝贤, 陈汉明. 荔枝速冻保鲜技术研究进展. 食品研究与开发, 2017,38(9):206-212. |
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[36] | 孟蕊. 苹果果皮色泽遗传特性及花青苷合成相关基因的表达分析[D]. 杨凌: 西北农林科技大学, 2017. |
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[37] | 李玉阔, 齐秀娟, 林苗苗, 李志, 方金豹. 套袋对2种类型红肉猕猴桃果实着色的影响. 果树学报, 2016,33(12):1492-1501. |
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[40] | 张秀美, 王宏, 刘志, 于年文. ‘岳帅’苹果不同负载量光照分布与果实品质的关系. 果树学报, 2017,34(11):1408-1414. |
ZHANG X M, WANG H, LIU Z, YU N W. Relationships between distribution of relative light intensity and quality in ‘Yueshuai’ apple with different fruit loads. Journal of Fruit Science, 2017,34(11):1408-1414. (in Chinese) | |
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[1] | ZHANG KeKun,CHEN KeQin,LI WanPing,QIAO HaoRong,ZHANG JunXia,LIU FengZhi,FANG YuLin,WANG HaiBo. Effects of Irrigation Amount on Berry Development and Aroma Components Accumulation of Shine Muscat Grape in Root-Restricted Cultivation [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 129-143. |
[2] | XIE YiTong,ZHANG Fei,SHI Jie,FENG Li,JIANG Li. Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on the Postharvest Quality and Chloroplast of Gynura bicolor D.C [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(8): 1642-1656. |
[3] | CAI WeiDi,ZHANG Yu,LIU HaiYan,ZHENG HengBiao,CHENG Tao,TIAN YongChao,ZHU Yan,CAO WeiXing,YAO Xia. Early Detection on Wheat Canopy Powdery Mildew with Hyperspectral Imaging [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(6): 1110-1126. |
[4] | LU Xiang, GAO Yuan, WANG Kun, SUN SiMiao, LI LianWen, LI HaiFei, LI QingShan, FENG JianRong, WANG DaJiang. Analysis of Aroma Characteristics in Different Cultivated Apple Strains [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(3): 543-557. |
[5] | CHEN TingTing, FU WeiMeng, YU Jing, FENG BaoHua, LI GuangYan, FU GuanFu, TAO LongXing. The Photosynthesis Characteristics of Colored Rice Leaves and Its Relation with Antioxidant Capacity and Anthocyanin Content [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(3): 467-478. |
[6] | HAO Yan,LI XiaoYing,YE Mao,LIU YaTing,WANG TianYu,WANG HaiJing,ZHANG LiBin,XIAO Xiao,WU JunKai. Characteristics of Volatile Components in Peach Fruits of 21shiji and Jiucui and Their Hybrid Progenies [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(22): 4487-4499. |
[7] | SUN BaoJuan,WANG Rui,SUN GuangWen,WANG YiKui,LI Tao,GONG Chao,HENG Zhou,YOU Qian,LI ZhiLiang. Transcriptome and Metabolome Integrated Analysis of Epistatic Genetics Effects on Eggplant Peel Color [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(20): 3997-4010. |
[8] | SHEN Zhe,ZHANG RenLian,LONG HuaiYu,XU AiGuo. Research on Spatial Distribution of Soil Texture in Southern Ningxia Based on Machine Learning [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(15): 2961-2972. |
[9] | JI XiaoHao,LIU FengZhi,WANG BaoLiang,LIU PeiPei,WANG HaiBo. Genetic Variation of Alcohol Acyltransferase Encoding Gene in Grape [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(14): 2797-2811. |
[10] | LI WenLi, YUAN JianLong, DUAN HuiMin, JIANG TongHui, LIU LingLing, ZHANG Feng. Comprehensive Evaluation of Potato Tuber Texture [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(12): 2278-2293. |
[11] | XU Xiao,REN GenZeng,ZHAO XinRui,CHANG JinHua,CUI JiangHui. Accurate Identification and Comprehensive Evaluation of Panicle Phenotypic Traits of Landraces and Cultivars of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench in China [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(11): 2092-2108. |
[12] | ZHANG YuanYuan,LIU WenJing,ZHANG BinBin,CAI ZhiXiang,SONG HongFeng,YU MingLiang,MA RuiJuan. Characterization of the Lactone Volatile Compounds in Different Types of Peach (Prunus persica L.) Fruit and Evaluations of Their Contributions to Fruit Overall Aroma [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(10): 2026-2037. |
[13] | YUAN JingLi,ZHENG HongLi,LIANG XianLi,MEI Jun,YU DongLiang,SUN YuQiang,KE LiPing. Influence of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis on Leaf and Fiber Color of Gossypium hirsutum L. [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(9): 1846-1855. |
[14] | AiHua WANG,HongYe MA,RongFei LI,ShiPin YANG,Rong QIAO,PeiLin ZHONG. Metabolic Analysis of Aroma Components in Two Interspecific Hybrids from the Cross of F.ananassa Duch. and Fragaria nilgerrensis Schlecht. [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(5): 1043-1054. |
[15] | Xue BAI,Teng HUI,ZhenYu WANG,YunGang CAO,DeQuan ZHANG. Determination of 5 Nitropolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Roasted Meat Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography- Fluorescence Detection [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(5): 1055-1062. |