Scientia Agricultura Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (18): 3543-3555.doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2023.18.005


Effects of Different Tillage Practices on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield in the Region of Southern Ningxia

LI Rong1(), YAN HuiFang1, ZHANG Long1, MIAO FangFang1, MIAN YouMing2, HOU XianQing1()   

  1. 1 School of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021
    2 Guyuan Branch of Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Guyuan 756000, Ningxia
  • Received:2023-01-13 Accepted:2023-03-10 Online:2023-09-16 Published:2023-09-21
  • Contact: HOU XianQing


Objective】In order to solve the problems of insufficient precipitation, shallow plough layer and low water use efficiency in the dry land of Southern Ningxia, we investigated the effects of different tillage practices on soil physical properties and crop yield in the region of southern Ningxia, and provided certain theory support for improving the topsoil structure reasonably in dryland, selecting the suitable tillage practice and increasing crop yield and benefit. 【Method】using potato and spring wheat as test crops, two tillage methods and four tillage depths of conventional ploughing 20 cm (C20, as a control), deep ploughing 30 cm (C30), subsoiling 30 cm (S30), subsoiling 40 cm (S40) and subsoiling 50 cm (S50) were set in arid region of southern Ningxia between 2019 and 2020 for the two-year field experiment to study the effects of different tillage methods with depths on soil bulk density during the harvest period, soil compactness water storage, and crop biomass during the growth periods,, yield and water use efficiency. 【Result】The average soil bulk density at 0-60 cm layer in potato season and spring wheat season under the S50 treatment was significantly decreased by 6.49% and 6.94%, compared with the control treatment. In the whole growth period, the average soil compactness with the S50 treatment in potato season and spring wheat season was the lowest, which was significantly increased by 19.32% and 8.11%, respectively, compared with the control treatment. The improvement in the soil water storage with the S50 treatment during the whole growth period in potato season and spring wheat season was the best, which was significantly increased by 13.58% and 25.66%, respectively, compared with the control treatment. The S40 treatment had the highest dry matter accumulation in potato season and spring wheat season. Crop yield, net income and water use efficiency were the highest under the S40 treatment in potato season and spring wheat season, which were significantly increased by 15.20%, 18.90% and 9.10% in potato season, and increased by 59.24%, 88.20% and 28.98% in spring wheat season, when compared with the control treatment. The tillage methods with depths had extremely significant effects on soil water storage, crop biomass and yield, while soil density and compactness were extremely affected by tillage methods. 【Conclusion】The tillage method combined with depth could significantly improve the topsoil structure, and increase soil water storage during the crop growing period, thereby promoting the increase of crop yield and water use efficiency. The subsoiling 40 cm treatment had the best effect of crop yield and income increasing in potato and spring wheat season, and it could be further promoted and applied in the cultivation of potato and spring wheat for high yield and efficiency in the region of southern Ningxia.

Key words: tillage method, tillage depth, soil physical characteristics, soil water, crop yield

Fig. 1

Distribution of monthly precipitation at experimental site in 2019-2020"

Table 1

Effect of tillage measures on soil bulk density at 0-60 cm layer (g·cm-3)"

作物季 Crop season 处理 Treatment 0-20 cm 20-40 cm 40-60 cm
Potato season
处理前 Before treating 1.30±0.03a 1.37±0.04a 1.41±0.06a
C20 1.27±0.01ab 1.35±0.00ab 1.38±0.04a
C30 1.25±0.02b 1.32±0.04b 1.37±0.03a
S30 1.23±0.02b 1.26±0.01c 1.34±0.01b
S40 1.21±0.05bc 1.25±0.00c 1.32±0.02b
S50 1.20±0.05c 1.23±0.01c 1.31±0.01b
Spring wheat season
处理前 Before treating 1.32±0.03b 1.38±0.01a 1.42±0.05a
C20 1.31±0.07a 1.35±0.04a 1.39±0.03a
C30 1.27±0.01a 1.33±0.01a 1.36±0.04a
S30 1.24±0.01c 1.31±0.01ab 1.33±0.04b
S40 1.21±0.03c 1.30±0.01b 1.32±0.01b
S50 1.20±0.02c 1.27±0.05b 1.30±0.08b

Fig. 2

Effect of different tillage measures on soil compactness during the crop growth period The error bars represent the least significant differences (LSD) at P=0.05. The same as below"

Fig. 3

Changes of soil water storage (0-100 cm) with different tillage measures during the crop growth period Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments within each growing season at P<0.05"

Fig. 4

Characteristics of dry matter accumulation of crop under different tillage measures"

Table 2

Crop yield, economic benefit and water use efficiency under different tillage measures"

Crop growth season
Water use efficiency (kg·hm-2·mm-1)
Net income
Potato season
C20 28120.8±4409.4b 69.50±4.3ab 9842 33745.0±4409.4b 23903.5±4409.4b 3.4±0.2b
C30 29692.9±1988.2ab 66.47±4.6b 10142 35631.5±1988.2ab 25490.0±1988.2ab 3.5±0.3ab
S30 29159.6±888.5ab 72.01±5.1ab 10142 34991.5±888.5ab 24850.0±888.5ab 3.5±0.3ab
S40 32388.1±379.1a 76.39±8.9a 10442 38865.6±379.1a 28424.6±379.1a 3.7±0.2a
S50 31889.8±459.5a 72.14±10.2ab 10742 38267.6±459.5a 27526.1±459.5a 3.6±0.6ab
Spring wheat
C20 3403.9±203.2c 58.60±3.41c 4442 10209.0±203.2c 5767.5±203.2c 2.3±0.2b
C30 3915.4±308.3b 64.21±3.30b 4742 11745.9±308.3b 7004.4±308.3b 2.5±0.3ab
S30 5152.8±55.9a 75.58±5.42a 4742 15458.4±55.9a 10717.4±55.9a 3.3±0.9a
S40 5420.4±35.8a 72.44±6.71a 5042 16260.0±35.8a 10855.5±35.8a 3.2±0.8a
S50 5328.9±304.5a 70.67±6.52a 5342 15986.7±304.5a 10645.7±304.5a 3.0±0.5a

Table 3

Correlation and interaction of analysis between soil relative physical indexes and crop yield"

Crop growing season
Y X1 X2 X3 X4
Potato season
R X1 -0.991** 1
X2 -0.697 0.942* 1
X3 0.795 -0.715 -0.616 1
X4 0.939** -0.825 -0.802 0.748 1
F T 342.72** 12.21* 11.43* 27.66** 3282.70**
D 174.63** 46.00** 2.09ns 238.70** 371.28**
T×D 127.83** 65.63** 3.03ns 322.55** 101.65**
Spring wheat season
R X1 -0.894* 1
X2 -0.726 0.665 1
X3 0.613 -0.524 -0.506 1
X4 0.939** -0.504 -0.931* 0.611 1
F T 4595.24** 5.18* 4.99* 2031.91** 1002.61**
D 623.823** 0.75ns 2.31ns 559.12** 443.25**
T×D 12.10** 1.478ns 4.304ns 369.791** 27.53**
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